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Through Darkness, Light


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Swift as a shadow, short as any dream;
Brief as the lightning in the collied night,
That in a spleen unfolds both heaven and earth,
And ere a man hath power to say, “Behold!”
The jaws of darkness do devour it up:
So quick bright things come to confusion.
William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream. Act i. Sc. 1.

Characters for my Arcana Unearthed game "Through Darkness, Light"
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Kelsis the Bright-Eyed
Truename - Sashakiyamok
Female Sibeccai Akashic 1
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 158lbs
Fur: Pale gray, with black hair
Eyes: Black
Age: 16

Str: 12 (+1)
Dex: 10 (+0)
Con: 11 (+0)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 9 (-1)

Hit Dice: 1d6 + 0
HP: 6 [Max]
AC: 12 [10 + 2 Armor + 0 Dex]
Initiative: +0
BAB: +0
Melee: +1 [+1 Strength]
Ranged: +0 [+0 Dex]
Speed: 40’ [with Fleet of Foot feat]

Fort: +0 [+0 base, +0 Con] (+4 vs poison)
Ref: +0 [+0 base, +0 Dex]
Will: +4 [+2 base, +2 Wis]

Ranseur: +1 [+1 Melee, 2d4 +1 damage [+1 Strength], x3, P]
Handaxe: +1 [+1 Melee, 1d6 +1 damage [+1 Strength], x3, S]
Dagger: +1 [+1 Melee, 1d4 +1 damage [+1 Strength], 19-20/x2, P]
Sling: +0 [+0 Ranged, 1d4 damage, x2, B, 50' range]

Feats: Fleet of Foot (ceremonial), Resistance to Poison (talent)

Alchemy +7 [4 ranks]
Appraise +5 [2 ranks]
Craft (poisonmaking)* +5 [2 ranks]
Decipher Script +7 [4 ranks]
Disable Device +7 [4 ranks]
Knowledge (ceremony) +7 [4 ranks]
Knowledge (cosmology) +5 [2 ranks]
Knowledge (geography) +5 [2 ranks]
Knowledge (history) +5 [2 ranks]
Knowledge (magic) +5 [2 ranks]
Knowledge (nature) +5 [2 ranks]
Knowledge (religion) +7 [4 ranks]
Listen +6 [4 ranks]
Perform (dance) +2 [3 ranks]
Search +6 [3 ranks]

Languages - Common, Giant, Draconic, Celestial, Infernal.

Racial qualities: Speak common and giant; low light vision; +2 to Gather Information, Handle Animal, Innuendo, and Sneak checks; +2 Con, -2 Int.


Mule - 8 gp
Pack saddle - 15 gp

Leather jack (+2 AC, max Dex +0, check penalty 0) - 15 lbs [10 gp].
Ranseur - 15 lbs [10 gp].
Handaxe - 5 lbs [6 pg].
Dagger - 1 lb [2 gp].
Belt pouch - .5 lb [1 gp].
Sling & 10 sling bullets - 5 lbs [1 sp].
Silver torque - n/a weight [20 gp].

In backpack on mule - backpack - 2 lbs [2gp].
2 vials of acid - 2.5 lbs [20 gp].
1 pellet flash powder - 1 lb [35 gp].
Thieves' tools - 1 lb [30 gp].
Bedroll - 5 lbs [1 sp].
Flint and steel - n/a weight [1 gp].
3 sunrods - 3 lbs [6 gp].
Journal - 1 lb [5 gp].
Ink - n/a weight [8 gp].
Inkpen - n/a weight [1 sp]
10 sling bullets - 5 lbs [1 sp].
*1 dose (vial) snake venom - n/a weight (Injury, DC 12, Initial and Secondary damage 1d2 Dex)

Attached to pack saddle
Waterskin - n/a weight [1 gp]
50 ft. hemp rope - 10 lbs [1 gp].

Coin: 29 gp, 6 sp.

Appearance: Kelsis the Bright-Eyed is of medium height and build for a sibeccai woman, but her fur is a pale, almost silvery gray all over. The fur on her head is a deep black, and she wears it aggressively short, so her large ears are easily visible. Her large, dark eyes shine with an unusual intensity. She wears a simple leather jack for protection, and carries a ranseur in one hand, using it as a walking staff when not wielding it in combat. The ranseur has five shallow notches cut on it. Under her armor she wears simple, practical clothes; typically a loose shirt and sturdy breeches, gathered tight at the ankles and wrists, along with study sibeccai boots. All of her clothes are dark shades of brown or gray, and fairly utilitarian, with little extra finery. She has a covered handaxe stuck through one side of her belt, and keeps a dagger in her left boot. She wears a simple, though elegantly crafted silver torque around her neck.

