Tyranny of Dragons

Adventuring Group
  • Thoradin Ironfist -- Shield Dwarf, Paladin, Alignment: Lawful Good -- Level 3
  • Criella -- Tiefling, Rogue, Alignment: Chaotic Neutral -- Level 3
  • Andry Thorngage -- Lightfoot Halfling, Druid, Alignment: Lawful Good -- Level 3
  • Kaya -- Uthgardian Barbian: Elk Tribe, Ranger, Alignment: Chaotic Good -- Level 3

Left the Group
  • Thokk -- Half Orc, Fighter, Alignment: Chaotic Neutral -- Level 3
  • Kung Lao -- Human, Fighter, Alignment: Lawful Good -- Level 3

17th Day of Kythorn
The next morning, the trip back to the raiders camp begins uneventfully. Thoradin eventually spots a boar and decides to shoot it with his long bow, probably out of boredom. Andry tried and failed to talk him out of it, but Thoradin ignored her, claiming that he wanted fresh bacon. The adventurers eventually killed the boar, but Thoradin found that it was not as easy of a battle as he had anticipated. He eventually decided not to butcher it, though, because it might be possible for them to pose as hunters if they brought fresh meat into camp with them. (This was only possible, because Kaya’s totem, The Elk, had appeared in flesh and consented to be her mount. He didn’t shy away when they loaded the boar on his back, so the group decided he was okay with that as well.)

The group forgot there was an ambush site on the side of the road, and walked straight into it, instead of going around like they did last time. The raiders were no longer there, but orcs were. Fortunately, the orcs agreed to let them go as long as they gave up the boar. Andry immediately agreed, leaving no time for Thoradin to argue. As part of the deal, she got the tusks. Unfortunately, this also meant that they had no more meat to help them pose as hunters.

Not willing to give up a good plan, the adventurers went hunting for more food and brought down two rabbits and a deer. However, all this hard work ended up being for nothing. When they finally made it back to the raiders camp, they immediately noticed all the prisoners and kobolts huts were burning. The camp appeared to be abandoned. They did meet a couple of hunters, though, when they headed toward the cook’s hut, so the adventurers made a deal with them: The adventurers would let the hunters continue to earn money from the cult (a remnant remained in the cave), and in return the hunters wouldn’t rat them out. It was a win-win situation for everybody. To seal the deal, the adventurers handed over the game they had caught so the hunters could take a day off.

By that time, it was nearing dusk, so they decided to rest in their old cave. Before they entered the cave, Kaya amazed everybody by stepping off The Elk so it could shrink into a wooden statue -- which she promptly packed away in her backpack. She explained that all she had to do to get him back was to set the statue on the ground again and focus. Unfortunately, she hadn’t taken her saddlebags off, or emptied them, and they got absorbed into the statue as well.

DM's Note: Yes, I ripped this off from Salvatore. However, it was in an attempt to make Kaya's Uthgardian heritage mesh a bit with her new magical abilities. I didn't want her to be able to switch back and forth between animals and if I went with her totem, there had to be a way to return from the dead. If The Elk ever dies, she has to commune with the statue for a full 8 hours for it to come back from the Spirit Plains. Also, although it may be a bigger size than normally available for Beastmastery, it isn't helpful in most buildings and possibly dungeons, because it just takes up too much space. I felt that was a decent trade off -- along with all possessions strapped to it when it died or was returned to the statue being unaccessable until it returned.

18th Day of Kythorn
After a good night’s rest, the adventurers headed to the cave. They suspected that there were dragons there, but if nothing else, the hunters had told them that everybody who was still left in camp was now in the cave. Andry easily made the entire party invisible, so they snuck in and saw two guards. Criella and Thoradin decided to slit the guards’ throats. After killing her guy, Criella then had to kill the other guy after Thoradin messed up badly. She offered to teach him how to properly slit a throat, but was pointedly ignored. After dragging the guards behind a stalagmite, in hopes that they would not be discovered quickly, the group continued on.

At the end of this cavern, they discovered steps that led down to another cavern that was filled with fungi. Two paths led away from the steps into the cavern. From the tops of the steps, Andry and Kaya couldn’t tell if the fungi were poisonous or not. Criella tried to decipher a difference between the two paths, but couldn’t say either way. Thoradin tried communing with his god, Moradin, but Moradin didn’t deign to answer. Thoradin then thought about tossing a cricket down into the fungi, but the rest of the group was able to convince him that they wouldn’t be able to tell if the cricket was hurt or not from way up there. Besides, a cricket wouldn’t necessarily be hurt by something that would hurt one of them. Thoradin was going to make the attempt anyway, but during all this discussion, the cricket escaped.

