Aust Meliamne
First Post
Finnally Session THREE!!!!!
Quell in the early afternoon, in the midst of winter:
Not more then a month ago, Thev was just a squire on a mission of peace to end a simple trade dispute and resume the flow of turquoise. Simple and without too much peril, beyond the lengthy journey involved. Of course Tymora has smiled on the young paladin, he lost his comrades in a bloody ambush by goblins. He alone survived by wit and strength alone, his stubbornness carrying him when he felt all life nearly leaving him. It seems so long ago, and yet as he looked around at the quaint cell he was currently in, he could recall the moments vividly. The blood and the chaos, the screams as his comrades fell one by one, their desperate commands for him to take flight and get word to the chapter. Did he make the right decision to avenge them on his own, what could he do alone? Thev brooded as he awaited his eventual release. He glanced at his partner in crime, Xenon, a wild card to be sure but his talents in magic could not be denied. Despite his abilities, Thev didn't like the mage; his manner was too unctuous and too politically minded. Thev sighed and let his mind wander to the treatment Rhea was most likely enduring at the moment.
Rhea was roughly tossed into the small dank cell, stripped of her weapons and possessions. Despite her claims of innocence, his birthright spoke louder then her words. Rhea paced slowly in the cell; there was little else to do. The nights work was barely underway before the situation exploded out of control. Hours passed it seemed and the door suddenly flew open, three large guards sneered at her.
The eldest spoke, "This way drow..."
Rhea nodded and followed her demeanor dignified and noble despite her situation. She was brought to a small circular room, the guards shoved her in roughly and she looked about the room dimly lit by torches on the wall. A table dominated the center of the room with four seats, three already filled. The first had the head constable, to his left sat a young woman of noble affluence, and to his right Agis Beltaine. Agis gave her a curt smile and Rhea took a seat, silently.
"Tell me witch, what is your name?" the constable scowls.
"Rhea Twiceborn," Rhea replied evenly, "why am I here, have I been charged with a crime?"
"Espionage, murder," the constable scowls rattling off claims.
Rhea interrupts him, "Or am I being punished for birthright and not my actions."
"There is still the matter of a dead body, Miss Twiceborn."
Rhea eyes the constable, "We found the body dead, and you may want to know he was poisoned before his throat was slashed. But I have already explained this, why do we keep going over facts you already know."
"Calm yourself constable she is at least speaking truth, at least as far as I have surmised," the woman speaks quieting the constable.
"Truth is all I speak, I have yet to lie, and I have not broken any law in this city," Rhea responds calmly.
"Silence spy, I don't care frankly," the constable stands and circles the table standing next to Rhea, "someone killed Lord Beltaine and if I cannot find the real killer a drow will serve just fine. I doubt you would be missed."
Rhea scowls at the constable as he turns and exits the room the noble woman following him giving Rhea a wayward glance as she exits. With a sigh Rhea relaxes slightly and then turns to Agis, confused.
"I apologize Miss Twiceborn, for all the trouble I have cause you," he says solemnly.
"What is to happen to me?" Rhea retorts concerned.
"Most likely you will be found guilty of being a spy, and the penalty is the death of the undying. Your soul will be crushed yet trapped to suffer torment for eternity."
Rhea winces, "But I have done nothing wrong."
"I know but the people will demand justice, even if there is no justice to be done. I am trying to help you as best as I can, there may be a way to avoid that fate, but I suspect you will not like the alternative."
Rhea nods for him continue.
Agis stands, "You can seek bondage, you would need a patron but you would escape death and serve in bondage for one years time, either this or death."
Rhea shakes her head, "Death or slavery."
Agis nods, "I am sorry I wish I could do more."
Rhea thinks for a moment, "I want to speak with a Crown Representative, there must be justice somewhere. Agis I appreciate your help but I wish to speak with a representative of the crown. Let me put my case in front of them."
Agis nods, "I will see what I can do. Be well till we meet again Rhea."
As he leaves the guards enter and escort Rhea to her cell to languish till her eventual trial. Rhea is placed roughly back in her cell and the door is slammed shut. Rhea sighs and decides to pray to her goddess, she dances and twirls in the small space, spinning faster and faster. Her senses drift as she feels the soft wind upon her skin, the sounds of the night haunting her ears. She can feel her senses hovering between two realities, as she opens her eyes, silent trees of great age brood over her. The grand trees twist upward high into the sky, the stars obscured by the green canopy hundreds of fee above her. The sight bewilders her, but the low feral growl of a war cat brings her back to her senses.
