Top Ten most infamous RPG Kickstarter Failures, by Shannon Appelcline.

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I crit!
I actually felt a bit torn about posting this. I think it’s important to warn people of some of the folks in this list, at the same time I think some folks have taken over a couple entries and are trying to right the ships. Also while Shannon seemed impressed with my contributed entry he didn’t use it.


I funded the documentary-that-will-never-be (?), the Paizo Online Kickstarter (but I only backed for the table-top adventure books and flip-mats, which I did receive, so no loss there), and this dud from Fire Mountain Games: Throne of Night, a Pathfinder RPG Adventure Path.

The latter used his KS money to fund a trip to Africa and to back other Kickstarters.

The D&D documentary and Fire Mountain Games fiascos, along with dramatic increases in shipping costs and shipping delays, are reasons why I now wait for products to make it to retail before purchasing.


I actually felt a bit torn about posting this. I think it’s important to warn people of some of the folks in this list, at the same time I think some folks have taken over a couple entries and are trying to right the ships. Also while Shannon seemed impressed with my contributed entry he didn’t use it.
Which one did you suggest?


I actually felt a bit torn about posting this. I think it’s important to warn people of some of the folks in this list, at the same time I think some folks have taken over a couple entries and are trying to right the ships. Also while Shannon seemed impressed with my contributed entry he didn’t use it.
Zombie Orpheus Entertainment was one of the groups that tried to save a couple of the Ken Whitman Kickstarters, though they had absolutely no involvement at the time they were created. Despite the lack of involvement their name had been used to draw in backers, so the president of ZOE at the time felt that their good name was being dragged through the mud, too. I've heard Ben (who was the then-president of ZOE) speak on the matter several times.

As to the two different pencil dice and the card dice Kickstarters those are things that almost literally any of us could have brought to fruition, and yet they "failed"?

I don't know any inside info, but it feels at least that Chaosium came out better on the other side of their own Kickstarter issues. It wasn't their first big crisis, as the card game boom/bust with Mythos also almost sunk them as I understand it.

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