After a lot of consideration, Criella decided to attempt the left path. On her way down the steps, though, she triggered a trap and was dumped into the right path. She didn’t seem harmed, but immediately began babbling about all the bugs on her arms and legs.

Nobody else saw anything.

The rest of the party made it down without incident and Criella quickly joined them, still babbling about bugs. Following the left-hand path, they made it out of the cavern without further incident, only to find themselves in the middle of another, seemingly empty cavern -- this time with a few branching paths.

They stealthily peeked around one corner, saw a bunch of kobolds, and retreated. They then peeked over a ledge and discovered a trash pile. Despite being cautioned by the others, Criella (who now declared herself to be bug free) decided to look for anything shiny, and found a bag of gems -- which she was pressured into promising to split with the rest of the party when they got back to town. During this debate, trogs suddenly came out of the walls and almost killed everyone -- starting with Criella, since she was the only one in their trash pit. Luckily, after a very tough battle, everyone but the creatures survived.
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Adventuring Group
  • Thoradin Ironfist -- Shield Dwarf, Paladin, Alignment: Lawful Good -- Level 3
  • Cruella -- Tiefling, Rogue, Alignment: Chaotic Neutral -- Level 3
  • Andry Thorngage -- Lightfoot Halfling, Druid, Alignment: Lawful Good -- Level 3
  • Kaya -- Uthgardian Barbian: Elk Tribe, Ranger, Alignment: Chaotic Good -- Level 3
  • Thokk -- Half Orc, Fighter, Alignment: Chaotic Neutral -- Level 3
    • He got lured to the caves by promises of loot if he can retrieve a specific sceptre.

Left the Group
  • Kung Lao -- Human, Fighter, Alignment: Lawful Good -- Level 3

In Memorandum
  • Everyone is still alive. Yay!
As they were resting for a moment, they heard thrashing noises in the far corner of the trash pit. A quick investigation resulted in a surprising discovery: Thokk, with his hands and feet tied, but his weapons fortuitously nearby (too big for kobold use). He was very disgusted about being captured by a bunch of wimpy kobolds and declared revenge. According to him, he had been approached by Doug, a shady fence in Greenest, who wanted a specific scepter with a bone handle and a dragon perched atop a bright blue gem. Lured by all the other loot he could pick up during this quest, Thokk had quickly agreed. However, he was now doubting the scepter even existed and was almost as bitter about the fence as he was about the kobolds.

Accepting that Thokk was back with them, at least for now, Criella decided to cautiously peer around the next corner. She came back reporting that there were 12 kobolds and 3 flying kobolds. The group’s plan, instigated by a still fuming Thokk, was to charge in, starting with Thokk.

This may not have been the best plan. Thokk was immediately surrounded and attacked by kobolds. During the ensuing battle, both Thokk and Thoradin were almost knocked unconscious but somehow managed to keep on fighting.

Thoradin kept hearing growling noises coming from a pit that was locked and gated off from the rest of the cave. After the battle was over, Criella decided to go check it out. She saw three guard drakes and a rack with poles with lassos next to the wall. The group decided there was no reason to go in there and instead continued along the path at the end of the cavern. Once again, Criella decided to “sneakily” go in.

She failed.

Stepping on a trap, she caused the ceiling to collapse and was almost knocked unconscious. After the adventurers recovered from that nasty surprise, they continued on to the next room where they found six kobolds and six flying kobolds.

DM's Note: This session was on the shorter side, as most sessions are when my husband decides to play. However, it was longer than this short recap makes it seem, because we spent a good portion of the time discussing his back story. Now to figure out a side quest that includes a blue dragon's lair, since that is conspicuously absent from ToD.
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The group’s plan, instigated by a still fuming Thokk, was to charge in, starting with Thokk.
Also known as Plans A, B, C, & D by my group.

Cool to see a family group! My two younger sons play with me - my oldest son and daughter used to also before college. I have friends whose kids are largely uninterested in TTRPGs, so I consider myself blessed. My S.O. is decidedly uninterested in playing - so you are ahead of me there.


