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[v.3.5] Gazetteer of Harqual [REVISED]


World of Kulan DM
The Storm Peninsula
Coastal Territories

Seven Axes Clan

Storm Jungle
Reth Tribes
Tabaxi Sovereignty

If not, I'll just create a new thread. Hmm, I could always rename this thread and copy over all the current gazetteer stuff. :unsure:

EDIT: This is what I've decided to do! :)
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World of Kulan DM
The Bulge
Chara Coast

Chara Cities
Hold of Baggar's Rift

Into the Expanse
Casacano (new)
Arid Hall
Desert Elf Tribes
Fated Varag Clan

Lione Savanna
Baervan's Hold
Lione Prides
Tiger Clan
Tribe of the Lione (renamed)

Riverwild Region
Ferinmal Homeland
Reddew Tribes
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World of Kulan DM
The Far South
Heverkent Forest Region

Inner Forest
Outer Forest
Realm of the Little Trees
Timber Coast

Kail Mountains Region
Bloody Fist Clan
Red Grass Tribe

Mistwalker Region
Desertdog Clan (new)
Earth Clan
Mist Prides
Relaini Alliance
Talewind Clan (new)

Nebral Peninsula
Belin Confederacy
Black Sand
Carillon Kingship
Devil’s Cove
Therse Dependency

Paian Hills Region
Four Cities
Rabid Eye Clan

Reef Bay Region
Dog Head Tribe
Jyl City
Tree Clan
Twined Cities

Thenin Peninsula
Falling Stars Clan
Free Shores
Khester (renamed)
Kûwtön Adherence
Sun Prides
Thorn Republic
Wild Towns

Varan Peninsula
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World of Kulan DM
Northern Waters
Aegir's Sea / Sword Gulf

Dark Kingdom
Vicious Wave, Kingdom of the

Gulf of Thallin
Kingdom of Honor

The Ice Waters / Quara’s Sea
Husavik (renamed)
Jarl Kingdoms
Soleil Sovereignty

The North Sea
Forte Hon (renamed)
Scongard (new)
Sunless Land

Sea of the Sun
Port Tiele
Uraltia City
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World of Kulan DM
Southern Waters
Guardian Bay

Hawkgard Holds
Owelga Dominion
Thessalgard Holds
Wyrmgard Holds

Hallian Sea
Alusdrag (renamed)
Fire Giant Tribes
Ghost Hand Tribe
Irongard Holds
Stonegard Holds

Karmine Sea
Deep Shoal
Frey Domain
Myriad Holds
Port Vile
Thyer Domain

Wulman Gulf
Ochel Tribes
Scaleback Lizardfolk Tribe
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World of Kulan DM
The Northlands is an important part of the Lands of Harqual. The (human) traditions of much of the northern half of the continent originated with the humans that came to worship the North Gods. Many of these traditions have changed in the Northern and Southern Heartlands, but in the Northlands, humans tend to stick to the traditional ways. However, there are exceptions. The humans known as Northerners have a strong presence in the wilds of the Northlands, but there are cities and kingdoms in the northern lands. However, they are rarely considered civilized by humans living south of the Greystone Mountains or in the lands of the Ragik Peninsula.

COLD BARRENS [Hex Map Version]
This desert is a frigid place that southerners consider desolate. However, for those that live in and around the cold desert, it is as beautiful as it is deadly. There are many dangerous creatures in the region and the communities and lands that exist here are populated by some of the toughest peoples in the Northlands. The City-state of Coldstone is considered the safest place in the region. Yet it is also a very rigid place with many laws that protect its citizens from each other and outsiders.

The barbarians of the Cold Barrens can trace their lineage back to the time when the North Gods lived amongst the tribes of the Northlands. Their ancestor tribes were never favored, however. Many of them were followers of Xuar before he betrayed the pantheon. Therefore, they were forced to leave the protection of the North Gods and live in the wastes of the Cold Barrens.

This has made the current tribes a bit bitter. They tend towards the evil side of chaos and neutrality. They prefer to worship Konkresh and Ullr. The dead deity known as Zell is the closest many of them have to a "North God" patron deity. Zell was a Sword God who "saw the light" and joined the North Gods. He was the God of Struggling and Ardor, which is something the tribes of the Cold Barrens often take to heart.

