Toronto Gaming Con - Pandemonium XXIV

Pandemonium XXIV - Are you going/interested?

  • I live locally, and I'm going!

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • I live locally, and am interested in going. Don't know.

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • I live locally, and am NOT interested in going.

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • I don't live locally, but I'm still going!

    Votes: 1 2.6%
  • I don't live locally, but I'm interested in going!

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • I don't live locally, but would one day check it out.

    Votes: 16 41.0%

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barsoomcore said:
Is that really the only gaming con in TO? I must be misunderstanding. Even the Van has three or four a year.
Yeah, Panda is pretty much it. There used to be a con here called Origins, I think... I never went to it. It was usually a couple of months after Panda in April or May. But I think they've disappeared.

In August there was the GX (Canadian Gaming Expo) which is part of the Fan Expo Canada website, HobbyStar. They run a Science-Fiction con... Dec 3rd they had an AnimeCon, Feb 4th (this year) is going to be the ComiCon, and March 17-18 is the Super AnimeCon. Also sometime in the spring is going to be another comiCon.

But the roleplaying component of the GX wasn't that big. I wanted to go, but I was out of the country at the time. I heard that GG was there and no players showed up, so it was 12 DMs all sitting around talking to Mr. Gygax. If only I was there... with thirty silver pieces

John "Imagicka" Blackthorne
Imagicka @ hotmail ~ Imagicka23 @ gmail
ICQ:13682963, Yahoo:Imagicka23, AIM:Imagicka
Toronto RPing Association:
CajunNights New Orleans Vampire:tM TinyMush:
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fusangite said:
Where's the "I live locally but will be in Egypt on that day" option?
I'll give up going to Panda this year, if you take me to Egypt with you. I'll even let you explain medieval governmental structures, politics and economy to me on the plane!

John "Imagicka" Blackthorne
Imagicka @ hotmail ~ Imagicka23 @ gmail
ICQ:13682963, Yahoo:Imagicka23, AIM:Imagicka
Toronto RPing Association:
CajunNights New Orleans Vampire:tM TinyMush:
Last edited:



The Pandemonium Website has been updated. It now has a complete listing of all the games, along with other information that you might need.



I see we have at least on other Torontoian here... so, I thought I would let you know...

I am part of the Toronto Role-Playing Association a loose knit bunch of people who like to hook people up with other people looking to run/play games. Not just RPGs, but CCGs and board games and the like.

We also gather once a month downtown at a pub to do the gamer thing. Talking about gaming, playing a couple of quick games, and perhaps find a couple of fellow gamers looking for a game, or a GM looking to start up a game. But they always do a couple of games of MtG if your into that. Or you can bring your own game down.

Unfortunately, this month's social was on this past Wednesday, where an exciting game of D&D Minis was run, along with Space Munchkin, and Robo-Rally.

Everyone is more than welcome to join the TRPA. In fact, we love to see new faces and make new friends.

If you want, your more than welcome to jump onto our Forum Message Board.

Also, there are a couple of other events I'd like to tell you about...

TRPA is also running a gaming-day event known as the Pandemonium Pre-Party on January 27th from 1pm to 10pm, cost: $15. The money will be going towards Pandemonium. But more on that later... If you want to read up about the particulars of this small gaming event, you can read about it here.

There will be two gaming sessions, with your choice of game: We will be having some Living Greyhawk, some Eberron (run by your's truly), Betrayal, and Intro to D&D using the TRPA Shared World (ie Home Grown)

We will be running a number of games, usually all part of the d20 spectrum. These events tend to be small and comfortable where we have usually anywhere from 20-30 players playing at 5-6 tables. Also, usually people bring other games along, if they aren't in the mood for D&D. But these gaming events are usually small (as compared to a con), warm, kosy and friendly.

If your interested, you can get more information here

Also, February 25th-27th, the TPRA and Realmsquest Larp will be hosting the 24th Annual Gaming Convention - Pandemonium.

The convention is being held at the Delta Toronto East at 2035 Kennedy Road (Kennedy & 401).

As for pricing, if you pre-register for the weekend it's $30 and you can pregister online at TicketWeb, with a $0.50 service charge. Just look for the Pandemonium event.

At the door, the weekend is going to cost you $45, but you can go just one day, Friday evening, all day Saturday, all day Sunday... or just Saturday Night for the Midnight Costume Ball.

There are eight timeslots during the weekend to play games, including the Mightnight Madness D&D mass player games both Friday Night and Saturday Night.

If you want a complete list of all the gaming events taking place, check out this PDF file.

Any and all questions about TRPA socials, events or the Pandemonium Gaming Con, you can direct them to me, or come onto our message boards and drop us a message/question.

Voidrunner's Codex

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