That seems to be a common theme. I've been playing AD&D 2nd Edition/D&D 3.0/3.5 with my youngest son (and his older brother who has since moved away) since 1994 and my wife has yet to join us in a game, despite frequent offers. (I personally think she enjoys the hours of relative quiet upstairs while we're down in the gaming room.)

I'm interested to see how things develop in this campaign. I'm not a 5E guy, so all I know about this adventure is what I read in Story Hours like yours and Goonalan's.

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Adventuring Group
  • Thoradin Ironfist -- Shield Dwarf, Paladin, Alignment: Lawful Good -- Level 3
  • Kaya -- Uthgardian Barbian: Elk Tribe, Ranger, Alignment: Chaotic Good -- Level 4
  • Thokk -- Half Orc, Fighter, Alignment: Chaotic Neutral -- Level 3
  • Thia “Goldpetal” Xiloscient -- Drow, Monk -- Level 1 (Played by Gen)
    • She is a bounty hunter that is after Rezmir. After meeting up with the others, she decides to join forces.
  • Del “Diamonddew” Holimion -- Drow, Warlock -- Level 1 (Played by Gen)
    • She is a bounty hunter that is after Rezmir. After meeting up with the others, she decides to join forces.
  • Darrak Fireforge -- Shield Dwarf, Fighter -- Level 1 (Played by Memo)
    • He trailed after the two drow for a week, because he “knew” they were going to attack somebody. After they joined forces with the adventurers, he decided to join too -- partly because he still wanted to keep an eye on them and partly because he was bored and felt like an adventure.

In Memorandum
  • Criella -- Tiefling, Rogue, Alignment: Chaotic Neutral -- Level 3
    • Criella died after being lots of help to her friends, helping them sneak past loads of enemies.
  • Andry Thorngage -- Lightfoot Halfling, Druid, Alignment: Lawful Good -- Level 3
    • Andry died after a long and brutal struggle, healing as many people as she could. In the end, her wolf form was not enough.
18th Day of Kythorn, Cont.
The group got sucked into a battle to the death - literally. Before they could backtrack down the tunnel and get the kobolds as they came out of the bottleneck, the adventurers were caught in the tunnel themselves. Eventually, they did manage a retreat, but just as they were finishing the kobolds off, they were attacked by two human berserkers and Langdedrosa Cyanwrath, the half-dragon that had beaten Thokk so thoroughly at Greenest.

Cyanwrath, of course, immediately focused on Thokk. The berserkers were cognizant enough to avoid being flanked, but otherwise, they charged insistently at Thoradin. Thokk and Thoradin became unconscious, Criella and Andry died, and after a long and tiring chase through the caverns and back toward the entrance, Kaya ended up killing the last two enemies -- saving her two remaining companions.

DM's Note: Gen was seriously upset for a little bit when BOTH of her characters died. However, she soon started plotting out her replacements. I thought Kaya was going to die too, leaving a cast of new characters to rescue Thoradin and Thokk (who never dies). Beating Cyanwrath solo leveled Kaya up to Level 4. All the other XP from the battle was split with Thoradin -- part of Thokk's deal about never dying is that he doesn't earn XP or loot from battles where he SHOULD have died.

She took the pouch Criella had found so she could divide it with Thoradin later, and she looted the barracks, but after that, she made a strategic retreat. By paying the hunters two gems each, she gained their help hauling Thokk and Thoradin near the company’s cave (she didn’t want to give away the entrance, just in case). They also consented to haul Criella and Andry’s bodies to the top of the far watchtower -- which they then lit on fire once night fell. If asked, they could claim that they had no knowledge of who lit it, since it was far from the hut they had claimed as theirs.

As she watched the pyre burn, Kaya was amazed to see a gold dragon rise out of the flames, circle the encampment once, and then fly off. Not sure what it meant, she retreated to the cave to watch over her injured companions and get some rest for herself.

DM's Note: We might see Andry again later. She had formerly been one of Bahamat's "canaries" and had been cursed into halfling form until her "death" for bad behavior, only earning back her proper form if she actively worked to help others.

19th Day of Kythorn
Early in the morning, as the remaining adventurers realized that they had to go back into the caves, because they still hadn’t found the information that Leosin had sent them for and Thokk hadn’t found the scepter, Thoradin heard a thumping noise outside the cave. He went to investigate and saw a kobold wearing bunny ears, hopping merrily away. Of course, he immediately tried to shoot an arrow at it, but he tripped over a basket of healing potion, making him miss his shot. Shrugging, he brought the basket back to the cave and split the potions with Kaya and Thokk (evenly, because Kaya had saved him and Thokk would have gotten revenge).

