• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Prodigal Son Returns! Selling Books!


Inventor of Super-Toast
Hi! I came back!

It has been a while. Shifting priorities for what to do with free time and going to graduate school will do that to a guy. But I do definitely have fond memories, and maybe I'll be able to find a bit of time.

I also wanted to self-promote shamelessly.

I've got my first for-pay monster book out now on EN World: Creature Codex 2: Infernal Index. The first installment was free and featured several creatures that had previously been posted in my Pathfinder Bestiary thread over in Homebrews. These six creatures are all new, though, and feature full color art by my girlfriend, Heather Frazier. If you want to check out the creatures before setting down your hard-earned $3, she's posted the art from the PDF here.

Just thought you guys might want to know. ENWorld was largely responsible for cultivating my love of homebrewing back in high school and honing my monster design skills.

Demiurge out.

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Monster Junkie
Welcome back!

That art preview is fantastic. She's quite the artist. The Scissorman fills me with delightful dread. :devil:

Best of luck with the book. We're glad to have you back, even if just for a bit.

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