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The Seventeen Branded


Clockwork Golem
You do realise, of course, that the real challenge is seeing how long you can play Di'Tario before Khynal gets completely fed up and shoots him, don't you?

Back to the Story -

After spending a long an uneventful night guarding Kathkallan's goods, Madeline and Solomon head off the next morning in search of the merchants missing apprentice and lost contracts. Their first step is a return to Windglamor Parade to question the two merchants Galliad was supposed to have met with.

Although they can't get in to see Arrasti, the merchant purchasing the royal jelly, they do get a chance to question his scribe. The scribe, Omanner, tells them that Galliad had stopped in to schedual an appointment a few days ago, but can remember little else about their meeting. HE does recall the young man talking to someone outside the building though, out of site but just in earshot. Omannar says the young apprentice mentioned something about finding a security broker, and a rather feminine voice recommended "the platinum something or other." He figures it was most likely a porter, who serve as useful business contacts and guides in addition to their more traditional duties in the city.

THeir meeting with Mossan Zahad, the merchant selling Kathkallan his cargo of Vanilla beans, is less productive. Zahad refuses to help, and seems secretly delighted that both apprentice and contract have gone missing. He dismisses both the companions quickly, claiming he has a great deal of work to be done.

Following their only clue, the pair head to the financial district in search of a security broker with the word platinum in the title. They find the Platinum Quill and figure it must be the place. Inside, they question Catellian, the Quill's owner, who doesn't seem to remember seeing the young apprentice, explaining that the previous week has been a bit slow. Not entire sure that the broker is being entirely honest, the pair press him for more information. Eventually, Catellian becomes aggitated. He calls out for somone in the second room, a young woman, and asks her if she remembers anything. She put on a display of trying to rememeber for a few moments, then both she and Catellian sprint for the door.

Caught off-guard, Solomon and Madeline take a few seconds to realise what's happened befor they follow. It's obvious from the beginning they have no chance of catching the fleeing pair. Solomon is hampered by his armor (scale) and Madeline's legs are simply too short to keep pace with a sprinting human. Worse, a pair of black-tuniced thugs emerge from an alleyway, swords bared and threatening the PC's to back off and leave their boss alone. Mightily sick of people emerging to threaten or attack them from alleyways, the PC's decide that backing off isn't an option. Weapons are drawn, magic missiles are fired and two thugs are quickly left on the ground, their armor scorched and shredded.

Their last clue having fled, the PC's decide they may as well start questioning others in the financial district. After some fruitless questioning, they suddenly hit pay-dirt. A merchant named Gheldig tells them he remembers a man matching Galliads description meeting with Catellion, and that the did indeed do a great deal of business and fill out a great deal of paperwork. At the end of their dealing, the apprentice asked Catellion a question Gheldig couldn't hear, but was pointed toward the northern exit of the financial district. Galliad headed in that direction, stopping in at a tavern called the silent siren along the way. He also lets the PC's know that Catellion lives with a female porter named Anteashara.

By now, it's close to midday, and the adventurers are hungry. They head towards a coffee house and order two mugs of the strange, dark brew with a small selection of iced honey-cakes as a meal. As they dine, they strike up a conversation with three people at the next table. After a few moments they realise that the three men, Keryn, Ayllin and Tak, are all porters who are waiting for business. Praises Olidammara's luck, they waste no time asking them a few questions about recent events. They learn that Anteashara lives in the platinum quill with Catellion, but that she has a secretive client that lives in the path of silk flowers near the north wall in the Guildsman district. Tak is also a relatively continious frequenter of the Silent Siren, and remembers someone matching Galliads description leaveing the tavern with a balck-haired woman wearing an orchid brooch. Although this makes little sense to Madline, Solomon later points out that the Path of Silk Flowers is where the cities higher-class cortesans usually reside, and that the orchid broosh is usually worn by somone of that profession. Goin on intuition and suspicion, they figure that whatever has happened to Galliad is going to involve Anteashara's mysterious patron, and their next port of call is the Path of Silk Flowers. They hurridly finish their meal,thank the porters for their time and offer them a few gold peices to go watch the Siren for any further visitations by Galliad, Catellion, Anteashara or the cortesan. Tak readily agrees, heading towards the tavern with a skip in his step.

I'll take yet another break here. This was played in a few short sessions rather than one long one, and it was a few weeks previus to me moving, so the notes aren't as together as I originally thought. More later.