Personality: Kelsis desires knowledge through experience, and seeks it out aggressively. This makes her somewhat of a thrill-seeker, though most would label her a fanatic. She wants, above all, to experience memorable and unique things to add her experiences to the akashic record. She doesn't believe she can do that if she is captured, and will not hesitate to use even underhanded means, up to and including poison, to secure her escape or prevent her capture in the first place. She also fears dying before she can complete her purpose, and is not squeamish about sending others to death's embrace. She feels that those that bar her way from living to complete her purpose will serve as a warning to others to not stop her. To date she has slain two rhodin raiders, a human highwayman, a hungry wolf, and poisonous snake. Kelsis is deeply religious, praying to the spirits of memory to guide her on her way through life. When prudence allows, she will often perform sibeccai religious rituals to help refresh her own spirit and purpose; these usually consist of elaborate and energetic dances around a fire, often with chanting.

She presents a curious mixture of traits. She does not avoid danger, but fears death. She doesn't shy away from wounds, but if she takes several, she may run to fight another day. While she has a great deal of knowledge of various topics, as many as some sages claim, she goes about as if armed for dire conflict. And while she seeks a higher purpose of having memorable experiences and leaving them for future akashics to use, she employs tactics some would call dishonorable. However, Kelsis never lies. She will refrain from mentioning if she thinks something isn't prudent to say, but she doesn't tell a deliberate untruth. If she says something, she means it. She hates having her word questioned. Her direct stare is somewhat unsettling, reflecting her intense purity of purpose.

Overall she is a fanatical, driven individual. However, those that are seeking out new and interesting things to do can always find a steadfast companion in Kelsis the Bright-Eyed. She appreciates those that don't swerve from their purpose, and becomes impatient with those that waver too long on decisions. While she's not impulsive, she dislikes spending too much time on anything, as she feels she must hurry to complete everything she feels she must in her life. She keeps a journal to record all of her important experiences to date. To prevent it from being easily translated, she writes every third word in a different language, switching from Draconic, to Infernal, to Celestial, and back in a fairly random pattern. One would have to know all three languages well to translate her journal on the fly.

Backstory: Kelsis grew up with a deep inner knowledge of something that most sibeccai don't even consider; the knowledge of her own mortality. She realized from an early age that while other races may live hundreds of years, the sibeccai were the fastest growing, and dying, race of the Lands of the Diamond Throne. Kelsis developed an inner terror that she wouldn't live long enough to make her mark on the world. She feared that she wouldn't be able to learn fast enough to make an name for herself. Her single-minded desire for knowledge led her to the path of the akashic. Training under another of the relatively rare sibeccai akashics, her mentor, Isakres the Clever-Handed, found her to be much more interested and able in the areas of obscure knowledge rather than the artistic skills. After setting her loose from her training, Kelsis traded her skill in languages for some tutoring in some underhanded or simply illegal techniques that she felt would be vital to her own personal quest of self discovery.

Kelsis now travels with a group of adventure-seeking individuals she has deemed trustworthy. Like a true-thrill seeker, she hopes her companions will lead her to great adventure, and allow her to find the experiences she craves to fulfill her life's purpose.


First Post
Here is a link to my character, in PDF format.
If you want, I could just retype him for a post.

Maedril was once a successful farmer on the very outskirts of the Lands of the Diamond Throne. He had all that he could want - a wife, a child, a home, some of his own land, friends. But alas, like in so many stories, this perfect life was not to remain. Adventurers were exploring a ruined dramojh citadel - and while in that citadel they unleashed an ancient terror. The adventurers were slaughetered to a man, and the horrible creature, a foul abdomination reeking of death and decay, swept through the surrounding settlements. The giant commander of the area mustered his forces to estroy the creature, but he was to late for Maedril - his village was destroyed, his family killed, his land wrecked by the tred of the foul beast. He had somehow surivived - he never discovered why, but perhaps he was chosen. Maedril pledged his life to hunting down the monster, and destroying it. It was not long beofre he sided with the Giant guardians and together they hunted the ghastly creature down.
Maedril determined then that he would never allow such a horror to befall upon any others. He pledged his life to seeking out and destroying the monsterous undead released by foolish necromancers and the dramojh. Today, he sweeps through ancient citadels, cloaked in rich black robes and tiny ornaments of bone, his gleaming blade and obsidion shield moving in perfect unison to send the dead back to whence they came.

