[Trailer] The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

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I found Smaug's look to be severely underwhelming given what artists seem to be capable of these days. I will try to temper my disappointment with the knowledge that The Hobbit was originally a childrens' tale though, and so a slightly less terrifying and more cartoon-y dragon is not entirely uncalled for...

Also, I'm surprised by how prominent Legolas is in the trailer. He wasn't even in the bloody book!
But he is worth big box office bucks so we are also getting Will Turner as a resident of Laketown too!
I think Legolas's presence is a good indication that the second installment will be no less overstuffed than the first.
Overstuffed with CASH! PJ's probably got a good contract so whatever profits the studio profits him.
So why exactly are they stuffing all this into the same movie(series)? If Jackson wanted to do the necromancer story why not make it it's own movie(series)?
For the money! Hobbit is a big name everybody knows, "The Necromaner of Made-up Namesville" won't pack the seats.

Can barely see the the darned dragon... lets adjust the image

Agreed. A pity that Draco (1996) still is the pinnacle when it comes to dragons on the screen.

Hey those in How To Tame A Dragon were pretty well-done..

I guess Smaug needs a human-like face in order to make it look persuasive when vocalizing..

I have no doubt that I'll enjoy the movie, but something Smaug's look reminds me of Falcore. I know that sounds crazy, but it's the first thing I thought of. I think it's the mouth or maybe the texture. I don't think it looks bad per se; just off somehow.

Eh. No offense, but I never liked Draco's look. Unlike Vermithrax Pejorative from 1981's Dragonslayer, Sean Connery as fire breathing lizard looks kind of bland. At least Smaug looks to be taking some cues from Vermithax in his design. Here's the dragon in question:


As for the Will Turner comment from frankthedm, that's Luke Evans playing Bard of Laketown.

Ok. I thought this was hilarious. Here's a vid of two fangirls geeking out over the trailer:


And in this video a couple of familiar faces react to them:


As for the Will Turner comment from frankthedm, that's Luke Evans playing Bard of Laketown.
Oops. Well, looks like I'm not the first to make that mistake. http://www.aceshowbiz.com/news/view/w0007077.html

I like the design of the dragons in Reign of Fire. Shame the movie focused too much on the humans. I went to that movie to watch the dragons TAKE OVER the world, not to dwell human drama AFTER the dragons took over.

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