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Veils and Crossings (was: Shadow over Felthera) - StalkingBlue's Midnight game


First Post
Loren spends a couple of evenings pouring over the letter and comes up with the following transcript:

"Soldier Legate Rimhelde was observed riding east towards Hamra and Eisin Road with full guard and half a dozen pack horses two dusks ago, she is said to have been ordered North for either promotion or punishment.

When next Zoidan of Zorgetch comes north with horses to trade it would be wise to arrive early and in force, he has made other arrangements this time.

Clawed Diggers have been brought in for works south of the hairpin bend in the New Road, possibly a new Mirror, works are supervised by a single legate accompanied at all times by three large black wolfhounds. Dawn 15 month 5 year 99 LA."

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First Post
Tallarn said:
I'm playing Keeran, the Cha 6 rogue. Note my massive amount of conversation with NPC's in this game. :)


Maybe copy Keeran's background over to here?

EDIT: In fact I guess I'll do that. I'm copying char backgrounds over from randomling's boards, into the posts above where the PC is first introduced.
Adding player names to above posts, too.
Last edited:


First Post
Tane's account

Fortunately, the journey North was uneventful. The group again settled into a routine. The two scouts taking point and rearguard with the others paying particular attention to the snow elf on the travois. She was feverish, tossing and struggling at times then alternating with calm and sleep. Naith, her escort seemed cowed, visibly shrinking every time Zana came near him.

During one of the evenings, Loren, who had been studying the letters recovered from the goblin’s courier pouch intently, gave a triumphant cry. He had carefully moistened the blank sheet of paper, which revealed a coded message. Loren happily settled down to break the code. Whilst it took him a little time, he managed to do so, revealing the following message.




When Loren read out this missive there no one was much the wiser although Zana did mention that she had heard of Zoidan, a horse trader known to her father. The decision was made that it would be best to take the letters to Dargham’s Folly and show them to the authorities there.

Travelling as swiftly as possible, the newly augmented group entered Vant’s Hollow. Tane breathed a sigh of relief. At least the were now in a heavily forested area. They had some cover. Then it started raining. The rain was solid for at least a couple of days as they skirted the edge of the hollow. It was at this point that the snow elf became conscious of her surroundings. Loren approached and spoke softly to her. Her eyes were able to follow his movements and she was able to understand comments and make voluntary movements. Or so it seemed. Tane wondered how long she had been watching and listening to them surreptitiously before she made her consciousness apparent. It didn’t really matter. After a brief moment her gag came off. Loren seemed abashed and ill-at-ease speaking to the lady. She asked for water. Everyone was curious about her story. At first she was a little wary and defensive but eventually she told the following tale.

“My name is Kiriel. My brother and I, together with several others were instructed to go and collect the essence of a magic node. We managed to do this and then our instructions were to go to Baden’s Bluff where we were to meet some gnomes. On the way there, we were attacked by orcs riding Boros, fearsome beasts. They attacked us using strange skulls filled with malevolent dusts and maggots. I was the only survivor to my knowledge. My other memories are hazy. I remember a dark place, full of rats, damp and smelly. I remember being thrown about on this thing.” She pointed at the travois. “Now, could I please have a little more water, some food and a place to bathe. Then I must get to Carathor, the elven capital in Erethor.”

Jezzt accompanied Kiriel to a nearby pool while the rest of the group continued setting up the camp. Both women came back a little later, with Kiriel looking much refreshed. There was a little more discussion. At Loren’s prompting, Kiriel revealed that she was also a channeler, who amongst other things, had the ability to heal. There was no question that she was going to accompany the group at least until Dargham’s Folly. Further decisions could wait until then.

The next morning dawned sunny and fine. The group rapidly packed up and made ready. This could be the most dangerous leg of the journey. The small gap of open ground between Erethor and Vant’s Hollow. The landscape was steeply graded and folded. Plenty of cover and lots of opportunity for ambush. Both Keeran and Tane had made this journey before. They were aware that orc patrols tended to travel on the flatter ground of a dried riverbed which led to a dried lakebed. There was a partly ruined stone bridge across this lakebed. Whilst dangerous it was still usable. Both the rogues agreed that it was this bridge that was their best chance to pass unscathed. Kiriel pronounced herself fit to walk albeit still weak so Zana decided she was going to ride the horse.