DM's Note: I wasn't sure how my players would react to either the kobold version of an Easter Bunny or splitting up the potions, so I purposefully had this play out before the newcomers joined us.

Just then, they heard another noise. This time the whole group ran to check it out (forgetting that they might want to be sneaky, especially after Thoradin had shot at the kobold-bunny. Fortunately, they weren’t rushing into the arms of their enemies. Instead, they saw two drow being chased by a dwarf. The drow frantically asked the trio for help, because they thought the creepy dwarf was out to harm them. They gasped out that he had been following them for the last week. The two drow, Thia and Del, (cousins) claimed to be bounty hunters looking to kill Rezmir and had tracked her to the raider’s camp. (A smith in Scornubel put the bounty on her head after his sister was killed in one of the raids.) The dwarf, Darrak, came huffing up and had to be prevented from attacking them for attacking the adventurers. His tale was that he had been out gathering materials (he’s a smith) when he spotted the drow. Knowing they were up to no good, he had been following (stalking) them for a week in order to keep them from harming others. Thokk was also suspicious, and questioned them thoroughly to make sure they weren’t after the scepter Doug had sent him for. They assured him that they weren’t, because they did not chase after other people’s bounties -- drow had a bad enough reputation as it was. However, somebody who might have been Doug had been talking about it in Eturel. Either he REALLY wanted this scepter or it was of interest to more people than Thokk had realized -- assuming it even existed, which he was beginning to doubt. The adventurers agreed to let Thia and Del join them, mostly because it looked like they would be tripping over them anyway, and Barrak announced he would join too. Not only was he still suspicious of the drows’ motives, but he felt like he was ready for an adventure.

All three tagged along as Kaya, Thoradin, and Thokk reentered the cave. The original three immediately noticed that the bodies they had left behind on the previous day were no longer there, although there were surprisingly no new guards. Also, a quick examination revealed another tunnel off of the main entrance that they had not noticed before. Kaya stealthily crept down the tunnel and reported back that it branched into two tunnels, one that was light and one that ended in darkness. Since Kaya did not have dark vision, Thoradin took over the scouting. At the end of the darkened tunnel, he found a room that seemed to be empty except for a passed out cultist and an empty bottle of wine. Once the rest of the company joined him, however, and Kaya lit one of her torches, they found a few coins and a packet full of dust of disappearance -- which Barrak quickly claimed.

After attempts at waking the cultist failed, the group realized that he was going to be passed out for quite some time. After a brief discussion, they agreed that it was probably best not to kill him. However, they made sure that he was tied up tight and that he was gagged so he couldn’t call out for help before checking out the next tunnel.

After a quick scouting foray, Kaya reported back that several cultists and guards were lounging around in a small cavern. Nobody was really sleeping, but they weren’t alert either (which was odd, since they had to have known about the previous day’s battle and SOMEBODY had cleaned things up). They quickly formed a plan. Thia and Thokk both had distance weapons, so they would retreat back to the first cavern, Thoradin would block off the entrance to the tunnel they were currently in, and the new members of their group would stay in the background for backup, since they didn’t seem to have a lot of experience yet. Once everybody was in position, Thokk loudly went near the entrance, fired an arrow at a cultist, yelled insults at them, and ran away . . . leading them right into the ambush.

The battle was over fairly quickly, without much damage to the adventurers. However, there seemed to be less bodies there than expected. A quick survey of the cavern revealed it to be a barracks, and that there was a door off to the side. There also wasn’t much loot, just a few gems and 3 scabbards with dragon motifs (and +1 charisma against cultists). Some of the group immediately started making plans to sell the scabbards, but Kaya decided to keep hers, even if it meant snatching one of the cultists’ sabers as well. Everybody else was curious about what that led to, but Thokk was ready for a nap, claiming he was still recovering from the horrors of yesterday, and returned to the cavern with the passed out cultist.

DM's Note: This was the first time our loot wasn't able to be evenly divided. We decided that in those instances we would roll for first pick, but that once somebody got first pick, that character's name had to go to the bottom of the list until everybody had gotten a chance to pick first -- when the order would be restarted.