Her eyes follow the sound to a large white tiger with two long tusk-like front teeth; the creature leaps down and slowly circles her. Rhea instinctively reaches for her blade unconsciously, grasping only air. The smells and sounds seem too vivid to be a dream as she stares into the eyes of the creature. The great cat crouches as if to pounce before a high pitched whistle sounds throughout the woods. Rhea glances quickly as a figure leaps down from a low-lying branch, the figure smiles cheerfully. The figure kneels next to the great cat, and nuzzles cheerfully then looks at Rhea quizzically.
The individual has a charming smile, which contrasts with his very drow appearance. His skin is darkest ebony, and his eyes a strong violet, with wild stark white hair framing his face. Rhea notices a monkey-like tail swishing back and forth, and the figure stands and greets Rhea.
"Jaku mali basi reto ma?"
Rhea blinks quizzically, "I am Rhea Twiceborn."
The figure nods, "Rhea Ticiwbornu?"
Rhea nods, "close enough, where am I?"
"Taki mahu, Jarula yahi, naki moku," the figure shrugs and points at the large cat.
Rhea shakes her head and begins to use a variety of languages; the figure recognizes the elven tongue and nods appreciatively.
"You speak the tongue of the outworlders, stranger," the figure smiles.
"Outworlders," shakes her head, "where am I?"
"You do not know, you are here, and we are here what more do you need. Oh I am sorry that Jarula scared you, he is not always that menacing," he glances at the great cat that is now slumbering.
"I see, but where am I."
"You are near Sivael my home."
Rhea nods, "I am not sure where that is, are you familiar with Cormyr?"
The man shakes his head, "No, but I do not know much about the outworlders, the elders may know," he smiles winsomely and continues, "my name is Kalas Filos Dalar and that is my companion Jarula," as he points to the snoring war-cat.
Rhea nods confused not quite sure how or why she is here in this place. She decides to follow the stranger back to his city of Sivael to find some possible answers. The journey is not far as they breach the edge of the forest to reveal a city made of towers of glowing crystal. The city is alive with light and energy as brilliant lights zip about the majestic towers, amidst flying crystalline craft. Rhea is awed by the sight as they approach a circular platform made of the crystal structure. Kalas makes a gesture and the platform lifts off the ground and zips through the glowing crystalline towers with ease. They approach a glowing purple tower and the platform hovers at a balcony entrance; Kalas assists Rhea off the platform and leads her into the inner sanctum of the structure. A motley of rugs and pillows is strewn about the room in the center is a woman, of the same race as Kalas sitting in a lotus position. Kalas nods Rhea forward, and takes his leave once she has entered.
Rhea approaches the elder, who looks to be not much older then Rhea in appearance, the elder swishes her tail and slowly looks up at Rhea, "Welcome outlander," the woman speaks.
Rhea sits in front of the woman, "I am pleased to meet you, where am I."
The woman smiles, "As am I outsider, how is that you have come here?"
Rhea shakes her head confused, "I do not know why the Dancer would bring me here, nor how I am to get back from whence I came."
"The Dancer?"
"Eilestraee, my goddess, I believe she has brought me here for what reason I do not know."
"Ahh you speak of the name given to our Mistress of the Moon, Serael, that is name I have heard you outsiders call her. Hmm, from what I can see you are not truly here, but like a dream, child. You have only to awaken and you shall return from whence you came," the woman replies.
"I see," Rhea closes her eyes and tries to will herself awake. Slowly her eyes open returning to the dank and cold cell of the Quell jailhouse. She rises slowly from the floor, exhausted, batting away a rat that was chewing on her hair. She sighs confused at the vision and her current situation.
The morning came all too soon for Thev as he awoke in his bed, the first night in a long while that he had risen with the light of the sun already in the sky. He had been released late into the night after it was found that he and Xenon had nothing to do with the murder of Lord Beltaine. It was his hope that Rhea would be found innocent, but it seemed her case and only deepened as she was to be tried as a drow spy, and most likely executed. Thev was happy for one thing, to be rid of the company of the political whore, Xenon. The mage was talented but cared too much of his own status and not enough for the people who have suffered thus far. Thev sighed and cleaned himself up to get ready for a long day, the courts of Quell work quickly; Rhea's trial was today. It seemed the people did not want to waste time and wanted to have justice done, quickly.