Coldstone Region_revised.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
Proper Names: The Archbishopric of Coldstone, The City-state of Coldstone, Drukarhorm Naeissak
Ruler: Archbishop Dagmar Frosthall [LN male high dwarf Clr12 (Hades)]
Government: Feudal Theocracy
Capital: Coldstone
Communities: Allahrd (pop. – 4,900), Arch Crossing (pop. – 60), Barren Crossing (pop. – 90), Blacksong Crossing (pop. – 90), Bluerock Bridge (pop. – 20), Brase (pop. – 150), Cold Road Crossing (pop. – 30), Coldstone (pop. – 16,200), Daydream Spring (pop. – 70), Edgevale (pop. – 945), Eriton (pop. – 1,950), Favhrd (pop. – 3,750), Fournemouth (village [ruined]), Gorahm (town [ruined]), Kilsale (pop. – 740), Kulden Hill (pop. – 1,050), Listër Hill (pop. – 3,980), Littlehorn (pop. – 1,610), Mammoth Oasis (pop. – 50), Mindan (village [ruined]), Mound Watch (pop. – 1,200), Ofttal (village [ruined]), Oimnmount (ancient city [ruined]), Oldcross (pop. – 2,700), Onryx (village [ruined]), Red Bluff (pop. – 2,500), Sauiton (pop. – 975), Serpentcoil Bridge (pop. – 25), Spring of Treasures (pop. – 80), Umbrastone (pop. – 4,500), Weeping Spring (pop. – 90), Wit Zaal (pop. – 2,080).
Fortifications: Ban Lodir (fortress [ruined]), Brokenpass Lookout (tower; pop. – 130), Cullin Tower (pop. – 90), Dead Hill Tower (pop. – 120), Eanverness Tor (tower [ruined]), Ember River Lookout (pop. – 80), Faldir Tor (tower [ruined]), Giantwatch (tower; pop. – 130), Gleadmount Lookout (tower; pop. – 120), Hades’ Hall (castle; pop. – 2,000), Heghgolar (fortress; pop. – 500), Heirless Lookout (tower; pop. – 130), Highstone Watch (tower; pop. – 80), Kincardine Tor (tower; pop. – 120), Korthiod (fortress [ruined]), Ironstand Spire (tower; pop. – 110), Moonfrost Tower (pop. – 50), Mt. Rune Lookout (tower; pop. – 30), Nunthiad (tower; pop. – 110), Obsidian Lookout (tower; pop. – 100), Pinnacle Lookout (tower; pop. – 140), Prast Keep (ancient fortress [ruined]), Redhold Lookout (tower; pop. – 70), Redstone Castle (pop. – 3,000), Razorgrass Watch (fortress; pop. – 1,000), Sipdon Keep (fortress; pop. – 1,000), Sleetgrave Tower (pop. – 160), Stoutcrest Tower (pop. – 90), Valiance Lookout (tower; pop. – 120), Whitehaven Tower (pop. – 120).
Provinces: One archbishopric and three bishoprics.
Resources: Bronze, crafts (dwarven), diamonds, granite, and silver.
Coinage: Pentacle (pp), Star (gp), Pale Moon (sp), Pebble (cp).
Population: 891,525 – Dwarf (High) 57%, Human (Northerner) 21%, Halfling (Hairfoot) 9%, Dwarf (Hill) 5%, Half-Elf 3%, Halfling (Icefoot) 2%, Dwarf (Gem) 1%, Other Harqualian Origins 1%, Other Transformation Origins 1%.
Languages: Axiomatic, Centaur, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Halfling, Harqualian, Kitt, Northlandic, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon.
Alignments: LG, LN *, LE, N, CN
Patron Church: Church of Hades.
Major Religions: Church of the North Gods; Altua, Anubis, Berronar, Clangeddin, Cull, Darahl, Dumathoin, Halmyr, Hansa, Inanna, Mayela, Moradin, Ptah, Sanh, Tarsellis, Ullr, Urogalan, and Yondalla.
Minor Religions: Arvoreen, Cyrrollalee, the Daghdha, Domiel, Eddelis, Gaea, Hel, Lendys, Lokun, Loviatar, Mahridaar, Mirella, Naldielle, Narvi, Rhea, Sigyn, Telchur, Ulaa, Vergadain, and Zell (cult).
Shrines and Cults: Anacoro, Aetna, Azul, Barachiel, Dike, Dionysus, Fenmarel, Hak, Harrak, Icarion, Konkresh, Laduguer (hidden), Polycaste, Math fab Mathonwy (hidden), Mimir, Nesus, Rogrik, Sheela, Thoth, Vali, and Zoser.
Alliances: Kingdom of Jewels (trade [tentative]), Lordship of Wolveshire (right of passage/trade [tentative]), The Township of Kimsbridge (trade [tentative]).