The barracks door opened into another chamber where the guards and cultists were definitely waiting for them. This battle was quickly over as well, though, and this chamber was a whole lot more interesting than the last. It seemed to be a library or study, with desks and tables scattered around the main room and an alcove with a bed and a couple of chests. They decided that this room was worth a thorough examination, and the results were worth it. Thoradin discovered a hole in the floor with a rope ladder hidden underneath one of the rugs. Thia found a paper listing some of the cult members and whether or not they were ready to be promoted, noting who had shown loyalty, and who had not. She also found a map of the region with an arrow pointing to Berdusk and then to the north. This might be the next target for the raiders, but they also found another note that said everything was to be taken to Naerytar. They assumed that Naerytar was a place, but nobody knew for sure. In the chests, they found purple cultist regalia, which Kaya claimed, and Darrak took a key that he found.

Since he had dark vision (and because he had discovered the ladder) Thoradin crept down to see what it led to. He came back, saying that there were a few flying kobolds, but other than that the room was empty except for a chest -- and a giant mural of dragons all around the room.

The adventurers made quick work of the flying kobolds (although one fell on Thoradin as it died). Darrak remembered his key as they looked at the chest, so they tried that before anything else. Fortunately it worked, so they didn’t have to test out their lockpicking skills. The loot included gems and jewelry. Thoradin and Kaya recognised the jewelry as a string of pearls and a ring that had gone missing after the siege at Greenest. Everyone picked up some gems and Thia and Del grabbed the pearls and ring. The pearls that Del grabbed were worth 300gp, so she immediately wanted to sell it. However, Thia made her promise to turn it in when they got to Greenest, believing that it could help their reputations as drow if they returned the jewelry to their rightful owners. Del grumbled, but agreed. Everybody agreed that since Thokk was off napping, he had no right to any of the loot. There was also no sign of a bone-handled scepter with a dragon perched atop a blue gem.

DM's Note: This is really two sessions rolled into one, since they were played two days in a row and were relatively short. I ended up letting Memo roll up a second character as well, but only once he came up with a better hook than "my character's best friend who has never been mentioned." They are also not very good at inspecting rooms. The only reason they avoided an acid trap when they opened the chest is that they had found the key. None of them inspected the paintings on the wall, which would have shown many holes in the dragon's mouths.
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DM's Note: This was the first time our loot wasn't able to be evenly divided. We decided that in those instances we would roll for first pick, but that once somebody got first pick, that character's name had to go to the bottom of the list until everybody had gotten a chance to pick first -- when the order would be restarted.
That's a cool system.


Thanks. Everybody wanted to own their own loot instead of having a group treasure keeper/banker, but we wanted to keep things pretty fair when we came across the uneven looting sites. Some characters might still get a larger share of loot in the long run, but at the same time, different people want different things. When everybody else was going after gems worth 50 gp, I was wanting a scabbard that gave me advantage against our main enemy -- even if it was worth less monetarily.

Adventuring Group
  • Thoradin Ironfist -- Shield Dwarf, Paladin, Alignment: Lawful Good -- Level 4
  • Kaya -- Uthgardian Barbian: Elk Tribe, Ranger, Alignment: Chaotic Good -- Level 4
  • Thokk -- Half Orc, Fighter, Alignment: Chaotic Neutral -- Level 3
  • Thia “Goldpetal” Xiloscient -- Drow, Monk -- Level 3
  • Del “Diamonddew” Holimion -- Drow, Warlock -- Level 3
  • Darrak Fireforge -- Shield Dwarf, Fighter -- Level 3
19th Day of Kythorn, Cont.
After a thorough inspection of the dragon murals covering the walls of the cavern, Thoradin discovered holes in the Black Dragon’s mouths. Closer inspection showed that there were pipes behind the holes, but there was no indication of what they were for nor where they came from. Thoradin thought they were some sort of trap, yet nothing had been set off. Del thought they might be spy holes. Both of them agreed with the rest of the group that it would be wise to move on.

DM's Note: It appears that they decided to investigate the room after all. With any luck, they will start realizing that it is smart to do so BEFORE opening chests, even if it worked out okay this time.

There were two sets of stairs leading out of the room -- one in the upper left hand corner and one in the bottom right. Thoradin thought the group should explore the stairs that went off to the right, but he was outvoted and they went up the stairs on the left. The stairs ended up leading to the kobold’s barracks where Andry and Criella had been killed (explaining the last minute reinforcements). Like the entrance to the cavern, no dead bodies or any other evidence of the recent battle were found.

