Tur An Tiel--Bones of the Dragon.


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Come to the world that was carved out of the mighty flesh of Sebera, the Great Dragon! A world of adventure and intrigue, where life is cheap, but good food is expensive. A world where dark wizards scheme for their wicked ends, where dark priests scheme for their even more wicked ends, and dark gods scheme for their most supremely wicked ends, all things having a proper progression. Tur An Tiel! Where bold thieves steal, bold warriors fight, bold mystics cast their spells, and cowardly sensible people run as far as they can from the afore mentioned. Tur An Tiel! Where you can fight against the wicked Syran Empire! Where you can defend the glorious Syran Empire! Where you can face the devious minions of Bloodstone, Archimagus of the Sleurithian Empire, and Master of the Five Towers! Where you can face the less-devious minions of Morellius, Head of the Shaded Cabal, Tur An Tiel's most well known secret society! Where you can see the wonders of Seilen, City of Thieves! Where you can see the wonders of Hirae, City of Thie--err, Merchants! Tur An Tiel! Where you can live a thousand lives in a day! Where you can die a thousand deaths in an eternity if Fionn the Fallen gets hold of you! Tur An Tiel! The home of enough adventurers that it can afford to indulge them while they live, and then ignore them when they die! Tur An Tiel! Where "nasty, brutish, and short" isn't just about Goblins...


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Overview of Tur An Tiel, Part One!


Archea--A nominal monarchy, where the true power is held by a repressive theocracy. Located in the Valley of Loren.

Averna--The City of Swords. The most miltaristic of the Seven City-States, it is famed for its soldiers, and smiths.

Blackcastle Tower--A motley collection of towns and garrisons under the command of Morellius and the Shaded Cabal. A minor, but growing power.

Brael--The City of Wizards. Home to one of the most famous wizard colleges, and the most democratic of the Seven City-States.

Graes--The City of Secrets. A much-conquered City-State which has long been prey to the manipulations of others.

High Pyrees--An autonomous province of the Syran Empire, home to a hardy mountain people. Famed for its spearmen, and its inhabitants' stubborness.

Hirae--City of Merchants. The second greatest trading city of the Aguire, famed for its wealth, and its favoring of wealth.

Ilya--City of Light. Center of the Aguiran Church of Phoebe, the most pius of the Seven City-States, and perhaps the most pleasant.

Rus of the Marshes--A pathetic kingdom of marshland, inhabited by rogues and vagnabonds.

Seilen--City of Thieves. The wealthiest of the Seven City-States, and the most infamous.

Syran Empire--The greatest human kingdom of Eldheim, a (somewhat faded) empire, which once covered all of Western Eldheim. Beloved by some, hated by others.

Talossa--City of Flowers. Seilen's chief rival among the Seven City-States, a decadent city ruled over by madmen.

Urek Mersa--A bleak kingdom, ruled by evil. The less said about it, the better.

Vathi--A mountain goblin nation, which worships Vathek of the Iron Fist, and is supposedly ruled by his son Barezu.


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Overview of Tur An Tiel, Part Two


Caz Murdin--A Kingdom of Dusk, ruled over by Shadow Elves well know for their cynicism. Perhaps the most trustworthy Quaesteri nation, which does not say much.

Daer Hir--A Kingdom of Morn, famous for its courtiers and minstrels. Considered great diplomats, but weak soldiers.

Eral Koth--A Kingdom of Morn which has been silent for several hundred years, following the actions of its last king...

Har Mac Ul--A Kingdom of Morn, possessed of the greatest navy of Eldheim. A bit prickly, but stolid.

Ienil Fersa--A Kingdom of Morn famous for its magic. A mournful, quiet kingdom, which supports the efforts of Tae Noch Riel.

Loc Ties--A Kingdom of Morn, well-noted for its arrogant and vengeful ways. Sworn enemies of both Tae Noch Riel and Vrus Kheinish.

Meiled--Kingdom of the Nibelungen Dvarro. They deal rarely with others.

Nemed--A nation of elf-friends, famed for its woods and archers. Presently at war with Syra.