Approximately two hours after setting out that morning Loren started muttering to himself and looking uneasy. He looked around as if he was being followed. Finally he blurted out to the others that he felt an strange oppressive atmosphere, almost as if all the life was being leeched from the land. His magic certainly was being affected. He said he believed that this was the Shadow of the Dark Temple. Keeran and Tane looked at each other, not really understanding but Keeran dryly informed him that he would certainly keep an eye out for any Dark Temples or Shadows sneaking up on them.

Soon after this Keeran motioned for the group to stop. A little later he returned with the news that he had spotted a dead orc. He had been transfixed with an arrow. Both Keeran and Zana then went forward for closer examination but found nothing amiss. With even more luck, the orc still had his equipment of which he was rapidly deprived. Moving on, the group saw a large murder of crows in the distance, pretty much at the location of the lake bowl. Using great caution, they moved forward, Keeran on point. As usual, he went ahead a little to investigate further. He came back reporting that a battle must have taken place. He could see the remains of two wagons and the corpses of at least two to three dozen orcs.

Cautiously the group approached the bridge. Two more orc corpses became apparent in the distance. Tane made sure these were looted again. Then the group crossed the bridge without mishap. At the other end they found another orc, this one locked in a death embrace with a wood elf. Travelling further Keeran again came back to tell the group that he could see a little group of figures ahead, seemingly looting orc corpses. With Keeran’s description of their distinctive hairstyles and dress Zana recognised them as orcmen, bands of men, who preyed on orcs. This could be a great opportunity to gain help to the forest. Zana rode forward with Keeran shadowing her in cover. She approached openly, calling out a greeting. However, as she rode closer she noticed several things. One of the figures had a huge gash across his chest, a gash that should have been incapacitated him. Another figure had one foot twisted backwards. So, ever the diplomat, she called out:

“If you are not Fell then I suggest you let me know now because you look undead to me”.

The figures seemed more concerned about their loot then their status of life or unlife. There was some conversation between Zana and the figures in which they revealed that they were stripping an orc motherwife and Zana became more and more convinced that they were Fell but very recent ones who had not realised it yet. She came to an agreement with them that the group could pass and they would leave each other alone.

Getting back to the group, she related her dealings. Loren was very adamant that Fell were an abomination and should be eradicated where found. The rest of the group was not as adamant but Tane thought they were more likely swayed by the thought that an orc motherwife could have higher quality loot. The group prepared. Zana rode forward, shadowed by the two rogues. By this point, the Fell could see what was happening and they charged. While they were quite weak, they were using vagrashes making them dangerous foes. The conflict was short, sharp and brutal. Zana, Jezzt and Jarod made a formidable fighting team whilst Tane promised himself that he would spend all his spare time at the bow range practicing his shooting. Yet again he couldn’t hit anything. Fortunately, the group was not relying on his shooting and the group was finally successful. Upon closer examination the group found a breasplate and a bronze amulet in the shape of a skull. Instinctively everyone was certain this was something to do with the Shadow and it was promptly destroyed.

The group pushed on. It was now almost dusk. They crossed an area that had been recently burned and finally made it into the edges of the forest of Erethor. A vast, tangled, menacing green presence. Loren had mentioned the “whisper” before. Tane didn’t really know what he was talking about but as he entered the forest, the feeling that it was alive was tangible. Even here at the edges of the forest, movement was slow and careful. Tane knew the forest was full of paths but only the elves really knew how to use them. They should be meeting the outer defences very soon.

Keeran came back, looking annoyed.

“Tane, could you go and talk to these guards. They are convinced we are Fell.” He rolled his eyes. “We have to go through this every single time.”

Tane stepped forward to the edge of a clearing and called out. “My name is Tane and I am from Dargham’s Folly. As you can see, my companion is riding a horse with ease. I will put down my weapons and step forward to prove that I and my companions are alive.” He stripped off his weapons and stepped forward.

A gruff voice could be heard from the undergrowth. “Well lad, its your turn. Go out there and confirm his story.”

A nervous young man, almost a boy, appeared and carefully held out a knife to Tane, who took it and carefully made a small gash on his hand, which bled freely. The young man looked visibly relieved and Tane called the others. Tom, the young man and Benjin his partner, a grizzled veteran, carefully steered the group through the undergrowth into a treetop structure, a Talann, where everyone settled down to sleep. There was a brief disturbance a little after midnight when a group of elves joined the group in the Talann but little conversation was exchanged and the rest of the night was uneventful.

