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The Rod of Seven Parts Original Recruitment


CanadienneBacon said:
hafrogman, don't you get 4 orisons and 3+1 spells per day with a 16 Wisdom?

According to my SRD, a 1st level cleric gets 3 0th level and 1+1 1st level. A 16 wisdom grants me a bonus, 1st, 2nd and 3rd spell. It takes a 20 to get a second 1st level bonus spell. And high attributes never effect 0th level spells.

However, all THAT said, I would be MORE than happy to go and revise my character to have extra spells prepared. . . :D

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First Post
CanadienneBacon said:
Kularian, I like that you included a bit about your PC's father. It makes the background long, but those tidbits are often useful to me as DM. What weapon were you leaning toward taking for Kularian, the rapier? With a good Dex and Wpn Finesse on your list of possible feats, that was the first thing that came to my mind but I thought I'd ask you. Will your bard focus on people skills (diplomacy, gather info, sense motive), or knowledge skills?

Yeah, it's been a recent tendency of mine to describe the character's immediate family, heh. It makes the character seem a bit more 'real' to me, so I like doing it. And yeah, I'm considering a rapier as my melee weapon, and a light or hand crossbow for range. I thought I wrote those down there, but I guess not, :eek:

Although I am tempted to do what I did in another's game, which was to craft a lute out of more durable materials, so it doubles as a club. Crude, but effective, and a humorous mental picture at that. But yeah, I'll probably go with the rapier.

Well, I'm one of those people who doesn't max out a few class skills, so more than likely all of the bard skills will get at least one point. But with staying in character, he'll get a lot of people skills and appraise(from his father,) some reflecting his sailor background, and then a bit of other stuff from his wanderings.

Anything else?


First Post
CB, Baliss' character sheet is mostly finished now, including the previously missing Ability Scores. :)

The only thing lacking is a complete list of equipment, which I will summarily complete if Baliss is picked up for your game.

Please let me know if you see anything grossly incorrect, or if you need any additional info to make your selection.

Thank you!
Malvoisin :D


First Post
I'm going to try to post a human fighter, probably a reach weapon fighter who is a soldier on assignment. Living Enworld is my only play by post experience, but I would like to have an additional game. Sounds like a fun game and a deep world.

It's no big deal if you don't pick him up. I'll use him some other time.

Brakkus Erikson
Male Human Fighter 1
LG Medium
Init +2
Languages: Common, Latin, Navarran
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex) (+4 tower shield when applicable)
hp 12 (1d10 HD)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Guisarme +4 (2d4+4/x3)
Flail +4 (1d8+3/x3)
Flail with tower shield: +2 (1d8+3/x2), AC 20
Dagger +4 (1d4+3/19-20/x2)

Atk Options: Combat Expertise
Base Atk +1; Grp +4; Trip check +7
Abilities: Str 16 (+3), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 14 (+2) Wis 10 (+0), Cha 10 (+0)

Feats: Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Improved Trip
Skills: Ride +6(4r), Jump +7(4r), Climb +7(4r), Listen +2(2r), Knowledge (Nobility) +6(4r)

Guisarm (9gp), Flail (8gp), Dagger (2gp), Tower Shield(30gp), Scale (50gp), Riding Saddle (10gp), Saddlebags (4gp), Bit and Bridle (2gp), Backpack (2gp), Bedroll (1sp), Belt pouch (1gp), Rope (hempen) (1gp), Waterskin (1gp), Cash (4gp 1sp)
Light Riding Horse named Chop Liver - standard light riding horse

Brakkus stands 5'10" and is a solidly build 180 lbs. He has blue eyes and a nicely trimmed mustache. His weapons (guisarme, one-handed flail, dagger), armor, and towershield are well polished and maintained.
Brakkus is noble and disciplined, an ideal soldier. He is greatly disappointed in assignment away from the coming battle and determined to prove his mettle. His day normally starts at sunrise, shaves his face and trims his mustache. Each day brings the same breakfast - one egg, two slices of hard bread, and two pieces of bacon. He rarely drinks to excess, though when he does he tends to go on a real bender. He dislikes missle weapons preferring to look his opponent in the eye, though he knows how to use them. As he sees it, the one bright spot of his assignment to Teggest has been finding a high quality salon in the Golden Cockatrice and the eclectic group of individuals he's met there. He can often be found at the salon flurting with Vaja, or rolling his eyes at some of the stories of some of the more interesting patrons.