Seired Masa--A Kingdom of Dusk. Oldest home of Shadow Elves, a dark and scheming nation, prone to infighting.

Tae Noch Riel--A Kingdom of Morn, which hopes to see the Noble Elves triumph against the Shadow. Presently, they are striving to create an alliance.

Taroch Briach--A Kingdom of Morn which has no love for men. Reclusive, even for elves.

Vrus Kheinish--A Kingdom of Dusk, famed for its brutality and militarism. Founded on the heart of what was once the Noble Elf Kingdom of Lara Feillen.
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Overview of Tur An Tiel, Part Three


Cassira--A humble nation of farmers, famed for its wheat, and its peace.

Dragonspine Isles--Home of the Azerai, conquerers from beyond who worship their cruel god Atreos the Baneful.

Fares--A freeport beloved by smugglers and pirates...

Fisire--Wealthy and aristocratic island nation, in a state of near-perpetual war with Mathire.

Mathire--Miltaristic dictarship, in a state of near-perpetual war with Fisire. Its ruler Hectes I is a recent convert to the faith of Malka, which is causing quite an upheaval...

Island Kingdoms--a group of scattered weak nations that lie near the Sleurithian Empire, and are largely dominated by it. Also called the Slave Islands

Sleurithian Empire--Ancient and decadent empire, famed for its wizards. A great trade power, with a rather intrigue-prone government.

Thale--Mysterious island, the home of Monks.

Thessa--Small island ruled over by a sorceress queen.

Ulnith Thara--The cursed isle, a ruined shell of a nation, once the most civil of Noble Elf kingdoms. Now a blighted land inhabited only by vengeful ghosts...
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Overview of Tur An Tiel, Part Four


Darkenwood--the great forest of the Aguire, a ferocious place ruled by Valesti, Wood Goblins, and less pleasant things.

Desert of Khuldesh--home to the nomadic Khuldeshians, a fierce region of steppes and desert, famed for its beauty, and its harshness.

Great Sandy Waste--a great barren waste, nearly uninhabited.

Icerim Isles--a group of cold islands to the far north. This remote region is inhabited by two different peoples, the Norveni and the Ashveni (or Asklai, as they call themselves).

Isles of Spice--located somewhere to the south, the Isles of Spice are home to a variety of strange and wealthy cultures.

Jungle of Kled--a savage forest nestled in the mountains. Inhabited by various tribes and peoples, with constant rumors of monsters and lost civilizations further in...

The Utmost East--a great mysterious continent (or group of continents, or islands, or some mixture thereoff...) that lies far to the east. More rumor than fact, though it is said the Thale came from there...
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Overview of Tur An Tiel, Part Five


What follows is a listing of those nations whose names are uttered in story and song, but who no longer exist upon the Bones of the Dragon. This list is not complete, but covers all major kingdoms.

Alba Tor--The holy kingdom of knights, home of the Order of Lleu. Once a beacon of light and hope, which stood against the darkness. But then came the corruption. And then the decay. And then the fall. Urek Mersa stands now in its place.

Eir Neis--A Dawn Kingdom of the Elves. Eir Neis fought valiantly, but was destroyed in the War Against the Darkness by the Quaesteri of Vrus Kheinish. Many inhabitants fled to Ienil Fersa and Tae Noch Riel, while others sought the mercy of Caz Murdin.

Fion Essei--The Great Kingdom of the Elves, it fought against Jotunpeak, and the Zhalesu. Lost through arrogance and civil war.

Jotunpeak--Citadel of the Giants, from where they tried to forge an empire over all other races, during the Great Age. Destroyed at the war's end, leaving them scattered.

Lara Feillen--Dawn Kingdom of Quiet Tears. The pale shadow of Fion Essei, Lara Feillen stood valiantly for years a friend to men, but in time civil war weakened it, and it fell to the Quaesteri.

Makin--One of the Seven Great Halls of the Nibelungen Dvarro. Makin was always the smallest of the Nibelungen Halls, and in time, the Dwarrows were overrun by their evil kin, the Dark Goblins, in the First Underwar.

