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Vampire Bestiary

beej said:
Hey there U_K,

Howdy beej mate! :)

Personally I don't care too much for delves.

I think Delves are good in certain situations. For instance they generally fit into the amount of time you'll typically have for one session.

If the map's the thing keeping you from releasing your first Bestiary, I suggest you do a rough sketch and show it somewhere - I'm sure there are people around who'd be all too willing to make it more presentable.

I actually thought the maps would be a breeze, but they are actually pretty tricky. I understand now why WotC use those dungeon tile maps in their books so much. :eek:

I know it sounds selfish, but I just want to see 4E stuff from you.

I'm going to fix up a version tonight that doesn't have the maps.

I'll probably release the pdf without the maps. Gauge from the feedback if they are necessary and then when I have 6-8 weeks of errata feedback release an updated version that can be bought in print format. During which time I should have the Temple of Death ready.

I will be changing one of the Solo monster traits (from Boss Resilience to Solo Resilience as debated in the 4E stunlock thread) and add Elite Resilience to those Elite Monster stat blocks. But that will only take an hour.

The last thing I need to decide is whether to go the official 4E route (via the updated GSL) or the unofficial 4E via the 3E OGL.

Hopefully you get to roll out some epic stuff before 5E arrives. :p

It'll happen. ;)

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I'm going to fix up a version tonight that doesn't have the maps.

I'll probably release the pdf without the maps. Gauge from the feedback if they are necessary and then when I have 6-8 weeks of errata feedback release an updated version that can be bought in print format. During which time I should have the Temple of Death ready.

Sounds great... I'm eager to see it.

When will it be available (roughly, I know predictions are tricky...)?

The last thing I need to decide is whether to go the official 4E route (via the updated GSL) or the unofficial 4E via the 3E OGL.

Which is easier/less hassle?

Hiya Khisanth mate! :)

Khisanth the Ancient said:
Sounds great... I'm eager to see it.

There is one encounter in the adventure section that's sort of done, but doesn't work and I'm going to change it.

Other than that, I've been reading over, spellchecking and so forth.

I need to fix my new company logo.

The maps still need done, but I think they might be do-able now...although I did see the most amazing maps (isometric, full colour) when I was looking at a product on RPGNow and it really made me blush. :blush:

When will it be available (roughly, I know predictions are tricky...)?

Which is easier/less hassle?

I have been advised not to go the GSL route - but so far there doesn't seem to be an alternative. I'll decide over the weekend. Looking at Wizards website it says it takes 14 days from the time they get the Statement of Acceptance filled out (posted snail mail). So if I post it on Monday it would probably be 3 to 3/12 weeks.

Those weeks will give me enough time to finish the maps off.

That probably means an actual release date between May 7th (Monday) and May 11th (Friday), the latter being the more likely (I'm overseas on holiday between the 2nd-6th of May).


For the record, I don't think they'll respond to U_K at all. iirc he's free to assume they got it some time after he sends the snail mail.

Howdy beej mate! :)

beej said:
For the record, I don't think they'll respond to U_K at all. iirc he's free to assume they got it some time after he sends the snail mail.

Well I think if I haven't had an email from them by the end of this week then I'll drop them an email myself.

Not sure I could just get away with going ahead and publishing without any word from them. Worst case scenario (I think?) the snail mail would take maybe 10 business days. Which would mean Tuesday/Wednesday this week.

Hey Alzrius mate! :)

Alzrius said:
Anything on this front, U_K?

I don't understand why they haven't got back to me. I'll find out where I need to email them and see if I can get a reply.

I'm assuming they got the letter (it was posted over 3 weeks ago). Maybe they don't reply to you or something.

I'm looking at the GSL right now and it says "The license commences 14 days after WotC receives the Statement of Acceptance."

But it doesn't actually say 'how' they let you know when its received.

The GSL goes on to say "...Unless you have received a notice after 14 days declining to grant the license".

So does that mean if I don't hear anything from them its a good sign?

But if that's the case how do you know when the 14 day period begins.

So its a tad confusing but I assume its just a formality at this juncture.

I am working this weekend so no release within a few days. But hopefully I can get a reply via email, that should sort it out and I can get this thing on sale first week of June.

Hi all!

Just to let you know I will finally release the Vampire Bestiary either Monday 25th or Tuesday 26th next week.

That will be a 60 page version without the (four pages of) maps (still not happy with them). But when I update that pdf within 4-6 weeks (with any errata found by that time) I will add the four pages of maps to it and then enable print options.

I actually should have done all this a month ago*

*Or years ago I suppose you could say.

Voidrunner's Codex

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