The day of the trial passed quickly enough for Rhea perhaps too quickly as the time neared she was taken from her cell and placed roughly into a wagon with bars along the side, and then was paraded from the jailhouse to the courthouse amidst the populace of Quell. Rotten vegetables, rocks, and other objects were thrown in her general direction. The rest of the troupe gathered at the Beltaine manse and departed from there for the courthouse. The group arrived just as they were hauling Rhea inside, and they all quickly followed. Making their way through the throngs of people, Thev decides he needs to see Rhea before the trial and departs for her holding cell. The rest of the troupe stands around trying to figure a good place to sit and watch the trial.
While they are standing gawking, Aust notices a dark robed figure following Thev and heading towards where Rhea is being held. But before he can act, his alert eyes spot Turlus, the dirty scoundrel amidst the throng of people. The group decides to follow the thug and tail him towards an off branching hallway just in time to see him slip into a room. The troupe opens the door, revealing a small library and sees no sign of the scoundrel, until Aust once again spots the Turlus' feet from behind a curtain. The group moves forward, and Turlus reveals himself spouting off curses and appropriate rhetoric. Kyoko and Turlus share an enraged communication before the heroes charge into battle, at the same time Thev and Rhea are speaking of the impending trial.
Thev is standing in the doorway his large frame dwarfing the small lithe form of Rhea, seated before him. He was not at all pleased with the turn of events and the prospect of Rhea's execution incensed him even more. He was at a loss of what to do, was the law fair, no, but it was the law, should he takes the law into his own hands. Who was he to make such a decision, the thoughts raced through his embattled mind.
Rhea smiled weakly, "Things are not looking too well friend, but I have my faith, and it will sustain me."
Thev shakes his head, "I am sorry Rhea, I feel that I have failed you, and yet I am powerless to do anything about these chain of events," his eyes flickering red with anger at himself.
"Do not be sorry, Thev, it is not your fault, I can only hope that my innocence will sustain me and that true justice is done here on this day."
Thev folds his arms, "I understand how you feel, but if they do not, I do not think I can sit by and watch my shield-mate executed without attempting to you free you."
Rhea gives him a worried glance; "You can't risk your oaths for me friend that is even too much for me to ask of you."
Thev places a hand on her shoulder, "I am prepared to face the consequences to bring you safe from harm, I will let the judgement of the Dancer be as it must," he nearly smiled.
Rhea shakes her head, "No that is too..." her words are broken off by the explosion of the door as both her and Thev dive for cover. In the brief ensuing moments after the thunderous blast, a dark robed figure rushes into the room and pounces on Thev wielding a knife. The two combatants struggle on the ground vying for an opening, well mainly Thev trying not to get stabbed. Rhea attempts to help out while screams of panic ring out through the courthouse, chaos quickly following.
During the vicious combat with Turlus, the rest of the troupe is faring quite well even as the explosion rocks the courthouse. Aust once more showing his usefulness plunges his blade deep into Turlus gullet only to see the thug kneel and laugh madly. With a bright flash the thug is gone, and nary scrap of evidence to betray the fact he was even present. The troupe wisely decides to check on the explosion and make their way towards Rhea and stumble their way through the smoke, just as Thev kicks the thug off of him with some help from Rhea.
The assassin looks about the room seeing just how outnumbered he is and crouches preparing for an attack. Rhea and Thev both brace for attack, but then the robed assailant cries out, "For FREEDOM!" and then stabs the blade into his heart, killing himself. Rhea quickly rushes up and checks the thug over and finds that the knife was poisoned, and the virulent poison has already snuffed the assassin's life, she is surprised at how strong the poison is.
The group has little to puzzle this quandary before the Inquisitor arrives, and quickly takes stock of the situation. She is not amused and neither are her Purple Dragon Knight escorts. Kyoko seems very suspicious of the inquisitor, and is prepared for the worse.
The inquisitor shakes her head at the scene; "This is madness, I cannot believe that anyone would be foolish enough to attack the courthouse and yet before my eyes, I cannot deny the truth. I am no at all pleased with these events but they have only reinforced my belief that you, Rhea Twiceborn may not be the guilty party in this situation."
Kyoko blinks dumbfounded by the Royal Inquisitor's demeanor.
"Furthermore, you are as of now absolved of the crimes against you, but until further proof presents itself, you are hereby restricted to the confines of Quell under the custody of the Beltaine household, until a further inquiry into this matter can be resolved. Your belongings have been placed in the care of House Beltaine, you are all dismissed."
The group stands in utter shock of the pronouncement, but all equally elated that good and justice triumphed on the day. But mysteries still persisted, and it was obvious that the dark web entangling Quell was only growing stronger. But at least there was a feast to honor what good had been wrought.