Marizid--One of the Seven Great Halls of the Nibelungen Dvarro, Marizid was built during the height of Fion Essei, and came to lie uncomfortably close to Seired Masa. The condition of siege was stressful to them for years, and the Underwars weakened them greatly. At the sixtieth Thegnsprak, Marizid sent no emissary. A later investigation found the kingdom deserted.

Mekaln--One of the Seven Great Halls of the Nibelungen Dvarro. Mekaln was destroyed by High Thegn Orric y Bressa of Meiled for sheltering cousins to the deposed Telyn clan. For this act, Orric came to be known as "Kinslayer" and "Peacebreaker".

Miltor--One of the Seven Great Halls of the Nibelungen Dvarro. It was destroyed suddenly by the March of the Destracht. It was the last remaining Great Hall beside Meiled.

Morag--One of the Seven Great Halls of the Nibelungen Dvarro. Morag was destroyed in the War of the Giants.

Murin--One of the Seven Great Halls of the Nibelungen Dvarro. Fought the War of Vengence against Meiled. The Dwarrow of Murin lost so heavily on the field, that most fled to join the Hobeya. High Thegn Norl y Bressa ordered the tunnels collapsed, earning him the name of "Stonesmasher" and "Craftdestroyer".

Nir Frei--A Dawn Kingdom of the Elves. Smaller than many of the other Dawn Kingdoms, Nir Frei was weakened by plagues, strife, and dormant fiends summoned during the the War of Twin Darks, later freed over the years by design or happestance. Nire Frei lost heavily in the War Against Darkness, and the War of Ravens' Delight. In time it was conquered and put to the sword by Syran Emperor Cadafel VI. The survivors fled to Taroch Briach, which later reclaimed the land.

Rusica--A great land, ruled over by the priests of Sirus, Lord of Harvests. Rusica was near a paradise for centuries, though the later years of the Golden Age saw an increasingly authoritarian cast to the ruling theocracy, no doubt aided by the secession and rise of Rusinia. As various wars were fought against the Sorcerous Dynasties, a certain desperation overtook the priests, who at the suggestion of their god, began a complex ritual to defeat their rivals. The results of that ritual were devastating--all Clerics, Druids and Zealots of Sirus lost their powers. For ten years, the Rusinians held the field, claiming over half of Rusica. Then, the remaining priests found their powers returning. The forces of Rusinia were routed, and for a time there was peace. However, it was soon found that the priests of Sirus were not what they had been--instead of kind lovers of nature, they were now cold servants of decay. Rusica's loyalty to the Lord of Rot turned them hard, cruel, and vile. The wars against Rusinia continued for centuries, each side committing atrocities to defeat the others, but in the end, the day went to Rusica. The last of the Sorcerous Dynasties was killed, their cities razed, and the inhabitants brought back as slaves. However, a century later, a slave revolt led by a charismatic leader destroyed the kingdom, as the Priests of Sirus unleashed devastating magicks that raised mountains, and turned the land of Rusica into swamp and desert.

Rusinia--Kingdom of the Sorcerous Dynasties. Rusinia was formed by an alliance of families who discovered they possessed an innate gift for magic. They quickly conquered a large area of land, and seceded from the Kingdom of Rusica. Styling themselves the heirs to the Zhalesu, the Dynasts ruled with arrogant cruelty, viewing themselves as near-gods. The Sorcerous Dynasties conquered heavily into the Southern Aguire--ruins have even been found on the Isle of Cassira. The Aguirans were taking as slaves, for Rusinians held Rus as higher than other peoples. Like the Zhalesu before them, they held no court with the divine. The Church of Rusinia was a mouthpiece for the Dynasts, and worshiped magic, not gods. Such high standing weakened the Dynasts--Throughout the wars with Rusica, the ruling families quarrelled amongst themselves. Eventually, this would be their doom. While it is normal to view the Sorcerous Dynasties as corrupt and evil to the core, it should be pointed out that they ruled with much looser hand than the Rusicans, and were far preferable to the late Rusicans. Indeed, several Dynasties were worthwhile, even commendable. When Rusica finally conquered, they destroyed almost all of the Rusinian cities, and culture. The Sorcerous Dynasties were wiped out, the Church of Rusinia destroyed, and the people of Rusinia enslaved. However, in its own way the nation of Rusinia won in the end, as it was Rusinian slaves who led the revolt against the Rusicans--including one who showed most remarkable abilities...

