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[VtM]Help a newbie out


First Post
First am new to the World of Darkness setting, have never played single version of it in all of my pen & paper days but I need break from running a D&D game after 2 years and my group wanted to play this game. We have an extremely experience storyteller who knows the rules in and out. Now I've played in dozen campaigns and can roleplay with best of them; I've done everything from military leaders, anti-heroes, 40 foot giants, inquisitors and a bird who destroyed a Dark Sun campaign with high bluff score and one piece vendor trash. Am not saying this to brag but just to get the point across that I can pull off a lot. However in our VtM am at a lose.

See as I mention early am new to oWoD and VtM, so our storyteller made mine everyone elses characters due to us being new. I was given Brujah character, this wasn't really problem for me done blood knights before and I was always able to give them amazing depth. Actually this good place for stats

Before his embrace my character was University student majoring in Psychology with minor in Political Science. Before his post secondary life he and his future coterie used to run a small drug operation. During his criminal days he was the the muscle of the group taking on all comers (note this was shared background just replace muscle with another role for another character). As child he was sickly and deemed an outcast, forging his body both physical and mentally to get away from the slums and factories that haunted him.

Clan: Brujah
Embraced: 2004
Generation: 9th (Don't ask)

Strength: 3 Charisma: 4 Perception: 2
Dexterity: 4 Manipulation: 3 Intelligence: 2
Stamina: 3 Appearance: 2 Wits: 2

Alertness: 1 Etiquette: 2 Academics, Military History: 2
Athletics: 1 Firearms: 1 Politics: 1
Awareness: 1 Larceny: 3 Technology: 2
Brawl: 3 Melee: 2 Psychology: 1
Empathy: 3 Performance: 1
Intimidation:1 Stealth: 3
Leadership: 1 Survival: 1
Streetwise: 1
Subterfuge: 3

Disciplines Virtues

Presence: 1 Conviction: 2
Celerity: 2, Instinct: 4
Potence: 2 Courage: 4

Humanity: 5
Willpower: 6

Influence: Background: Boons
(Coterie)Resources: 2 (Coterie) Contacts: 2 (Police & Gangs) Lifeboon to seneschal
(Coterie)Underworld: 2 (Mine) Contacts: 1 (Underworld mob boss) Major to my Primogen
(Coterie) Street: 1 Major to Nosferatu

*Note: Anything not mentioned is zero or not in yet*

Now as you can tell from my build am suppose to be stealth warrior who can break into anything, with some budding social skills. Now here comes the problem the storyteller running the game as 95% RP 5% combat. See this just cripples my character making me feel useless and the load to the rest of the group. When asked about the Storyteller very much gives off the vibes that am suppose to pull the others out of a fight when they screw up and I got other things to offer. Now I've dropped hints to the storyteller that am bored (can I actively pay off boons, calling up my contact and demanding work) this has just left him dumbfounded and confused.

Finally today I had enough called him out on it. Sat there point blanked and asked him is my character ever going to do something. He again was taken back by this and confused. I explained to him every other character got something up and running within 5 sessions. Me on the other hand I've been put into torpor when I missed a session, told to sit and wait when I asked if theres a way to pay off boons in more proactive way, put into torpor again, and finally told that my contacts will never give me help on finding jobs during session 5 where I sat and did nothing for the whole session. He gave some ideas but I don't know if hes going to follow through on them

So I turn to the you guys and your experiences what can my character do? Just couple things I can't depend on my Coterie due to the twice torpor thing, they just see me as load to the group. I really don't want another boon unless I out right must take one.

Also please explain your whole idea out as mush as possible. Pointing me to books that may help me would be great too. Thank you

Edit: Update

Now so far I have never been allowed to use my social skills. Either am told to STFU by an NPC or ignored by the storyteller. So my talk skills have been pretty much useless to point I want to get rid of presence since I never get a chance to use it. I have records on this so yes this really happen.

