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The Proper Use of Nudity in FRPG Art

roguerouge said:
Take a look at a naked offensive lineman after a football game sometime. Still think a barbarian's automatically going to look great?
Did you have to go there? While I understand your point...uggghhh *shudder* I may not be able to sleep tonight.
[voice in head]Must mentally....wash imagine from.....brain....need bleach....can't......stop....arrrghhh!!!![/voice in head]

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First Post
With Frazetta as a classic of the fantasy genre, I'd have to say that the proper use of nudity in fantasy artwork is 'gratuitous.'

If there is indeed anyone whose innocence was shattered by the free-range Succubus boobies in the 1st edition Monster Manual, well gosh, I'm sorry to hear it, but I seem to have escaped that terrible trauma.

The only time nudity is bad is when it's someone like Paris Hilton or Kid Rock, and innocent viewers are left flailing around blindly, traumatized by the unspeakable horror.


It's fantasy. Fantasy is built on disturbing prejudice. Fantasy breathes, eats, and drinks disturbing prejudice.

So, either every single registered member of this messageboard is an immature fascist, sexist, racist and chauvinist pig; or we're able to distance ourselves from the tropes and clichés of the genre.


First Post
With Frazetta as a classic of the fantasy genre, I'd have to say that the proper use of nudity in fantasy artwork is 'gratuitous.'

If there is indeed anyone whose innocence was shattered by the free-range Succubus boobies in the 1st edition Monster Manual, well gosh, I'm sorry to hear it, but I seem to have escaped that terrible trauma.

The only time nudity is bad is when it's someone like Paris Hilton or Kid Rock, and innocent viewers are left flailing around blindly, traumatized by the unspeakable horror.

I second this.

I picture most astral/elemental creatures as being androgynous, with gender only mattering to creatures that are designed to seduce mortals.


First Post
Do we really know what the demand is? Furthermore, from a business sense, it's not worth doing things that make a large part of your audience a little more happy if it will totally drive off some part of your audience.

Tell that to WotC. They released 4e knowing it would make a large part of their audience happy and would drive off a smaller part of their audience; and some of that smaller part of the audience did leave. Doesn't seem to have really hurt Wizards all that much, though, does it?

If the majority opinion of a market has a positive view of a sales tactic (and that includes the use of nudity in artwork), and a minority has a negative view of that tactic, it's a perfectly reasonable approach to chase after the larger segment of the market and let the smaller segment fend for themselves.


Penguin Herder
I think White Wolf has it right, when it comes to art. ;)
I dunno. I've found it difficult to read recent Exalted books in public.

The Proper Use, IMHO, would be on whatever pages don't have interesting words on them. And don't face pages with interesting words, either.

Cheers, -- N


So no "adventurer babes", PLEASE. And no "pumped-up" men, either.

You are not against sexism then, but against erotic art? Sorry, I have to disagree. I love erotic art and so do a lot of people. Modern moralists are trying to make erotic art a gender issue, where it is really not - they are just trying to force their values upon others.

Moralism is a sexual orientation, and its a bad one because its non-consensual - moralists want to force their value on others who do not want to participate. Very few other sexual orientations do that, and those who do are generally persecuted - rightly.


First Post
::Waves:: Hi, female gamer here. Proud owner of a set of "D's" Now that I'm getting closer to 40, I've no desire to go running around in a silly little costume, at least outside certain..um confines.

My husband is an artist. Our kids have grown up around art of all sorts.

As a mom, I've never had a desire to suddenly clothe pieces of history. Cover up Michaelangelo's David from my daughter. Cover my son's eyes in the presence of a Reubens.

Game books have been a household staple, and my daughter has certainly never thought that she had to wait on a prince charming to swoop in and save her. She likes being a princess, but she would pick up a sword with her tiara and go off to save the day on her own.

And really, there are many Royo's I adore.

I think there just comes a point where we all need to realize that fantasy is fantasy and we need to put on our OOC panties and move on.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Modern moralists are trying to make erotic art a gender issue, where it is really not - they are just trying to force their values upon others.

Moralism is a sexual orientation...

Okay, so asking for art in RPG products not be sexual is now being logically equated to a non-consensual sexual act.

That's not acceptable. Don't go down this road, folks.

This is going to be very simple. People in this thread will tone down the rhetoric, or they won't be in the thread any more. Don't expect further warning on the matter.

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