Taign Cara--A Dawn Kingdom of the Elves. The Isle of the Blessed, Taign Cara was a peaceful, prosperous nation traded heavily with men, and distanced themselves from the fighting of their kindred. Their peaceful nature made them a tempting target for the Azerai, who descended and slaughtered the entire nation in the dwindling days of the Azerai Dominion. However, that very night the spirits of the Elves rose up and slaughtered their killers. It was then Taign Cara became Ulnith Cara--the Cursed Isle. And another flower of the dawn passed from this world...

The Zhalesu Autarchy--An ancient and mysterious race, said to be kin to the Elves, the Zhalesu were a golden-skinned race of sorcerers, that grew their fingernails long and ruled the East of Eldheim and the One Continent before that. Though they aided the Elves, Nibelungen, and men against the Giants, they served with a cold courtesy, even though the Ymir's Brood threatened them as well. The Zhalesu created the Autarchy, a group city-states under the rule of Sorcerer Kings. They worshipped no gods--indeed the word Zhalesu means "The Godless" in their mellifluous tongue. The Sorcerer Kings saw themselves as divine, and would never bend to an equal. The Zhalesu enslaved men, to build their cruel cites, and ruled with arroganace and decadence. In time, the kingdom of Fion Essei went to war with them. The Zhalesu fell, many being killed by their former slaves. While a handful of Zhalesu city-states remained past the war, they quickly fell to infighting. There are no more Zhalesu in the world--the race is dead.
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Wow. Seems I spoke too soon. I thought we'd have to wait awhile for more. I was wondering though, do you have a map that you could post?


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The Gods of Tur An Tiel, Part One--The Aellari

The term "Aellari" is Elven in origin. It means (in a very loose translation) "The Folk who Shine With the Power of Righteousness". The predominant pantheon of Eldheim, the Aellari are Elvish in origin--or to put it more properly, the Elves are among the earliest worshipers of the Aellari. The Nibelungen have worshipped the same pantheon (with only a slightly different emphasis) for centuries, while Eldheim's humans adopted the worship from the Elves.

The Aellari are (though this is an admittably simplistic scheme) the Elven Pantheon of Good, the opposing pantheon to the sinister Murelli. The Aellari are united by a common love for life and creation (thus several neutral gods are counted as members), and a desire to defend against the depradations of Thanatos. The pantheon is dominated by two "family" groupings, with a good deal of overlap.

Terra, the Bountiful, Ruler of the Green
Neutral Greater Power (has mild good tendencies)
Description: Terra is the living representation of all nature in Tur An Tiel. She is the favored diety of Druids, Valesti, woodfolk, and all who respect nature. She is generally represented as a tall, beautiful matron, deeply tanned, with dark brown hair and green eyes.

Phoebe, Lady of Light, Mistress of Mistresses
Neutral Good Greater Power
Description: Oldest of the Lesei (or "Sisters of Light", for the non-Elvish among you), Phoebe is the Goddess of Light and Life, the diametric opposite of Thanatos. Phoebe is a gentle, loving goddess whose sense of compassion and mercy is only matched by her stern resolve in the face of evil. She is beloved by all good people, but is especially worshiped by Noble Elves, healers, the compassionate, and adventurers who fight evil out of a sense of duty, rather than profit. She is generally represented as a delicate woman (often an Alfari) clad in white robes. Her face is open and compassionate, the eyes bright and sparkling.

Surya, the Resplendent One, the Shining Sun
Chaotic Good Intermediate Power
Description: The third-born of the Lesei, Surya is a passionate and independent diety, who makes her own judgements, and keeps her own company. Surya is the goddess of the Sun, Passion, and Warriors. She is hedonistic, but an undeniably dedicated foe of evil. Her worshipers are good fighters and rangers (especially those of a rather independent streak), lovers who are more passionate than dedicated, and pleasure-seekers. She is generally represented as a tall woman with blonde hair and gold-tinged skin, wielding a greatsword.