Quell in the early afternoon, in the midst of winter:
Not more then a month ago, Thev was just a squire on a mission of peace to end a simple trade dispute and resume the flow of turquoise. Simple and without too much peril, beyond the lengthy journey involved. Of course Tymora has smiled on the young paladin, he lost his comrades in a bloody ambush by goblins. He alone survived by wit and strength alone, his stubbornness carrying him when he felt all life nearly leaving him. It seems so long ago, and yet as he looked around at the quaint cell he was currently in, he could recall the moments vividly. The blood and the chaos, the screams as his comrades fell one by one, their desperate commands for him to take flight and get word to the chapter. Did he make the right decision to avenge them on his own, what could he do alone? Thev brooded as he awaited his eventual release. He glanced at his partner in crime, Xenon, a wild card to be sure but his talents in magic could not be denied. Despite his abilities, Thev didn't like the mage; his manner was too unctuous and too politically minded. Thev sighed and let his mind wander to the treatment Rhea was most likely enduring at the moment.
Rhea was roughly tossed into the small dank cell, stripped of her weapons and possessions. Despite her claims of innocence, his birthright spoke louder then her words. Rhea paced slowly in the cell; there was little else to do. The nights work was barely underway before the situation exploded out of control. Hours passed it seemed and the door suddenly flew open, three large guards sneered at her.
The eldest spoke, "This way drow..."
Rhea nodded and followed her demeanor dignified and noble despite her situation. She was brought to a small circular room, the guards shoved her in roughly and she looked about the room dimly lit by torches on the wall. A table dominated the center of the room with four seats, three already filled. The first had the head constable, to his left sat a young woman of noble affluence, and to his right Agis Beltaine. Agis gave her a curt smile and Rhea took a seat, silently.
"Tell me witch, what is your name?" the constable scowls.
"Rhea Twiceborn," Rhea replied evenly, "why am I here, have I been charged with a crime?"
"Espionage, murder," the constable scowls rattling off claims.
Rhea interrupts him, "Or am I being punished for birthright and not my actions."
"There is still the matter of a dead body, Miss Twiceborn."
Rhea eyes the constable, "We found the body dead, and you may want to know he was poisoned before his throat was slashed. But I have already explained this, why do we keep going over facts you already know."
"Calm yourself constable she is at least speaking truth, at least as far as I have surmised," the woman speaks quieting the constable.
"Truth is all I speak, I have yet to lie, and I have not broken any law in this city," Rhea responds calmly.
"Silence spy, I don't care frankly," the constable stands and circles the table standing next to Rhea, "someone killed Lord Beltaine and if I cannot find the real killer a drow will serve just fine. I doubt you would be missed."
Rhea scowls at the constable as he turns and exits the room the noble woman following him giving Rhea a wayward glance as she exits. With a sigh Rhea relaxes slightly and then turns to Agis, confused.
"I apologize Miss Twiceborn, for all the trouble I have cause you," he says solemnly.
"What is to happen to me?" Rhea retorts concerned.
"Most likely you will be found guilty of being a spy, and the penalty is the death of the undying. Your soul will be crushed yet trapped to suffer torment for eternity."
Rhea winces, "But I have done nothing wrong."
"I know but the people will demand justice, even if there is no justice to be done. I am trying to help you as best as I can, there may be a way to avoid that fate, but I suspect you will not like the alternative."
Rhea nods for him continue.
Agis stands, "You can seek bondage, you would need a patron but you would escape death and serve in bondage for one years time, either this or death."
Rhea shakes her head, "Death or slavery."
Agis nods, "I am sorry I wish I could do more."
Rhea thinks for a moment, "I want to speak with a Crown Representative, there must be justice somewhere. Agis I appreciate your help but I wish to speak with a representative of the crown. Let me put my case in front of them."
Agis nods, "I will see what I can do. Be well till we meet again Rhea."
As he leaves the guards enter and escort Rhea to her cell to languish till her eventual trial. Rhea is placed roughly back in her cell and the door is slammed shut. Rhea sighs and decides to pray to her goddess, she dances and twirls in the small space, spinning faster and faster. Her senses drift as she feels the soft wind upon her skin, the sounds of the night haunting her ears. She can feel her senses hovering between two realities, as she opens her eyes, silent trees of great age brood over her. The grand trees twist upward high into the sky, the stars obscured by the green canopy hundreds of fee above her. The sight bewilders her, but the low feral growl of a war cat brings her back to her senses.
