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Vampire The Masquerade D20?


There are various vampire supplements for d20, all of them fairly good, but I think there really needs to be a vampire setting, or game, focused on them (perhaps using d20 Modern).

It's weird - Vampire is apparently the 2nd most popular game after D&D, and while you find many D&D clones, there are no Vampire clones. Many games have sourcebooks for vampires, but other than Nightlife (which came out around Vampire, and was independant of it), nothing. I don't get it. (Okay, I guess there is also Angel, but I think that's more about playing vampires who are male models)

I love vampires, but I don't like Vampire. Or at least, I don't like the World of Darkness, where every monster imaginable (and then some) exists and has it's own game line, tied together.

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trancejeremy said:
It's weird - Vampire is apparently the 2nd most popular game after D&D, and while you find many D&D clones, there are no Vampire clones.
I think generic medieval fantasy is a much, much broader literary genre than modern vampire fiction. Also, and this is a gross generalization, the kind of person who looks to rewrite and publish his own customized version of his favorite RPG occurs more frequently in the fantasy demographic than in the vampy-goth demo (IME anyways).

REG: Buffy/Angel haven't sold remotely close to Vampire numbers.



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pazuzu said:
This may have been covered already, but I am WAY too lazy to peruse the entire forums. Does anyone know if this is going to be released or not. I've heard very vague rumors to this effect and I was wondering, who, if anybody, had any details on this.

The official WoD v2.0 isn't going D20 at all. It's moving to a variant of the Storyteller system.

However, just yesterday Bruce Baugh and Ronin Arts released Monstrous Advanced Classes - The Vampire, which lets you take levels in Vampire, rather than as a racial template.

You might be able to use it to simulate V:tM in D20.



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Eynowd said:
The official WoD v2.0 isn't going D20 at all. It's moving to a variant of the Storyteller system.

However, just yesterday Bruce Baugh and Ronin Arts released Monstrous Advanced Classes - The Vampire, which lets you take levels in Vampire, rather than as a racial template.

You might be able to use it to simulate V:tM in D20.


A while ago I started to convert V:tM to d20 Modern, and this is basically the exact approach I used. It seemed to work fairly well for the most part. The Disciplines from V:tM convert fairly well to Talents in d20 Modern, and it's not hard to come up with vampire-based feats. I still have that stuff lying around somewhere; I just have to finish converting the Disciplines. That's where the bulk of the work comes in, as it turns out.

[edit: just to clarify, I created a vampire Basic class, not a vampire Advanced class. I was thinking of creating clan-specific Advanced classes, though.]
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Cornelius said:
Yeah, this was actually covered fairly recently. You shouldn't have to do too much browsing to find it. No offense to any d20 purists, but I think that d20 Vampire would be a bad idea. If you want to play Vampire, why not just use the Storyteller system? It works well, and it's very simple to learn.

Uhm, is there any reason why you think its a "bad idea"? Did you think that GURPS Vampire was a "bad idea"?? Or is it just D20 you have a problem with?

The storyteller system is by no means a vital element of V:tM. And Vampire has already been made with another system (GURPS). It would be logical for V:tR to be made in the most popular game system on the planet (D20). Who knows if they will or not (I suspect this is just a baseless rumour).



trancejeremy said:
It's weird - Vampire is apparently the 2nd most popular game after D&D, and while you find many D&D clones, there are no Vampire clones. Many games have sourcebooks for vampires, but other than Nightlife (which came out around Vampire, and was independant of it), nothing. I don't get it. (Okay, I guess there is also Angel, but I think that's more about playing vampires who are male models).

I think what you did find, during Vampire's height in the mid-late nineties, was not people copying the Vampire genre, but rather companies imitating White Wolf's design ethic.

Namely, creating "storytelling" games (never RPGs) with big "meta-plot" for story-based gaming; lots of DM railroading, psuedo-intellectual style, a general emphasis on image, etc. etc.
This eventually led to product lines stuffed with metaplot (Heavy Gear, Brave New World, Deadlands) where you had to buy hundreds of books to be able to keep up with the story and get the next little "secret" of the setting, imitating WW's marketing ethic. It also led to less memorable, unplayable games that were trying to imitate the "seriousness" of White Wolf.

Eventually both of these contributed to the backlash against gaming that lost us countless fans and nearly collapsed the industry.



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Personally I think that V:TX would be a bad idea as a D20 game. D20 is entirely too rules heavy, something the Storyteller system has tried to get away from. A hit point system just would foul the whole thing up... it is supposed to be lethal no matter how experienced your character is.

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