The group rose the next morning for the final leg of their journey. An elven guide would take them to Dargham’s Folly where they would report. This journey was again uneventful and took approximately a week and finally Keeran and Tane approached a small collection of buildings within an encampment, which was the closest thing they had to a home.

Their first port of call was Captain Bernt’s quarters. He hadn’t changed them. They could tell that by the bellows heard through the door. The guard outside asked them to wait and soon two wildlanders exited. The guard announced them. The group entered.

Looking at Tane and Keeran, Bernt exploded: “Where in blazes have you two been?” He was standing next to a map with a variety of coloured tokens and stones. In the corner of the room stood an elven lady whom Tane recognised as Nayeen, Bernt’s elven advisor.

Tane then gave the Captain a report of everything that had happened to them, introducing everyone and handing over the contents of the courier pouch. Bernt had a quick conversation with the other four members of the group and then sadly removed one of the coloured tokens from the map. After some thought and a perusal of the letters, he turned to the group and said:

“Well, your best course of action would be to go back to the site near the New Road and harass the building of this Temple. The building is mentioned in this letter. A temple down there would be very bad news for us.”

Nayeen quietly approached Bernt and there was a rapid conversation. Then he turned around and said: “Our elven allies feels that it is imperative that the horse trading situation in the South must be investigated. This matter is of grave concern.”

Zana echoed Tane’s thoughts when she answered: “I feel that this is a more realistic mission for us at the moment as I think that there will be many hundreds of orcs in the vicinity of the new Temple.”

With that the group left. So the next course of action was to trade the goods they had stripped from the orcs. Tane hoped that Dimgol the gnome trader was in the camp. Finally there was the matter of Kiriel. Loren shyly asked Tane to convey to Kiriel that if she wished for an escort to Carathor with her precious drum then he would gladly oblige. Upon hearing this suggestion, the rest of the group was enthusiastic about this idea providing Kiriel agreed. She was more than happy to.

So Tane and the group were now going to visit the legendary elven capital of Erethor Forest. He was sure this was a journey he would never forget.


First Post
Loren's account

Loren pulls out a scroll and starts writing.
Dearest Alhana,
I am sorry that I have not written to you for a few months, I know I promised to write every fourweeks but I have been so busy! I miss you so much and think of you every day.

I have not told anyone this but I had a vision of you at your last battle, From reports I heard from survivors my vision must have been at the exact time you died (I am led to believe that this sometimes happens with twins), I saw you surrounded by all those foul disgusting orcs, I saw you
slaughter several and I saw what they did to you, I will never forget.

I imagine you would laugh at what I did next, you were always so carefree and easy going, You would tease me about my interest in dwarves and their blood vows, Well anyway, In a moment of
rage and anger I swore a Blood Vow, I swore to Claim one thousand orcs as a blood price for your death. Not that a thousand orcs hold the same value as you do, Were I to slay every single orc on the planet it could never compensate for your life, Not even if I could step up to Izrador himself and burn him to ash could I claim adequate compensation for you. Never again will I see your (smug, irritating)smile or be teased about my total inability to talk to a woman.

So far I have slain seven orcs, a good start but still many to go, at first I thought to collect orc ears as trophies but they smelled and quite honestly made me feel sick so I decided instead to collect orc teeth.

I can see the surprise on your face as you read this, Your calm collected, bookish (boring?) brother vowing to avenge you, but you are my baby sister (by two minutes anyway). And all the family I had left.

So I left the safety of the forest and got myself assigned to a band of humans, you know how little I think of humans, most are little better than orcs. I remember our long discussions where you would suggest that all our hope lay with these humans and that they had more strength than even they knew. I Believed that humans were mostly a drain on us, that they had little use other than as fodder, and that was the best of them!, the worst of them were minions of the Shadow! So I kept myself to myself and did not really talk to anyone else.

I do not really know what happened but there was an ambush, most my comrades were killed and I ran, all my ideas of slaughtering orcs had come to nothing, I was so scared! I have never been so frightened in my entire life.

Somehow I got away and found myself in the company of two other survivors a warrior by the name of Zana and a man called Jarad who I would best describe as a unarmed combat specialist.

We ran and ran, much of it is a blur to me, Eventually we got to a river, we had hundreds of orcs behind us and a river in front, and I cannot swim! We saw a boat and ran towards it, There was a man on the boat who refused to take us over unless He could have one of us as payment, I
assumed he was a slaver and decided to end the discussion by colour spraying him, it had no effect! he just laughed! He was a fell and therefore immune, I was so stunned that I just stood there as he charged and attacked me, I remember healing myself a bit and then everything went dark.