While the City-state of Coldstone sits in the northern hills that border the Greystone Mountains, it is tied through history and tradition to the Cold Barrens. Its ruler, Archbishop Dagmar Frosthall, considers the bulk of the desert to be under the Archbishopric's sway and protection, yet he isn't overly militant about it. Coldstone is strongly aligned to the Church of Hades and the Archbishop is one of the church's most notable members in the Northlands. He is devoted completely to Hades and has little patience for the "prattling thanes of the Kingdom of the Greystones."

Coldstone is feudal theocracy of Hades, but other faiths aren't forbidden within its borders. Both the Dwarven Deities and the North Gods have a strong presence in the land. Each major religion has a temple somewhere within the Archbishopric. However, most of the other churches are forced to set up their temples outside of the city-state of Coldstone, which acts as the theocratic capital of the Church of Hades. However, the other churches of the North Gods don't have to abide by this restriction (but a few have chosen to do so). The Archbishopic is considered to be a theocracy dedicated to all the North Gods but with Hades as the controlling spiritual presence in the land.

This means that death is viewed as a finite thing for Archbishopric's citizens. It is considered illegal to raise people from the dead in Coldstone without the approval of the Church of Hades. Restoring people back to life is considered taboo the victim died of unnatural causes and is quite young. Tragedies involving children are usually overlooked, as family is important part of society in the land. Once a young person passes from adolescence to adulthood, however, they are no longer exempt from the perils of death.

The land's dwarven name is Drukarhorm Naeissak.

SIDEBAR: PCs and Magic that Restores Life
Adventurers are never brought back to life by the Church of Hades. Other temples dedicated to the North Gods might raise a dead adventurer, but never within the city-state itself and the cost is more than coins. The adventurer's companions must agree to perform a dangerous task to benefit Coldstone with no assurance that any of them will be brought back to life if they die. The soul of the dead adventurer must abide by this as well or the restoration of life will not work.

PCs are not exempt from the rules regarding the casting of forbidden magic within the Archbishopic. Raising the dead within the city-state will get a PC executed. (It is a law you do not break. Period.) The casting of healing magic on those who are still alive or hovering on death's door is usually okay, but PCs should be very careful when using healing magic when clerics of Hades are around. Necromancy spells that are considered Evil are also considered forbidden and casting such a spell will get a PC tortured and then executed by an inquisitor.

The rules outside of the city-state are a bit more forgiving for healing magic but not for Necromancy. Casting such spells can get a PC lynched and burnt at the stake. Citizens of the Archbishopic aren't backward bumpkins who will scream that a PC is a witch. Necromancy is considered a blight on the land and those who use it are considered to be agents of chaos and evil, regardless of the caster's true alignment.

Redstone Castle
Still to be written.

DM's Note: If you're wondering what the asterisk means under the Alignments line, it denotes the dominate alignment (around 50%) for each gazetteer entry. The other alignments have less of a presence (50% divided # of other alignments). Thus, for Coldstone, LN is the land's primary alignment, but there are also people that are LG, LE, N, and CN.