Storyteller ideas:
Call in a boon get security business going, not seeing were this will go since the criminal operation and mechanic shop others have open up he doesn't do much with.
Tell the other players am bored and can do stuff for them, players see me as the load because they never get into fights and one time they did they ran away (They were order by the Prince to this fight and the only reason why there not dead is because I actually fought a monster and saved the Sheriff)
Call the Sheriff, this guy has been described to us as 500 pounds of pure asskicking and makes us :):):):) bricks and no one wants to talk to him
Call the Primogen to pay off the boon, first been told thats not how boons work and my Primogen has a standing order to kill me on sight
Steal cars and break into houses, I get chew out for calling my contact asking for work in petty crime and now am told to do petty crime

Other posters ideas
Take over street gang, odds are this is putting me in torpor for the third time and if not will never be used
Join the anarchs, won't go well period
Get some ghouls, meant work if he doesn't shoot it down due to him knowing me and how my power plays work out
Attack the other PCs, I got blood bonds at lvl 2 due to the second torpor and I've gamed with these guys for 2 years and couple even longer then that. So this meant start a flame war at our table.
Last edited:

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First Post
With Charisma, Manipulation, and Subterfuge that high, you should be at the lead in the party's social interactions. You should be talking people into beating themselves up even though you have the ability to do it.

I think your GM misrepresented your character. It looks like a good fighter, but should shine when it comes to being a face as well.

Watch some Leverage, and start thinking of Eliot. He hits things very hard, but he also knows how to get things without cracking skulls. Your character's stats can pull it off, and so can you.


First Post
With Charisma, Manipulation, and Subterfuge that high, you should be at the lead in the party's social interactions. You should be talking people into beating themselves up even though you have the ability to do it.

I think your GM misrepresented your character. It looks like a good fighter, but should shine when it comes to being a face as well.

Watch some Leverage, and start thinking of Eliot. He hits things very hard, but he also knows how to get things without cracking skulls. Your character's stats can pull it off, and so can you.

I've posted this OP on couple other forums and this has come up before. Also this isn't knocking your idea I like, I've done it dozen times, heck one guy has called me in just roleplay a big bad thats tough as nails and can talk the party into doing anything, so am good at doing this stuff. So I like your idea and know how to pull it off. Not trying to brag but when I was DMing the group that is now playing VtM I actually got them to like madman who I spent 3 sessions describing how insane he was in under 2 mins.

Now hes the catch ever character that I talk to when am with group tells me to STFU. No really I got recordings of this, the Prince (Ventrue) told me shut up and let the player Ventrue speak. When I went to see my Primogen I got stake, and told to shut up listen. When me and the Ventrue player decide to get a little criminal empire going I was ignored by the storyteller and actually had to stop the game just to tell him am there and then he went back to having one on one conversation with the player Ventrue. Am now at the point of going point blank to NPCs and telling them "Am bored do you have something for me to do?" I have recordings on this yet, these words were said to a Keeper and my underworld contacts.

Also am updating the post with some new information.


Here's some things to clarify and double-check with your group:

is it the players telling you to shut up or their PCs?
Is it the Gm telling you to shut up or his NPCs?
Are some instances due to Clanism towards your PC (ventrue do not think highly of muscle-moron brjuhaha)
Are you looking for the GM to hand you quests but the GM is expecting you to initiate some action?
Are your playing your PC in a way that makes them want to shut up, despite your best intentions?
Does the GM seem to have material prepared for the other PCs to engage with, but not yours?
Does the GM and players have a perception of your PC that he is just a grunt and can't do anything else?

I certainly suspect that if something doesn't change, you and this game are a mis-match. It sounds as if the game is effectively excluding you from participating in it. Whether by design or accident, something needs to change (you quitting is effectively a change).

I also would not discount that despite your PCs social stats, you may not be portraying him as diplomatically as others might wish or take seriously. I know that some players do more harm in social scenes than good, because they are oblivious to how they come across to the NPCs. Its not just game stats, it's the mannerisms and words coming out of your mouth.

In any event, another talk with your GM is in order. Tell him you feel frustrated and that you feel like everybody else gets to do things and be involved in the campaign, but your character does not and is often directly put aside or ignored. You could certainly list off all the activities and goals the other PCs were involved in and worked on, and ask him to point out the same for your PC in what has gone on already.

