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This guy has Heroes of the Feywild.

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From the Rpg.net equivalent thread

Looking at the Witch... Ooh, there's a new Wizard cantrip that lets you use Arcana for Stealth per encounter. No built-in paragon path I can see. Looks like a standard Wizard for the most part unless I'm missing something. They do have the Augury power, but that was previewed, yes?

Level 3 powers for Skald's aren't that inspiring but here goes...

Echoing Weapon... it's a Minor action targeting one weapon at Melee 1. Until end of your next turn, the next weapon attack made with the weapon deals 2d6 thunder damage regardless of hitting or missing.

Protector level 13...

Verdant Retaliation... Standard action Area Burst 1 within 10 squares targeting each enemy. Wis. vs. Reflex. 3d6 + Wis. poison. Effect: Those not hit take 10 poison damage.

Witch level 17...

Choking Shadow... Standard action targeting one creature ranged 20. You conjure your shadow in an unoccupied square adjacent to target which then attacks using Int. vs. Reflex. 2d10 + Int. cold and necrotic damage and the target is immobilized until end of turn. You can Sustain Standard to repeat the attack. If you miss, the target is slowed and you can't sustain.

The Berserker has a the Defender Aura like the Knight. You get +2 AC while aura is active and you don't wear heavy armor. You have an At-Will punisher for Opp. Attacks that deals scaling d8's of damage. You can use a Barbarian Primal attack power to enter rage or a minor action to enter rage while bloodied. Seems the Primal attack thing is no-option. You go into rage. Rage ends your Defender Aura and Opp. Attack punisher. your Barbarian Martial At-Wills gain benefits as noted in the power when raging. All your melee basic attacks deal 1d8 extra damage per tier while raging.

There are 13 alternative rewards. Let's see...

A neat one... Mount Growth lets you make a non-hostile Tiny natural beast into a Large willing mount.

> Does the Protector get any class features to speak of? Or is it literally just PHB2 Druid minus Wildshape?
It has the summons, an Encounter power that creates difficult terrain until the end of the encounter (burst size scales per tier), belongs to a Circle much like the Beastwalker Circle that uses Wildshape plus a Circle of Renewal that boosts AC via Con and boosts healing in your zone by your Con and a Circle of Shelter that gives you +1 speed and lets your allies ignore your difficult terrain, and you get three Primal cantrips.

I feel somewhat like this fixes the PHB2 Druid for me.

> Umm, care to spoil some of the Unseelie theme's utility powers?

The Level 2 utility power gives you darkvision for the encounter and you can make your eyes glow shedding bright light for 2 squares.

The Level 3 attack power gives an extra d10 of cold and necrotic damage once per encounter to your shadow weapon and slows them to end of your next turn.

The Level 5 attack power gives Ongoing 10 cold and necrotic to one of your shadow weapon hits that is save ends, but if they fail they fall prone each time they fail.

The Level 6 utility power makes you invisible as a Minor action until you move or attack.

The Level 10 utility power lets you deliver a message in secret language to a creature on the same plane which can respond.

Sure. The [Druid Cantrip] feature is Primal Attunement and you choose three.

Air Spirit - summons an air spirit (duh) that can pick up small stuff and carry it and additionally the spirit can shed bright light like a torch. You have to sustain it as a Minor action

Call the Spirits - lots of small individual actions like making a torch brighter, open or close doors, create gusts of wind, create sparks to light fires

Senses of the Wild - lets you either detect disease, the absence or presence of a type of mundane plant or animal in Burst 5, +5 power bonus to Perception and Insight to detect poisons, or sense corpses

Verdant Touch - You can use Burst 1 (encounter power) to turn difficult terrain into normal terrain until the end of your next turn as long as it consists of vines, grass, or other natural stuff and wasn't created by a power and alternatively you can create plant growth in a barren area

Vine Rope - Summon a vine that acts as 50 ft of silk rope.


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Heroes of the Feywild

Just as a heads up to anyone who is interested, the HotFW should be hitting Wizard premiere retailers by Friday. Anyone who is close to one of those stores should be able to pick the book up this week. Also the Dragon collector set and the new Feywild fortune cards are also out.

And after a quick browse through of the Feywild book, I like what I have seen so far. HoS seemed like alot of wasted potential, but this book seems to pick up where the other book fell short. I hope to have time this weekend to dive into the book in greater depth, but so far it seems promising.

Also, for anyone who is interested, the new Feywild theme Encounter adventure arrived and it also looks to be an interesting module with some new twists for the program. I am looking forward to running this module once the Neverwinter season wraps up this coming Wednesday.


Very glad to hear that this book is looking good. Too bad about HoS, but maybe they'll revisit the Shadowfell in the future with more care once enough time has passed.


I quite liked Heroes of Shadow. Really, only the Binder was underwhelming.

Just got Heroes of Feywild. Nothing much to add, except that I'm loving the book.


I got my copy of Heroes of the Feywild this afternoon and as I was paging through it tonight I noticed that my coure attendant and fiddling grig familiars from my Dragon 390 article made the book! I didn't know that was happening. Awesome.


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Hi there. Are the new berserker class features interchangeable with the classic barbarian features?

Like exchanging the Rampage class feature into the Defender Aura and vengeance strike thing? Or like the berserker encounter attacks into the barbarian encounter attacks?

Voidrunner's Codex

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