Also, since I've updated the timeline for Harqual, the Alliances lines for each entry are subject to change. Note all of them will change but many will.
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World of Kulan DM
Proper Name: The Township of Kimsbridge
Ruler: Leanora Tobbish [N female Dalenmann human Drd7 (the Daghdha)]
Government: Clan Structure
Capital: Kimsbridge
Communities: Cliffpost (town [ruined]), Holden (pop. – 880), Horse Crossing (pop. – 1,070), Kimsbridge (pop. – 4,225), Moorflow Bridge (pop. – 90), Valebridge (pop. – 30).
Fortifications: Bonebow Keep (fortress; pop. – 1,990), House of Korwellian (mage’s manor [fortified]; pop. – unknown), Mortals’ Peak (tower; pop. – 35), Shimmerhall Keep (fortress; pop. – 1,280), Stormeye Tower (pop. – 50), Wippetower (pop. – 95), Wringmont Tower (pop. – 110).
Provinces: n/a
Resources: Dwarven crafts, gems (black amber and rock crystals, mainly), metals (iron and silver), spices (cumin and pepper, mainly), trained hunting birds.
Coinage: n/a
Population: 147,825 – Human (Dalenmann) 59%, Human (Northerner) 15%, Dwarf (Hill) 9%, Dwarf (High) 5%, Elf (Silver 'Wild') 3%, Human (Ismand) 3%, Half-Orc 2%, Halfling (Icefoot) 2%, Other Harqualian Origins 1%, Other Transformation Origins 1%.
Languages: Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Halfling, Northlandic, Orc, and Waracou.
Alignments: LN, NG, N *, (NE), CN
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Alathrien, Aoskar, Brenna, Cull, the Daghdha, Dumathoin, Ehlonna, Faunus, Gaea, Hendomar, Kirith, Larea, Lendys, Lokun, Narvi, Oghma, Olidammara, Ordana, Rellavar, Sanh, Sheela, Tarsellis, and Ullr.
Minor Religions: Anacoro (cult), Boccob, Brandobaris, Caoimhin, Erevan, Garl, Hades, Hansa, Heward, Immotion, Inanna, Muamman, Mussin (hidden/rumoured), Naldielle, Naralis, Ramara, Rhea, Tethrin, Thorn (cult), Tyche, and Zelloran.
Shrines and Cults: Abbathor, Angrboda, Annam, Callarduran, Darahl, Dike, Dionysus, Druaga (hidden), Eachann, Elkscar, Fenmarel, Halmyr, Hak, Hel, Kuil, Lisenka, Mahridaar, Math fab Mathonwy (hidden), Nathair, Nesus, Saint Hubert, Tulle, Urogalan, Vali, Vergadain, and Zell.
Alliances: Archbishopric of Coldstone (trade [tentative]), Giant Steadings of Muirmaer (non-aggression [secret]), Hidden Vale (often protected by Kimsbridge [secret]).

Kimsbridge sits in the hills south of the Fraldottir Mountains at the end of the Redstone Road, which passes through Mortals' Peak and the shrine known as Anacoro's Rest from Redstone Castle in the Archbishopric of Coldstone to the southeast.

For decades, Kimsbridge was little more than a lodge until the Tobbish Family came to the town 20 years ago from the Twilight Lands. Now the flourishing township's influence has grown enough for it to garner attention from the City-State of Coldstone and the Kingdom of the Greystones.

Kimsbridge is a tentative ally of Coldstone. This alliance is only a trade alliance so the town isn't actually under Coldstone's protection. This is how the town's current ruler, Leanora Tobbish, prefers it to remain as she doesn't completely trust Dagmar Frosthall.

She has made a secret non-aggression pact with the giants of Muirmaer and hopes to make the alliance a permanent protection alliance in the not to distant future. If the Archbishop found out, it would be bad for the citizens of Kimsbridge as he hates giants, all giants. He would see her alliance with Muirmaer as a betrayal of the North Gods.

The people of Kimsbridge consider themselves protectors of the Hidden Vale and its peaceful humanoid clans, especially the whisper gnomes of the region. The gnomes respect the citizens of Kimsbridge, but they still keep their distance from the township's holdings. The hut village known as Horse Crossing sits within the vale, but is a vassal community of Kimsbridge.

Bhinneil Highlands
These highlands are the northern boundary of the area that Kimsbridge controls. In truth, beyond the village of Holden in the west and the Wringmont Tower in the east, Kimsbridge has very little control of the region. There is Shimmerhall Keep northwest of the Iilt Caves but that fortress isn't under Kimsbridge's direct control. The Highlands are dangerous the closer one gets to the Fraldottirs, especially near the ruins of Cliffpost – an old fort that was destroyed many years ago.

Fraldottir Mountains
Still to be written.

High Thicket
Still to be written.

House of Korwellian
Still to be written.