At that point, don't call it an ultimatum, but tell him that if things don't change, and your PC is not enabled to participate with the material as much as the other PCs, then you see no reason to continue playing a game that you are effectively just watching go by.

Here's some game style commentary: There's a lot of different ways to run a game. Some GMs expect the PCs to drive the action, and if they fail to do so, nothing cool happens. Some GMs do not like to personalize any material just for specific players or PC skillsets. I posit that if the GM made all the PCs (you said they were PreGens), then he has an obligation to provide material that is of interest to those PCs to participate in. A GM who hands you a Fighter and puts nothing to fight in the game (very heavy roleplay) has done you a disservice. It'd be different if he told you this was a very political game, and you made a Fighter and found nothing to kill, then the mistake is on you for not paying attention to the campaign style.


First Post
Edit: Update

Now so far I have never been allowed to use my social skills. Either am told to STFU by an NPC or ignored by the storyteller. So my talk skills have been pretty much useless to point I want to get rid of presence since I never get a chance to use it. I have records on this so yes this really happen.

Well, who are you talking to? The only mentions of interactions have been with your Elders, likely the oldest and most powerful vampires in the city. You're barely out of your diapers in the scale of vampiredom. You may have good ideas, but to them, you haven't done anything, haven't proven yourself in any way. Why should they bother with such a Childe?

You've got potential, and moxie, but these NPCs have been at this game for centuries. Even 4 dots Charisma doesn't do much to impress.

Storyteller ideas:
Call in a boon get security business going, not seeing were this will go since the criminal operation and mechanic shop others have open up he doesn't do much with.

Well, one thing that isn't mentioned is the general plot. What is going on that the players initiatives are being ignored. It's sounding like it's not just you if the other operations have been ignored as well. Whatis the ST focusing on?

Tell the other players am bored and can do stuff for them, players see me as the load because they never get into fights and one time they did they ran away (They were order by the Prince to this fight and the only reason why there not dead is because I actually fought a monster and saved the Sheriff)
Call the Sheriff, this guy has been described to us as 500 pounds of pure asskicking and makes us :):):):) bricks and no one wants to talk to him

Sounds like a powerful ally to have, and he should already be friendly to you if you saved him, or at least helped him out. Make contact, see if the Sheriff needs anything done. Make yourself useful and show that you can get things done. There's bascially three ways to advance amongst the Kindred. Prove yourself useful, get some dirt on someone, or play rivals off each other and keep your hands clean.

Name drop. If you're in with the Sheriff, bring it up casually the next time you're in the presence of your Primogen.

Call the Primogen to pay off the boon, first been told thats not how boons work and my Primogen has a standing order to kill me on sight

I'm not gathering why your Primogen has it in for you, did you do something to piss them off? Sounds like it's time to get a new Primogen. Does the Primogen have a rival? If so, get in with them, and look to topple the current Primogen. Do some leg work, find out who doesn't like the Primogen, get some dirt on him, get him into trouble with the rest of the Primogens and the Prince. You're in with the Nosferatu, if anyone knows some dirt, it's them.

Where does your Sire fit into things? Talk to them and try to get information, especially in the working of the city and the kindred within it. Who are the power players? Who is rivals with whom?

A standing order to kill you on sight? Did this come from the Prince, or are you still considered a Childe? Only the Prince has that right to declare destruction. Get your Primogen in trouble for overstepping his bounds.

I'm not following on the boon either. How are you owing a boon to someone, what's the backstory on it? A lifeboon means that your life was saved by the one granting the boon. So what's the story on it? The first bit of this page Prestation & Boons - LA: A House Divided should give you a better idea of boons and how they work.

Steal cars and break into houses, I get chew out for calling my contact asking for work in petty crime and now am told to do petty crime

Seems little point in this, other than for something to do at the moment. Do you mean your own contact, the mob boss? Why are you contacting them for menial work?

Use your coterie police and gang contacts. Start making a herd to feed from, and look to making a loyal ghoul or three. Come up with your own petty crimes, and bring in some of the contacts to share the score. Charisma 4 is natural leader territory, so you're the one who's supposed to be coming up with the ideas.

