(Traveller) Reach Adventure 8: Makergod - on PDF and Pre-Order


Reach Adventure 8: Makergod is now out and about on PDF and pre-order!

You can grab your own copy right here: https://www.mongoosepublishing.com/products/reach-adventure-8-makergod


The raiders of Oghma mercilessly prey upon the blighted star systems of the Outrim Void. Their endless plundering has reduced their neighbours to pre-starflight technology. When the Travellers get caught up in an Oghman raid, they find themselves going to the raiders’ homeworld, a strange and unique place where starfaring technology meets barbarism.

But something is happening on Oghma. Oghma has deep, dark secrets and the Travellers can either help drag this savage world out of darkness, or be swallowed up by it forever.

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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Reach Adventure 8: Makergod is now out and about on PDF and pre-order!

You can grab your own copy right here: https://www.mongoosepublishing.com/products/reach-adventure-8-makergod

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The raiders of Oghma mercilessly prey upon the blighted star systems of the Outrim Void. Their endless plundering has reduced their neighbours to pre-starflight technology. When the Travellers get caught up in an Oghman raid, they find themselves going to the raiders’ homeworld, a strange and unique place where starfaring technology meets barbarism.

But something is happening on Oghma. Oghma has deep, dark secrets and the Travellers can either help drag this savage world out of darkness, or be swallowed up by it forever.
Would this work in the Pirates of Drinax campaign?


Very much so, and you can make the raiders a consistent menace throughout the campaign (after all, they are camped quite close to Drinax itself).


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
Very much so, and you can make the raiders a consistent menace throughout the campaign (after all, they are camped quite close to Drinax itself).
Fantastic. I have been working on ways to build up the Oghman raiders for my PoD.

Voidrunner's Codex

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