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The Rod of Seven Parts Original Recruitment


Guest 11456

CanadienneBacon said:
Regarding Phud, there's nothing wrong with him weighing 400 lbs. I personally would say that a 400# guy who is 6'10" is on the fat side of that height, but, again, his name is Phud after all. :) If you wanted a more muscular character with more brawn than pudge, I would go with 325 to 350 lbs. But, again, it's kosher either way.

I chose 340. Still on the heavy end of the range, but not quite so obese.

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Tailspinner said:
I chose 340. Still on the heavy end of the range, but not quite so obese.

Make sure you pack on at least 60 pounds of gear, just to REALLY drive her nuts. Bwa ha ha ha ha!

Poor CB and her half-orcs with weight problems.


First Post
Wyleck's Background has been added. Not quite amazing, but perhaps astounding. Or do I mean confounding? I'm not quite sure, but my errors have been compounding.


I've stated up Maelicent as a ranger. Please take a look and tell me what you think of it. CB, if you'd care to give me some pointers on whereabouts he'd fit into your campaign I'd appreciate it. Giving me some insight into which god(s) the goblins worship and any campaign specific languages they're likely to know would be helpful too. I haven't yet settled on a favored enemy. Could you give me some clue as to what type of creature we're likely to encounter and fight often enough in your campaign for me to bother with? Any help here would be appreciated. :)

I'm going to extend recruiting through to Tuesday. I've got something drastic to take care of this weekend and I don't feel I can give things here the attention I might otherwise.

Tailspinner, roger on the 340 lbs.

Voadam, yes, my world includes the planes as published. Real life for folk is more grim and gritty, so planar travel isn't common, but I do love me some demons and devils and like to use them in my campaigns. That, and the Turning will feature some planar touches as well.

Ambrus, let me see if I can get some of my real life issues straight this weekend and I'll get back to you on geographical regions from which Maelicent might hail.

I'll be around, guys, but it'll be sporadically for the next day or two maybe. Thanks for your patience.

It's been a long couple of days. I thought I'd come here and check over character submissions to unwind a bit before I go to bed.

In no particular order...

Malvoisin, it may be that I'm just incredibly tired from a heck of a lot of business the past two days, but for the life of me I don't see ability scores for Baliss in your OP. I see that you added the background, good deal on that. A note on Gwyund. Though no doubt native Orrundians despise Gwyund for the invasion, Gwyund isn't the evil nation that Arrund is. Gwyund is more just trying to survive in a dog-eat-dog political world. As I see it, and I'm sure you'd agree given how you've written Baliss to be "misunderstood," Gwyund is a good match for Baliss.

Rhun, Aledown. That's a good name. And for a halfling, at that. :) I like the hobbit-like flavor of Rowan. This may make some of you gag, but halflings to me aren't halflings. They're hobbits. To wit, they don't wear shoes and are entirely Tolkien in flavor. You all play 'em as halflings if you like, I certainly won't insist that anyone make their "halfling" a "hobbit." Just know that in my mind, I'll be thinking of 'em like hobbits. :p Good choice of Loeund for Rowan's background, especially given that Loeund is famous for apple growing and Rowan likes fermented beverages. Appled ale might be something he'd really enjoy. Did you have anything in mind for from where Master Graycloak might hail? Or where his estate might be? I was surprised to see that you took 16 Dex (well, 14, really, but with the halfling +2...) and 10 Charisma. From the description, it seems like you could have gone the other way. But, then again, you did write for Rowan that he was severely whipped. Good choice on Eschew Materials. I have a nasty habit of liking to mess with players' spellbooks. :uhoh: It's nice to see that someone gave up Evocation. And grease has always been one of my favorite spells.

Shayuri, sorry to see you go. Hope it wasn't my choice of polymorph over alternate form that induced your goodbye, but if it was then I hope to see you around another time.

Ambrus, did you pick a favoured enemy for Maelicent? Knowledge (geography) might turn out to be a good choice of a skill. I didn't see Knowledge (nature) on either your or Baliss's submission. Don't go and modify anything yet--might as well wait to see who ends up in this game before I ask anyone to go to great lengths on their character sheet. I was more just wondering about the exclusion of know (nat). Was there a reason for it? Your description of Maelicent's armor is magnificent. I'm laughing about a goblin so thoroughly loaded with outlandish gear being as "hard to notice as a snake moving through the grass."

Tailspinner, I'm really tired, so I forget if I said already that I like Bird's name. You either share my sense of humor or you've caught on to what makes me laugh. Either way, good name for a familiar.

hafrogman, don't you get 4 orisons and 3+1 spells per day with a 16 Wisdom? It's totally fine to leave the Equipment block empty, by the way. Equipment always takes me forever to do when I'm creating a character so it would be fine with me if you (or anyone else submitting for the game) left Equipment undone until after selection. Except for weapons and maybe armor, those I would just like the basics on...what is the character's primary weapon, what can I expect their AC to be, that kind of thing. You've got that covered in your post, so you're good to go.

Kularian, I like that you included a bit about your PC's father. It makes the background long, but those tidbits are often useful to me as DM. What weapon were you leaning toward taking for Kularian, the rapier? With a good Dex and Wpn Finesse on your list of possible feats, that was the first thing that came to my mind but I thought I'd ask you. Will your bard focus on people skills (diplomacy, gather info, sense motive), or knowledge skills?

Argent Silvermage. A kobold paladin in service to Bahamut. Oh. My. God. :) It's quirky and it fits the setting, both. Where is the dragon friend feat from? If it's in the Draconomicon, I couldn't find it in the feat section. "Tassomyre (The Dragon) being disinclined to share his home, eat [sic] the invaders..." <---This, I found to be totally hilarious and right on the money. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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