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[Vile] Puppy Kicking PCs at Work

John E Smoke

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With as pleasant a smile as he can muster, Dulanse replies.

"Well, I suppose that course of action has its merit as well. After all, only a fool would toss up the opportunity to hire a group of foul-smelling, haggard, weary sots with fleas leaping from their scalps. And just imagine! If we dig graves or chase dogs fast enough, we might even earn a bonus! I... I'm simply overcome by excitement!"

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Isida Kep'Tukari

"Hush, Pretty Bird. Do you see fleas on me? I rather think not. Just because I am capable of bathing in cold streams whereas you must have a scented bath with floral soap and attendants does not make me smell any less sweet. I simply care more for simply hygiene than vanity.

"Even so, gravedigging is neither lacking in honor nor pay, though it may not be glamerous for you, Pretty Bird. I seek employment for my mace and my crossbow, for my knowledge and my advice, for my magic and my Goddess. And whether that be gravedigging or planting you in the ground, I will abide by Her will," she says with a smile on her face, though the rest of her expression spits venom.

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
John E Smoke said:
With as pleasant a smile as he can muster, Dulanse replies.

"Well, I suppose that course of action has its merit as well. After all, only a fool would toss up the opportunity to hire a group of foul-smelling, haggard, weary sots with fleas leaping from their scalps. And just imagine! If we dig graves or chase dogs fast enough, we might even earn a bonus! I... I'm simply overcome by excitement!"

"Those who need the services we provide should know well how little cleanliness matters. I suppose, though, that if it is your associates that we will be looking for work from, they will care more about our raiment than our capabilities."

John E Smoke

First Post
With a bemused expression, Dulanse scratches at his chin.

"Grave soil and mud hardly smells sweet, dear lady. And do you think you'll get much respect for your mace and crossbow when you appear worn enough to barely lift them? Do you believe that your wisdom and prayers will mean much to those who think you delirious? And if some quirk of fate finds me dead, you are welcome to perform the burial rites - but do not tarry too long."

Turning to face Gwyn, he adds "Do not be so quick to assume the people I would do business with are my associates. They are sources of profit, nothing more."

"I would like to remind all of you that this is a city we are travelling to, not some bumbling backwater village. We are each of us skilled in what we do, and if we seek the best opportunities available, then we have no reason not to present ourselves with some measure of grace; doing so will only enforce any impressions we give as competent individuals. We are not beggars, and I doubt we shall find ourselves making much money by scaring children and milkmaids, much as it would entertain you, Gwyn."

"Now then, shall we sit here on our duffs for the next week bantering back and forth, or are we going to actually move on?"

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Dulanse said:
"Now then, shall we sit here on our duffs for the next week bantering back and forth, or are we going to actually move on?"

"Oh, but this bathing issue is such a lively one. Must we distract from it with travel?"

He is, however, already mounting his pony, with the certain comical flourish one finds only among those who cannot accomplish the act with true grace.

"Oh, and hygiene is a vanity," he adds, turning to Lydia. "You, I think, would have a sense for that." He himself has made a point of bathing twice daily while traveling, when it's been an option.


First Post
Sunedilar swings astride his horse as well before cocking his head back towards the increasingly heated discussion.

"I would be surprised if a potenial employer would care as much about our degree of hygeine as he would about our willingness to lash out at one another over trivialities."
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First Post
Fabian smiles as Aeweth joins in--though not too broadly, since it is of course impossible to maintain a sizable smile and a decent whistle at the same time. The small smile remains as he continues to whistle through his companions' quarrel.

His tune finally dies away just as he is packing away the last of the now (more or less) clean bowls. He stands, shaking stream water off of his hands, and speaks up, his voice light and amiable.

"It seems to me that each may do as each wishes. I myself wish to join Dulanse for a visit to an inn of fair repute. Following a hot, leisurely bath--and if it is indeed scented, I shall not complain--I plan to spend some time having some equally leisurely drinks with some of the very good friends that I plan to make in the very near future. With a touch of luck, I might even find some way for us all to keep ourselves nicely entertained for the next small portion of our mortal lives.

"But, to repeat, if any of you wish to pursue other plans this day, it seems to me that you ought to feel free to do so."

That said, he looks around, eyebrows raised, waiting to see if anyone has a problem with that.

(If not, he'll be getting his mount and belongings ready to leave.)
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Isida Kep'Tukari

"There's no need to be catty, Pretty Bird," Lydia says with maddening calm. "Just because I'm not exactly like you is no cause to be rude."

*Lydia finishes mounting her horse and with a cluck of her tongue moves out onto the road.*

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
"I seek employment for my mace and my crossbow, for my knowledge and my advice, for my magic and my Goddess. And whether that be gravedigging or planting you in the ground, I will abide by Her will," she says with a smile on her face, though the rest of her expression spits venom.

Rhesa mentally shakes her head. Lydia, you're going to either grow thicker skin or kill one of these fellows someday. Then she considers as she loads up her horse. Aeweth follows Lydia around, for the most part, but also wouldn't object to a nice, long bath after a while on the road. And Rhesa wouldn't object to one, either. One way or the other, Aeweth would follow Lydia, though (especially considering the other option was being left alone with this lot). Rhesa would too- she didn't fancy the sort of jobs Lydia might get them hired for.

"I would be surprised if a potenial employer would care as much about our degree of hygeine as he would about our willingness to lash out at one another over trivialities."

Heh. He may be a bastard, but he's got the right idea thinks Rhesa. She gets up on her horse.

Aeweth somewhat shyly (and inexpertly) brought her horse up next to Lydia. "You know," she says cautiously, "He does have a point about presentability." She seems almost apologetic to gainsay Lydia. "I mean, we're more likely to get hired with certain people if we look nice."
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