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Clockwork Golem
I'm really not entirely sure about this bit - the notes from the end of this sessions are somewhat vague about what happened, and at least half a missing. Perhaps either Solomon or Madeline can point out if I get something wrong.

Solomon and Madeline head accross town, following the few scant clues they have to find Galliad and the missing contracts. While they're picking their way through Eaglespire's crowded streets, they hear a sudden call. An elderly woman, sitting along the road in sages way, gets their attention. She offers to read their palms, offering a glimps into their future. Both PC's are hesitant, but she offers a few clues to suggest that she knows what they're both up too, so they agree. She examines their palms carefully, eventually telling them that "the one they seek is a minor wizard who lives in the shadows of another wizard. The spirit of a man recently slain says you will find the wizard where sight meets sound and smell."

What little doubt they have about the villains lurking on the Path of Silk Flowers is dispelled by the womans vision. They hurry along, eventually finding the long path and its houses of corteasans without incident. They walk along, Solomon admiring the ladies who wander back and forth along the path, Madeline admiring the flowers made of silk they plant in their window-boxes to signify their trade. A few questions are asked, but lead to nothing substantial. With nothing else suggesting itself, Madeline suggests that they walk the Path's length with their eyes and ears open.

Halfway along the path's length, they come accross another Eaglespire landmark - the Avenue of Chimes. The legacy of an deceased wizard, anyone who walks the Avenue is followed by a loud tingling. Originally designed as a warning system for people who approached the wizards home, these chimes have become a pleasant diversion for those finding their way too or from the Path of Silk Flowers.

Figuring that this is the place where sight and sound meet in the path, the PC's take the time to examine the dweelings on either side of the intersection. One is an apartment building, several stories high, with silk-filled flowerboxes hanging from many of the windows. On the other side is a two-story manor house, a residence of some value that supposedly once belonged to the wizard who created the Avenue of Chimes. A quick examination of the premises ensues, peering in through the darkened glass of the front windows, and circumnavigating the walls that surround the manors gardene. It is when they pass the garden wall that all three of the fortune-tellers clues come together - they smell the musty scent of exotic flowers.

Plans for breaking into the manor house are quickly formed. Attempts at the front door are futile, as guards quickly arrive and snipe on the pair from the upstairs windows. After retreating, a second attempt is made by the garden gate. Unfortunately, the lock on the gate is beyond Solomon's ability. An attempt is made to clear the high garden walls with a potion of jump, but this results in Solomon winding himself as only half his body clears the walls hight, then falling back to the street below as his armor weighs him down.

Evening is fast approaching by now, so they return to Kathkallan's warehouse to think of a new plan. THis nights guard duty isn't as quiet as the one previous. A group of four armed men attempts to break in, and all but three of them escape after the PC's foil their attempt. The forth is brought down by magic missile and crossbow bolt, and a search of his body reveals the silken mask of a Nerindi Guildsman, a theif's guild in the spires of blood that seeks to branch out into other cities, and a holy symbol of Sucat, a Sabinnite God of Vice and Greed whose worship has spread through the Blood-spires pirate cities. Sucat and Olidammara are also known as former partners in the universal pantheon, although Sucat betrayed his partner and created hatred between the two gods followers ever since.

Figuring that those behind the attempted break-in are likley those in the manor house, the PC's decide that tomorrow gaining access to the manor is imperative. The attempts to steal their employers cargo are becoming more overt, and the hatred between Solomon's faith and the burglars further spurs their need to resolve the mystery. At daybreak, they set off for the Demon-mouth district for the biggest, strongest, densest barbarian they can find, ready to offer him a twenty gold to brave a few crossbow bolts and smash in a door. After asking around, they're directed to Tork, the former ogre gladiator and now thug for hire. The ogre readily agree's to the deal, follows them to the Path of Silk Flowers. Coming up with a quick plan, it's decided that Tork should pretend to be drunk, break down the door and wander off. Hopefully this will prevent the manor-houses occupants from realising he's part of an organised assult, instead framing him as just another of the cities few ogre citizens who'se known for random acts of violence and destruction after a few drinks. Tork shrugs. He doesn't much care, as long as he get paid. He wanders down the street, doing a bad impression of drunkenness, and charges the houses door twice before it shatters. A pair of nervous guards emerge, making a not terribly confident attempt to the ogre off. They're both surprised and pleased when it appears to work and Tork wanders away.

