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The Whisperers in Darkness

Huh. I don't know what the story is with Nadaka's Dicebox -- but presumably it's just a temporary outage. For now, I'll go ahead and roll the checks you just made manually, and hope I don't have to do that again very often.)

Shard and Forge: With two of you together, the red-faced dwarf seems to deflate visibly, although his eyes still look shifty, and he's glancing side to side as if mentally trying to gauge how much support he'll recieve if he causes trouble and gets in over his head. He makes no threatening move at the moment, but continues to watch you. (Shard, I rolled an 11 + 7 for a total of 18 on your Concentration check, so you're a wee bit short, I'm afraid.)

Feral: You sit together in silence for long moments; neither looking at each other. The other shifter then speaks softly, without turning towards you. "There may be more trouble yet tonight." With the most casual of gestures, he points his chin ever so slightly at two small knots in the crowd -- two warforged, one dressed in a long gown; the other accoutred more like you've come to expect are eyeing and being eyed warily by various members of the crowd. And a tall, dark-haired man is being slowly surrounded by three toughs, but he seems aware of them.

"By the light of the Dragon Above," he says with a slight nod up into the sky, towards what cannot be seen beyond the heavy black clouds and still falling rain, "but there may be more fireworks there than the fight we've already got right in front of us." His mouth twists in a sardonic smile, and he glances at you briefly before turning back to watch the fight and the crowd.

"You don't look very at home in this town, and this is still a tiny hamlet compared to places I've seen. What brings such a wilder like yourself this way?"

Ceres: (Holy Crap! I didn't read carefully that you had a natural 20, so I rolled for you -- I got a natural 20 too! The dice are smiling seductively for you tonight!) The halfling's face turns an unnatural shade of pale green, and then ghostly white, his eyes staring at you, as if just now realizing how big you are, and how dangerous you look like you could be. "No... no need to be hasty!" he stammers. "I don't know who you're talking about. Those guys there -- I've never met them!" You do see him waving discretely behind his back for them to back up, though. "I'm an honest fella... just a hard-working mineworker, that's all!"

All: The fight between the shifter and his roughneck opponent is swift and brutal once it begins. The dark man moves faster than you would have expected, launching himself with a wordless cry at the shifter, and giving him a nice solid cut across the ribs with his dagger. The shifter barely avoids a fatal strike by throwing himself backwards into the mud. He hops up quickly and strikes back, missing several times with his dagger. The settle into a routine of slash, stab and parry before pulling back, both breathing hard and bleeding from minor cuts.

Then the shifter moves in again, and at the last second he doesn't strike with his knife, he thrusts his head forward and bites the man hard on the shoulder, ripping his head away with a fan of blood. The dark man bellows in pain and falls to his knees, but the shifters rage seems to have passed. Almost casually he punches the man in the face, and he falls in to the mud, no longer moving. The crowd goes silent for a moment, then erupts in shouts and cheers (and curses). The shifter backs up, literally licking his wounds, and a few men move to lift the dark man, but they are all quickly obscured by the crowd who is now filling in the space where the combat took place.

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First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Forge looks sideways at the newcomver, but doesn't disagree with his words. "Fighter? Let me give you an edge," Forge murmurs. Her hand touches his scimitar, and there's a brief, nearly invisible glow that outlines the blade briefly. "Shall we move to better-lit quarters?" Forge jerks her head towards the Emporium.

//Isida, I hope you don't mind, but I've merged Shards background with your//

While keeping his eyes on the dwarf Shard begins to back his way thru the crowd following forge.


First Post
Ceres d'Deneith, Human Hexblade

Joshua Dyal said:
Ceres: (Holy Crap! I didn't read carefully that you had a natural 20, so I rolled for you -- I got a natural 20 too! The dice are smiling seductively for you tonight!) The halfling's face turns an unnatural shade of pale green, and then ghostly white, his eyes staring at you, as if just now realizing how big you are, and how dangerous you look like you could be. "No... no need to be hasty!" he stammers. "I don't know who you're talking about. Those guys there -- I've never met them!" You do see him waving discretely behind his back for them to back up, though. "I'm an honest fella... just a hard-working mineworker, that's all!"

OOC: Wow! That's insane! Let's see if the luck holds out. In the meantime, should I continue using Invisible Castle, or have you keep rolling natural 20s for me? :)

Ceres watches in satisfaction as things go his way. He gives a quick glance to the three thugs behind him, making sure they are not closing in. Once the fight finishes, he turns to the halfling. "So, looks like I win. You going to keep our wager?"