Maedril often seems aloof, and distant from other characters. He is driven by a sense of mission, and this mission always has him looking ahead for the next threat to vanquish - he is not hard, but over the years he has grown bitter watching companions fall to death. He has gained the name of Maedril the Seeker, as he seeks out those who attempt to defy death. He is the Champion of Death - but not the foe of the living, however hard that is for some to understand.

Murphy's Law

First Post
Kel the Schemer

Sibbecai Snake Totem warrior 1

STR 12 +1
DEX 17 +3
CON 16 +3
INT 11 +0
WIS 8 -1
CHA 10 +0

Low Light Vision

BAB +1

HD 1d8+3
HP 11

Fort +5 (+2+3)
Ref +4 (+0+1+3)
Will -1 (+0-1)

Speed 40 ft.

+5 Init

Sneak +7 (+2Race, +2Ranks +3Dex)
Bluff +2 (+2 Ranks)
Innuendo +4 (+2 Ranks, +2Race)
Handle Animal +4 (+4 Ranks)

First Strike
Fleet of Foot

AC 19 (10+3Dex+1Class+4Chain Shirt+1Buckler)

-3 Armor Check Penalty

+2 melee Greater Battleclaw (1d8+1, 19-20/x2)
+4 Litorian bola (1d4, x2, Range 20 ft,)
+4 Whip (1d2S, x2, Range 15 ft.)

Greater Battle claw
Manacles with average lock
2 Litorian Bolas
2 trail rations
Pouch with 20 gp

Languages: Common, Giant

Background: Well, youd have to ask him, wouldn't you?
(Seriously, I have a backstory, which the DM knows, it just isn't somthing Kel is likely to tell just anybody.)


Aelin Lorechaser
Truename: Auelusaueona
Male Loresong Faen Magister 1

Str: 6 (-2)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 20 (+5)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 8 (-1)

Saves: R:+2 F:+2 W:+2

AB: +1 (size)
Melee: -1
Ranged: +3

AC: 13 (10+2 dex +1 Size)
HP: 8 (Disabled 0 to -2 Dying -3 to -14).

Melee attacks: Staff -1 (1d6-2/x2).
Ranged Attacks: -1 Heavy Crossbow (1d10, 19-20/x2), +3 Ranged Touch.

Skills: Alchemy +6, Concentration +6, Craft (Gemcutting) +9, Knowledge (History) +7, Knowledge (Geography) +7, Knowledge (Nobility and Courtesy) +7, Knowledge (Magic) +7, Knowledge (Ceremony) +7, Knowledge (Cosmology) +7, Knowledge (Runes) +7, Knowledge (Science) +10, Knowledge (Dangerous Beasts) +7, Knowledge (Engineering) +7, Ride (cc) +3, Sneak +8, Spellcraft +11.
Feats: Psion, Eidetic Memory.

Carrying Capacity: 15 lbs/16-30 lbs/31-45 lbs
Equipment Carried: Faenstaff (2 lbs), History Book +1 (1 lb), Science Book +1 (1 lb), Magic Book +0 (1 lb), Belt Pouch (1/2 lb) (6.5 lbs total)
Equipment owned: Pony, Saddle, Heavy Crossbow (9 lbs), Saddle bags containing Bedroll, Tent, 30 bolts, Winter blanket, Candles (3), map case, 2 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, inkpen, 1 vials of ink, 10 sheets of paper (in map case), 5 days trail rations, signal whistle, soap, Gemcutter's tools, Merchant's scale. (Approx 141 gp worth of equipment)

Spells Readied: 7/5: 0: Ghost Sound, Scent Bane, Minor Illusion, Seeker, Appropriate Size, Detect Creature, Telekinesis (Lesser) 1: Distraction, Fireburst, Summon Energy Creature I, Mind Stab, Veil of Darkness

Spells per day : 5/3
Spell DC: 15/16

Description: Aelin is an average looking faen, distinguished primarily by the ink stains on his fingers and a typically dishelved mane of red hair. His eyes are a particularly distinct shade of blue, but they are typicalliy hidden by a metal frame containing a pair of ground glass plates. His clothes often appear to have been slept in (and appearances don't lie in this case), but were originally clearly a scholar's outfit typically worn in one of several academies around the area. When not speaking, Aelin tends to fade into the background, content to thumb through one of several books he always has within reach. And Aelin is content for things to be that way.

