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[UaVS] The Silver Door IC


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Hmm...It says Rogues geta Sneak any time an opponent is denied their Dex bonus. I think that someone hanging on to the side of a Wall counts in that vein, so...

Arngen stabs at the Scrag hanging on to the side of the Dam, hitting it in the neck <17 HP inc'd Sneak>, causing it to howl with Rage.

OoC:Wait till it gets an attack, Dalamar :D

The Glaiver attacks Grovus,scoring blows with one claw and it's teeth < 12 HP total>.

The Monk, though desperately outmatched, fights on, hitting Gentaria with a palm < 8HP and stunned >, as well as smacking Vitrene with a kick <7HP>.
The last KT unengaged jumps to the water below (the scrag-side, like the first one).

Vitrene stabs the Monk again <7HP total, Sneak inc'd>.

Wesellu is up...

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First Post
Vitrene spits out a hissing curse in abyssal, takes a five foot step away from the Kua-Toa and, as if under compulsion from some unknown power, casts Cure Light Wounds on Gentaria, whincing when he touches the naked skin of her cheek.


Living EN World Judge
Wesellu hurls the flask, which strikes the Scrag on the top of his head <1HP, sorry, bad roll>.

The Scrag reaches out, clawing at Grolvus <10HP> and latches it's teeth in to Arngen <rolled a '20', failedto crit though...10HP damage>, it's fetid breath causing him to retch with it's stench.


Brogark 24
Enraela 23
Jikull 22
Arngen 21
Kuo-Toa 19
Vitrene 17
Grolvus 16
Gentaria 14
Wesellu 11
Scrag 10

Brogark swings at the Monk, though he fails to hit with any of his attacks, he looks to be in very bad shape, cut as he is.

Enraela-Jikull-Arngen-then the Kuo-Toa.

Everyone feel free to post . It looks as if you will get the better of the Fish men at this point, but something unexpected could happen...:D


First Post
Enraela's cold lavender eyes could freeze the deepest fires of hell. Her fingers tightened on her sword and she kept slashing with its hungry blade, wanting nothing more than to take down this pesky creature and all his brethren so she could finish her task.

How dare they delay her.
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Living EN World Judge
OoC: Er, folks? Jikull, Arngen, whoever (besides Enraela and Wesellu), ?
Perhaps folks RL is getting busy, which is understandable.
No rush on my part, whenever yu can get to it.



ooc: I'm kinda stunned so I didn't think I had to post...

IC: Gentaria stands unable to do anything for the moment.


Living EN World Judge
OoC: Ok, I guess I'll auto the end of this, so as to get us out of a stalled funk...perhaps it was the lull whileI was offline.


Enraela buries her sword in the flank of the Monk,feeling the blad eslide deep between his ribs...at the same moment, Vitrene finds an opportunity to stab the Fish man in the throat, the Kuo-Toa falling in a gargle of blood and bile, his lifesblood spilled upon the cruel, cold stone of the Walkway.

Jikull, turning, steps forward, sweeping his great blade in an upward arc, beheading this pretender to the Fury of the Berserker...such deserved no respect, if it took madness to reach the Fury.

Alchemist's Fire and sharp blades, Arngen and Grolvus, working in tandem, drop the Scrag down into the depths of Death...it's bloated form stuck out of the water, where it cannot Regenerate.
Grolvus and Arngen quickly pull Oil from their satchels and packs, dousing the Scrag, the smell of it's putred flesh filling the area with a sickening pall.

All is quiet on the docks, a quick check reveals that the capsized boat is in workable shape, though much of the supplies upon it are lost in the water. A Cave becons to the left, some tunnel or cavern where the Kuo-Toa dwelled, while it is an easy thing to release the Gate, allowing the boats passage.

OoC: You may all advance your characters 1 Level, as you peformed admirably, as well as earning great RP experience. It is a shame that much of it is in secret, via emails etc...but i really like what you all have written so far. My first PbP is still my fave one.
So, continuing in any class that you have is OK without any special considerations. Ask about anything else that you would like to advance in, if needed.

I'd like to have updated version emailed to me bluehead69@yahoo.com asap, so that we can continue to try (slim chance though it is) to get Ferach out of the hole that they worked themselves into.

Thanks, Uriel

Voidrunner's Codex

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