Other posters ideas
Take over street gang, odds are this is putting me in torpor for the third time and if not will never be used
Join the anarchs, won't go well period
Get some ghouls, meant work if he doesn't shoot it down due to him knowing me and how my power plays work out
Attack the other PCs, I got blood bonds at lvl 2 due to the second torpor and I've gamed with these guys for 2 years and couple even longer then that. So this meant start a flame war at our table.

I'm not understanding the level of combat ... you mention 95%, but then later on say that there's been one fight in at least 5 sessions. So the others in your coterie were explicitly ordered by the Prince to fight, and they ran? What were the repercutions of that?

How are you blood bonded? And to who? Your buddies are feeding you their blood while you're in torpor? What's the excuse?

Now hes the catch ever character that I talk to when am with group tells me to STFU. No really I got recordings of this, the Prince (Ventrue) told me shut up and let the player Ventrue speak.

One thing you may not realize, being new to the setting ... the Ventrue and the Brujah do _not_ get along, at all. They have a very long history of fighting each other. So I don't see your Storyteller blocking you on this one. Your coterie has a Ventrue in it? Then that's who the Prince is going to talk to. Remember that Ventrue are the 'nobles' of the vampire world. They believe they should be the ones to control and rule the Camarilla, and have the skills, contacts, and resources to do so. The Prince will assume that your Ventrue buddy is the leader of your little group.

The Prince is also likely very old, and a few generations above you. You've been a vampire for a mere 8 years. It's shocking to the Prince that you're even allowed to think for yourself, much less be asking and making demands of them. And the Prince's word is Law. What he says goes. He let you come into the vampire world, and he has the power to have you taken out of it. He's the CEO of the company that he build up from the ground up ages ago. You're the new hire. You don't even have the support of your manager (Primogen).

Thinking as a Ventrue, you should count yourself lucky to even be allowed audience with the Prince, as you're nothing but common street rabble. And then you have the insolence to try and speak to him, as an equal? Keep your place and remember who you're speaking to, whelp!

When I went to see my Primogen I got stake, and told to shut up listen. When me and the Ventrue player decide to get a little criminal empire going I was ignored by the storyteller and actually had to stop the game just to tell him am there and then he went back to having one on one conversation with the player Ventrue. Am now at the point of going point blank to NPCs and telling them "Am bored do you have something for me to do?" I have recordings on this yet, these words were said to a Keeper and my underworld contacts.

Keep working with the Ventrue in setting up your empire. With two players, the Storyteller can't ignore for long. The thing with the Storyteller system is that sometimes a character will get the spotlight and attention of the ST for long stretches. It's not a good way to GM, and should be relegated to out-of-session playing or emails, but it can happen during the game. Just work on your plans. What angles are your empire going to cover? Who are they going to make deals with, and what are the deals, or who are they going to push out? Will they be treading on the toes of other vampires? Get the organization planned out.


First Post
Well, who are you talking to? The only mentions of interactions have been with your Elders, likely the oldest and most powerful vampires in the city. You're barely out of your diapers in the scale of vampiredom. You may have good ideas, but to them, you haven't done anything, haven't proven yourself in any way. Why should they bother with such a Childe?

You've got potential, and moxie, but these NPCs have been at this game for centuries. Even 4 dots Charisma doesn't do much to impress.
True but being told by the storyteller STFU, when I try to roleplay bit dishearting. This also happen with my Primogen but he added 4 ghouls and a stake.

Well, one thing that isn't mentioned is the general plot. What is going on that the players initiatives are being ignored. It's sounding like it's not just you if the other operations have been ignored as well. Whatis the ST focusing on?
One player is working for his primogen, 2 are running the criminal operation, and finally the other one has mechanic shop up. Me I've been floundering.

Sounds like a powerful ally to have, and he should already be friendly to you if you saved him, or at least helped him out. Make contact, see if the Sheriff needs anything done. Make yourself useful and show that you can get things done. There's bascially three ways to advance amongst the Kindred. Prove yourself useful, get some dirt on someone, or play rivals off each other and keep your hands clean.
The Sheriff payed that off by getting me out of torpor and preventing Final Death. Really every time we meet the Sheriff every player wants to run out the other door.

