UA to Become Weekly! Pendleton Ward Helped On New AP!

WotC is currently at Gamehole Con, a convention in the US Midwest. According to a GameholeCon attendee at one of WotC's D&D panels, featuring Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, and Mike Mearls, Unearthed Arcana (Mike Mearl's monthly rules column) is going to become a weekly column. Not only that, Sage Advice will be pausing for a while while Jeremy Crawford joins Mearls on the UA columns. There will be a new Unearthed Arcana every Monday, with the next being three new barbarian options.

WotC is currently at Gamehole Con, a convention in the US Midwest. According to a GameholeCon attendee at one of WotC's D&D panels, featuring Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, and Mike Mearls, Unearthed Arcana (Mike Mearl's monthly rules column) is going to become a weekly column. Not only that, Sage Advice will be pausing for a while while Jeremy Crawford joins Mearls on the UA columns. There will be a new Unearthed Arcana every Monday, with the next being three new barbarian options.

WotC's Chris Perkins also said that "The next D&D story is *not* based on Adventure Time. However, Pendleton Ward did help us create it." Ward is, of course, the creator of the US cartoon Adventure Time.



Photo courtesy of @BasementofDeath

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Book-Friend, he/him
I 100% agree with both of your assumptions here. VGtM stated they plan on looking into fiends in the future, so I imagine that "Volo's Guide to the Planes" would do deep dives on fiends and celestials at least. Possibly modrons, slaad, and elementals as well, but I'm not sure how must monster lore stuff you can squeeze in there and still do a fairly comprehensive guide to the planes, although presumably the "beastiary" section will be somewhat smaller - you could probably fully update most planar creatures in 50 - 60 pages instead of 100 like on VGtM

I'd almost say Inner and Outer planes could fill separate books, thematically and volume wise...

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I'd almost say Inner and Outer planes could fill separate books, thematically and volume wise...

That's true. I assume the Astral would be grouped with the Outer Planes, while the Ethereal, Feywild, and Shadowfell would be grouped with the Inner? The latter has somewhat less to cover, so adding the others to that would fill it out a bit (and give us a nice look into the fey as well). Granted, the Astral might as easily be covered in whatever book gives us psionics...


So what, we are supposed to like everything they come up with?
No, and no one said that you are either.

What [MENTION=1560]Corwin[/MENTION] was getting at is that some folks (note: that doesn't necessarily mean you specifically) refuse to count anything WotC has released that A) they didn't want, or B) they wanted but not in the way that WotC chose to do it as being actual options - i.e. someone saying that WotC has released no new player options between the PHB because the Elemental Evil Player's Guide doesn't count because you have to buy it online, and the SCAG doesn't count because it says "Sword Coast" even though the character options in the book are usable in any campaign setting.


Book-Friend, he/him
That's true. I assume the Astral would be grouped with the Outer Planes, while the Ethereal, Feywild, and Shadowfell would be grouped with the Inner? The latter has somewhat less to cover, so adding the others to that would fill it out a bit (and give us a nice look into the fey as well). Granted, the Astral might as easily be covered in whatever book gives us psionics...

Etheral/Astral are wildcards to my mind?


So what, we are supposed to like everything they come up with?
I'm pretty sure that's impossible. We've even heard from certain high profile devs that even *they* don't have 100% their favorite/preferred things in these books. What makes you think you'd have a better chance of having the perfect game than those who *wrote* it?

Sorry but I'm brutally honest and when I don't like something I'm not afraid to say it. WoTc isn't my friend, they are a business that provides a product, and one that they put out for us to give our honest feedback on. I'm not going to be a Wizards fanboy and applaud everything they put out.
You basically just went to a Metallica concert and booed them because you want them to play your favorite Yanni song.


D&D with Pendleton Ward! Sweet!!!!!! :D

It would be brilliant a post apocalyptic world like Ooo!

Actually... Dark Sun in some ways resembles Ooo (minus all the colour and sweetness obviously). I'd be ecstatic if PW had anything to do with Dark Sun! (Just wishful thinking, I know :eek: )


First Post
I love Ward's work. Adventure Time, Over the Garden Wall, and Bravest Warriors. I do hope we get some good stuff from him, like a conversion of the Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant.

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