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This is Bazaar: Dungeon Adventure


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Ian - Orphanage

Ian reassures Patch, "Don't you worry none old boy. You was just looking after the lad, right. And what's the harm if you put a couple of bob in your pouch in the doin' of it, right?"

After calming the Half-Orc, Ian will saunter over to Poto and fill him in. "Right then. It seems some fop from the Last Laugh, name of Revus Twindaggers, was particularly interested in one of the children. They are in this up to their necks, that's for sure. You keep track of all these clues, and I'll chat up the help? That sounds like a bar gold plan to me. Let me go and parlay with this cook."

Ian will go into the Kitchen to meet with the cook. "Hmmm. Them vittles sure do smell dee-lightfull. What's for dinner Temar? Looks like stew. I surely do love a good stew, and no mistake. Might I have me a taste?"

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I like to draw!
Marcus & Griswald
Door being locked, you track down the Captain of the guard, Terseon Skellerang, sitting down to lunch, he invites you to join him."I heard that the priests had hired extra help in this matter, I'm glad. "Locksmiths you ask? *munch munch* Hadn't really given that much thought on that. We'd assumed all the locks had been picked. The perps would pick the locks, grab the prey *munch slurp* steal what loot they could, and leave. Locksmiths...hmm. Perhaps we should compare notes? Anything else I can help you with? *burp*

"Well, I don't know what more help I can be..."Says Ms. Fanister,"Come to think of it there was this one boy, Narth, I seem to remember he had a nightmare of some sort that night. Does that help?"

The cook lets you have a sip of the stew, while not the most wonderful of dishes you have had over the years, it aint bad either. He then sees the opportunity to start talking, at length, the qualities of asparagus, and the all the different ways to prepare it. He thinks he may write a book.


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"We was wonderin' aboot any cunnections ye may have established between tha victims. We be thinkin' there'd have to be when they start stealin' wee ones," Griswald says.


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"He had a nightmare that night? That might be helpful. So you saw him after he went to bed, but before he was taken? Please forgive my ignorance, but I thought only Gretchyn had a key to their room. How did you see him?


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Shop talk...

While Marcus knew he could not hold it against Captain Skellerang for not consulting any of the mystical or divine factions in Cauldron, it did not make it any easier to accept the fact that he had not been able to make more headway through the normal means of guard questioning. In light of the number of people taken from the city, Marcus

~Calm down and let the man speak...Griswald is relating to him and making progress...by the gods, he could at least wait until after we had left to resume his meal...~

As Griswald briefly explained how they were searching for the common thread between the victims, Marcus waited until he had stopped before offering his thoughts as well.

"We will gladly share any and all information with the guards that we uncover, but we will need permission to search the grounds of the other victims to be as thorough as possible. Unless you happen to know who the locksmith, or smiths, were that placed the locks on the doors of the victims."

Pausing for a second, Marcus felt the urge to explain the reason for basing their search off of the locks.

"Captain, acting High Priestess Jenya cast a divining through one of the church's artifacts. While I do not know how you feel about the arcane arts, you no doubt have faith in the holy answers given to priests, especially the followers of St Cuthbert. The first line of the divining was "The locks are the key to finding them...", and while there are many types of locks, we believe it all ties into the locks at the orphanage, and those locks were crafted by Keygan Gehlve. If he is also the seller, or builder of the other locks, I do believe we would have sufficient reason to pay him a visit."
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I like to draw!
Narth, the boy who had the nightmare, was NOT one of the children kidnapped. He is still in the orphanage and could easily be questioned. The locks are on the doors leading to the outside of the building. Most of the doors inside the buidling have no locks.

Marcus & Griswald
Terseon Skellerang finishes his lunch, grabs some parchement and ink to make notes of your conversation. He looks into a folder off to his left to confer for your questions. "Oh, all the victims were taken from all across the city, so its not localaize in any particular place. Most were low- to middle-class citizens, but other than that we found nothing connceting them, to each other or the orphanage." He then listens to Marcus explain about the locks. "Gehlve, yes, well you can throw a rock in any direction in this city and you can bet it hits a building with Gehlve's locks on it. Magic and divinations aside, I don't really have the manpower at the moment to follow this up. I got everyone I have out on nighty patrols and staking out all the local thieves' guilds and other....practical...matters. But hey, you go right ahead and question him if you like, and let me know what you find out."


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Rejoining the others?...Marcus

As the captain confirmed what he had thought, it brought no joy to Marcus. However, the fact that their fact finding mission was being taken seriously by the head of the guards did bring some satisfaction.

~Do not begin to take pleasure off of the misfortunes of those who brought you to this role...~

His uncle's words quickly brought Marcus pride back in check, and he quickly voiced his thanks to the captain.

"We shall keep you informed if we uncover anything that we think might be helpful to you and the guards. The temple thanks you, as do we."

Waiting until Griswald was finished speaking to the captain, Marcus wanted the knight's thoughts on their next move.

"I think we should go back and relate to the others what we think we know. Perhaps in our absence, they have learned of something more as well. What do you think?"


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Griswald bids the captain farewell and answers his comrades query.

"Not a bad idea at all my tall friend. I noticed ye got a head for knooledge and negootiation on them shoulders, and the talent tay make use of it. This trouble can be solved quickly with a collection of talented folk like ourselves," Griswald grins widely, "But if we've nuthin' else tay werk on, I'd say we be headin' for Ghelve's residence."


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"Thank you, Nurse, for that information. I shall question Narth"

I may as well question him, as Ian still has to talk to the teacher."

Poto will examine the locks on the front door. Could they be opened from inside without a key? If so, any of the staff could have grabbed a kid, & escaped, or let someone else in.

He will then go up to try to find Narth. When/if he finds him, he will approach & ask

"Narth, hello son. I know you've been through some bad spots. We're trying to find your missing friends. Nurse Fanister said you'd had a nightmare the night they disapeared. Can you tell me about that? Do you know anything else that might help us find them?"


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Ian listens attentively to the cook's diatribe on asparagus. "Those recipes sound delicious! You should write that book, and no mistake. Can ye make sure I get a copy? Say, you wouldn't have any thoughts on the missing children would you? A keen noggin' like yours might have thought of something we overlooked."

Asparagus...Gods have mercy this man is a dolt

Voidrunner's Codex

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