His staff, of course, is always at hand as well. It is well crafted and lovingly polished, engraved with runes of ARCANE POWER. It is made of a rare Ironwood, found only in 7 assorted locations across the lands of the Diamond Throne, and is unique for the swirls of blonde wood found within. His mule, Ostragoth, is also a near constant companion (it has to be, with Aelin's .... less endowments in the muscle arena), carrying all his necessaries and items, as well as his primary means of "uncivilized defense," a heavy crossbow. His natural co-ordination and keen sight allow him to use it fairly effectively.

History: Aelin was born to a set of quickling partents. No one is quite sure why he was born a loresong (indeed, this is something that has interested Aelin since he was old enough to understand the differences between himself and his parents), but his parents accepted him without reservations. Aelin was clearly a bright boy, if a bit closed off. He spent much of his time reading, studying and experimenting on various items he found about the house. He rarely went outside to play with his quickling siblings (though the few times he did, he was able to hold his own in their games of skill, being naturally dexterous like they were), and instead spent the majority of his time reading. It was fairly obvious from an early age that Aelin was destined to be trained as a magister. His natural intelligence was formidible, and his nature made him unsuitable for much else - the only time he truly seemed to be able to focus on a task was when it involved learning or magic.
As soon as he came of age his parents performed the naming ceremony for him. By this time he had already begun to exhibit magical abilites, and they selected several learned mages in the nearby region to travel to their town and perform the ceremony as well. Along with his truename, Aelin learned how to use crystals and his inherent abilites to cast psionic spells, and to disguise his spells with mental effects only. Shortly after that, Aelin was sent off to (Magic Academy), where he quickly made a name for himself. His ability to instantly recall anything he had read was invaluable in studying magics, and he quickly had enough spare time to peruse the voluminous library of the Academy, picking up knowledge of a wide range of subjects, though the new art of Science fascinated him the most - here was a branch of magic that seemed to obey entirely different rules. He's been studying that in tandem with magic ever since.
Once he graduated from the academy he set out to "See the world and learn it all." It was not long before he found himself in danger, threatened by bandits on the road who took him for an easy mark. He might have avoided them, or driven them off with magics, but he ws nose-deep in a book, so didn't even notice their approach. Luckily for him, an adventurer named Aernoeth happened by as he was trying to convince them not to cut off his head, and together they managed to drive the ruffians off. Aelin became fast friends with Aernoeth, primarily because he recognized the need for a travelling companion.

*Insert future meetings with Sibeccai*
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First Post
Aernoeth Swiftblade

Aernoeth Swiftblade

Unbound Male Quickling Unfettered 1
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 36 lbs
Hair: Orange
Eyes: Golden
Age: 45 years

A mop of wild orange hair, a ready smile and golden eyes that twinkle mark Aernoeth as a free, easy going spirit. Not quite three feet high, he is dressed in loose clothes over some boiled leather. He wears only a dagger, and bears a short bow.

Str: 10 (+0)
Dex: 17 (+3)
Con: 10 (+0)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 8 (-1)
Cha: 14 (+2)

HP: 8
AC: 17 (10 + 1 Size + 2 Armor + 3 Dex +1 Class)
Conditional AC modifiers: Parry +1, Compensate For Size +1 per Size difference
Initiative: +4 (+3 DEX +1 Racial)
BAB: +1
Speed: 20’

Fort: +0; Ref: +5; Will -1

Current Class Abilities
Proficient in Simple, Martial, and Agile Exotic weapons.
Proficient in Light armour and Shields
Armour Class Bonus: Dodge bonus to AC if in Light or no armour
Parry: against 1 melee opponent add half INT modifier to AC (min. 1 max. half level)

