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Updated status on the revised GSL

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Very disappointing. But I'm getting used to that, unfortunately. I'm still hopeful that Scott will make it happen. He and I had some constructive hypothetical discussions on what needs to change some time back and I hope those happen, even if it is much later than anticipated by any reasonable measurement.

Scott, I'm sticking with you, man! Keep it up! I'm pulling for you!



First Post
Linae was not the only one working on it. Scott mentioned "changes we made", showing that he and others, not just Linae, were working on the GSL. As I undestood it, Scott was already head of the licensing department, or at least used to be and is again. He is also not the only one having to finish the job. Scott said "we" when he said the SOR still has to be finished. So someone is going to push him to get it done. The fact is that the GSL got done fairly quickly and now they only have to complete the peripheral documents, creating one and modifying another. If it takes two months, big deal. It's a heck of a lot better than taking 6 months or a year.

I'm not sure what you are talking about when you say "The fact is that the GSL got done fairly quickly." That is not true.

The GSL revisions are Scott's baby. He and Linae were working on it. Now its just him. Then it goes to legal. But other than legal it is my understanding there is no other "D&D guy" on it.

Also not sure about the 2 months thing. Two months from when? Its already been about 2 months. And the revisions were late even then. And, frankly, the stuff they are changing -- if they do change it -- should never have been there in the first place.

Believe me, I've been the Wizards cheerleader. I still hope Scott pulls this out. But lets at least look at it in light of the actual facts, not spin.



First Post
When you don't have anyone stating the actual facts, then you only have conjecture, assumptions based on typical scenarios. Thank you for giving us some information. But unless you or someone else in the know wish to continue to provide that kind of information, there's still going to be assumptions made. You can't stop assumptions off of wishful thinking. If you want the information to be accurate, then it's the responsibility of the ones with that information to share it. Conversation about the issues isn't going to stop just because you don't provide the information. For instance, EVERYONE here, before you came along just now, thought real lawyers were involved with the GSL (which is a natural assumption considering lawyers should be the ones handling contracts). According to your testimony here, no lawyers are involved whatsoever. So don't pick the most vocal guy out of the crowd and blame him for all the assumptions. People are going to converse with what little information they are given, fill in the blanks with what is known about such things, and from that information an extended view of the situation is going to develop. If you want that view to be correct(ed), then you need to speak up more often.
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[...]For instance, EVERYONE here, before you came along just now, thought real lawyers were involved with the GSL (which is a natural assumption considering lawyers should be the ones handling contracts). According to your testimony here, no lawyers are involved whatsoever.[...]


Orcus merely said something about the creative part of the job, i.e. bringing the revisions in. In addition to this particular activity you also could have:
- legal verification,
- corporate identity and corporate policies and corporate business plan to consider,
- adding support (or removing support) for various proposals from other staffers or other departments,
- review by decision makers,
- review during meetings of various people involved in GSL.

The really disheartening part of this (for me) is that GSL revision is important to tying business plans of third party publishers to those of WotC.

Since the people who work with GSL were downsized, and since according to Scott's words on these boards, he has other, higher priorities, to deal with, the GSL revision is likely to be postponed and, even worse, third party publishers, are indirectly informed that their input for 4E market is... even less important.

In other words, GSL revision, and subequently third party publishers... I think I don't need to spell it any clearer than this.



First Post

Orcus merely said something about the creative part of the job, i.e. bringing the revisions in. In addition to this particular activity you also could have:
- legal verification,
- corporate identity and corporate policies and corporate business plan to consider,
- adding support (or removing support) for various proposals from other staffers or other departments,
- review by decision makers,
- review during meetings of various people involved in GSL.

The really disheartening part of this (for me) is that GSL revision is important to tying business plans of third party publishers to those of WotC.

Since the people who work with GSL were downsized, and since according to Scott's words on these boards, he has other, higher priorities, to deal with, the GSL revision is likely to be postponed and, even worse, third party publishers, are indirectly informed that their input for 4E market is... even less important.

In other words, GSL revision, and subequently third party publishers... I think I don't need to spell it any clearer than this.

That's certainly possible, but considering their already tight resources, then being downsized, I would think that there should be no hard feelings on 3pp's part if WOTC has to focus its immediate attention on keeping afloat. It appears that the results of this last year and a half has been as disastrous for WOTC as I suspected. But the puzzling part is that they are still paying people to develop free computer games as per their latest email. I have no idea what the bottom line could possibly be in that.

Ranger REG

The GSL right now only limits future publishing under the OGL. If Green Ronan wanted to do a future WEG d6 version it would be fine. But as you say, we have no idea what the GSL 2.0 will or wont restrict.
But I don't wan't Freeport for the "bucket o' dice" system. I want Freeport for the 3.5e d20 System.

If Green Ronin wish to opt out of 4e after publishing Freeport for 4e, then they cannot bring that franchise back to 3.5e/d20 or for Pathfinder.

Or can they? I want to know about this SOR.

Ranger REG

But the puzzling part is that they are still paying people to develop free computer games as per their latest email. I have no idea what the bottom line could possibly be in that.

What free computer games? Isn't Infogrames (aka Atari), the current holder of Hasbro's electronics right, including WotC's D&D, responsible for that?


First Post
I'm speaking of the little games they had on Gleemax Games. GameTable Online, not Atari (there's no reason why they should be exclusive to any one game developer or bound by HASBRO's licenses), developed their online strategy games. So that WOTC can focus on their DDI and M:tG III projects, they are letting GameTable Online host their games for free. Besides those they have already handed over (including digital A&A), they have 2 or 3 more games in the works that will also be handed over.

Here's the first announcement:

The article says that it's paid for via advertisements, I guess I missed that the first time, but then I've always been kind of slow on how that pays for video game development and turns a profit. I guess sense GTO does the actual development, it's pretty much pure profit for WOTC and little effort (WOTC still has to design the rules of those games), so just disregard the complaint.


First Post
Fromt hat post and others, it looks like WotC had engaged GTO to develop online versions of their games for hosting (and sale) on Gleemax. When the grand plans for Gleemax fell through, the games still existed, so they licensed them out to GTO to host on their own site. That way both sides get something out of their development effort.

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