Madeline and Solomon wait a block up the street for Tork to return. They happily pay him and ask how much his help would cost when assulting the Manor Houses occupents. Tork declines, telling them he's already got a job for the afternoon and he needs to go see some scrawny little-'un about a sword.

The assult on the manor house happens quickly, with MAdeline and Solomon making good use of stealth and surprise. The two door guards are taken down fast, and their room by room search of the manor house reveals only three more occupents - Catellion, Anteashara and a semi-famous blood-spires pirate sword-mage named nicknamed Bruiser. The fight never gets to melee, with both sides taking cover at the end of a hallway and fighting it out with crossbow bolts and magic. Solomon is forced to do some haty healing to bring both himself and Madeline through, diving across the doorway they're using as cover at one point to ensure his companions survival. After bring down both Catellion and Anteashara, Madeline's sleep spell forces Bruiser into slumber and capture. A search of the manor house finds the missing contracts hidden among the pirate's collection of trophies. By the time the city watch arrives to investigate Tork's assult on the door, they've discovered enough evidence (stolen contracts, a few scattered stolen goods, Gilliad's shallow grave in the garden and an alter to Sucat among them) to excuse them of any wrongdoing and ensure Bruiser is incarcerated for some time to come. They collect a small reward that was posted on Bruisers head, return the contracts and collect their payment from Kathkallen before delivering the news of his apprentice's death and head to an inn for the evening, Madeline revelling in her first chance to sleep above ground since arriving in the city.

The next session is when everyone finally gets together as the one party. The group discovers some interesting bits and peices about the brands they all bear, tangle with the servents of Tiamat once again, and then go out searching for trouble with the servants of Hextor, Tiamat's son and god of destruction and warfare.


First Post
Well that pretty well covered what happend. Tork is also known by the other members of the soon to be formed party. In fact the appointment Tork had for later that day is with Kyhnall :D


Clockwork Golem
In my head, this was when the campaign and the story truly started. It's kind of weird to have started writing this, and realise exactly how much was begun before this session even started. The timing on the two parties is a bit hazy, and Madeline and Solomon may have been a day ahead or behind when they reach the party. No-one really paid attention or noticed at the time

No-one felt much like doing anything. Bjorn sat and ate quietly in the corner of the Gargoyle's tap-room, his eyes bloodshot and Voolfy sitting with her head on his knee in a gesture of comfort. It'd been a long night, despite his wounds. He'd taken the young monk, Meryn, on an extended tour of the Demon-mouth districts finer drinking establishments, sampling a wide range of their best and worst brews. The ostensible reason had been to check for signs that his brother was around, although it soon fell by the wayside. Too many people where confused by his close resemblence to his twin, the two were like statues carved by the same hand except for the length of their hair, and the heavy fog of ale quickly dulled the urgency of the questioning and the need to move from bar to bar. Meryn sat opposite him now, seemingly fine despite her consumption of a variety of spirits, and her slight glow hurt Bjorn's eyes. Khynal sat at the far end of the table, a few slices of breed and cheese at his side. He was going through his morning ritual, meticulously cleaning and polishing the two pistols.

On the other side of the city, in an inn with a better reputation and cleaner clientelle than the Gargoyle, Madeline and Solomon finished a fine breakfast. Their plans for the day were hazy, at best. Perhaps a trip into the demon-mouth? An investigation of the University Archives for news regarding Medline's Grandmother and how she learned the arts of the Eldritch Master? Neither felt particularly movitated to do anything. Their purses were full with Kathkallan's payment, their stomachs were full and the future seemed brighter than it had several days ago. Perhaps they should go shopping, head into the adventurers market in Demonmouth Square and pick up a few supplies for a descent into the depths tomorrow. After a side-trip to the Windglamor Parade, another morning tea of coffee and cake. at the Zedelar Coffee house.

And the day passes, slowly. Three adventurers sobering up and biding time. At three they meet with Logda, Teacher and Sage with an interest in ancient religion, in the hopes he can explain some of the reason for their mysterious assult. The other two dallying, idly moving through the city on an uncertain path.

As the appointed our approaches, Khynal nudges his companions into movement. They walk through the city streets, eyes searching out every nook and shadow, hands moving to weapons every time they pass an alleyway. There's no assult, no sudden appearance by mysterious cultists to waylay them. Even the tall guardsmen who stand by the Universities gates let them through, albeit with the understanding that Voolfy must be leashed at all times.