1. Weapon Finesse
2. Compensate For Size

Common, Faen, Giant, Litorian, Draconic

Combat Section
Compensate for Size: +1 competence bonus vs Med opponents, +2 vs Large, +3 vs Huge, et cetera

Dagger +5 melee (+1 BAB +3 DEX +1 Size); 19-20/x2; piercing 1d4+0

Dagger +5 ranged (+1 BAB +3 DEX +1 Size; 19-20/x2; piercing 1d4+0
Range increment 10 feet

Short Bow +5 ranged (+1 BAB +3 DEX +1 Size); 20/x3; piercing 1d6+0
Range increment 60 feet, Bodkin arrows ignore 2 armour bonus

Skills (28 skill points)
+3 Appraise 0 ranks +3 Int
+5 Balance 2 ranks +3 Dex +0 ACheck
+6 Bluff 4 ranks +2 Cha
+0 Climb 0 ranks +0 Str +0 Acheck
+0 Concentration 0 ranks +0 Con
+6 Diplomacy 4 ranks +2 Cha
+2 Disguise 0 ranks +2 Cha
+7 Escape Artist 4 ranks +3 Dex +0 ACheck
+3 Forgery 0 ranks +3 Int
+2 Gather Information 0 ranks +2 Cha
-1 Heal 0 ranks - 1 Wis
+2 Intimidate 0 ranks +2 Cha
+0 Jump 0 ranks +0 Str +0 ACheck
-1 Listen 0 ranks -1 Wis
+7 Open Lock 4 ranks +3 Dex
+4 Perform (Dance) 2 ranks +2 Cha
+3 Ride 0 ranks +3 Dex
+3 Search 0 ranks +3 Int
-1 Sense Motive 0 ranks -1 Wis
+9 Sneak 4 ranks +3 Dex +0 ACheck +2 Racial
-1 Spot 0 ranks -1 Wis
-4 Swim 0 ranks +0 Str -4 Encumbrance
+7 Tumble 4 ranks +3 Dex +0 ACheck
+3 Use Rope 0 ranks +3 Dex
-1 Wilderness Survival 0 ranks -1 Wis

Racial Traits
20' Base Speed and Small Size
Unless in Heavy Armour, Quicklings run at x5 speed instead of x4
+2 Racial bonus to Sneak checks, +1 Racial bonus to Initiative
Low-Light Vision
Metamorphic Ability

Armour and Clothing 8.5 pounds
Leather Armour (7.5 pounds)
Adventurer's Outfit (1 pound)

Weapons 6 pounds
Dagger and sheath (1 pounds)
Short Bow (2 pounds)
Quiver and 20 bodkin arrows (3 pounds)

Gear 5.86 pounds
Backpack (2 pounds)
Sunrod (in backpack) (1 pound)
Masterwork Thieve's Tools (in backpack) (1 pound)
Belt Pouch (1 pound)
43 GP (in Belt Pouch) (0.86 pounds)

Total Gear Value: 200 gp
Total Gear Weight: 20.86 pounds LIGHT LOAD
Light Load: 0 - 24.75 pounds
Medium Load: 24.76 - 49.5 pounds
Heavy Load: 49.6 - 74.25 pounds

Background/Personality Sketch
Foundling, misfit, and runaway, Aernoeth has never been in the same place for more than a year or two. His parents? Unknown. Birthplace? Somewhere in the North. His friendships? Many, but none that last.

Unbound and at times unwanted, Aernoeth counts his wits and his blade as his only true friends. When in trouble, he counts on sweet speech or nimble fingers to get out of it, fighting as a last resort.

As he has been a traveler as long as he can remember, Aernoeth has picked up languages here and there. He is a quick study and loves to hear tales, discover new ideas, and meet new people.
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Chenroeth, Litorian Mageblade 1

Chenroeth of the Seven Stars
Truename: Loremthar, currently only he knows his true name

male litorian mageblade 1: CR 1; male humanoid (litorian); HD 1d8+1; hp 9 (disabled -2, dying -12); Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 [+2 dex, +4 armor, +2 shield]; Bab +0; Grapple +3; Atk +4 melee (battleaxe, 1d8+4/x3) or +2 ranged (throwing axe, 1d6+3/x2/10'); SQ Athame, Litorian Qualities, Hero Points: 1; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +0; Str 16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14.

