WOIN Undead Animals


I am trying to figure out if there is an easy way to just update existing animals to their undead versions. I am still fairly new and I could just create it from scratch but it would be nice if by adding the undead exploit (I think that is what it is).

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I'd probably treat it like a custom Monstrous Career (Eons 141) and bump the Maxdie pool by 1, making the natural attacks (such as any bites, scratches, etc) use that diepool instead, and give it a ccouple undead traits like:
  • darksight
  • a +1d6 bonus of necromantic damage (Or maybe turn the base damage into Necromatic damage and add a special Zombie Disease trait like the Plauge rat has as an alternative)
  • 2d6 vulnerability to Holy or Radiant damage (depending on campaign stye of future or magic) and an extra 4 SOAK to Peircing and blunt damage.
Or whatever similar flavor traits like that you want.


Just a tourist passing your way...
I am trying to figure out if there is an easy way to just update existing animals to their undead versions. I am still fairly new and I could just create it from scratch but it would be nice if by adding the undead exploit (I think that is what it is).
If you like to keep it easy - and that's a completely legit way with WOIN enemies - simply do like you said and add the undead characteristics to whichever animal statblock (OLD p.274)
I did it the same way, sometimes results get very strong if you mix certain characteristics; I did plant-skeletons one time and both plant and undead provide +5 SOAK. I planned them as ads but I got bodyguards for my necromancer villain.

Voidrunner's Codex

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