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The Passage of Time

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Our DM has a calandar too, by which we keep track of time. It also makes it easier to remember those pesky full moons when my PC becomes a homicidal weretiger.


The more I look at the Campaign/Season/Domain actions idea, the more I think it needs a core set of rules to cover the different actions (to provide balance and represent an extended effort where taking 20 is more common).

I think such a system would need to be integrated into rules for magic item creation, stronghold design, spying, contacts, reputation, advanced animal training rules, apprentice/mentors, statting out communities, family lineage, operating a trading company, long-distance travel, and advanced ruels for craft times. I'm sure there are other things to add to this list...

In this system, I see the four seasons themselves offering certain bonuses to various actions: For example, Winter (season of rest and defeat) would give bonuses to healing grievous wounds but travel is made more difficult. Spring is the time of the harvest, intellectual endeavors are more difficult but simple labor, communal endeavors, and fertility are heightened.

You know, this could be an entire supplement in and of itself! :confused:


First Post
Two GMs- similar methods-

His campaign he writes up a "What we did on our winter vacation," people will throw in write ups of- I want to make scrolls, I want to research this, can I find someone to teach me my next Feat, etc- his write up is usually two to five pages in length and usually has one or more re writes.

Me- I do it in game, two months of R&R at the such and such estiate, this is what happens, you doing anything? No, okay- how about you- write me a list of scrolls your making, etc.

We keep the PC wealth to a reduced level so there isn't a lot of making of things (we have scroll scribers and one wand maker, no other crafters in the sessions).

Writing is good, I have found, make you Players write stuff up and send it to you, let the crafters know that they can't just make stuff and expect buyers to flock to them.


Well, feel free to run with it as much as you'd like. I'd be interested to see what you come up with. I tend to try and keep the rules fast and loose though (so we don't get bogged down with too much bookkeeping). If a player wants to do something that isn't on the list, I just assign a cost to the action and we figure out the results together.

North County, eh? How about them Chargers?!


Voidrunner's Codex

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