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Oh yeah, I forgot. I was going by your signature. [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] was incorrect when he said that we need a Leader, but we could certainly use a Leader- we need buffing and enabling more than we need a lot of healing, of course. We have all the roles covered, though, so you're free to pick whatever you'd like.
Signature updated . What I really wanna make is a pixie ranger striker. I'm envisioning a beastmaster ranger with a bird pet. Use the pet as a mount, which can fly, resulting in my character being perpetually flying a few squares above the ground and permanently outside of melee range . On the other hand, I already have a pixie striker in the monk, so not sure about actually building said character...I'll think about it. I won't be able to get a character built tomorrow, but i could probably get something thrown together over the weekend if no one else has joined yet. If I make a leader, I'll look into the buffing/enabling side of it...