The Walking Dead 4.2 "Infected" (spoiler alert)

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Robin Hoodlum

They all sell their food stamps?

I don't know if they ALL do, but it is certainly done on a regular, wide spread basis.
I know people who get more food stamps than what I spend at the grocery store.
What really bites my ass is when I go grocery shopping with the ol' lady, we have to watch how much we spend, yet the riff-raff with food stamps have buggies full of filets and t-bones... and they don't even thank me!


First Post
and, while some of you may not watch Talking Dead, it racks up huge ratings... granted, it's got a ratings giant as a lead in. But, if people weren't interested, they'd tune out.

and, while some of you may not watch Talking Dead, it racks up huge ratings... granted, it's got a ratings giant as a lead in. But, if people weren't interested, they'd tune out.
I like the show. It usually has some interesting conversations between the people on the show. They also have some cool behind the scenes making-of stuff. I started watching it because I was waiting for Comic Book Men to come on.


First Post
I like the show. It usually has some interesting conversations between the people on the show. They also have some cool behind the scenes making-of stuff. I started watching it because I was waiting for Comic Book Men to come on.

I tend to watch it, though on occasion they "clarify" things I would prefer they didn't. For instance the scene with Rick and the crazy lady in the woods. I REALLY wish they hadn't said what was in the bag. [sblock]I imagined it was a zombie baby not just a head. The idea of it being a baby was WAY creepier. Having them tell us what it was was a little bit of a let down. We've seen multiple heads so that wasn't really a "shock"[/sblock]


First Post
I tend to watch it, though on occasion they "clarify" things I would prefer they didn't. For instance the scene with Rick and the crazy lady in the woods. I REALLY wish they hadn't said what was in the bag. [sblock]I imagined it was a zombie baby not just a head. The idea of it being a baby was WAY creepier. Having them tell us what it was was a little bit of a let down. We've seen multiple heads so that wasn't really a "shock"[/sblock]
In the show she said it was her husband's head. Repeatedly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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