Around Kimsbridge: 1 Hex = 24 Miles
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World of Kulan DM
Proper Name: The Steadings of Muirmaer
Ruler: Aridius of the Mountain [N male frost jovian Rgr11 (Mimir)]
Government: Clan Structure (loose)
Capital: Muirmaer
Communities: Adundir (village [ruined]), Arnarhvall (town [ruined]), Brogelir’s Depths (mine/town; pop. – 3,435), Eldueio (village [ruined]), Faynaer (pop. – 3,225), Hearthlodge (village [in cave]; pop. – 600), Isagtor (pop. – 410), Ixnire (pop. – 840), Jorundarholt (pop. – 2,235), Kaggir (pop. – 335), Losgan (pop. – 185), Muirmaer (pop. – 10,840), Oddi (village [ruined]), Ol’Saga’s Bridge (pop. – 45), Rauoamelslond (pop. – 4,575), Tuonaer (pop. – 4,090), Udlorle (pop. – 455), Vragiae (pop. – 920), Vrifziar (town [ruined]), Ylul (pop. – 335), Zivadeep (mine/town; pop. – 4,195).
Fortifications: Aredderan Tower (pop. – 25), Clurion Tor (pop. – 85), Dofraran Castle (ancient castle [ruined]), Exgin Tor (pop. – 25), Gicgir’s Keep (fort; pop. – 330), Gronnus Tor (pop. – 50), Imgan Keep (fort; pop. – 1,300), Keep of Auvarotto (fort; pop. – 1,100), Lligrochan Tower (pop. – 90), Masvog’s Tor (tower [ruined]), Meram Tor (tower [ruined]), Mirgan Haos (castle; pop. – 3,000), Muirmount (temple [fortified]; pop. – 160), Mythic Stonehouse (temple [fortified]; pop. – 185), Ogver’s Spire (pop. – 25), Rodganian Tower (pop. – 20), Roto’s Torkeep (tower; pop. – 150), Sebarg Tor (pop. – 70), Tanirad Tower (pop. – 20), Tinorrak Keep (castle; pop. – 2,800), Tor of Xaggar (pop. – 90), Tower of Mt. Nasvog (pop. – 85), Tower of Uxthor (pop. – 90).
Provinces: Three major settled clans and nine lesser wandering clans; no real borders but sacred hunting grounds are vital to stability.
Resources: Coal, furs (mainly deer), gems (black amber & diamonds [sparse]), meat, metals (copper & iron pyrite).
Coinage: n/a
Population: 696,300 – Giant (Frost) 25%, Human (Ismand) 21%, Giant (Hill) 13%, Jovian (Frost) 11%, Domovoi 7%, Dwarf (Duergar) 5%, Baklath 3%, Human (Zellian) 3%, Snow Goblin (Harqualian) 3%, Troll (Ice) 3%, Dwarf (Hill) 1%, Jovian (Hill) 2%, Half-Troll 1%, Other Harqualian Origins 1%, Other Transformation Origins 1%.
Languages: Dwarven, Giant, Goblin, Ismand, Northlandic, and Sylvan.
Alignments: (LE), LN, (NG), N *, NE, CN
Patron God: None.
Major Religions: Abbathor, Adaranth, Al-Ishtus, Angrboda, Annam, Aoskar, Azul, Baalzebul, Boccob, Celestian, Dumathoin, Gaea, Haera, Hel, Karontor, Maglubiyet, Math fab Mathonwy, Mimir, Mussin, Naldielle, Narvi, Ninhursag, Parafor, Saint Hubert, Sanh, Sigyn, Telchur, Thoth, Tyche, Ullr, Vergadain, Vulcan, Wee Jas, Xan Yae, Zoser, and Zothena.
Minor Religions: Church of the Dark Children (watched carefully); Aetna, Anubis, Asmodeus, Belial, Brenna, Cronus, Deltum (cult), Dike (restricted), Dionysus, Draam, Faunus, Hafulgin, Hak, Hiatea, Hiisi (fading), Kharash, Konkresh, Laduguer, Levistus (fading), Lokun (fading), Loviatar, Mulketh, Oghma, Oaldir, Ortwine, Pharasma, Ramara, Rhea, Sialic (cult), Squerrik, Stronmaus, Sulerain, Syreth (restricted), and Vespin (cult).
Shrines and Cults: Amand, Bel, Bharrai, Caoimhin, Cull, Dark God (hidden), Dispater, Druaga, Ehlonna, Enduma, Ferrix, Fierna (fading), Glasya, Hades (hidden), Inanna (fading), Khonvum, Larea, Maanzecorian, Mammon, Mephistopheles (fading), Meriadar, Muamman, Nephthys, Nether, Oberon, Olidammara, Ordana, Ramara, Rhiannon, Santè (fading), Sathia, Surtur (hidden), Teve, Tharizdun, Tulle, Vali, Waldiran, and Zell.
Alliances: Giant Hold of Icewinde (trade), Township of Kimsbridge (non-aggression [secret]), Tribes of Zell (right of passage/trade [limited]).