Skills and Feats: Climb +4 [1], Concentration +5 [4], Intimidate +6 [2], Jump +5 [2], Listen +2, Search +3 [1], Speak Language (Common, Litorian), Spot +2, Wilderness Survival +3 [2]; Born Hero, Exotic Spell (true strike).

Athame(Su): Bonded with Runethorn his battleaxe. In his hands it functions as a battleaxe +1 and he is able to cast his spells with only verbal components.

Litorian Traits(Ex): Low-light vision.

Spells (3/1) Base Save 12+spell level. Currently readied: 0th - canny effort, detect magic, glowglobe (lesser); 1st - scent tracker.

Gear: Runethorn (battleaxe), throwing axes (2), chain shirt, long shield, flint and steel, rations (2), backpack, adventurer's outfit. 50gp

History: Long ago, before the Dramojh came, there was a legend among some of the tribes of the plains. The legend said that there will come a time when a great hero will be born among them when an unknown threat descended upon the land. The legend spoke of many signs which would help guide the people to their chosen one. Most tribes who knew of the legend followed the Rune Messiah, or those champions who came forward during the final war against the Dramojh. One tribe in particular, held the belief that the hero the legends spoke of had not yet come, that the portents had not been fulfilled. The Seven Stars tribe passed the legend down through the ages, telling the story at every Moon's Eve in a great ritual.

Chenroeth believes that he is that hero. He has always been very lucky and skilled in both war and wizardry. He is over confident in his abilities and many find his brash temperment can sometimes impeed his vision of the world. His tribal leaders have sent him out exploring, hoping that some worldly experience will tighten the rein on his cockyness. Two summers ago he left his tribe to travel; since that time he has helped a number of merchants traveling the plains. He has met many people in his travels and enlightened them all with tales of the hero of the seven stars tribe.

Personality: Chenroeth is very sure of himself and he likes to tales of his encounters. He will often tell stories about the hero, but he has a little bit of sense sometimes to avoid stating his belief that he is that hero. He values much of the things that all Litorians do - honor, truth, battle. In combat he is fearless and will not retreat from combat even against overwhelming odds because he feels that the slight against his honor would be to great.

Description: Chernoeth is a tall litorian and quite heavy. At 6'5" he towers over many of his companions. His mane is large and full, a point of pride for him. His fur is a light tan colour. He wears his chainmail and shield as often as he can. His twin throwing axes hang from his belt and his broad battleaxe, Runethorn is usually hooked into his harness across his back.
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Liminal Syzygy

Community Supporter
Female Giant Warmain 1; Size M; HD 1d12+2+4(sturdy feat); hp 18; Dying/Dead -3/-14; Init 0 (0 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+3 leather jack, +2 long shield), 16 vs. swords; Atk +4 melee (1d8+4/19-20, Longsword) or +1 ranged (1d6, shortbow); SQ none; SV Fort +4 (+2 Con, +2 class), Ref 0, Will +2 (+2 Wis); Str 16, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14. Height 6 ft. 10 in., Weight 250 lbs., 70 years old.

Skills, Languages, and Feats
(8 skill points, 1 ceremonial feat, 1 talent)
Intimidate +6 (4 ranks, +2 Cha), Knowledge: History (Strategy and Tactics of Warfare) +4 (4 ranks), Diplomacy +4 (+2 Cha, +2 racial), Sense Motive +4 (+2 Wis, +2 racial); Languages: Common, Giant; Chi-Julud, Natural Swordsman.

Explorer's Outfit (sturdy boots, leather breeches, belt, shirt, gloves, cloak), Longsword, Shortbow, 20 arrows, Long Shield, Studded Leather Jack, Backpack, Torch (3), Trail Rations (3 days), Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Waterskin

10pp, 3gp, 3 sp, 7 cp.

Aoe-Narara received a scholarship to a warguild college and has spent the majority of her life there honing her marial skills as well as her strategic and tactical understanding. She was a good student, perhaps too much so as she rarely questioned what she was taught. Along these lines she is very traditional in her worldview, deeply values her culture, and strongly believes the giant stewardship of the lands of the Diamond Throne has had an extremely positive contribution.

Her worldview recently received a shock when she was not brought on retainer by any of the traditional organizations that hire graduates from the warguild. She is still struggling with the reasons for this, and having no other choice, has struck out on her own. She has something to prove... passing her over was a mistake.

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2003.09.21: Initial version.

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