D&D General Very strange request: I am trying to find a very old thread


Hey everyone. I hope this is allowed.
I’m trying to find a very old thread (3.0 or earlier) about a paladin who is quite unusual. I remember him spitting holy water in a succubus’ or demons face, and him always drinking just enough so he wouldn’t get drunk.
It was highly entertaining and I seem to have lost my bookmark of it over the years.
Happy gaming!

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Hey everyone. I hope this is allowed.
I’m trying to find a very old thread (3.0 or earlier) about a paladin who is quite unusual. I remember him spitting holy water in a succubus’ or demons face, and him always drinking just enough so he wouldn’t get drunk.
It was highly entertaining and I seem to have lost my bookmark of it over the years.
Happy gaming!
Perhaps Tales of the Wyre, although to be fair I don't recall that particular incident but there is a Paladin and a Succubus.


Mod Squad
Staff member
If the thread was from 2002 or earlier, it may not exist any more, as we lost archives in a board crash at that time.


Holy water can get you drunk???
I think the holy water spitting and drinking alchohol were separate things, but each actions you don't associate normally with a paladin.

Though I suppose you could keep sacramental wine on hand that works in both cases...


Great Old One
I have the case from a veeeeryyy long time ago of Siegfried Haakmoon, played by one of my childhood friends, who was a paladin and had two tanks on his back with straws to be able to drink alternatively wine and banana juice. I don't think I ever knew why my friend created him that way, but we were about 15 so...

Voidrunner's Codex

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