Jolly Giant
First Post
Thanks for your replies everyone. I know I'm walking the alignment borders here; that was kinda the idea. I should have been clearer about that; I suppose the "Tyranny of Good" title may have been misleading.
The long term development I was picturing was (at least partially) an exploration of the alignments; when does Good stop being Good? Some time into the campaign, LG NPCs will probably be slipping over to LN. Some LN NPCs might even fall into the LE bracket. I think I want a paladin; or at least somebody with a paladin-like mindset, to become leader of a nation and then slide from LG to LN (and eventually LE, perhaps) only by doing things he deems neccessary to protect his people from evil.
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" would have been a less misleading thread title, I guess.
You got my intentions for the campaign spot on, LostSoul. The "Your mom's a witch" scenario is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for to flesh out what is still only a vague idea simmering on the back burner of my mind.
The long term development I was picturing was (at least partially) an exploration of the alignments; when does Good stop being Good? Some time into the campaign, LG NPCs will probably be slipping over to LN. Some LN NPCs might even fall into the LE bracket. I think I want a paladin; or at least somebody with a paladin-like mindset, to become leader of a nation and then slide from LG to LN (and eventually LE, perhaps) only by doing things he deems neccessary to protect his people from evil.
"The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" would have been a less misleading thread title, I guess.
LostSoul said:Sounds like a really cool campaign idea. What I see is the return of Evil, based in fear of that very thing.
To flesh it out, I think what you need is something that is going on right now that the PCs have to deal with. Talk about the campaign setting, then start with something like: "Okay, Jon, your PC's mom has been accused of witchcraft and the mob's outside your door." When he wants more info, just start roleplaying. "What for?" "Go ask her." etc.
If you want to keep the alignments that's cool. You could also do something like pose a question for the campaign, like, when does fear of evil become evil itself? or whatever. You know what you want. Let the players answer that question while you remain neutral (ie. provide adversity for whatever they come up with).
Could be really cool.
You got my intentions for the campaign spot on, LostSoul. The "Your mom's a witch" scenario is exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for to flesh out what is still only a vague idea simmering on the back burner of my mind.