Brakkus hails from Gwyund, the third son of a minor noble. His mentor and armsmaster, Marcel, instructed him in Latin and the teachings of Narn and Brakkus remains a strong disciple. He has been trained as a soldier and wants nothing more than to be on the coasts preparing to storm the Isle Jorunne. His father, against his wishes, called in a couple of favors to get his son stationed away from the action in Teggest, keeping an eye on things and writing reports, though perhaps someone in Gwyund suspected something out of the ordinary was about to happen in Teggest. Most distressing of all, he was forced to leave behind his war horse, Starduster. Instead he has been given a simple riding horse, which he has given the name "Chop Liver." Part of his training has involved preparing for a campaign on the mainland so he has learned to speak Navarran. He arrived six months ago with his appointment planned to last a year. He has been given free reign to investigate any unusual happenings in the area, even if it means leaving his post.
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First Post
I figure, as a semi-regular at the tavern, and if tailspinner is cool with it, I'd gotten to be fairly good friends with Phud. I might even supply him with the occasional Goodberry to help him knock off a few pounds. *grin*


First Post
You have 11 submissions thus far, and want more so that you can kick more people out to bring the final group size down to 5-7. Furthermore, you lack fighters and rogues, and imply that preferential treatment will be given to late applicants who apply as members of those classes. Do I understand correctly? :p


First Post
Final copy of H.L. I've decided to turn him Human, because for such a human-dominated campaign world, I didn't see enough humans... but really, I kind of needed that extra skill point and feat to make him work. ;o Background remains much the same, but I edited a few things in.

H. Lewit
Male Human
Noticeable Traits: Genius, mobile, ill-looking, naive, odd, alien-minded, unattached, unemotional, and an incredible chess player.


[sblock=Character Sheet]

[sblock=Basic Stats]
Strength 10 (+0)
Dexterity 14 (+2)
Constitution 10 (+0)
Intelligence 18 (+4)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 12 (+1)


HP: 6 (1d6+0)
Speed: 30
Initiative: +6 (+2 Dex + +4 Feat)
Spot +2, Listen +2

AC=14 / 15(Dodge) (+2 Dex + 2 leather) (+1 dodge)
Touch AC = 12
Flatfooted AC = 12

Fort Save: +0 (0 Con + 0 Base)
Reflex Save: +4 (+2 Dex + +2 Base)
Will Save: +0 (0 Wis + 0 Base)

Melee Attack +0 (0 Str + 0 Base)
Ranged Attack +2 (+2 Dex + 0 Base)
Grapple +0 (0 Str + 0 Base)

Rapier +0 (1d6, 18-20/x2 Crit) (Piercing) 2 lbs
Dagger +0 (1d4, 19-20/x2 Crit) (Piercing) 1 lb
Heavy Crossbow +2 (1d10, 19-20/x2 Crit, Range: 120 Feet) (Piercing) 8 lbs
Leather Armor (Light, +2 AC, max dex +6; 0 Check Penalty) 15 lbs


[sblock=Class Abilities And Feats]
Class Abilities:
Sneak Attack +1d6

Human Traits: 1 Bonus Skill every level(4 at level 1). 1 Bonus Feat at level 1.
Improved Initiative

Skills with Ranks listed first, Untrained Skills listed second)

