UA to Become Weekly! Pendleton Ward Helped On New AP!

WotC is currently at Gamehole Con, a convention in the US Midwest. According to a GameholeCon attendee at one of WotC's D&D panels, featuring Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, and Mike Mearls, Unearthed Arcana (Mike Mearl's monthly rules column) is going to become a weekly column. Not only that, Sage Advice will be pausing for a while while Jeremy Crawford joins Mearls on the UA columns. There will be a new Unearthed Arcana every Monday, with the next being three new barbarian options.

WotC is currently at Gamehole Con, a convention in the US Midwest. According to a GameholeCon attendee at one of WotC's D&D panels, featuring Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, and Mike Mearls, Unearthed Arcana (Mike Mearl's monthly rules column) is going to become a weekly column. Not only that, Sage Advice will be pausing for a while while Jeremy Crawford joins Mearls on the UA columns. There will be a new Unearthed Arcana every Monday, with the next being three new barbarian options.

WotC's Chris Perkins also said that "The next D&D story is *not* based on Adventure Time. However, Pendleton Ward did help us create it." Ward is, of course, the creator of the US cartoon Adventure Time.



Photo courtesy of @BasementofDeath

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No, from players who like their pets to act like creatures, not remote controlled stupid automatons.

If you care so much more about avoiding overpoweredness, there is always the :):):):):):) Beastmaster ranger in the PHB.

So why don't you use that and let the rest of us play with the new one, the one that is actually any fun, okay?

How incredibly passive-aggressive. Nobody is stopping you from doing anything in your game. But if you like dominating the game with obviously overpowered classes, then I would suggest that maybe it's not exactly conducive to fun play for everyone else at the table.

Ladies and/or Gents, can we agree to disagree? It's not conducive to good discussion to get nasty with one another, rather just better to disagree and move on to other topics.

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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)

I can't stand Adventure Time so Pendleton Ward doesn't really hold my interest. I don't really care who they got to write the next AP because I am sick of AP's period. There does come a time when you "run it into the ground" and I think Wizards is on their way.

Amazing how they seem to ignore that part of the survey that said most people tend to create their own campaigns instead of use AP's.

Aw CT, it always seems to be raining on you with this edition. Bummer mang. Sorry they're not making stuff you like with this edition.


Now imagine that these men were in the same room, with access to firearms, and it's a miracle the country ever got off the ground. :)
Don't have to imagine. We have Madison's transcript of the Constitutional Convention.

Although admittedly Jefferson wasn't there.

Luckily they were all really, really smart, and most of them were extremely driven. And Washington, for all his egregious faults, was a damn good leader.
And miraculously, none of them were personally ambitious enough to go Napoleon. The one guy who might have been ruined his reputation and his chances when he shot Hamilton. Everyone else seems to have had a steadfast and genuine conviction in the rule of law. Mind-blowing.
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< snip > . . .
And miraculously, none of them were personally ambitious enough to go Napoleon. The one guy who might have been ruined his reputation and his chances when he shot Hamilton. Everyone else seems to have had a steadfast and genuine conviction in the rule of law. Mind-blowing.

[Bolding added.]
The Founders' version of the rule of law, strangely, was to write a Constitution that would "forever" prevent the federal government from enacting too many intrusive laws. (They had seen the British model of an elite Parliament enacting laws enabling the government to control the populace in minute detail, and the Founders didn't like that tendency at all. They used the Greek-derived word "tyranny" to describe it.)


First Post
If UA is going weekly, something is afoot. This is nice news. Wild speculation: they are preparing content for a 2017 release of "Volo's Guide to Heroes", which will be new class options and character lore.

Patrick McGill

First Post
My completely baseless presumption is that Volo isn't going to be a repeated thing. I think that was to make that volume unique, and they'll seek other ways to make future books unique when it comes to it.

I could be completely wrong. I just don't feel like Volo's Guide to Monsters is the start of a line.

Yeah, Volo does not plane travel and previous editions by Volo always focused on FR, so maybe we will get an Elminster's Guide to the Planes, with a focus on Sigil and the "Labyrinth" of doorways and passages to and from all the planes of existence.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
My completely baseless presumption is that Volo isn't going to be a repeated thing. I think that was to make that volume unique, and they'll seek other ways to make future books unique when it comes to it.

I could be completely wrong. I just don't feel like Volo's Guide to Monsters is the start of a line.

agreed. And I hope we are right. If there is a book of magic related things, call it Mordenkainen's Lost Grimoire, or something, IMO.

A book of weapon user options, like new mundane subclasses, feats, fighting styles, etc, give it a name that evokes the old European fighting manuals.

No "Complete Warrior", no "Player's Handbook 3", just names athat fit the theme of the type of product.


First Post
My completely baseless presumption is that Volo isn't going to be a repeated thing. I think that was to make that volume unique, and they'll seek other ways to make future books unique when it comes to it.

I could be completely wrong. I just don't feel like Volo's Guide to Monsters is the start of a line.

I cant disagree with you there. In fact, you and I are thinking along the same lines, in that there is a feeling that the next book will take a more creative approach than simply "Player's Handbook 2." I'm excited, as I like this new approach to books.

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