Her eyes follow the sound to a large white tiger with two long tusk-like front teeth; the creature leaps down and slowly circles her. Rhea instinctively reaches for her blade unconsciously, grasping only air. The smells and sounds seem too vivid to be a dream as she stares into the eyes of the creature. The great cat crouches as if to pounce before a high pitched whistle sounds throughout the woods. Rhea glances quickly as a figure leaps down from a low-lying branch, the figure smiles cheerfully. The figure kneels next to the great cat, and nuzzles cheerfully then looks at Rhea quizzically.
The individual has a charming smile, which contrasts with his very drow appearance. His skin is darkest ebony, and his eyes a strong violet, with wild stark white hair framing his face. Rhea notices a monkey-like tail swishing back and forth, and the figure stands and greets Rhea.
"Jaku mali basi reto ma?"
Rhea blinks quizzically, "I am Rhea Twiceborn."
The figure nods, "Rhea Ticiwbornu?"
Rhea nods, "close enough, where am I?"
"Taki mahu, Jarula yahi, naki moku," the figure shrugs and points at the large cat.
Rhea shakes her head and begins to use a variety of languages; the figure recognizes the elven tongue and nods appreciatively.
"You speak the tongue of the outworlders, stranger," the figure smiles.
"Outworlders," shakes her head, "where am I?"
"You do not know, you are here, and we are here what more do you need. Oh I am sorry that Jarula scared you, he is not always that menacing," he glances at the great cat that is now slumbering.
"I see, but where am I."
"You are near Sivael my home."
Rhea nods, "I am not sure where that is, are you familiar with Cormyr?"
The man shakes his head, "No, but I do not know much about the outworlders, the elders may know," he smiles winsomely and continues, "my name is Kalas Filos Dalar and that is my companion Jarula," as he points to the snoring war-cat.
Rhea nods confused not quite sure how or why she is here in this place. She decides to follow the stranger back to his city of Sivael to find some possible answers. The journey is not far as they breach the edge of the forest to reveal a city made of towers of glowing crystal. The city is alive with light and energy as brilliant lights zip about the majestic towers, amidst flying crystalline craft. Rhea is awed by the sight as they approach a circular platform made of the crystal structure. Kalas makes a gesture and the platform lifts off the ground and zips through the glowing crystalline towers with ease. They approach a glowing purple tower and the platform hovers at a balcony entrance; Kalas assists Rhea off the platform and leads her into the inner sanctum of the structure. A motley of rugs and pillows is strewn about the room in the center is a woman, of the same race as Kalas sitting in a lotus position. Kalas nods Rhea forward, and takes his leave once she has entered.
Rhea approaches the elder, who looks to be not much older then Rhea in appearance, the elder swishes her tail and slowly looks up at Rhea, "Welcome outlander," the woman speaks.
Rhea sits in front of the woman, "I am pleased to meet you, where am I."
The woman smiles, "As am I outsider, how is that you have come here?"
Rhea shakes her head confused, "I do not know why the Dancer would bring me here, nor how I am to get back from whence I came."
"The Dancer?"
"Eilestraee, my goddess, I believe she has brought me here for what reason I do not know."
"Ahh you speak of the name given to our Mistress of the Moon, Serael, that is name I have heard you outsiders call her. Hmm, from what I can see you are not truly here, but like a dream, child. You have only to awaken and you shall return from whence you came," the woman replies.
"I see," Rhea closes her eyes and tries to will herself awake. Slowly her eyes open returning to the dank and cold cell of the Quell jailhouse. She rises slowly from the floor, exhausted, batting away a rat that was chewing on her hair. She sighs confused at the vision and her current situation.
The morning came all too soon for Thev as he awoke in his bed, the first night in a long while that he had risen with the light of the sun already in the sky. He had been released late into the night after it was found that he and Xenon had nothing to do with the murder of Lord Beltaine. It was his hope that Rhea would be found innocent, but it seemed her case and only deepened as she was to be tried as a drow spy, and most likely executed. Thev was happy for one thing, to be rid of the company of the political whore, Xenon. The mage was talented but cared too much of his own status and not enough for the people who have suffered thus far. Thev sighed and cleaned himself up to get ready for a long day, the courts of Quell work quickly; Rhea's trial was today. It seemed the people did not want to waste time and wanted to have justice done, quickly.