I awoke in a place I did not recognise, I thought I was dead and looked for you, But I then saw the face of Jarad and realised that I was still alive, My two comrades had dragged my for over a day. Rather than just leave me to die, they risked death themselves by carrying me and therefore moving slower. I was amazed that humans could care so much or show so much courage, Much of the next few days are also a blur to me as I got little sleep and had to cast several spells, I came close to dying as I began to power my spells with my own physical energies, I remember being attacked by some orcs which were dispatched through a combination of my spells and the martial abilities of my comrades.

Later we met up with some more humans and had few more skirmishes. We decided that the best thing to do would be to get back to the safety of the forest.

I would like to tell you a bit about my comrades.

First their is Zana who reminds me of you, she is only a fifth my age and already a skilled warrior. Her resilience is amazing, she seemed to shrug of blows that would kill lesser beings

Jarad is an enigma to me, he seems very calm and collected, but is also the fastest person I know.

I owe my life to these two and will not forget that.

As I said earlier we met up with some more humans, there are the brothers Keeran and Tane, Keeran is the most unlikeable person I have met, but I think I could trust him with my life, he talks very little but is a very good scout. With Keeran on point I could almost feel safe, even when being hunted by thousands of orcs! Tane his brother is also very talented at scouting, he is more personable than his brother and more talkative.

Finally there is Jez another gifted warrior, I am again amazed by how someone so young can be so skilled, but that is just part of the mystery of humans.

I met a woman and actually talked to her! she is named Krill and is of the Miransil kindred. We met Kiriel as we were trying to make our way back to the forest, she was in a state of delirium and was in possession of a powerful magical item, like heroes of old we rescued her from foul wargs
and goblins.

After a few more adventures we reached the forest and got to a place of safety. We are planning to escort Kiriel to the capital, I suspect that it will be a quite an uneventful journey unlike the last few

This humans are contagious, It took me years to master my craft and I was considered a prodigy, yet in a few weeks in the company of humans I have mastered spells of the second circle!!!

Okay!! I will admit it, you were right all along, these humans have great value and potential, I was totally wrong about them. In fact my comrades (all human) are probably the nearest thing I have to family since you left me. I can hear you laughing!! but even big brothers can be wrong(sometimes!).

I have decided to ask these humans if they will help me fulfil my blood vow, each of them has their own reasons to kill every orc they meet but I think they will help me anyway! I know that you
would approve of me asking them.


Loren pulls out another scroll and copies out the first scroll word for word, he then set fire to the first scroll and says a short pray over it as it burns away to ash. Loren then goes to his comrades and shyly, nervously asks them something.


First Post
[Intro for upcoming session posted to players: ]

Asking around for a safe travelling route towards Caradul, you learn the following:

There's currently much fighting along Felthera, all the way upriver from the Black Weir at the forest border to the Keep of the Cataracts. There is little river traffic because of that and the route is not recommended.

Slower but currently safer is the route due west across the forest, aiming to cross Felthera roughly where it meets the river Ceren (the large tributary flowing west-east past Caradul).
There's a mid-sized Elven town there, Heren-Nín, nestling between the hills where the rivers meet. You may be able to resupply and possibly find an escort for Kiriel at Heren-Nín.

According to what you can learn, the trip to Heren-Nín should take around ten days one way. The return trip should be several days shorter if you can travel down Felthera at that time. If you don't get horribly lost, you should still be back in time to deal with Zoidan's suspicious horse rendezvous - there's no intelligence on how far the temple excavations near the New Road will have proceeded by then.

Continuing on to Caradul will take at least another ten days one way, in this case expect that you'll be well into summer by the time you can get back to Dargham's Folly, with the orcs likely in place to begin their summer offensive.


First Post
[Tane's account, by Tane's player: ]

The negotiations with Dimgol had been completed. Tane gave a sigh of relief. As usual, the gnome was a hard bargainer. Tane still didn’t know who got the better of whom but most of the people in the group either received what they wanted or were going to receive what they wanted. Jezzt looked pleased in her new armour and Jarod started practicing immediately with his great sling. Tane winced as one of the stones flew past the ear of one the children in the camp. He hoped Jarod would get better soon. Keeran was carefully examining his new bow and Tane himself happily jingled a couple of dozen crossbow bolt heads and looked at his new shortsword. He finally had a melee weapon.

