First Post
I have a large group now I skip initiative roles it waste so much time and it bores the crap out of me and the players and it over values the dex stat and does not involve strategy. I use what they call a popcorn method. I pick a player to start the course of action; they can strategize amongst themselves on attack sequence. They can pass their tun to the next person then come back to them; if they take to long a monster may pop in attack. This gets rid of man I have to always wait to attack. Basically the players work out the attack squeeze each time it is their turn. This was the biggest win for me and the players loved it.
Just my suggestion for large groups I went to this method and way more engagement in battles because now they can interact on the fly and make decisions themselves.
When do monsters act in this version of initiative? I like the idea!
I guess it's important to keep a sense of urgency to avoid people spending ages planning out the optimal attack strategy...