First Post
Arlanen is intrigued by the man, she's had no other leads into what awakened her power, so will attempt to follow him through the crowd, despite her renewed focus on something though, she cannot help but be distracted by the fight and will keep glancing back at it.


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Alastor - Human Warmage

Well, that was a short and brutal fight... It's a good thing I'm not into games of chance, though I would probably have put my gold on the shifter. Their animalistic traits make them deadly combatants. He wraps his cloak a little tighter around himself. Then he looks at the two warforged standing side by side.

What are two warforged doing in a little town like Greenblade? Perhaps they're hired swords as well? I'd better find out... Alastor makes his way through the crowd towards the two warforged. He gets up next to one of them and strikes up a conversation.

"That was quite a little fight, eh? So what are a couple of warforged like you doing in Greenblade?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

Forge jerks around and stares at the unknown human. Alastor would see that she's rather unusual looking for a warforged. For one, there's no doubt as to her personality. She wears decidedly feminine-looking clothes, including a shaped corset, skirts, and a scarf around her head to conceal her lack of hair. It's still obvious she's a warforged however.

"Who are you?" she snaps, and looks sideways at Shard.

Cursed Quinn

First Post
Joshua Dyal said:
"You don't look very at home in this town, and this is still a tiny hamlet compared to places I've seen. What brings such a wilder like yourself this way?"

Feral eyes the other shifter warily for a moment, before answering gruffly, "needed to re-supply".

She turns her gaze back to the finished fight, and the dispersing crowd, and gestures with one hand at them. "This happen often?"
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Shard, Warforged Psychic Warrior

Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Forge jerks around and stares at the unknown human. Alastor would see that she's rather unusual looking for a warforged. For one, there's no doubt as to her personality. She wears decidedly feminine-looking clothes, including a shaped corset, skirts, and a scarf around her head to conceal her lack of hair. It's still obvious she's a warforged however.

"Who are you?" she snaps, and looks sideways at Shard.
Stepping forward slightly to interpose his body between Forge and the weak fleshed human, Shard is forward of Forge and slightly to the right thus permitting visual contact between the two, while being in position to strike at the human if necessary.

Shard stares down at the short human, with his hand upon the hilt of his Scimitar, and holds the humans gaze with an unswerving gaze of his own.

"Speak, human" Shards says in a slighly grating metallic voice.:]
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Alastor - Human Warmage

Ignoring the two warforged intimidating remarks, Alastor continues to introduce himself: "Well, miss, I would gladly introduce myself. The name is Alastor, sword for hire and accomplished master of the arcane arts."

A female warforged...? I never really thought they would go to such lengths to get an identity. It must be a thing they started thinking about after the war.

He then looks into Shard's pulsing eyes and down at the scimitar he carries in the scabbard.

"Well, I may not have assessed the situation well enough, sir, but I believe that would be an extremely stupid move for a thinking individual like yourself. I don't really have anything against warforged. You were quite capable soldiers during The Last War and you're quite fascinating from a scholar's point of view, but now you don't exactly have a whole lot of goodwill with the rest of the people in Khorvaire. So please don't pull a stupid stunt like that..."

Alastor starts flexing his fingers and fire appears in his palm.

"These little things pack quite a lot of punch. It should be enough to fry your metallic hide, so why don't we keep things civil and avoid an unnecessary conflict?" He says while smiling at Shard.

Ceres: The halfling grumbles as he hands you the ten coppers -- not much, but more than these mineworkers are likely to see often. He stalks away from you then, and you do notice him giving signals to his three lackeys. They don't make any move towards you, but you are aware of their eyes on you wherever you turn.

Alastor, Forge and Shard: (Hey, you're doing fine on your own -- I'll let you continue to work on your conversation for a while...)

Arlanen: The would-be pick-purse is not hard to follow visually if you try -- you're small enough to make your way through the crowd and keep up with him without getting blocked. The young man heads for a higher vantage point on a deck in front of the Emporium, in a location that also happens to be out of the rain. From there he watches the end of the fight, then he turns to go inside. He sees you looking at him as he enters, and frowns, but doesn't stop.

Feral: The other shifter barks out a short laugh, scrubbing his hands through his wet hair and flinging rainwater to the roof below where he's crouched. "Yeah, at least once a week. Greenblade's a bit of an unhappy town. Lots of folks have short tempers." He grins to himself as he reaches inside a pocket of his cloak and his hand comes up with a big red apple. After taking a few bites he glances at you, gives a small start, and reaches inside again to offer you one as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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