Solomon has lived most of his life in Eaglespire, and he knows segments of the undercity like the back of his hand. Above ground, he's less sure of his way. Certain districts he knows, but in places such as the Academy district he finds himself taking unfamiliar turns, walking into dead ends. A life on the streets with pickpockets and gamblers did little to aquaint him with the intricacies of the winding streets so well known by Eaglespire aspiring scholars and knights. Although he knows the Demon-mouth district is on the far side, he quickly gets lost. A soft rain starts to fall on the city, the kind of light drizzle the TYrian's call Istishia's blessing.

Madeline is ready to start berating her comrade, disgusted that he would seek to repay his debt as a guide when he doesn't truly know his way. Solomon shrugs - at times like these even a local doesn't feel shame in calling on a tout to guide him. He raises his hands and prepares to call when he sees it out of the corner of his eye. A small plume of steam rising from the lip of a building. Madeline notices his sudden distraction, follows his gaze just in time to see a pair of fire mephits leaping over the lip of the building. Their stubby, flamming wings flutter as they leap, carrying them to the next rooftop. Although the dissapear from few, the trail of steam rising as the rain hits the mephits flaming bodies is enough to chart their movement. They run from rooftop to rooftop, heading for the walls of the academy in the distance. Solomon and Madeline look at one another, evaluating the two choices presented here. With a silent nod, the decision is reached. They sprint for the Academy's walls, following the train of steam to their intended victims.

Inside Lochfinch tower, the home of the Academy's schools in theology and history, Khynal, Bjorn and Meryn meet with their sage. Logda is a middle-aged man, dressed in scholars robes and partially balding. He is more than willing to help, although he asks that each of the PC's sit with him for an interview at a later date. He is intrigued by each of their religions, and eager to question each of them about their beliefs. Bjorn is, after all, a wild elf wearing the holy symbol of a grey elven god, almost unheard of among the wild-elves of the north. Khynal is of a race of people without a god, but there is a small cult who believe that by the combination of enough mental energy, they can force one into existence. Meryn, as an aasimar, has an obviously divine heritage that is virtually unknown in Tyria. Logda's curiosity is suitably arroused, and all three are willing to pay his price.

Logda recognises the symbol immediately, telling the trio that he interviewed a man who had escaped from the temples compound. They were relatively recent in the history of Eaglespires temple, and notoriously shy and difficult to track down. Logda calls it luck that he even caught the attention of this one worshipper, and he's never seen the physical sumbold, only had it descrived to him. Finally being able to see the symbol of the cult jobs his memory. He gets very agitated, jumping and bustling back and forth along the full bookshelves that line his office.

When he sits again, book in his lap, the sudden rush having put two peices of information together are palpable in his features. He explains to them what he knows of the symbol, that it belongs to an earth cult that worships a fell earth-elemental of great power. There were other cults, each worshipping a being made of the other elements, air, water and fire, and the powers of these four beings was granted by a god known only as the elemental eye. For centuries before the cataclysm that broke the world, these four cults were responsible for acts of great evil and violence.

Outside Logda's office, two flaming mephits land on the ledge of his window-sill. Intent on the information in the sage's book, none notice the tendrils of steam or the shallow hiss that fills the air. At the base of the tower, Solomon and MAdline quickly calculate the position of the window and hurry through the door. The beasts look like they are trying to hide, but who knows what they seek to ambush on the far side of the window.

Logda hurridly reads through the book, paraphrasing as he goes. For nearly a thousand years after, their worship was forbidden on pain of death. Occasionally, small cults would spring up, but in recent years there has been evidence in Eaglespire that all four cults have created a small temple, and he fears that they may yet combine to work towards their religions original goal - freeing the elemental eye and his followers and allowing them to walk the earth once more.