Skill Name: Skill Modifier (Stat Modifier + Ranks + Misc) Stat

Balance: +4 (+2 + 2) Dex

Bluff: +3 (+1 + 2) Cha

Diplomacy: +3 (+1 + 2) Cha

Disable Device +8 (+4 + 4) Int

Disguise: +3 (+1 + 2) Cha

Escape Artist +4 (+2 + 2) Dex

Hide +6 (+2 + 4) Dex

Listen +2 (+0 + 2) Wis

Move Silently +6 (+2 + 4) Dex

Open Lock +4 (+2 + 2) Dex

Sense Motive +4 (+0 + 4) Wis

Search +8 (+4 + 4) Int

Spot +2 (+0 + 2) Wis

Tumble +6 (+2 + 4) Dex

Use Magic Device +5 (+1 + 4) Cha

Knowledge(Architecture): +5 (+4 + 1) Int, Cross-Skill

Knowledge(Dungeoneering): +5 (+4 + 1) Int, Cross-Skill

Knowledge(Geography): +5 (+4 + 1) Int, Cross-Skill

Knowledge(History): +5 (+4 + 1) Int, Cross-Skill

Appraise: +4 (+4) Int

Concentration: +0 (+0) Con

Climb +0 (+0) Str

Forgery: +4 (+4) Int

Gather Information: +1 (+1) Cha

Heal +0 (0) Wis

Intimidate +1 (+1) Cha

Jump +0 (0) Str

Ride +2 (+2) Dex

Survival +0 (0) Wis

Swim +0 (0) Str

Use Rope +2 (+2) Dex


Weapon/Armor 26 lb
Crossbow Bolds(10)x3 3 lb
Flint and Steel 0 lb
Torch 1lb
Thieves' Tools 1 lb
Mirrior 1 lb
Total "Action" Gear 31 (Light Load)

Above +
Backpack 2 lb
Traveler's Outfit 5 lb
Bedroll 5 lb
Rope(50 feet, hempen) 10 lb
Common Clothes
Total "Travel/Rest" Gear 54 lb (Medium Load)

In addition, he always has a green scarf wrapped tightly around his neck.

Age: Looks 20, but could be 30. He never bothered to keep track.
Height: 5' 0"
Weight: 110 lb
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Black
Hair: Curly Black; Beardless

H. Lewit looks painfully ill to some: very pale, skinny, and dark-eyed. He is actually of average health. He has short, but thick black curly hair that reaches the top of his neck in bangs. He has no facial hair and appears as if he never has, this has been the origin of a rumor that one of his ancestors was Elven. His eyes are actually black, appearing almost like one big pupil with no iris. This is a form of Aniridia, but has not taken any negative effect on his vision. Many people say his eyes appear "dead", which matches well with his pale skin. One other notable feature of H.L. is his oddly long fingers. H.L. always seems to be wearing a green scarf, even if it doesn't exactly match the rest of his attire.

He has two odd habits that people don't fail to take notice of. One is that he never sits normally, not matter the situation. He always sits Indian style or with his knees tucked in. Sometimes he even squats on a chair. The other habit is that when he is thinking(including plotting or learning) he either chews or sucks on something. Most often he sucks on his thumb, chews on his knuckle, or puts a coin in his mouth and bits down hard on it.

[sblock=Personality / History]

H. Lewit is an orphan as far as he knows, and has never met his parents. While he never had a home(literally, homeless save a bedroll), he early on met a Wizard who lived near Teggest while H.L. attempted to steal something from his tower. Wizard stopped him easily with magic, but was amazed how the child(who was roughly 8 years old at the time). It was while the Wizard was interrogating the child that he realize that this child was a genius, potentially smarter than him. Thrilled at the opportunity of gaining an apprentice with so much potential, he allowed H.L. to visit his tower anytime he'd like to study about things that made him curious. H.L. was a little too young to learn to start studying magic, and it personally didn't interest him much, he would read many manuals of knowledge. It was here he learned to play Chess(among other games). After a few games of losing, H.L. beat the Wizard every time after.

One day, when H.L. was around the age to finally start studying magic, he found the Wizard murdered in cold blood when he visited the tower. This didn't upset H.L. that much, but he didn't want to get involved with whatever killed the Wizard so he fled the scene and never returned. To him now, the Wizard is a distant and unimportant memory, but the knowledge he learned there has stayed with him. The tower the Wizard lived in has been looted and demolished itself.