The group decided to escort Kiriel to Heren-Nin, an elven settlement on the shores of the River Felthera , deep inside the forest. The journey would take about ten days.

Zana decided to stay in Dargham’s Folly. Someone had to stay in the camp to accept the gear when it arrived and Capt Bernt also wanted to talk to her further as regards her experiences with the outlaw group. Dimgol also warned the group that a river journey up the Felthera was out of the question at this time. There was heavy fighting along the shores. Unusually heavy for this time of year. The best route would be to head straight west through the forest.

As time was of the essence, the group set out first thing the next morning. The sun was shining, everyone felt light hearted and enthusiastic with the exception of Keeran. His mood was not improved when a young boy approached him just outside the camp and attempted to draw him out about his adventures as he was taking point. That was very brief. The boy left very quickly. “Keeran must be in a good mood”, Tane thought. “The boy isn’t in tears.” The day was uneventful as was that night. The second day mirrored the first and at dusk the group reached Treetown, a deserted elven settlement. The group used one of the semi ruined Talanns as a campsite. Just as Tane was woken by Loren to stand his watch, the elf quietly pointed to a neighboring Talann. Several figures could be seen on it. It was likely they had spotted the group but common politeness suggested that any talking should be done when everyone had had a night’s sleep.

The next morning, Tane approached the strangers. They had obviously been in battle. He was greeted cordially and when their leader was called he recognised him immediately. It was Rennael, Keeran’s and his elven commander, mentor and teacher. Greetings were exchanged and Rennael wanted to know everything the brothers had done. Tane made the introductions and told the story. Rennael nodded politely to Kiriel, but his main interest was in the group’s adventures. At the end he nodded again and was about to leave when Tane asked him about his deeds.

“We were in the north. There was a group of rotting Uruk and rabid wolves. They are no longer there”, was the laconic answer. It explained the state of some of Rennael’s warriors.

The next couple of days and nights were uneventful. The terrain changed, becoming more hilly and rocky although still forested. On the fourth day, Kiriel started to tire more easily and she acquired a general gray pallor. Tane feared she had not recovered fully from her previous fever. There was a distinct sheen to her face, she complained of being cold several times although the temperature was normal and her skin had a clammy, moist, feel. Everyone decided to make the best speed possible. The sooner they reached a settlement the better. Once they reached Heren-Nin, hopefully there would be an elven healer there.

The night passed peacefully but the next day a curious pack of wolves shadowed the group for a time. After some distance, they grew bored and disappeared. Kiriel was no better. By the end of that day, the group reached a clearing, more a burnt section of the forest. Open ground. No matter were, open ground made Tane nervous. Normally he would have advised to go around and use the woods as cover but this would entail a major detour and this was the middle of the elven forest. So the group decided to travel the much shorter distance across. As they approached the middle, Loren whispered that this used to be the elven settlement of Paran. For some reason, it was singled out and destroyed by the Nightking Zarax the Dragon. Silhouetted in the distance, Tane could see very large gray shapes. “Dire wolves” he thought. “What are they doing here”? Others had spotted them as well. They made the best speed they could although they were slowed down by having to support/lead Kiriel. Yet the wolves didn’t move. They just watched.

“Why didn’t they attack?” thought Tane. He didn’t question their good fortune however and hurried after the others in rearguard. Then he saw Kiriel turn around and almost start back the way they had come. Jarod and Jezzt had to physically restrain her. Loren approached and talked quietly to her. She was shaking her head and pointing back. Loren talked a bit more to her and then stepped ahead, taking her hand. She calmed down and followed him. They group finally made their way to the edge of the clearing and found an animal trail, which they followed.

Some minutes down the trail, Keeran came running back to the group.

“Wolves!! Get ready! They’re coming!”

A short space behind him, three wolves came bounding down the trail. Fortunately Keeran’s warning was sufficient for Jezzt to ready herself for their attacks. Tane realised that the rest of the pack must be nearby. Probably coming in from both sides and the back. The first three attacked and as soon as they did the others appeared. Tane was wrong though. They came in from one side and the back. He shouted at Loren and Kiriel.

“If you have any magic use it now!”