As he goes to read more, a gout of flame flies through air. The book bears the brunt of the blast, its ancient paper pages going up in seconds. Logda's robes are scorched and burning, and he panicks as he tries to put them out. Meryn, Bjorn and Khynal draw steel, preparing for attack as the second mephit breaths a cone of fire at them. Meryn nimbly dodges, but Bjorn and Khynal barely manage to avoid the flames path. Both are singed, and Bjorn looses half an eyebrow to the assult. Khynal opens fire at the windows, catches one of the mephits with a pistol shot. The bullet passes through the creature, although he thinks he catches a wince of pain cross its face. He growls in frustraction, reloading his gun, as Meryn and Bjorn charge the window with Kama and longspear at the ready. It takes but a few seconds of combat, with all three adventurers wounded and a very panicked Logda ttrying to beat out the fires that have started along his bookcase, before Madeline and Solomon burst through the door. They join the assult, aiming at mephits with spells and crossbow while Solomon yells out "Water or cold, hit them with water or cold." Khynal shrugs, he has neither but he can pummel both creatures with a chain of bioelectric energy. Meryn swings with her kama again, wounding one of the creatures as it climbs through the window to better assult the companions within, and Bjorn attempts to create a small pool of water above the creatures head, only to be dissapointed when the water evaporates into a thick steam on contact. Realising that his water spells lack the power to harm the creatures, Bjorn instead enchants the teeth of his wolf companion before setting about the heal the worst of the companions wounds as they fight. The dancing flames of both mephits have done yet more damage to Logda's office and various party members before the party brings them down, hitting them with psionic power, magic missile, the magically enhanced teeth of a quite aggitated Voolfy and a flurry of Kama attacks. Solomon quickly joins Bjorn in healing the combatents, occasionally pausint to stamp out a fire in the carpet should it get out of hand.

There is a moment of silence in the aftermath of the fight, the adventurer's catching their breath and Logda slowly calming down from his vantage point behind a thick, stuffed couch. Bjorn eventually turns to the bookcases, putting the last of the fires out with a cloak soaked by his create water spell, as the rest of the adventurers look at one another. Meryn and Khynal experience a familiar tingling sensation, and they can see the familiar lines of a black birthmark rising out of the glove on Solomon's right hand, and the tips of another above the tunic line on the back of Madeline's left shoulder. After the first are done, Bjorn turns back to his companions, noticing the tingle on his own brand at the same time. "Vell," he says, "I think we should all get a drink, yes?"

There's a general nod of consensus among all involved. As they thank the quivering Logda for his time and file out of the room, Bjorn follows along after his two new companions, ready to chat the entire way back to the Gilded Gargoyle. "I am Bjorn from Sveedom," he starts. "Say, have you seen my twin Brother Sven? I'm trying to track him down."


More later. Some drinking, some searching for clues, and the trouble with some Hextoran Priests.


First Post
The members of our party who revere gods give me strange looks when I say that I don't worship a god and neither do any Charosians. And then we have days like this.


Clockwork Golem
Around a table at the Gargoyle, introductions are made and brith-marks compared. There is a certain affinity between all present, not trust or friendship but a recognition that they were meant to find each other. With the mystery of the elemental cults attacks, and the antithapy developing between the Temple of Tiamat and Solomon and Madeline, a general consensus is reached. They will band together to find out what secrets there are behind their marks, defend each other from assults by the various organisations that search for them, and if time presents itself help Bjorn in his quest to find his brother and save Sveedom from the invading horde.

It's agreed that their best method of defence against the cults is offence - they need information on where the lairs are and fast. With the background information they've got, they figure they should be able to get some news on the streets. Then Khynal remembers the information broker, Junge, and figures there's probably a faster way of getting what they need.

A quick search of the district quickly reveals something is up. Junge's normal hangouts are empty, and those they talk too suggest that he's in some kind of trouble. Khynal hands a few gold coins into waiting hands and finds out the goblin went into hiding early in the morning, hiring a room in a run-down inn near Demon-mouth square. Thanking the seedy gentleman providing the information for their time, Khynal leads the party to the inn. They crowd in the hallway before the rotting door to Junge's room.

"Junge," Khynal yells, "We need to talk. We've got gold."
"Who is it?" A voice calls out in an obvious falsetto, "No Junge here. Go away."
"It's Khynal Yarrow, You've worked with us before. Sold us the location of the Gauntlet, then sold us out to a few stray attackers after, remember?"

There's a flurry of movement and the sound of breaking glass. Khynal gestures at Meryn, who aims a few well placed blows and the door. It snaps in half, revealing a small, groundfloor room with a broken window. Outside, a scabby goblin is sprinting down the alleyway as fast as he can.

