Virtual Greyhawk Online (Sept 30th-Oct 2nd) - PLAYERS WANTED (D&D5e, etc.)


Virtual Greyhawk Con is an online game convention.
You'll meet plenty of people and is a great way to try out people for your VTT/online game groups.
There are a TON of events this year. Everything from pre-generated character games to Living Greyhawk "bring your own character" games.

It's $5.00 registration.

Please check it out. Virtual Greyhawk Con 2022


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Hola folks---

It's that time of year again, and Virtual Greyhawk Con is on! Game registration opened today at noon: Virtual Greyhawk Con 2022

My events this year will be:

1. Carlos Lising's G2 The Witch Queen's Lament on Fri Sep 30 at 8:00 pm (4 hours) at Carlos Lising's G2 The Witch Queen's Lament
2. Rob Kuntz's Maure Castle and Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure on Sat Oct 1 at 7:00 pm (5 hours) at Maure Castle and Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure
3. Erik Mona's COR1-03 River of Blood on Sun Oct 2 at 2:00 pm (4 hours) at Erik Mona's COR1-03 River of Blood

All are set in the World of Greyhawk (of course!) and will be run using AD&D 1st edition rules (of course!).

In addition to my events (all of which still have seats open as of this posting), numerous other Greyhawk fans are running events spanning OD&D to 5e, all set in Oerth.

Registration to play is just $5 and events are free: Virtual Greyhawk Con 2022

I hope to see you there!


Voidrunner's Codex

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