Daphne, the Silver Lass, the Merry Trickster
Chaotic Neutral (Good) Intermediate Power
Description: Whimsical and unpredictable, Daphne is somewhat the odd one among the Lesei. Goddess of the Moon, Illusion, and Trickery, Daphne tends to follow her own caprices, rather than confering with her sisters. She feels that jokes, pranks, and deception can be used to broaden the minds of the good, and decieve and waylay the evil. She is worshiped by illusionists, bards, pleasant rogues, tricksters, and entertainers of all stripes. She is represented as a dark-haired woman with silver eyes, wearing a loose shift.

Aurora, the Edge of Dawn, the Just
Lawful Good Intermediate Power
The bravest and most honorable of the Lesei, Aurora is the Goddess of Dawn and Justice, she who sheds the first light so that darkness and chaos can be banished, and law and good maintained. Aurora is a strict goddess, though she is not without a sense of mercy. She is worshipped by judges, warriors who fight for fairness and law, and those who seek to redress crimes against them through just means. She is represented as a tall woman with red hair, clad in light yellow armor, and wielding an axe.

Astra, the Starry Seer, She Who Watches
Lawful Neutral Intermediate Power
Mysterious and quiet, Astra is the strictest of the Lesai, and the least sociable. The Goddess of the cool and dim light of stars, Astra is concerned with knowledge, the future, and (as an outgrowth of those interests) death. She is most frequently prayed to Astra deals rarely with her sisters, and in general keeps to herself. She is represented as a tall, veiled woman, clad completely in pale white.

Gonovon Worldshaper, the Wondersmith, the Dragonslayer
Neutral Good Greater Power
Slayer of the dragon Sabek, and the maker and shaper of the the world in Elven myth, Gonovon is a compassionate and strong being who encourages the act of creation. Gonovon's wife is Syme--his children are Lleu, Ogmha, Dian, and Pamona. The Nibelungen revere him even above Phoebe, and the Gnomari begin all prayers by evoking him. Most craftsmen revere him, as well as those warriors who face impossible odds to protect what they love. He is represented as an old man with a lame foot, carrying a hammer in his mighty arms.

Syme Jugbearer, Holder of the Boundless Sea, Lady of the Vine and Grape
Chaotic Good (Neutral) Intermediate Power
Goddess of the Sea and Wine, Syme is a merry power, but somewhat unpredictable. She is said to have created the oceans of Tur An Tiel, and all that live in them. Her brother is Cernunnos, and her husband is Gonovon, (who fell in love with her the moment he saw her dancing upon the ocean she had made). They have had five children; Lleu, Oghma, Dian, Pamona, and Atlante. Syme is revered by sailors, vinters, and merrymakers. She is represented as an attractive woman holding a jug, in which flow the Waters of the Five Seas, as well as the Wine of Merriment.

Lleu Lightbringer, the White Knight, the Brave
Lawful Good Intermediate Power (was Greater Power)
A resplendent champion of good, Lleu is a brave warrior who lives by his code, who never retreats in the face of evil, and whose sword is always ready. And yet he is also a god who sacrificed much of his own power to create the paladins. Lleu is a kind and compassionate being who will gladly sacrifice himself to save others. His parents are Gonovon and Syme; he is the lover of Phoebe, and the father of Polychrome. He is worshiped by all paladins (whether they know it or not), warriors who follow a code of honor, and those who give of themselves to defeat evil. He is represented as a tall, dedicated-looking man clad in white armor, bearing a sword of light.

Oghma Clubwielder, the Golden-tongued, the Laughing Warrior
Neutral (Chaotic) Good Intermediate Power
The fiercest of the Aellari, and yet also the merriest, Oghma is a diety of contrasts, a brawling gigantic warrior who loves drink, who can simultaneously debate contested scholarly stances with the most learned. Oghma is the god of eloquence, and strength, and a lifestyle that partakes of both. He is impulsive and headstrong, but simultaneously he respects the wishes of others (mostly). Oghma is the son of Gonovon and Syme; he is Surya's lover, though neither of them is particularly constant. His worshipers are many good bards, good warriors who tend towards chaos, but aren't chaotic, athletes, and those who rely on eloquence. He is represented as a handsome man, gigantic in size, wearing a crude shift, holding a club, and smiling.

