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Themes n' Class n' Class n' Themes...


Steeliest of the dragons
Given all of the "Theme v. Background v. Class v. Theme" discussion (and the fact that I'm just kinda bored this Sunday afternoon waiting for the England/Italy Eurocup match tonight) I thought I might outline what/how I see classes and themes working for 5e.

In other words, 1) What's a class in the first place vs. doable via theme? 2) What should get baked IN the Class (features/abilities) and what can be done through Theme (feats) and thus what variants of each Class you could expect or look forward to.

This is all just supposition and guess work on my part. Quite a bit of it is off the top of my head. But I think it strikes a nice chord of giving everyone of whatever edition preference something of what they want and, hopefully, giving a majority of people quite a bit of the options they want.

Opinions will vary, of course.

Just gonna go alphabetically with what we know/using the "every class from a 1st PHB list" that a buncha people are counting on/expecting. Let's get started. And feel free to let me know what you think.


Assassin (1e PHB, 4e Dragon Magazine)
Class Features:"Sneak/Kill attack", poison/alchemical use and knowledge, spying and disguise skills, Stealth skills (possibly greater than a non-assassin Rogue). <Obviously, as a sub-class of Rogue the Assassin's class features are more "Skill"/explorative/interactive related than combat.>
Themes/variants: "Shadow walker" (for the 4e-esque shadow magic assassin), Weapon Specialization/themes (Sharpshooter, TWF, etc...a la Fighter classes should/could get), any other Rogue-specific or generalized theme (Lurker, Magic-user, Slayer, etc.) and choice of "Rogue Schemes" as well.

"Barbarian" (1e Unearthed Arcana, 3e, <PHB2 for 4e>)
As a class, Barbarian does not exist on its own but is a "build" of the Fighter class (attack bonuses and whatever else Fighters get), Barbarian background (giving appropriate skills a la Wilderness Lore, Keen Senses, Trap setting/detection, etc.), and the "Berserker" theme (rage, resistance to magic, temp hit points, etc.).

Bard (1e Appendix, 2e, 3e, <PHB2 for 4e>)
Class Features: Bardic "Spell-song" use [Bardic Spell List], natural "Charm" ability/interactive bonuses, choice of starting Knowledge/Lore skills, performing/performance skill.
Theme/Variants: any Rogue-specific or General themes (Slayer for a more combat-oriented "Skald-lite", Magic-user for a bit of arcane magic to add to their bardic spells, Lurker for a more sneaky Roguey type, etc.), Weapon specialization/themes (Duelist, TWF, Archer, etc.), other themes might include [full-fledged] "Skald", "Loremaster/Historian", "Jack-of-all-trades", etc.

Cleric (OD&D, Basic D&D, 1e, 2e, 3e, 4e)
Class Features: Divine Spell use [Cleric Spell List], Channel Divinity (Turn Undead, etc.), at-will Orisons, Domain/Sphere "choice" (dependent on what deity they worship), Religious knowledge/lore, knowledge/lore skills related to their deity's sphere(s) of influence.
Themes/Variants: Any Cleric-specific or General Themes, Domain choice could (and probably will) go here instead, Weapon Use/Specialty (sacred/god's weapon allowances)

Druid (BECMI -for Neutral Clerics of a certain level, 1e, 2e, 3e, <PHB2 for 4e>)
Class Features: Nature Spell use [Druid Spell List], Shapechanging (probably gained/handled a la Channel Divinity), Wilderness/Nature Lore, Herbalism/Herbalist Healing.
Themes/variants: Any Cleric-specific or General Themes, "Beastmaster" (for animal companions, animal handling, maybe an innate speak with animals eventually?), "Urban" would probably be possible through a Background, "Loremaster" (works for Druids too), "Shapeshifter" for the "Wild Shape" specalist, etc.

Fighter (OD&D -as the "Fighting Man", BECMI, 1e, 2e, 3e, 4e)
Class Features: added attack bonuses, added attacks, Advantages for whatever, Weapon/combat specializations/styles...If the added "extra" Theme (more feats) becomes a Fighter thing, then that also.
Theme/variants: Any/all combat-related or weapon specialization themes, fighter-specific themes, or General "any class" themes...and/or extra Fighter "Manuevers/Exploits/Stuff n' Thangs" (a la Rogue "Schemes" but for fighters)

(et al. Specialist Mages) (1e, 2e as "Specialist Wizard")
The Illusionist (or any other specialist mage) is not a Class unto itself, but a specialized Theme for/of the Mage Class. They have their own Spell List, their own specialized defenses and bonuses, just dependent on the "School" (a la "Scheme") of specialization.

Mage (nee "Wizard", nee "Magic-user") (OD&D, BECMI, 1e, 2e, 3e, 4e)
Class Features: Arcane Spell use [Mage Spell List], "at-will cantrips", knowledge/lore skills (arcana, languages, history, magic items, herbalism/herbalist healing, alchemy, etc).
Theme/variants: Any General or Mage-specific (specialist school) themes, Sorcerer (for spontanous casting), Slayer (for wizards weilding a sword), "Battlemage" (if you want armor and weapons), "Swordmage" (for whatever a swordmage brings to the game), etc...

Monk (BECMI-as "Mystic", 1e, 3e, <PHB3 for 4e>)
Class Features: unarmed combat, stealth skills, climbing/falling skills, limited weapon specialization, balance and reflex skills...as, essentially a sub-class of Rogue, the Monk's class features are mostly Skill-related.
Themes/variants: Any Rogue-based, Fighter-based or General themes, "Mystic", "Pugilist", "Wrestler", "Brawler", "Shaolin", "Psionic ki/chi Warrior", etc...