While he isn't very charming in appearance, his calm and collected nature often gives people the idea that he is rather charismatic. H.L. as almost everyone knows him, is simply referred to as an odd one. He is natural genius of the highest standards and is rarely beaten at any type of strategy game he makes an effort to study. He is very straightforward and honest, but at the same time sneaky and plotting.

He doesn't grow attached to anybody, but he does enjoy people's company and will even work for their best interests, for no real reason, maybe outside entertainment. He seems to enjoy being entertained a lot, which has many definitions to him, like playing a game or watching how people react to certain situations.

H.L. has often been called soulless because of his alien behavior. A man of nature once told him that he seemed more like an unintelligent animal soul stuck in a man's body than a real person. H.L. has never loved anyone nor has he ever been in a situation where people have loved him. This would include basic friendships. If this is ever brought to his attention, as an insult or otherwise, he simply shrugs, not completely understanding the point. He is fatalistic, but doesn't preach fate. He knows the game will end once he loses and knows that will happen eventually. He has no real fear of death, but even he can't prevent the body's natural response to fear.

Despite being so isolated, H.L. has taught himself what he thinks is how a normal person thinks, hoping to succeed in finding entertainment, and will adopt these traits if the situation calls for it. He also knows what people want/need to hear, making him quite charismatic. He never completely abandons his quirkiness even when he does his best to act normal. He will sometimes slip when he hears something he doesn't completely understand, sometimes as basic as a parent explaining their love for their children, and will ask "But, why?".

His calm and studying nature has lead him become more lawful than chaotic. He usually does whats in his best interest, but not at a great cost to others. He has little remorse for any actions he does, but will always apologize if asked to. He is unlikely to break the laws, respecting them as much as rules in a game. Killing doesn't phase him, but he doesn't enjoy it and will avoid it.

H.L. has always been a natural Rogue growing up, in Teggest. He has a cat-like curious nature that lead him to sneaking around, learning languages/games/strategy, and taking things apart, which has made him very resourceful. He was(and still is) homeless since he could remember and stole to survive.

Nowadays, he hangs around the Golden Cockatrice, convincing people to try their luck at a game of strategy if they are doing bad at games of luck. Every piece of equipment he owns was obtained from this method. He has become quite popular in the area, people always try to guess what the H in his name means or think they can beat him at a game of chess. Most recently, he has been looking at the possibility of becoming an adventurer for a new source of entertainment. He will likely jump at the chance to do so.


PS. How are handling the Dodge feat? On the character I've written it like Raw. Most people just have it constantly on because of the confusing it could cause. I'll change it if you want. Also, are there any other house rules you have yet to mention?
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Malvoisin, I confess to not having gone over numbers on anyone's sheet with a fine-tooth comb. I did this once a while back for another game and discovered that we're all better served to do the vetting of numbers and stats after selection. If someone's off by a number or two that's okay and is something that can be fixed once the character is selected. What I'm really looking for are the things I mentioned before: character background, race/class, a rough estimate AC, weapon of choice, spells if appropriate. That is usually enough to help me feel comfortable with selection.

SlagMortar, reach-weapon fighters are always a lot of fun. It's not everyday you see one with a guisarme, either. Improved trip ought to work out well for you. As might Improved disarm, should you ever consider it. The "improved" feats in those series that grant +4 to the attack method are very uber feats, IMO. Highly effective and with a very low failure rate. It sounds like you've set up the character quite nicely to be grousing about missing the battle up north--grumpiness is often a fun way to play a PC. Question for you--how do you feel about Brakkus's armsmaster being a dwarf?

BRP2, hmmm...how am I handling the Dodge feat? I can see where you're coming from on that, good question. Since we're going to be using initiative, I imagine you'd be best served by indicating in your post for that round which opponent you want the Dodge bonus to AC to apply to. You could include said info at the bottom of your post. I'm generally trustworthy as a DM and if I thought, because of a change in combat circumstances, that your character would be better served by using the Dodge bonus elsewhere, I'd go ahead and give it to you wherever it seemed to make the most sense. It wouldn't be on all the time, though. It'd still be RAW, and would apply only to one foe per round. Let me know if that wasn't what you were asking. :p
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