Battle was joined. The wolves attacked in a peculiar method. They attacked people’s legs, biting, nipping, trying to hamstring people, experts and making prey fall over. It worked. Keeran fell to the ground. Both Loren and Kiriel used magic but it was eerily ineffective. Loren tried to used his splash of colours which was so good against orcs. Here it barely affected one animal while Kiriel made the very plants and undergrowth grow and grasp at her command but again that barely affected one animal; it did affect Keeran though. The wolves savaged him and he started bleeding badly but they concentrated their attacks on Kiriel. There were ten animals in total. Sheer weight of numbers told. Four got through to Kiriel and attacked her. Soon she was bleeding and unconscious but they still worried at her, making sure she was slain. Then, as if by command, they broke off their attack and melted back into the forest.

The group looked at each other in stunned shock. Only two of the wolves had been slain. The speed and ferocity of the attack was extraordinary. Keeran was healed by Loren and the group mourned Kiriel. Everyone decided that they should continue with Kiriel’s mission and that the drum must go to the elven kingdom. Loren volunteered to carry it. As a final gesture, Jezzt took her sword and decapitated Kiriel to prevent her from rising as a Fell. She was then carefully deposited in the undergrowth.

The group moved on now having to find a suitable place to camp. This was now the evening of the 5th day since they left Dargham’s Folly. The group settled down for the night. Almost at the end of the night, Tane was woken up by a scream. He rolled over to see Loren being attacked by many wolves. The camp seemed to be full of wolves. He loaded his crossbow and shot at one. The others woke up. Jezzt tried to get up but was brought down by the animals again and again so in the end she started fighting them from the ground. Their main concentration was on Loren though. They bit him again and again and he couldn’t take their attacks. In the same way as with Kiriel, they attacked several times after he was unconscious as if making sure he wouldn’t rise. This time they stayed to fight. Fortunately the group was able to defeat them. By the end of the fight, Loren was slain, Jezzt was unconscious and bleeding badly and Keeran was hurt. Jarod quickly went to Jezzt and, using a charm taken from Kiriel, he was able to stop her bleeding.

A dreadful suspicion was creeping up on Tane.

“It’s the drum. Both of them were carrying the drum. That’s what seems to be attracting these attacks. The wolves singled out the person with the drum both times.”

The survivors briefly discussed their options. Taking the drum with them was out of the question. They would hide the drum but where? In the end, a hollow tree was found and it was put there, out of the reach of any wolves. Keeran made several marks to be able to locate the spot when he wanted to. The group then decided to move on a short distance and make camp. They had to wait for Jezzt to recover. She had stopped bleeding but she was still unconscious and in danger. Then they had to make their way to the settlement although it was going to be much more difficult without a guide. Finally, Jarod decapitated Loren.

Finding another site, the group had to wait for two days while Jezzt recovered. It was not possible to move her. At dawn on the 7th day, horses could be heard on the trail. Tane rapidly to scouted and saw two elven riders. He stepped out on the trail and hailed them.

They stopped and eyed him warily before approaching.

“Are you Rennael’s men?”


“Who mutilated the bodies on the trail behind?”

“We did. We had to. We have been attacked by wolves. It was the only way we could think of to stop them rising as Fell. It is the human custom.”

One of the elves was doing all the talking while the other was just watching. He looked with distaste at Jezzt, who had said that she had decapitated Kiriel.

“Blood and ashes!” he spat. “Humans”.

“Look,” said Tane. “Can you take us to Heren-Nin? We have to get there as fast as possible. They need to know what is happening here. Wolves attacking elves in the forest. Have you ever heard of anything like that?”

First the elves asked, “Where is the drum?” Tane told them.

Then they conferred among themselves but in the end they agreed.

The last three days of the journey went smoothly. Jezzt was able to recover a little. When the small group reached the river, they saw a large open space. It was green, lush, dotted with flowers of all types. The effect was stunning. There was an air of serenity throughout the whole area; and everywhere there were elves. Male and female, tall and short. As the group forded the river, one seemed to pay particular attention to Jezzt and then moved away.

The survivors were led on a path to a platform. There was little ceremony. Soon they were taken into a chamber and faced by three elves. Two introduced themselves as Inahas and Feen while the third didn’t say anything. The questioning began. It was directed first at everyone but then concentrated on Jezzt. What, where, why, how, who. The questions flowed but it was soon apparent that it was a very skillful way of extracting the full story of their adventures quickly. There was great interest in the drum and its location. Early in the questioning, one of the elves got up and stood behind Jezzt, touching her shoulder.

