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The Most Interesting Fan in the World...
Owen Stephens, RPG guru, and all around clever guy started this on Facebook yesterday...

Some favorites(with authors cited, unless they are my own):

His ongoing campaign is so realistic, he has won the Noble Peace prize for saving the world. Twice...
He plays Warhammer 40K with actual Space Marines....
The Lady Galadriel timidly asked for but a single strand of his hair...
Ian McKellan was offered the role performing as lead actor in his lifestory, but deemed himself to be unworthy...
He is...
The Most Interesting Fan in the World

He loaned David Tennant the use of his own personal sonic screwdriver for story 172, Rise of the Cybermen...
In script rewrites, he inserted anagrams of his name into every 2006 episode of Doctor Who,...
He's the one who suggested a bow-tie for the 11th Doctor, a trick which resulted in the explosion of the value of his previously held bow-tie factory stock......
He is...
The Most Interesting Fan in the World.

(Steve Russell)
He is the first person to get his GenCon housing through the automated system without any problems.
The Tomb of Horrors gives its treasure to him....no save.
When he buys a magic the gathering card it becomes mythic, banned and restricted all the same time.
He is...
The Most Interesting Fan in the World

(Dale McCoy)
Doc Brown asks him about time travel destinations.
The Iron Throne was modeled after his dining room chairs.
He creates life-size LEGO statue of himself.
He is ...
‪‎The Most Interesting Fan In The World‬

(Owen Stevens)
He created a definition of "Steampunk" everyone agreed on.
He already has the *next* book in the Game of Thrones series, but won't tell George RR Martin what happens in it.
When Gary Gygax reads his adventures, he needs a thesaurus.
He can speak fluent Elvish... in Klingon.
He is...
The Most Interesting Fan in the World

There's more on Facebook under the tag #themostinterestingfanintheworld...
What could you add to this meme?
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Staff member
He went to the United Nations to negotiate a truce in the Edition Wars...and succeeded.
He once played a gnome druid so cool, R. A. Salvatore based a character on him...Drizzt Do'Urden.
When he writes a filk of a song, the original bands re-record them.
He has been running a 2Ed campaign for Jack Chick for the past 10 years
He is...
The Most Interesting Fan in the World


The members of Monty Python quote him profusely during their gaming sessions,...
Bobby Fischer was, in fact, searching for him,...
When he goes through True Dungeon, they pay him,...
His Car War's campaign resulted in stricter Motor Vehicle laws in 38 states, the nation of India and the entire continent of Antarctica...
He is...
The Most Interesting Fan in the World.


He doesn't need subtitles to know what R2-D2 is saying,...
He can tell a joke in binary and still make everyone laugh,...
His game room has been used as a set piece in two fantasy movies, three horror movies, and a star-trek spin off,...
When he attends Cons dressed as himself, avid cosplayers wait in line to have their picture taken with him,...
He is...
The Most Interesting Fan in the World.


Staff member
He is an unlockable character in all video games, including Pong.
His birthday is a cheat code in Legend of Zelda that lets you play HALO.
His image can be seen on the walls of the Temple of Doom
His name is a killing word in the Weirding Way.
He is...
The Most Interesting Fan in the World.


After reading the Silmarillion to his children at night before bed, he won a Grammy
He once lodged a formal complaint on Alpha Centauri, thus saving life as we know it...
Batman has heated arguments about his alignment...
He is,...
The Most Interesting Fan in the World.

(h/t to Mr. Matthew Wayne Stinson for that last; and my son Joshua for the second)


Staff member
His Lightsaber is also a Sonic Screwdriver and Tricorder.
He is doing a guest spot on The Walking Dead- he'll be the zombie driving the De Lorean at 88mph.
He raises Ents in his greenhouse.
He already has a Holy Grail
He is...
The Most Interesting Fan in the World

Voidrunner's Codex

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