Bjorn gives Voolfy a curt command, "Fetch" and the wolf is instantly through the window and chasing down her prey. When Junge turns to see if he's being persued, the great grey wolf is virtually on top of him. He screams again as Voolfy lunges, her teeth closing around his leg and bringing him to the ground. By the time the party catches up, Voolfy is calmly sitting on the goblins chest with a particularly pleased smile on her face. Khnyal kneels by the goblins head, a gun in hand, but can't get a word out before the information broker starts screaming.

"RAck off, rack off RACK OFF! I didn't see you, didn't hear you, never knew you existed. Get this wolf off me and let me go. I gots enough problems without a bunch of walking dead men like you chasing after me. The fists are out for me, you get me? The Fists! I don't need anymore trouble.:

Khynal points the pistol at the goblins head, and quietly points out that he's in trouble enough without the fists. Junge goes cross-eyed trying to stare at the barrel of the gun, but it calms him down slightly. Realising that things could get messy, and well beneath the Aasimar's standard, Madeline quickly suggests to Meryn that they should go stand guard at the alley's entrance. If Junge is being hunted, it's probably best not to be taken unawares. Meryn looks at the gnome, then glances back at the gun-weilding psion and his prisoner. She isn't sure how much she trusts him, and she's certain he's not above hurting or killing the goblin to get what he wants. Torn between the logic of Madeline's suggestion and the fear for the goblins life, it is logic that eventually wins out. Madeline coaxes her back along the alleyway, pointing out that they'll hear any gunshots from that distance anyway.

Junge isn't forthcoming with information, despite the presence of the gun in his face. Figuring he's dead anyway, he tries to make the best of the situation. He knows a few bits and pieces about the cults, could probably find out more, but points out he's got other problems. A few days back, his brother broke into the temple of HExtor to steal something. He failed, badly, but managed to escape. Yesterday, a bunch of fists tracked him down and caught him, but they're still hunting for the rest of the family with the intent of making an example of them. Junge's fairly sure he can keep clear of the Fists, he's knows a few boltholes and Brotherhood contacts in the undercity, but he's hesitant to make his way south until he's sure he's brothers dead. An agreement is quickly reached - the party will rescue Junge's brother from the temporary headquarters the fists have set up in the Blood district, in return for the goblin spilling everything he knows about the cult temples in the city.

Khynal gives the word, and Bjorn gets Voolfy off the goblins chest. Handing over a few gold coins, the Solomon tells Junge to find somewhere safer. Junge quickly calculates the coins value, then tells them to meet him at Tork's shack after they rescue his brother. He'll hire the mercenary as protection until he can head to the undercity.

As the goblin scampers away, something else he screamed out in his panic occurs to Khynal.
"Junge, one more thing," he calls. The goblin stops, turns reluctantly.
"Why are we walking dead men?"
Junge lets out a gruff giggle.
"Bounties, right? Between you five, you're worth somethin' like ten thousand gold coins. Any down on his luck merc or Depth-diver in the city'll be more than willing to take your heads in for that. Good luck with the fists. I don't expect you'll succeed, but given your dead anyway..."



First Post
heh.. that was before Merryn pumped skill points into sense motive. Does this thing go to a page 2??? Its getting awfully long.
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Clockwork Golem
a Quick Update.

The blood district is squallar incarnate, the residing place of the poorest and lowest of the cities inhabitents. It is the refuge of those that can't afford to live elsewhere, but cannot stomach the less reputable areas of the undercity. The buildings are run down, in many cases little more than ruined, and the people that walk the streets are constantly frightened and bent with exhaustion. Looming above the rubble and decay is the temple of Tiamat, an enourmous construction shaped like Tiamat herself, with five heads pointing in all directions so the council of five priests can look out over the city from their chambers. The temple is all anyone in the district can think about, the temple and the priests who regularly patrol the district looking for slaves and sacrafices.

The companions stand on the edge of the Demon-mouth district, look accross the street that seperates the two disctricts. It seems like an invisible borber, a marker that no blood resident can cross. After much uming and ahing, the companions discover they suffer from no such affliction.

The journey through the Blood's streets was nervous for everyone, but seemed to carry a special dread for Madeline and Solomon. Their fears were well founded, as the companions were assulted by a large squad of monks in the service of Tiamat. The fight didn't last long. Bjorn cast entangle on the vines that lined the walls of the blood's buildings, capturing a number of the attackers before they even sprun at their prey. Meryn was easily more skilled in the arts of hand to hand combat than Tiamat's followers, and Solomon and Madeline had both grown in magic and skill at arms since last they tangled. Within moments, the majority of the attackers were dead. In an astonishing display of foresite, Khynal even arranges for one to be left allive, choosing to leave his victim uncoscious after pummeling him with telekinetic force.

