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Vengeance in Mornonas


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As Xavier accepts the priest requests. The priest looks at him straight in the eyes with a large smile almost relieved that he accepted.

"You did the right thing, fighting would have been a lost cause.

Don't worry I will make sure that your stay among us is as pleasant as it can be."

He lower his head and looks back at Xavier. "One more thing, I will have to cover your eyes, to lead you to my humble residence. One is never too careful" He finishes with a friendly smiles.

Gror and the two militian are fuming, but still controlling themselves.

OOC Knowledge Nobility roll 10+7
Xavier remembers when he was a kid during the last war with Axyr, eating at the table with high ranked Axyrian officer or noble. While their men were dying in disgusting dungeon they were given access to formal to oppulent living quarters accordingly to their ranks. They had restricted access to the Castle garden, library and other non-senstive area where they could pass time until the end of the war, or when their ransom would be paid.

Xavier also notices that the men uses a lot of Noble expression to designate things. His invitation do sounds like a very polite way for him to surrender and accepts being a "prisoner" in a golden cage.

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DarkMaster said:
"You did the right thing, fighting would have been a lost cause.

Don't worry I will make sure that your stay among us is as pleasant as it can be."

"One more thing, I will have to cover your eyes, to lead you to my humble residence. One is never too careful."

"Ah," says Xavier as the pieces begin to fall into place.

"I do get the feeling that you are confusing the idea of supper, with that of surrender. The former would be my pleasure, the latter is out of the question.

"You are, you seem to be forgetting, in my house.

ooc: DM - which of the men radiate evil? Or is that still unclear?


First Post
Xavier senses that Gror and the priest are radiating evil.

As Xavier refuses the gallant surrender requests, the priest shrugs and make a large sight.

"Then I will have to revert to violence. I hate using violence with other civilised person"

(OOC Understand here noble, the hardcore noble often think that they are the only person educated and important enought to be considered civilised, another noble jargon).

He then adds slightly shaking his head left and right
"No! my house"

He turns his back to Xavier and waves his hand in a nonchalant way.

"Gror you know what you have to do, please don't hurt him too badly, he might be worth a lot of money"

He then starts to walk towards the stair located at the far end of the church.


Xavier Roces, male human Servant of Hieroneous

Xavier smiles grimly at the priests response. He doesn't bother with a reply. He lowers his head for a moment as he calls on Hieroneous to grant him the courage to face what is coming. With a touch he eliminates the lingering effects of the Captain's blow this morning if necessary.

"Well Oa, its going to get noisy. Defended me, and will you."

Xavier notices that the priest has turned his back and is walking away. Perhaps Heironeous heard his prayer after all.

ooc: Going to away for the next 24-36 hours, so feel free to push it along. Some thoughts:
* Lay Hands, but save a point to stablise someone (Xavier wants Gror alive if possible) * Command Oa to Defend him. * AC 11, hp 22. * longsword (mw) +6 melee (1d8+1, 19-20x2) * He has only one smite, so wait until the situation favours his chances of hitting - charging, flanking (with Oa). * Fight defensively if necessary * Possibly use Disarm, but only if its not likely that his opponent will succeed in disarming Xavier (just saw the sting in the tail of this little maneuver) * Live to fight another day if things go badly.

If Xavier is attacked by more than one, attampt to use his better mobility to split things up.


First Post
Gror 14
Xavier 12+1
Soldier 1 8
Soldier 2 3

Gror shouts to the other "Take the stairs of the entrance I will take the other" As he heads quickly towards the eastern back stair.

- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
-................ altar. . . . . . . . . .-
-. . . . . . . .-----. . . . . . . . . .-
-....----------------------.......- stair to the altar
---....................................---Stairs to the balcony left,right
-.............=................=..G.... -
. .
. .about 120' of temple pillars every20'
. .
-|||....................................|||-stairs leading to the 2nd floor
----------<----------->-------- balcony


Xavier Roces, male human Servant of Hieroneous.

Xavier makes a decision. He turns to his right and sets off for the stairs that Gror is approaching. He moves quickly, calling his hound to follow. With luck, he will be able to make it to the landing midway between the floors before Gror, thus giving him the advantage of elevation over his opponent. If not anywhere on the stairs will do, but the landing would be easier for Oa.

Xavier takes his sword in a two handed grip and calls upon the Hieroneous to guide his hand.

ooc: * longsword (mw) +6 melee (1d8+1, 19-20x2)
* +1 to hit due to holding the higher ground
* Smite Evil (+3 to hit, +2 dam, 1/day)
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Quickly heads towards the stairs and starts climbing them. Xavier notices that he moves extremely fast for someone in chain mail.

Xavier also starts running towards the stairs, holding his sword in one hand he jumps over the balcony unto the stairs (roll jump 9+1 DC10 Hop up, Balance 13+1 DC 15) Xavier jumps over the balcony and falls on the stairs below right in front of Gror. But Xavier not used to to perform those acrobatic moves misses a steps as he falls on the ground and take a few second to recover his balance (Basically taking his standard action to regain footing.) Oa ( jump 2+8, balance 15+2) jumps over it also and falls nearby Xavier. He smoothly falls on the stairs and his able to attack Gror right away. (roll 14+3;dmg 1+3) He savagely attacks Gror to the neck, but Gror helping himself with the handle of his double sword is able to dodges the attacks of the dog.

Xavier is somehow impressed how easily he was able to defend himself against the animal.

The other two militian seeing that Gror is already engaged with Xavier decides to turn around and heads towards the stairs.

Gror 14
Xavier 12+1
Soldier 1 8
Soldier 2 3

- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-
-................ altar. . . . . . . . . .-
-. . . . . . . .-----. . . . . . . . . .-
-....----------------------.......- stair to the altar
---....................................-XOStairs to the balcony left,right
-.............=................=........ -
. .
. .about 120' of temple pillars every20'
. .
-|||....................................|||-stairs leading to the 2nd floor
----------<----------->-------- balcony

Oa doesn't even have the chance to finish his attack that the dark armored men retaliates at the dog. He first strikes with the right side of his sword. (roll 19) hitting Oa in the stomach (dmg 8) then let roll his sword in his hand to strike him the back with the other blade. (roll 19; dmg 6) The dog seriously bleeding crashes on the ground unconcious. Xavier still can beleive how quickly and effectively Gror got rid of his animal friend.

OOC Action Xavier.


Xavier has seen enough soldiers to realise that this man is in a different league from Xavier. One-on-one with Gror, Xavier might have been able to get lucky. But with the two militian, it wouldn't even be a contest. By rights Xavier should withdraw. But Oa's howl as Gror cut him down still lives in Xavier's head after the animal itself has fallen silent. The sound of Gror's dead body hitting the floor will go some way to silencing it though.

May Hieroneous have mercy on my soul.

Xavier strikes, calling on Hieroneous to lend his servant a little of his Divine and eternal strength.

ooc: Two attacks. Whoa. Xavier is toast. But while he's at it, two handed attack with all the Smiting goodness he can put into it. (pappa needs a 20!) Can you get a flanking bonus from an ally that has been killed earlier in the round? If the answer's yes, I'll take it.

At least this time my character has a sword in hand.

BTW: Does the balustrade go all around the church, or is it simply along each wall?


First Post
OOC The balustrade circles the whole church, no flanking bonus for Oa, and he has a double sword in hand (that explain the 2 attacks, but Xavier seeing how easily he got rid of Oa beleives that he is no match for this evil warrior.


ooc: ah, a double sword. Thats a relief. With the two attacks and fast move, I thought I was looking at a Barbarian 6. Of course, I might still be.

Voidrunner's Codex

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