After everybody made it into the barracks, Del quietly scouted the cavern where the guard drakes were caged. This cavern was not empty and she discovered six kobolds and two flying kobolds keeping watch over the guard drakes. She quickly retreated back to the rest of the group. They decided to set up an ambush for the kobolds to run into, since that plan had worked so well before. Kaya dashed into the cavern, shot one of the kobolds, and fled -- leading them straight into the ambush. A fun fight ensued, where Del killed at least two kobolds from where she was standing. Unknown to the adventurers, though, when only two kobolds were left, one ran off to free the drakes. Del, who was closest to the cavern, was the first to spy them, shouting out, “The drakes are free!” before retreating back through the tunnel to the others. Figuring out what must have happened, Thoradin quickly called dibs on finding and strangling the kobold. Fortunately, the drakes seemed to be youngsters, as they were weak and easily destroyed. Del proudly killed one of them, but Thia spent the fight sulking over the fact that she couldn’t get close enough to attack.

Only after the battle did the group remember that the kobold had spoken draconic to the drakes, which Kaya would have understood had she been close enough. They didn’t think of trying to befriend the drakes (which might’ve worked) until after they were dead. They also noticed that there were only five dead kobolds, so one ran off -- probably the one that had set the drakes free. Thoradin renewed his vows of vengeance.

When checking the guard drakes’ enclosure yielded no loot and no information, Thoradin insisted on backtracking so he could check out the other stairway leading away from the dragon room. When they returned, they found it too had been repopulated, this time with two flying kobolds and one guard drake that was definitely harder to kill than the youngsters. The battle was easily finished, though, so Thoradin was finally able to explore his staircase.

Thoradin’s stairs led to a room with four kobolds. It was also pitch black, but Thia was kind enough to cast dancing lights so Kaya could see and fight at the same time. After fully entering the room, the group saw that there was an enclosure with two guard drakes, at least two dragon eggs, and a roper who called himself “King Urp.” Actually, it wasn’t hard to discover King Urp, since he immediately started talking to them. After a quick negotiation with Del, he promised not to eat the adventurers if he was allowed to eat everything and everyone that was killed in the ensuing battle. He would even let them crush the dragon eggs if it meant that he could eat them too. The group agreed, not wanting to have to battle the roper.

DM's Note: I wasn't really sure how this was going to play out, since the one cavern they missed was the meat locker that was supposed to be used as a bargaining chip against the roper. Fortunately, Del is not quite as reformed of a drow as Thia is and was quick to offer up the dead without any prompting from me.

The kobolds were dispatched rather easily, but during the battle against the guard drakes Thoradin and Darrak were hit by glue bombs and fire bombs. Darrak was briefly knocked unconscious and Thoradin had to use the rest of his Lay on Hands, but they managed to escape. As they were looking for where the bombs had come from, four more kobolds clambered up from an unseen ledge and attacked the group. Darrak and Thoradin decided to take the four on, knowing they were only kobolds. The rest of the group focused on attacking the drakes from the safety of the ledge. Eventually, though, Thoradin grew bored of this tactic and entered the cage, making sure to block the stairs so the drakes couldn’t escape. Fortunately for him, it worked. (The rest of the group was not happy with him potentially letting the drakes out.)

After killing all the drakes and kobolds, Kaya investigated the eggs, informing the others that they were from a black dragon. They then smashed the eggs (including the one they didn’t see until King Urp helpfully pointed it out) and let King Urp eat them. Actually, that was sort of unnerving, as during the entire fight, he snatched up the dead as soon as they fell and ate them. They had to heal Darrak rather quickly when he was knocked unconscious, because King Urp saw him as food at that point.

Before leaving, Thoradin asked King Urp about the scepter Thokk had been sent for. King Urp replied that he hadn’t seen it and grumbled about getting hungry again -- despite the feast they had just provided him with. The adventurers decided to turn tails and return to safety, heading back to their captive and the still sleeping Thokk for a short rest. Fortunately, they encountered no more enemies on the way.

DM's Note: This might be the end of the dungeon. The players know that one room hasn't been explored yet, but the characters don't. A lot depends on if Thokk decides he doesn't trust them to have explored everything when they wake him up from his nap. They could be heading back to Greenest for either some well-earned downtime or to continue on with their adventure.
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