When the monk awoke, he found himself in a position remarkable similar to the one Junge had been in a few hours earlier. Except this time the wolf laying on his chest was growling and baring teeth in his face, and Meryn showed no objection to Khynal's pistol being used to extract information from their prisoner. The monk says little of use, his fanatical faith protecting him from the chill of fear. All the company learns is the Fifth Jaw, one of the five high priests of Tiamat in the city, wanted all the party captured alive for his own purposes.

The monk is stripped and bound, but left alive in the centre of the blood district street. Khynal packs away the black robes and colored belt the monk wore in his bag of holding, thinking that sooner or later it may come in useful. After some minor healing, they press on to find the Fists hideout.
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Clockwork Golem
Finding the lair of the Fists is easy in the blood district. The two men standing guard out the front are bulky, doing a bad job of hiding their heavy armor beneath their cloaks. They also look healthy and well fed, traits missing from nearly every inhabitant of the blood.

Solomon and Meryn are sent forward to scouting, creeping around the corner of the building and peering through a window. The fists have taken over a small warehouse of some kind, and through the grubby glass, the two scouts can make out several bulky men dressed in dark-plate armor. Solomon can make out their symbols on shields and cloaks, and realizes that they aren't true fists. While the true Fists of Hextor are a swift, efficient force of brutal destruction, these men are simply initiates in the order. They may be training to become part of the Legion of Hextor's Fist, perhaps even led by one that has served in the legion, but they simply aren't yet skilled enough to be part of the elite legion. Solomon breathes a sigh of relief. Even as initiates, the men are likely to be dangerous, but he and his companions were outnumbered even by those in the first room of the warehouse, and had their opponents been members of the legion Solomon and his companions wouldn't have stood a chance.

He gestures to Meryn, and they skulk back down the street to their fellows. Solomon explains their opposition, and its decided that the assault will take place tomorrow, when everyone is well rested and prepared. The five companions head back to the Gilded Gargoyle.

When they return the next day, things look grim. The guard on the door has doubled, and they are no longer as careful about hiding their arms and armor. There are signs that one of the guards has been in a fight, the fleshy pink of freshly healed wounds obvious on his face. The companions ask around, trying to find out what happened. In an open room, part of an abandoned shop, around the corner from the warehouse they find a number of down on their luck dwarves that fill them in on the story - the Hextorites got into some kind of tangle with a few guards from the Dragon-ladies temple. Despite the alliance between the two churches, it's obvious that all isn't right with the two temples in the city.

After asking the dwarves a few more questions, the companions learn that three of the dwarves are thieves, members of the brotherhood who were trying to break into the Hextorites temporary stronghold. Although they'd built a secret passageway from their temporary stating into the hallway connected to the warehouse, they couldn't use it because a guard was stationed but three feet from where the entrance emerged. All in all, their way in was too dangerous and they were ready to write it off as a loss. When Khynal offered a few gold coins for the entrances location, the three thieves were more than happy to hand it over and head off into the shadows.

Casting spells or drinking potions of invisibility and Silence to mask their presence, Meryn and Solomon snuck through the narrow passageway the dwarves had constructed. It was a tight squeeze, barely wide enough to fit Solomon if he sucked in his stomach, and they had to crawl forward on their hands and knees. On the far end, they found themselves staring through a small grate build into a hallway, an armored hextorite standing guard a few feet down the hall. He doesn't seem to have noticed the sudden presence of a silence field around him, something that causes a quick sigh of relief from Solomon. The edged forward his crossbow, trying to bring the guard down silently with an unexpected attack. The luck of Olidammera is with him; the shot ricochets of the guard’s helm and caches him just above the eye, bringing him to the ground. Solomon breathes a sigh of relief and pushes out the grate.

There are more guards at the far end of the hall, but they don't seem to have noticed their companion fall. Solomon squeezes into the murky shadows of the hallway, his invisibility dispelled by his sudden attack. Meryn is quickly out of the passage and creeping up the hall towards the guard. Solomon tosses a few coins down the passage to alert the rest of the group the original guard is taken out. The rest of the companions start crawling through in as Meryn launches a surprise assault on the guard.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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