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[Vile] Puppy Kicking PCs at Work

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
Rhesa pauses for a moment before stepping out of her room, closing her eyes and slipping into character. When she steps out, there's a bit more pep in her walk, she's got an absent minded (or airheaded, depending on how charitablle you are) smile on her face, and she always looks at things far away through her glasses.

She enters the common room and waves to the others before sitting down next to Lydia and, in imitation of her, eating extra neatly. She's wearing a soft brown tunic and a long brown skirt- the effect being of scholarly robes, with allowances for Aeweth's desire to show off in the new town....

NeuroZombie said:
"Not as good as what I am accoustomed to, but better than I expected." he says to no one in particular.

Guilt Puppy said:
Alev, first to leave for the bath, is almost the last to return. He's changed into a somewhat finer outfit, a wine velvet number that adheres to the shape of his body more than can be justified, and powdered his face; his hair, as well, shows a certain extra flair this evening, coming to an even sharper point than usual; and the eyes are bloodshot and surrounded by bulging veins, suggesting a touch of pepper.

Internally, Rhesa can only shake her head in wonder. What a pair of pompous asses! she thinks. Lydia has the right word for them. Peacocks.
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Sunedilar comes down near the end of the meal, his head freshly shaved and his skin covered in a sheen of exotic oil, things required of him by his religious upbringing. He is dressed in his city clothes, and his ceremonial weapon gleams after a vigorous cleaning. He gets his food and sits, eating quickly with only the occassional sip of wine to wash his food down. As Alev makes his inquiry, Sunedilar glances up at the fop with a hint of a sneer on his lips. He manages to stop himself from responding verbally, but the withering contempt in his eyes for such a statement of sloth is plain enough as he returns to his meal.
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John E Smoke

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Dulanse relaxes for the first time in quite a while as he enjoys his warm bath, but doesn't linger for too long. He dresses sharply but not gaudily, and when he returns to take his meal, he does so amiably and with that extra bit of shine to his smile.

After washing down the last of his meal with a sip of wine, Dulanse finally speaks.

"Now this, friends, is much more what I had in mind. A pleasant atmosphere, full bellies, and just a bit of comfort on top of it all. I find it to be the best environment to discuss business in. Now if you will recall, I have already mentioned several people who probably have a use for individuals with such... unique talents as ourselves. The question is who to speak with? If we want to speak with Shather of Harren, we'll have to wait 'til the morning. Madame Brie, however, we can speak to any time tonight."

"Another consideration is whether we should stick together for this, split into groups, or pursue opportunities individually and meet back together later. Any opinions on any of these options?"


"I would be happy to join you, Dulanse, if you wish to go see Madam Brie this evening," Nyos says "It is rare to find one with manners in our line of work."

Guilt Puppy

First Post
"I agree with Nyos, Brie sounds like a good spot to start off with. I'm eager to catch a whiff of the sordid sector of this town, myself..."

Staring oblivious past Sunedilar's glare, he arches his back, and places his bowl on the table with a dull clank. It is still half full.

"As for splitting up, it seems a touch less than wise, and anyway a bit contrary. Two groups, maybe, but if we start moving in less than that, we're cutting out the benefit of our... consolidated talent."


First Post
"I agree," Sunedilar said quickly, "there is no need to divide ourselves yet. We should go to this Brie and see if she has anything worthy of our efforts. In the morning, we can pay a visit Shather and allow a counter offer. If we play one against the other, we should be able to secure the best possible arraingement."

Paxus Asclepius

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Thomas Hobbes said:
Aeweth blinks, her next words a combination of actual and willful ignorance. "I- I'm not quite sure I understand..."

Gwyn smiles more unpleasantly than usual. "Some men are unable to find women willing to satisfy their desires, and unwilling to force the issue themselves. For such men, there are madams. For a small fee, they may use a woman as they like, provided they return her undamaged. For a larger fee, they may have more exotic women, or may be allowed to inflict some degree of harm. Only the extremely wealthy can indulge their desires to the fullest in this fashion; that is the price they pay for being too lazy to take what they want themselves. Is my meaning clear, or shall I demonstrate?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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