One of the seated elves said: “I hope you don’t mind. This is the best way to ascertain that we are hearing the truth”. Jezzt just shrugged.

Finally, after a long time, the elves were satisfied. Then they volunteered what they knew. The drum that Kiriel was carrying was one of five. It was very potent shadow magic called vile essence. The groups responsible for carrying them were to get as deep as possible into the forest and burst it. When they did, the forest defences in that area would be severely weakened. The reason the wolves attacked the group was because they forest was defending itself from enemies. It perceived anyone who carried the drum as hostile. Tane groaned. He didn’t know why Kiriel was carrying it but Loren was totally innocent of any malevolence.

Four of the five drums had served their purpose. It was immensely lucky and important that the fifth drum was still whole as the elves could now examine the nature of this new threat. The consequences of its use were already dire. The Keep of the Cataracts was under attack. This was unheard of. Keeran immediately volunteered to act as guide to the last drum whenever it was convenient. The rest of the group healed and rested. They would have to go back to Dargham’s Folly soon.


First Post
DM's notes:

The drum the party escorted/carried was one of five the Elves in Heren-Nín by then knew about - but indeed the only one recovered whole.

During the questioning at Heren-Nín, the Elves asked Jez (but no one else) a large number of strange questions about herself, her family and Hamra.


First Post
DM to players:
Wrap-up for March 11 session

It is late evening by the time Inahas and Feen, still quietly grim, appear to run out of questions at last. Guards escort you to a guest tree at the northern rim of the town. An ample meal of roast venison and leaves and nuts is brought, and two channelers are sent to cure Jez and anyone else in need of healing and to examine all of you for signs of fever (everyone appears to be in fine health).

The next day in mid-afternoon you are once more summoned by Inahas, who is once again in the company of the channeler Feen. Yesterday’s silent, nameless elf is not present.

Feen greets you more courteously than before, although still with reserve. Inahas merely nods. (Those who have had dealings with elves would know that is not unusual – relations between humans and elves are less than easy in Erethor.) All in all, the atmosphere appears to have improved.

After an exchange of slow courtesies that Tane manages to manoeuvre through without greater faux-pas due to his superior knowledge of High Elven, Feen glances at Inahas, who nods rather curtly.

“All of you can understand this tongue, yes?”, she says in careful, mellifluous Erenlander and looks around for confirmation before she goes on, “I understand that you brought the scholar Loren’s blade with you. I would request that you give this sword up to me so it can be returned to his academy, together with his lorebook once that has been recovered with his body. I would also ask for Kiriel’s fighting knife, which we will send to her family once we have been able to establish who and from where she was.”

“As to you, seeing that certain doubts appear to have been cleared up …”

Inahas stirs but says nothing.

“… And seeing that the drum you escorted for a while is so far the only one we may hope to recover intact,” Feen continues, “it has been decided by the Council that in acknowledgement of this debt of gratitude and in respect to ancient alliances, it is right that we should provide each of you with a gift to ease the path that lies ahead of you.”

“If one of you will volunteer to guide our patrol to the place where the drum is hidden, we will provide the rest of you with supplies and an escort to guide you back onto familiar paths. We will of course later do the same for that one of you who will act as our guide.”

“Who will volunteer?” She looks around, clearly expecting nothing but acquiescence from the humans – as elves will.

The gifts offered to each PC:

Jarod: a masterwork quarterstaff of polished yellow Erethor oak and five shattering sling bullets (+2 damage bonus upon a successful hit).

Jez: a masterwork longsword and a set of masterwork weaponsmith tools.

Keeran: an icewood masterwork shortbow (+1 STR bonus).

Tane: a masterwork light crossbow of polished yellow Erethor oak and ten bolts.

All the items are of obviously elven design and workmanship. Icewood is a wood from the Veradeen (northern Erethor) that is transparent like polished ice or crystal and is said to hold enchantments more easily than other types of wood. Yellow oak is a heavily grained wood from the south with a warm feel (+1 hardness).

For everyone who accepts, Feen will bow and present the gift on both hands saying, “In acknowledgement of a debt of gratitude and in respect to ancient alliances.” She speaks Elven to those who understand it, and Erenlander to those who do not.

Anyone who waits for Tane to go first (and are able to understand High Elven) will learn that the correct reply is, “Alliances ancient and everlasting.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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