Still to be written.

DM's Notes: Beyond what I've already written under Coldstone and Kimsbridge, I don't really have anything for Muirmaer at this point. Up until I completed the above information, Muirmaer didn't even have an official ruler. Jovian is the name that is given to certain types of half-giants on the World of Kulan. The term is more often used on the western continents (Harqual, Janardûn, & Triadora) and the Isles of Valossa. The name comes from Green Ronin's Bastards & Bloodlines: A guidebook to Half-Breeds. That D20 sourcebook has racial traits for hill, frost, and fire jovians.
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World of Kulan DM
Redstone Clans
Proper Name: Redstone Clans
Ruler: Jorsad Amberbraids [CN female hill dwarf Drd9 (Dumathoin)/Rog7]
Government: Clan Structure
Capital: Lundar
Communities: Akranes Camp (pop. – 95), Ballara Camp (pop. – 175), Bonetongue Hallhouse (pop. – 270), Burnthusk Hallhouse (pop. – 280), Camn Mudspring (pop. – 1,085), Conetton (village [ruined]), Endam (pop. – 470), Findochty (town [ruined]), Innshill (village [ruined]), Jagged Crossing (pop. – 40), Kinlick (pop. – 395), Lundar (pop. – 955), Mammothsorrow Hallhouse (pop. – 570), Moorufell (ancient city [ruined/haunted]), Ravenhead Hallhouse (pop. – 165), Rimedunes Hallhouse (pop. – 230), Rumblehollow Hallhouse (pop. – 135), Stormcoyote Hallhouse (pop. – 445), Swiftshadow Hallhouse (pop. – 220).
DM’s Note: There are also other unknown hallhouses and several hidden mines dispersed throughout the lands of Cold Barrens. The Redstone Clans will fight to the death to protect these hidden mines from raiders.​
Fortifications: Greenkeep Tower (pop. – 105), Mirage Lookout (tower; pop. – 85).
Provinces: n/a
Resources: Clay/pottery, crafts (dwarven), mercenaries, metals (cobalt & tin), and potatoes.
Coinage: n/a; the Redstone Clans don't have their own coins but the clans do use the standard silver shield and gold plate coins minted by the Kingdom of the Greystones. The coins from the city-state of Coldstone are accepted at half value and then sent to Greystone to be melted down and recast as Greystone coins.
Population: 85,800 – Dwarf (Hill) 87%, Dwarf (High) 3%, Gnome (Whisper) 3%, Dwarf (Gem) 2%, Centaur (Harqualian) 1%, Half-Dwarf 1%, Half-Giant 1%, Other Harqualian Origins 1%, Other Transformation Origins 1%.
Languages: Centaur, Dwarven, Giant, Gnome, Northlandic, Orc, [Orc (Maran)], and Waracou.
Alignments: LG, N, NG *, CG
Patron God: Muamman.
Major Religions: Berronar, Bharrai, Damh, Draven, Dugmaren, Garl, Issek, Jalivier, Kharash, Kuil, Larea, Moradin, Ramara, Saint Hubert, Sanh, Segojan, Talisid, and Valkar.
Minor Religions: Altua, Baravar, Brenna, Caoimhin, Clangeddin, Cronn, Elkscar, Faerinaal, Flandal, Gaerdal, Harrak, Heward, Kord, Sathia, Syreth, Tok, Ulaa, and Wotan.
Shrines and Cults: Allasyrain, Anon, Apollo, Baervan, Callarduran, Camara, Casiia, Dumathoin, Euphoria, Gwynharwyr, Hak, Hela (fading), Immotion, Manath, Narvi, Nesus, Oberon, Rel, Sialic, Trithereon, Tyche, Vali, Vergadain, Waldiran, and Zoser.
Alliances: Kingdom of the Greystones (old alliance based on traditions); Tribes of Zell (limited trade [always strained]).

Still to be written.

Redstone Barrens.jpg

The Redbarrens: 1 Hex = 24 Miles

DM's Note: Like with the previous entries, I don't have many details about the Redstone Clans. (I might have lost a couple posts of this thread in the database corruption. I'm not sure. If I did, it wasn't much.)
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