D&D 5E Twilight Fables Now Publicly Available!

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So glad you like it! You are the first person I've seen receive it in the wild from the fulfillment center, so I'm super stoked they went out!

I have an inventory of 100 or so that were extra that are the offset printed ones, like the one you have. If someone orders a hard copy from my website, they are getting the offset version and not the POD version. POD only is if they order from DTRPG.

Oops... :(

I went to your page to buy a print copy of Fables a couple days ago.

I saw this...


...and followed it to DTRPG, where I ordered the POD version to go with the pdf I ordered in the KS.


Great book, though!


Oops... :(

I went to your page to buy a print copy of Fables a couple days ago.

I saw this...

View attachment 271866

...and followed it to DTRPG, where I ordered the POD version to go with the pdf I ordered in the KS.


Great book, though!
Aw man, I'm sorry about that. I guess not every page got updated. They are all available at DTRPG and that's the ongoing vender (assuming the OGL stuff pans out). I have a limited number of extra copies that are listed on the actual shop. I'll update the site now. Doesn't help with your POD order though. IM me your address and I'll get an offset version sent to you since that's what you wanted to get.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
It's in my hands today.

I'm surprised and thrilled (because I didn't read the pdf) for all the beasties, including doggos. I can work those into my world right now.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
Does anyone have a favorite dragon-ish or wizard-like humanoid from the book? I'm trying to speed up my prep for today's session


Dragon Lover
I’ve been keeping an eye on this book for a bit. If you don’t mind me asking, what is the Cr spread for the creatures in this? I’m always looking to add more monster books to my collection, especially if they offer a wide range for different tiers of play.

Voidrunner's Codex

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