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Fallen Seraph

First Post
Bleh, may be fun as an action flick but they messed up the original storyline so much.

It is supposed to be only him (the main character) and his father are uncanny in their use of weapons.

I doubt they will bring in the super-powers or the fact that villains now rule the world and have killed off all superheroes and probably the made Wesley (main character) begin to question being a villain while in the graphic novel he revels in it, and has no empathy at all and is completely sadistic.

I wonder if they even asked Eminem to be Wesley in the movie. Given how in the comics, Wesley's physical appearance is based off Eminem.

Dog Moon

Well, as a person who hadn't even realized the movie was based off anything, I don't have to worry about the story and the details matching those the story is based off, so that's a definite advantage for me.

I think the movie, while possibly cheesy, could be interesting [though neat stunts, cheesy or no, are still always cool].

Tolen Mar

First Post
I didn't know it was based on anything either, though that really comes as no surprise.

I've watched the trailer once a wihle back. This is the one with 'curve the bullet', right?

Yeah...uh huh. Is the rest of it going to be that silly? It looks like it'll be fun to watch at least once.


Tolen Mar said:
I didn't know it was based on anything either, though that really comes as no surprise.

I've watched the trailer once a wihle back. This is the one with 'curve the bullet', right?

Yeah...uh huh. Is the rest of it going to be that silly? It looks like it'll be fun to watch at least once.

No it's a new trailer with quite a bit more action. Should be fun to watch.


First Post
Fallen Seraph said:
Bleh, may be fun as an action flick but they messed up the original storyline so much.

It is supposed to be only him (the main character) and his father are uncanny in their use of weapons.

I doubt they will bring in the super-powers or the fact that villains now rule the world and have killed off all superheroes and probably the made Wesley (main character) begin to question being a villain while in the graphic novel he revels in it, and has no empathy at all and is completely sadistic.

I wonder if they even asked Eminem to be Wesley in the movie. Given how in the comics, Wesley's physical appearance is based off Eminem.
They are dropping the "comic book supervillains are real" angle. Obviously, that premise is geared specifically to the comic book medium. They'll be some other type of clandestine evil organization.

Mark Millar has stated that the movie actually does some things that he initially wanted to do with the book, like having the villains not wear costumes.

I doubt they asked Eminem to play the role. Doesn't really have the range to be Wesley.


First Post
Has that "Shoot 'Em Up" action feel. Just enough cheese to make it entertaining. Check your brain at the door type of film.

Fallen Seraph

First Post
Felon said:
They are dropping the "comic book supervillains are real" angle. Obviously, that premise is geared specifically to the comic book medium. They'll be some other type of clandestine evil organization.

Mark Millar has stated that the movie actually does some things that he initially wanted to do with the book, like having the villains not wear costumes.

I doubt they asked Eminem to play the role. Doesn't really have the range to be Wesley.

Even still though, they are messing with the story a ton, since it seems like this organization doesn't rule the world, didn't change history as we know it in the 1980's. Nor does Wesley seem even the tiniest bit like the Wesley from the comics, I highly doubt we will see Wesley get hunted down for being too ruthless and sadistic.


First Post
Fallen Seraph said:
Even still though, they are messing with the story a ton, since it seems like this organization doesn't rule the world, didn't change history as we know it in the 1980's. Nor does Wesley seem even the tiniest bit like the Wesley from the comics, I highly doubt we will see Wesley get hunted down for being too ruthless and sadistic.
Yes, they've wildly deviated from Millar's story.

Then again, they probably need to. Gotta say, comic book fandom has that ugly element who enjoy nihilism and cruelty, and that's pretty heavily out of sync with mainstream moviegoers. Most people won't see a movie about a guy learning to become a mass murderer and think "hey, this is cool".

Fallen Seraph

First Post
Yeah probably, but they have probably completely alienated the comic-book fans by doing this.

Just like how they have already alienated the fans of the manga/anime version of Akira by setting it in New-Manhattan.

Voidrunner's Codex

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