I'm not gathering why your Primogen has it in for you, did you do something to piss them off? Sounds like it's time to get a new Primogen. Does the Primogen have a rival? If so, get in with them, and look to topple the current Primogen. Do some leg work, find out who doesn't like the Primogen, get some dirt on him, get him into trouble with the rest of the Primogens and the Prince. You're in with the Nosferatu, if anyone knows some dirt, it's them.
My primogen is pissed that I got in fight and ended up in torpor again.

Where does your Sire fit into things? Talk to them and try to get information, especially in the working of the city and the kindred within it. Who are the power players? Who is rivals with whom?
Don't ask about my Sire.

A standing order to kill you on sight? Did this come from the Prince, or are you still considered a Childe? Only the Prince has that right to declare destruction. Get your Primogen in trouble for overstepping his bounds
Okay its not standing order to kill me, but he made it very clear if he saw or heard of me again am dead.

I'm not following on the boon either. How are you owing a boon to someone, what's the backstory on it? A lifeboon means that your life was saved by the one granting the boon. So what's the story on it? The first bit of this page Prestation & Boons - LA: A House Divided should give you a better idea of boons and how they work.

My lifeboon is due to how I was embraced.

Seems little point in this, other than for something to do at the moment. Do you mean your own contact, the mob boss? Why are you contacting them for menial work?
Because I was really bored, that session I sat for 5 hours doing nothing. Went to the major Elysium and only people there was the Keeper (stoned out of his mind) and me. I walked in the worst neighbourhood in town in clothes worth at least $1000, nothing.

Use your coterie police and gang contacts. Start making a herd to feed from, and look to making a loyal ghoul or three. Come up with your own petty crimes, and bring in some of the contacts to share the score. Charisma 4 is natural leader territory, so you're the one who's supposed to be coming up with the ideas.
My coterie doesn't really like me (your stupid muscle and your the damn load),and we have to pay (in money) for police contact

I'm not understanding the level of combat ... you mention 95%, but then later on say that there's been one fight in at least 5 sessions. So the others in your coterie were explicitly ordered by the Prince to fight, and they ran? What were the repercutions of that?
The Prince loved the fact that cowardly Ventrue was able to trick a Brujah to down a dozen Sabbat and help kill a monster that was giving Sheriff problems.

How are you blood bonded? And to who? Your buddies are feeding you their blood while you're in torpor? What's the excuse?
Second time I was torpor, they forced feed me there blood in attempt to get me up. (houserule)

One thing you may not realize, being new to the setting ... the Ventrue and the Brujah do _not_ get along, at all. They have a very long history of fighting each other. So I don't see your Storyteller blocking you on this one. Your coterie has a Ventrue in it? Then that's who the Prince is going to talk to. Remember that Ventrue are the 'nobles' of the vampire world. They believe they should be the ones to control and rule the Camarilla, and have the skills, contacts, and resources to do so. The Prince will assume that your Ventrue buddy is the leader of your little group.
Yes I know and understand that, but there a lot better ways to get a character to stop talking and get another to talk. This storyteller knows them because I've GM games with him as a player and he has seen me do it. He knows STFU is never to be used.

The Prince is also likely very old, and a few generations above you. You've been a vampire for a mere 8 years. It's shocking to the Prince that you're even allowed to think for yourself, much less be asking and making demands of them. And the Prince's word is Law. What he says goes. He let you come into the vampire world, and he has the power to have you taken out of it. He's the CEO of the company that he build up from the ground up ages ago. You're the new hire. You don't even have the support of your manager (Primogen).
Thinking as a Ventrue, you should count yourself lucky to even be allowed audience with the Prince, as you're nothing but common street rabble. And then you have the insolence to try and speak to him, as an equal? Keep your place and remember who you're speaking to, whelp!
This is going more into the story but the Prince calls us 5 in due to how we were sire. The only person that knows the full story is me. So well I start telling the story and then right in middle of it STFU. Let the guy that was still in a holding cell well I was breaking everyone out talk.

