D&D General Turgenev's Friday Freebie Maps


Here is the January 29th, 2021 Friday Freebie map. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 36x46 10' Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1229x1578
  • The arrow represents a downward slope.
  • The dash lines are elevation lines showing the lower elevation (in relation to the upper level).
  • Area 1 has natural stairs that lead to the surface/upper level.
  • The grey sections of areas 3 b), 6 b), 15 b), and 16 represents water.
  • Area 4 has a statue.
  • Area 6 is a ledge that is at a higher elevation than area 8.
  • Area 13 has a sinkhole surrounded by rubble.
  • Area 15 b) is a waterfall.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Friday Freebie for sale here: Friday Enhanced Map: 01-29-2021 - Paratime Design | Dungeon Maps | DriveThruRPG.com

The January 29th, 2021 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of white or black backgrounds, numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant (16) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 36x46 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 2458x3156. All for $2 (US).


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The High Aldwin
Here are a series of maps I originally did back in 2008. I ended up re-drawing them again in 2017. These are the 2017 versions. Click to enlarge.

LOL I didn't realize these were yours! I found them online a year ago and almost used them for the BBEG in our last campaign...

Very nice and maybe they'll see some use in the future. :)


This is awesome! Do you have a guide of sorts (I have difficulty figuring it all out), and do you offer an enhanced version?
I don't have an enhanced version currently available. As for the level details...

Level G1: The black dots are pillars/columns. The circles with stars are statues. Area 31 has an altar.

Level G2: Rooms 13, 22, and 29a have balconies that are open to the interior garden below. Curtains hang between the pillars on these balconies. Room 27 has illusionary walls. Stairs in the secret room 36 go up to the third level.

Level G3: Area 17 is a menagerie. I picture the area to be open at the ceiling. The stairs in this section lead up to the 4th level. Area 15/16 acts as a pen for various beasts. Perhaps it is where the food (living creatures) is brought in for what lives in the menagerie? Area 8 is some sort of sacrificial chamber with a magic circle.

Level G4: Rooms 3 & 19 have balconies that over look the menagerie on level 3. Room 11 has a fancy pool (the Medusa pool?). Room 18b has stairs that go up to level 5.

Level G5: Area 6 is open to the sky.

Pyramid: There is a statue on top of the pyramid. Area 1 has an altar and a secret trap door in the floor. Area 2 has a trap door in the ceiling.

Dungeon: In the centre of the dungeon is a sinister looking fortress surrounded by a moat of lava. I picture access to this fortress via removable planks (not shown on map), or perhaps an invisible path, along the stone pathways in the lava.

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Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Dungeon: In the centre of the dungeon is a sinister looking fortress surrounded by a moat of lava. I picture access to this fortress via removable planks (not shown on map), or perhaps an invisible path, along the stone pathways in the lava. The stairs in Room 31 go deeper into the fortress.
I don't see stairs in room 31 of the dungeon.
Also, the elevations don't seem to match up - if the stairs between room 16 and room 20 exist, and go up to room 20, then 20 seems like it might be too high.

Otherwise, I love this entire complex - it is truly epic.


I don't see stairs in room 31 of the dungeon.
Also, the elevations don't seem to match up - if the stairs between room 16 and room 20 exist, and go up to room 20, then 20 seems like it might be too high.

Otherwise, I love this entire complex - it is truly epic.
I copied and pasted the level descriptions from my original notes. There are no stairs at area 31 so I removed that line. IIRC, I was going to have an additional dungeon level but decided against it but forgot to remove the reference to it in my notes.

Yes, there is an elevation discrepancy on the dungeon level. The stairs in the corridor NE of area 20 shouldn't be there. Luckily I still had my Photoshop files so I was able to correct this error. If you can't see the change in the image posted above, then do a Control-F5 to refresh the image.



Got the Monday blues... Old School Blue that is. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 36x46 10' Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1229x1578
  • Areas 5, 8, and 28 have statues.
  • Areas 5, 11 a), and 18 have covered pit traps.
  • Areas 6 a) and 15 have tapestries.
  • Areas 7, 12 a), 25, and 28 a) have pillars.
  • Area 8 has an altar.
  • Area 9 has a fireplace.
  • Area 11 b) has an open pit.
  • Area 33 has a chute trap.



Here is the February 5th, 2021 Friday Freebie map. Click to enlarge.

Map Details:
  • Grid Size: 36x46 10' Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 1229x1578
  • Area 1 is outdoors with flanking cliff faces.
  • Areas 2 and 18 b) have daises/raised platforms.
  • Areas 2, 17, and 18 a) have statues.
  • Area 7 has a tapestry.
  • The circular stairs in areas 12 a) and 24 lead upwards. The stairs in 14 and 28 lead downwards. Design tip: When it comes to circular stairs, clockwise direction is up and counter-clockwise is down.
  • Areas 9 and 18 a) have pillars.
  • Area 18 b) has a throne.
  • Area 21 has a pool/fountain.

I have an Enhanced version of this week's Friday Freebie for sale here: Friday Enhanced Map: 02-05-2021 - Paratime Design | Dungeon Maps | DriveThruRPG.com

The February 5th, 2021 Friday Enhanced Map product contains a multi-layered PDF (allowing the options of white or black backgrounds, numbered or non-numbered areas, secret doors on or off, and grid or no grid, and all permutations) and a zip file with all relevant (16) map files as individual jpg images. The Enhanced map has a grid size of 36x46 10’ Squares (72 dpi); VTT Size: 2458x3156. All for $2 (US).


Voidrunner's Codex

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