• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Uh... since when was this an issue.

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Unless it's a variant. Then it may just avoid impacting him, which may still cause a slight amount of trauma.

Unless he gets someone else to read the the book and white out anywhere it talks of DoaM and DoaM-like rules his eyes will take the full frontal of DoaM in all it's naked glory.

I predict a deep impact!

Tony Vargas

Sadras said:
That's interesting, didn't know. I hadn't thought of it, until this very comment, but if at I look at our own group - I seemed to house-rule a lot less in the 3.x era than with any other edition and it makes sense given 3.x's comprehensive system.
I'm not sure if it was 3.x needing less house-ruling (it certainly was, as you say, 'comprehensive' in that it had rules for almost everything - but, then, so did AD&D, they were just less consistent rules), or if it had more to do with the attitude towards house rules being negative (because the system was more player-oriented, and house-rules can be seen as undermining system mastery).

5e is clearly trying to encourage house rules and is not nearly so comprehensive as 3.x or AD&D, so will likely succeed in the sense of making DMs feel like they need to come up with some rules of their own.

The intense war over D&D is one of "ownership". The fans who grew up with the game from almost day one resent the game getting turned into something it has never been before and thus you have warfare. Right or wrong, I'm not judging. I'm just explaining why 13th Age gets a pass and D&D 5e and 4e do not.
Thanks for your honesty. Of course, D&D doesn't belong to it's fans, it's IP that currently shows up in a corner of Hasbro's balance sheet somewhere. But, d20, thanks to the OGL, 'belongs' to anyone, and it's good to see innovative games like 13A take advantage of that, as well.

However, as one of those fans who has been with the game since 1980, I resent the implication that all us grognards are that unreasonable and elitist.
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13th Age unapologetically dives into the 4e philosophy tent sans the tactical combat. I'd rather play it than 4e because the classes are at least different but I'd never choose it over pre-4e D&D or even Pathfinder. They are what they are and they aren't keeping it a secret. They are the home for at least some disaffected 4e players.

I bought the basic book mainly to mine it for campaign ideas. Some of their fluff is not bad and some of their ideas on skills via backgrounds are innovative. The system though is not for me. I think most D&D'ers who think like me know that and feel no need to bash a game that is just another game.

The intense war over D&D is one of "ownership". The fans who grew up with the game from almost day one resent the game getting turned into something it has never been before and thus you have warfare. Right or wrong, I'm not judging. I'm just explaining why 13th Age gets a pass and D&D 5e and 4e do not.
I agree, I like 13th age better than 4e, but 5e better than both. I like them all, just to be clear. 13th age feels like it borrows from 4e, 3e and 2e, to me. 5e is more 2e, 3e, I feel, with a touch of 4e

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