Keep working with the Ventrue in setting up your empire. With two players, the Storyteller can't ignore for long. The thing with the Storyteller system is that sometimes a character will get the spotlight and attention of the ST for long stretches. It's not a good way to GM, and should be relegated to out-of-session playing or emails, but it can happen during the game. Just work on your plans. What angles are your empire going to cover? Who are they going to make deals with, and what are the deals, or who are they going to push out? Will they be treading on the toes of other vampires? Get the organization planned out.

Well actually theres 5 of us (Brujah, Ventrue, Toroador, Malkivian, and Nosferatu)

the Jester

Sorry, dude, but this is about how I see things, based on your description, and how I see your best next move:

You: "Hey Storyteller, I'm getting really bored with this game. Every time I try to talk you tell me to STFU, and there isn't any fighting. Now, it's great that you created a character who is useless for me to play to help engage me in the game, but without being able to use any of my combat or negotiation skills, I don't have much to do. I've spoken to you about this once or twice before, but I'm now frustrated enough with that I'm going to quit this game unless you can somehow include stuff for me to do."

ST: "Well, when there's a fight, you get to be the bad ass!"

You: "Doesn't help if there's never a fight. I'm sick of spending entire sessions cooling my heels and getting told to STFU when I try to roleplay."

ST: "Well, you could commit petty crimes-"

You: "You told me not to. Seriously, unless I get something to do by the end of the next session, I'm out."

ST: "Just wait! After I wrap up everyone else's plots in six sessions, I promise-"

You: "That's five too many, not to mention the (fill in number) we've already played where I sat around doing nothing. Seriously. SRSLY. I'm out after this one."

ST: Makes sad face, just like he made you a character that he has subsequently ensured had nothing to do.

You: Quit game.


First Post
True but being told by the storyteller STFU, when I try to roleplay bit dishearting. This also happen with my Primogen but he added 4 ghouls and a stake.

Well, going by the information so far, the ST doesn't sound very good. I assumed 'being told to STFU' was being in character. Maybe you should see about creating your own character, rather than this one the ST made. It seems clear that the GM doesn't like this character or anything you try doing with him. Though really, it's sounding like the ST doesn't want you playing. Everything so far seems to have exluded you, and anything you try is met with the ST just saying no.

If it's a sand-box world where you're not following any sort of plot point, then the ST has to be prepared to let characters do things. Or is there an actual back-ground plot going on?

The Sheriff payed that off by getting me out of torpor and preventing Final Death. Really every time we meet the Sheriff every player wants to run out the other door.

I'm not saying he owes you. But he should be on friendly terms with you, well, as far as friendly goes amongst Kindred. Fighting off the Sabbat and associated monsters is right up his alley. If the ST continues to play him as antagonistic, well, the ST is again being poor. Do you know the clan of the Sheriff?

My primogen is pissed that I got in fight and ended up in torpor again.

Okay its not standing order to kill me, but he made it very clear if he saw or heard of me again am dead.

The Brujah Primogen is angry you got into a fight?

I could see being disappointed you got torped, but he should at least be pleased you dusted a few Sabbat (assuming that's the fight in question). I certainly don't see how this leads to him wanting to have you dead.

Because I was really bored, that session I sat for 5 hours doing nothing. Went to the major Elysium and only people there was the Keeper (stoned out of his mind) and me. I walked in the worst neighbourhood in town in clothes worth at least $1000, nothing.

Again, poor storytelling seems to be the problem, and there's little we can suggest for your character to do if the ST isn't invested in reciprocating.

My coterie doesn't really like me (your stupid muscle and your the damn load),and we have to pay (in money) for police contact

What's money to a vampire? Mug your biting victims for the cash if you need to. Still, not really contacts in my books if you have to pay for them. Paying money should be for gaining the contacts trust, for better and sweeter information.

The Prince loved the fact that cowardly Ventrue was able to trick a Brujah to down a dozen Sabbat and help kill a monster that was giving Sheriff problems.

Remember the three methods of advancement ... pitting you against the threat scored points for the Ventrue. But if this was a problem for the Sheriff, you should be in his good books for helping out with the situation (i.e. proving you're useful and at least dedicated enough to assist). Use that.