Dian Healhands, the Heavenly Physician, the Peaceful
Lawful Good Lesser Power
A healer and a pacifist, Dian is something of a quiet one among the Aellari, who rarely acts with the others. He believes in healing any who require it, and abhors violence. Dian is worshiped by doctors and pacifists, as well as the desperately ill. He is represented as a tall man in a blue robe, holding his hands forward.

Pamona Brightface, the Flower Maiden, the Sweet One
Neutral Good Lesser Power
Youngest of Gonovon's and Syme's children, Pamona is the Goddess of Flowers and Happiness. A rather shy, quiet goddess, she is seen as a protector of children, and commonly invoked to watch over nurseries. She is worshiped by gardners, parents, and any who desire happiness. She is represented as a young woman wearing a flower as a dress.

Atlante Fleetfoot, the Wild Child
Chaotic Neutral Demipower
Twin sister of Pamona, Atlante is the rebel of Gonovan's children, who lives seperate from the others, the goddess of animals and wild things. The goddess of animals and the wild, she is evoked by animal lovers, and sometimes in conjuction with Pamona to guard children, though to some hold to evoke Atlante is to tempt fate and have wild children. She is represented as an unkempt young woman dressed in a lionskin.

Cernunnus, the Huntsman, the Horned
Chaotic Neutral Intermediate Power
Syme's brother, Cernunnos is a wild one, who lives by his rules. God of Animals and Hunters, Cernunnus is a rather mysterious god, who tends to follow his impulses. He will fight with the others in times of need, but prefers to stay by his self. He is worshiped by Rangers, Valesti, and hunters. He is represented a horned horseman whose face is hidden in a cowl.

Brigit Flamesblood, the Fiery One, Lady of Magic
Chaotic Good Lesser Power
Surya's daughter (her father is something of a mystery), Brigit is Goddess of Fire and Magic. The role of Goddess of Magic is a fairly recent addition to her powers--indeed Brigit is a young, inexperienced Goddess, known for her temper. She is worshiped by Sorcerors, good Evokers, and many chaotically aligned wizards. She is represented as a small young woman with bright red hair, and glowing eyes.

Polychrome, the Rainbow's Daughter, Heaven's Messenger
Chaotic Good Demipower
Daughter of Lleu and Phoebe, Polychrome serves the Aellari as a messenger. She is an absent-minded diety, with a tendency to get distracted, but her scatter-brained behavior belies her dedication. Polychrome has few followers at the moment. Most are heralds. She is represented a pretty young woman wearing a multi-colored dress.
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The Gods of Tur An Tiel, Part Two; The Murelli

The Murelli (loosely translated "Folk Who Give to the Darkness") are the Elvish Pantheon of Evil, to counteract the Elvish Pantheon of Good that is the Aellari. The Murelli are dark powers, lords of entropy who seek to destroy and maim. Many are of the Murvein, ("Dark Children"). The spawn of Morgaine and Thanatos, the Murvein are living vortexes of negative energy, each connecting themselves to the concepts of hurt. Others come from more ancient primordial sources. But all are united in their hatred for the Light, and their desire to grind Tur An Tiel under the heels into dust and non-being. A few other powers are counted among the Murelli that have followings in other Pantheons. They will be detailed there.

Thanatos, the Dark Reaper of Souls, Lord of the Charnal House
Greater Power Neutral Evil
Few gods inspire the fear that Thanatos does. The God of Death, Thanatos is given to cruel plots and dark dreams. Thanatos hates life with a passion, and will only be satisfied when Tur An Tiel has been reduced to barren wasteland, filled with only the dead. Thanatos loathes most of his fellow gods--he respects Morgaine, as she is loyal to him, and tolerates the rest of the Murelli as they will serve. Thanatos is worshiped by any who seek to gain power over death, though most at least float him a prayer occasionally. He is represented as a tall figure in a cowl, holding a scythe. Sometimes he is shown as a skeleton beneath the robe--other times it simply undefined.