Paladin (BECMI-for a Lawful Fighter of a certain level, 1e, 2e, 3e, 4e)
Class Features: Auras of protection/blessing, lay on hands (healing), detect "evil/opposition", immunity to disease, Turning Undead (a.k.a. Channel Divinity) less than a Cleric can do, "Smiting."
Theme/variants: Any Fighter or Cleric-based theme, any general (any class) theme, "Divine Agent" (for some actual Cleric/divine spell use), "Crusader" (for some extra Smiting), "Cavalier"(for mounted combat) or "Warlord" (for those goodies), etc...

Ranger (1e, 2e, 3e, 4e)
Class Features: Tracking, Preferred Environment Lore (Wilderness, Urban, Desert, whatever), Herbalism/healing skills, Stealth skills.
Theme/variants: Any Figher-based or Rogue-based or general (any class) Themes, any Combat "Style"/Weapon specialization themes (Archer, TWF, sword n' board, spear-meister, whatever), "Beastmaster" (if you want an animal companion), "Hunter" (for those that want a "Quarry mechanic), "Nature's Ardent" (if you want a few druidic spells and abilities), "Arcane Ardent" (if you want some mage's spells and abilities), "Urban" is most likely accomplished through a Background, "Bounty Hunter", "X Slayer" (for those who want a "Favored Enemy"), etc...

Rogue (nee "Thief" in OD&D, BECMI, 1e; "Rogue" in 2e, 3e, and 4e)
Class feature: Sneak attack/Backstab, Stealth skills, Trap detection/diffusion skills, interactive skills (Gather Information, Sense Motive, Perception), etc.
Themes/variants: any and all Rogue-specific or General themes, plus Rogue "Schemes."

"Sorcerer" (3e, <PHB2 for 4e>)
As a class, Sorcerer does not exist on its own but is a "build" of the Mage class (arcane spell use, knowledge skills, etc...), whatever background (giving appropriate skills), and the "Sorcerer" theme (for spontaneous spell-casting, et al.).

"Thief" (OD&D, BECMI, 1e, 2e)
As a class, Thief does not exist on its own but is a Background of the Rogue (or any?) class.

Warlock (4e)
Class Features: at-will magical attacks/powers, "curses/hexes", pacts with unholy/diabolic sources (yes, I know 4e let there be other sources, I'm not allowing that in my "perfect" 5e).
Themes/variants: any Mage-specific (specialists or "Sorcerer") or general (any class) themes, "Pact-born"(?), "Devil Spawn" (NO idea what that might entail!), etc...

"Warlord" (4e)
As a class, Warlord does not exist on its own but is a "build" of the Fighter class (attack bonuses and whatever else Fighters get), whatever background (giving appropriate skills), and the "Warlord" theme (imbuing temp hit points, healing on the field of battle, inspirational bonuses against fear/confusion/illusions, etc.).

"Wizard" (2e, 3e, 4e)
See Mage.
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The way I see it currently.

A Hybrid Rogue/Wizard Class that kills people
Class Features: Sneak Attack, Limited Spell Casting
Variants: Avenger (Probably done via a general Theme rather than a class choice)
Note: This Class may well end up as a Theme instead

Unarmoured warrior with rage ability.
Class Features: Natural AC/DR, Rage
Variants: None

A Hybrid Rogue/Sorcerer Class that sings
Class Features: Bardic Lore, Song based abilities, Possibly a Healer
Variants: None

An adventuring priest
Class Features: Divine Spell Casting, Healing
Variants: By Domain

Shapechaning nature priest
Class Features: Divine Spell Casting, Shapechanging, probably Healing
Variants: Possibly by Domain

The ultimate warrior
Class Features: Intrinsic Attack and Damage bonuses
Variants: possibly in built Feat equivalents

Theme that can be applied to Spell Casting classes with Illusion Spells

Martial Artist powered by Ki
Class Features: A whole host of mystic Ki powers
Variants: possibly based on Martial Art styles?

Crusading Hybrid Warrior/Cleric class
Class Features: Fear Immunity, Lay on Hands, Smite, Limited Divine casting
Variants: Possibly by Domain

Class Features: Psychic Abilities
Variants: Not sure tbh
Note: The only none PHB1 class that looks likely to be in the 5th ed core. I don't really know enough about Psions to know if any Variants are likely.

Wilderness Hybrid Warrior/Rogue/Druid
Class Features: Favoured Enemy/Terrain Bonuses, Limited Divine casting
Variants: None (Old Weapon styles handled by general Themes)

Skill based lightly armoured warrior
Class Features: Skill Mastery, Limited Additional Background Choice (Scheme)
Variants: by Scheme (Acrobat, Charlatan, Thief, ect.)

Charisma based spontaneous arcane caster
Class Features: Arcane Spell Casting
Variants: None

Background, may also be taken as a Rogue Scheme

Pact based arcane caster
Class Features: Arcane Spell Casting
Variants: By pact (Fay, Great Old One, Demon, Shadows, ect.)

Leadership based warrior
Class Features: Charisma based party bonuses, possibly a Healer
Variants: None
Note: This Class may well end up as a Theme instead

Classic Vancian book trained Arcane spell-caster
Class Features: Arcane Spell Casting
Variants: None (Old Specialisations will be handed through general Themes)

Voidrunner's Codex

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