The day of the trial passed quickly enough for Rhea perhaps too quickly as the time neared she was taken from her cell and placed roughly into a wagon with bars along the side, and then was paraded from the jailhouse to the courthouse amidst the populace of Quell. Rotten vegetables, rocks, and other objects were thrown in her general direction. The rest of the troupe gathered at the Beltaine manse and departed from there for the courthouse. The group arrived just as they were hauling Rhea inside, and they all quickly followed. Making their way through the throngs of people, Thev decides he needs to see Rhea before the trial and departs for her holding cell. The rest of the troupe stands around trying to figure a good place to sit and watch the trial.
While they are standing gawking, Aust notices a dark robed figure following Thev and heading towards where Rhea is being held. But before he can act, his alert eyes spot Turlus, the dirty scoundrel amidst the throng of people. The group decides to follow the thug and tail him towards an off branching hallway just in time to see him slip into a room. The troupe opens the door, revealing a small library and sees no sign of the scoundrel, until Aust once again spots the Turlus' feet from behind a curtain. The group moves forward, and Turlus reveals himself spouting off curses and appropriate rhetoric. Kyoko and Turlus share an enraged communication before the heroes charge into battle, at the same time Thev and Rhea are speaking of the impending trial.
Thev is standing in the doorway his large frame dwarfing the small lithe form of Rhea, seated before him. He was not at all pleased with the turn of events and the prospect of Rhea's execution incensed him even more. He was at a loss of what to do, was the law fair, no, but it was the law, should he takes the law into his own hands. Who was he to make such a decision, the thoughts raced through his embattled mind.
Rhea smiled weakly, "Things are not looking too well friend, but I have my faith, and it will sustain me."
Thev shakes his head, "I am sorry Rhea, I feel that I have failed you, and yet I am powerless to do anything about these chain of events," his eyes flickering red with anger at himself.
"Do not be sorry, Thev, it is not your fault, I can only hope that my innocence will sustain me and that true justice is done here on this day."
Thev folds his arms, "I understand how you feel, but if they do not, I do not think I can sit by and watch my shield-mate executed without attempting to you free you."
Rhea gives him a worried glance; "You can't risk your oaths for me friend that is even too much for me to ask of you."
Thev places a hand on her shoulder, "I am prepared to face the consequences to bring you safe from harm, I will let the judgement of the Dancer be as it must," he nearly smiled.
Rhea shakes her head, "No that is too..." her words are broken off by the explosion of the door as both her and Thev dive for cover. In the brief ensuing moments after the thunderous blast, a dark robed figure rushes into the room and pounces on Thev wielding a knife. The two combatants struggle on the ground vying for an opening, well mainly Thev trying not to get stabbed. Rhea attempts to help out while screams of panic ring out through the courthouse, chaos quickly following.
During the vicious combat with Turlus, the rest of the troupe is faring quite well even as the explosion rocks the courthouse. Aust once more showing his usefulness plunges his blade deep into Turlus gullet only to see the thug kneel and laugh madly. With a bright flash the thug is gone, and nary scrap of evidence to betray the fact he was even present. The troupe wisely decides to check on the explosion and make their way towards Rhea and stumble their way through the smoke, just as Thev kicks the thug off of him with some help from Rhea.
The assassin looks about the room seeing just how outnumbered he is and crouches preparing for an attack. Rhea and Thev both brace for attack, but then the robed assailant cries out, "For FREEDOM!" and then stabs the blade into his heart, killing himself. Rhea quickly rushes up and checks the thug over and finds that the knife was poisoned, and the virulent poison has already snuffed the assassin's life, she is surprised at how strong the poison is.
The group has little to puzzle this quandary before the Inquisitor arrives, and quickly takes stock of the situation. She is not amused and neither are her Purple Dragon Knight escorts. Kyoko seems very suspicious of the inquisitor, and is prepared for the worse.
The inquisitor shakes her head at the scene; "This is madness, I cannot believe that anyone would be foolish enough to attack the courthouse and yet before my eyes, I cannot deny the truth. I am no at all pleased with these events but they have only reinforced my belief that you, Rhea Twiceborn may not be the guilty party in this situation."
Kyoko blinks dumbfounded by the Royal Inquisitor's demeanor.
"Furthermore, you are as of now absolved of the crimes against you, but until further proof presents itself, you are hereby restricted to the confines of Quell under the custody of the Beltaine household, until a further inquiry into this matter can be resolved. Your belongings have been placed in the care of House Beltaine, you are all dismissed."
The group stands in utter shock of the pronouncement, but all equally elated that good and justice triumphed on the day. But mysteries still persisted, and it was obvious that the dark web entangling Quell was only growing stronger. But at least there was a feast to honor what good had been wrought.