Morgaine, the Queen of Air and Darkness, the Shadow Queen, the Betrayer
Greater Power Chaotic Evil
Once a member of the Lesetai, Morgaine is now a twisted parody of her former self, a bodiless spirit filled with self-loathing and destructive hatred. The Queen of Air and Darkness, Morgaine rules over all dark places and vile deeds. Thanatos's helpmate, she seeks to spread his vision of a world turned dead and cold, a place of ashes and dust. Morgaine is worshipped by many whose trades require that they work under darkness. The Quaesteri generally regard her as their patron deity. She is represented as a tall, pale woman, draped in shadows.

Melkys Verminlord, the Corrupter, Lord of the Wretched, King of Plagues
Intermediate Power Chaotic (Neutral) Evil
A pathetic toady and coward, Melkys Verminlord rules over everything diseased and venomous that crawls and creeps on the earth. Loyal to Thanatos out of fear and little else, Melkys is forever hoping to increase his own power. He has created hundreds of monstrosities to plague other races, a menagerie of filth and vileness. He is worshipped by all who'd curry favor with such diseased things, be they lunatics, or creations of the King of Plagues. His representations are legions; sometimes a grubby human (in whom can be seen the rat and the toad), other times a grotesque spider/rat/man combination, a lizard/toad, or a centipede/serpent/rat.

Mardar, the Black Beast of Hatred, the Darksome Lad
Intermediate Power Neutral (Chaotic) Evil
There are few powers in the world as constant as hatred. In Tur An Tiel, hate is ruled over by the god Mardar, one of the oldest of the Murvein. Mardar is perhaps the most cunning, for he has attached himself to a powerful and enduring concept that few can resist. Mardar is a cunning and plotting diety, a lover of spite and trouble. He is a far calmer diety than his reputation suggests, and is perhaps the most studied of the Murvein. Though any who hate do homage to Mardar in their hearts, he is worshipped by those who are consumed by hatred, those who seek to gain power through hatred, and those who use it to cause trouble. He is generally represented as the Black Beast of Hatred, all fury and power--however, many cultists delight in showing him as the Darksome Lad, a handsome black-haired young man who is irresistible.

Kere, the Vengeful, the Wrathful, the Executioner, the Lady of Retribution
Lesser Power Chaotic Evil
Insane, twisted and utterly without mercy, Kere the Executioner is a goddess of utmost evil, that fancies herself good. A Murvein (though she is loathe to admit it), Kere holds that the holiest and the best is vengeance and retribution--in her mind the destruction of the guilty by the innocent. Kere encourages others to destroy any who have wronged them--and does so herself. Paranoid and hateful, Kere has few allies, though she often serves her brother Mardar. She is worshiped by any who seek vengence, or desire to aid others in getting it (with a sizable cult in Loc Teis). She is represented as a pale woman holding an axe stained with blood, an expression of rage on her face.

Hurn, the Thin, the Starving God, the Lord of Scarcity
Lesser Power Lawful Evil
Whenever people want for food, Hurn laughs. Whenever a child dies for lack of medicine, Hurn snorts. Wherever there is scarcity and need, Hurn's hand can be felt. The God of Famine, Hurn is something of background player in the Murelli, a Murvein of rather quiet nature. Unlike most of his kin, he is fairly unimaginative and straight-forward--still, he gets results, and that is what's important. Hurn has few worshipers, though the desperate are known to cry out for his mercy. Those who truly adore him are by and large a twisted lot who think that he aims to strengthen by seeing who can survive. He is represented as a horribly emaciated man, with a dull sadistic glimmer in his eye.

Arazid of the Knife, the Quiet One, the Murderer
Lesser Power Neutral Evil
Among the Murelli, Arazid is a mystery. He serves Thanatos without question, though occassionally a quiet form of rebellion can be detected from him. He does what he is asked without question, even seeming to enjoy it. And yet few can deny that Thanatos seems almost afraid of him. Perhaps the Dark Reaper is wise in this, for Arazid is the God of Murder and Assassins. He is an ancient thing, a servant of the Lord of the Charnel House grown great, a being filled only with the desire to kill. Arazid speaks rarely, and then only to taunt and frighten. He serves Thanatos because it is what he knows, and Thanatos allows him to kill the most things. Still there is a dim resentment for his master that burns in the back of his mind, though he still cannot figure out why... Arazid is worshipped by murderers and assassins. He is represented as a tall man is a red cloak that hides his face, holding a knife.

Mazarine, Lady of Venom, the Poisoner, She-Who-Nurses-Serpents
Demipower Neutral Evil
A quiet and scheming power, Mazarine is not a powerful Murelli. Goddess of Poison, she sits and waits for her moment to rise in glory. As one of the younger Murvein, Mazarine is generally regarded as something of a servile and minor diety, a position she hates. She also served Malkys as an apprentice, which also lessens her position in the eyes of some. But like any good poisoner, Mazarine is cunning, and willing to bide her time. Her cult is small, and consists of poisoners and plotters. She is represented as a slight woman with red eyes and green skin, clad in slim crimson gown.

Durgeth, the Jackal, Corpse-eater, Bonecrusher
Demipower Chaotic Evil
A pathetic scavenger, Durgeth the Jackal is a petty god who serves his master, Melkys Verminlord, with as much resentment and cowardice as he can, his always present sadism lurking beneath his surface. Durgeth is God of all who scavenge and sneak--as such he is not widely worshipped, though many Verhazi consider him their patron. Durgeth is often shown as cowardly looking man with wide frightened eyes, though sometimes he is shown as a scrawny Jackal, and many Verhazi combine the features to create a diety who resembles them.

Laordes, the Madcap, the Insane, the Lord of All Fools
Demipower Chaotic Evil (Neutral)
One of the "Spoiled Three", Laordes is the God of Madness, a young power that gives into every momentary impulse. As Laordes momentary impulses tend along the lines of "juggle ice", he is not the threat he could be. A Murvein who is something of a disappointment to Thanatos, Laordes is a jester whose jokes aren't that funny, a prankster who plays most of his tricks on himself, and an actor who's his own greatest role. Laordes spreads insanity wherever he goes, though he lacks the discipline to be a particular threat while doing it. He is worshiped by a few scattered sects of lunatics (many who try to understand madness to gain power from it), and lacks a particularly dedicated following. He is represented as a dishelved young man wearing a motley.

Kolea, Lady of Misery, the Weeping One, the Despairing, Mistress of Woe
Demipower Chaotic Evil
If Laordes is a manic, hyperactive god, Kolea is his opposite. A depressed and mournful power, Kolea is a goddess given to self-pity and despair. While other powers are active, Kolea is passive, dragging others down simply by near them. Kolea rarely plots, simply seeing no purpose in it. Her worshippers are few, and are a particularly self-absorbed lot. Most represent her as a pale young woman who weeps incessantly.

Hazolth, the Bloody, the Red-handed
Demipower Lawful Evil
Hazolth is a strange power, a servant of Thanatos who acts more as an extension of the Reaper of Souls' dark will than as an independent power. God of Torturers and those who serve without conscience, Hazolth is Thanatos's inquisitor, and hatchet-man. His worshipers are few--a handful of torturers, spies, and people employed in less than consciencable fields. He is generally represented as a man clad in a bloody, ragged cloak, his chest bare, and his face obscured by his cowl, except for two burning eyes. His hands are stained red with blood.

Imara, the Black Raven, the Scavenger, Messenger of the Dark Folk
Demipower Neutral Evil
The least powerful of the Murvein, Imara is something of a pampered child among the Murelli, used as a messenger by her parents. Resentful and scheming, Imara is known for her hair-trigger temper, and her lack of sense. She tends to indulge in plots that are wildly impractical. Imara's worshipers are small, her cult still imergent, but most tend to be younger siblings of wealthy families. She is generally represented as a short girl in a black cloak, which has the appearance of wings.

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