Second time I was torpor, they forced feed me there blood in attempt to get me up. (houserule)

That's a pretty major houserule. That's Sabbat ritual, not something that just happens. And it's 2 steps? The Tremere would love to know about this.

Yes I know and understand that, but there a lot better ways to get a character to stop talking and get another to talk. This storyteller knows them because I've GM games with him as a player and he has seen me do it. He knows STFU is never to be used.

Certainly agree.

This is going more into the story but the Prince calls us 5 in due to how we were sire. The only person that knows the full story is me. So well I start telling the story and then right in middle of it STFU. Let the guy that was still in a holding cell well I was breaking everyone out talk.

Still very confusing. The Prince calls you in, and you're giving backstory while breaking someone/everyone out? Presumably the Prince is holding these people, and if so, why is he letting you break them out?

In any case, sounds like either you were about to reveal information the ST didn't want revealed, or the ST is just bad.

So lets have another look at the ST suggestions:

Call in a boon get security business going, not seeing were this will go since the criminal operation and mechanic shop others have open up he doesn't do much with.

Not sure where it could go either, but go for it. Especially get your 'buddies' set up with security systems. Then take advantage of it to get dirt on them. Is the mechanic shop legit? If not, get some damning evidence. Get copies of damning information about the criminal organization. Maybe something 'innocent' like shipping schedules, and let some rival 'discover' them. Maybe some security and hired muscle will be a good thing after all.

Tell the other players am bored and can do stuff for them, players see me as the load because they never get into fights and one time they did they ran away

What kind of criminal organization doesn't want some good muscle? I can't imagine them not treading on someone's toes.

Call the Sheriff, this guy has been described to us as 500 pounds of pure asskicking and makes us :):):):) bricks and no one wants to talk to him

Again, sounds like a guy to have on your side. Seems like major cred when you can sit down and have a talk with the badass Sheriff while everyone else runs off quaking in their boots.

You're a Brujah, you're bad-ass yourself. Make it known to him that you're up for whatever it takes, to kick some ass on something he hasn't had time to deal with, and this time there won't be any back-stabbing Ventrue to mess things up. Make yourself useful to him.

Call the Primogen to pay off the boon, first been told thats not how boons work and my Primogen has a standing order to kill me on sight

So what was the point of giving you a boon? A boon is given so that you owe them. I'm presuming your Sire wasn't supposed to Embrace you, but the Primogen took you in anyway.

Steal cars and break into houses, I get chew out for calling my contact asking for work in petty crime and now am told to do petty crime

So do some. Start getting a crew together, use the contacts/background you have to find some good people. Look into bonding them, maybe even quietly make some ghouls. Make some money back, get a drink in or two. Oh, was that guy we robbed part of someone's criminal organization. Maybe they should have let you in on things. Is the mechanic a chop-shop? Bring in some cars and ask for a modest cut. Is there a rival shop? Guess who's good at breaking in and getting evidence of criminal mis-doings and somehow such evidence winds up in the hands of the cops? And all for a not-so-modest cut.

Rather than just saying 'hey guys, I'm bored, got anything for me to do?", change tact and say "hey guys, seems to me like X is going to be a problem, how about I go handle that for you?"

If these were plots suggested by the ST, then the ST should be intested when you pursue them.


First Post
Sorry, dude, but this is about how I see things, based on your description, and how I see your best next move:

You: "Hey Storyteller, I'm getting really bored with this game. Every time I try to talk you tell me to STFU, and there isn't any fighting. Now, it's great that you created a character who is useless for me to play to help engage me in the game, but without being able to use any of my combat, stealth or negotiation skills, I don't have much to do. I've spoken to you about this once or twice before, but I'm now frustrated enough with that I'm going to quit this game unless you can somehow include stuff for me to do."

ST: "Well, when there's a fight, you get to be the bad ass! Also theres so much more for you to do then just fight"

You: "Doesn't help if there's never a fight, and never get chance to sneak around. I'm sick of spending entire sessions cooling my heels and getting told to STFU when I try to roleplay."

ST: "Well, you could commit petty crimes-"

You: "You told me not to. Seriously, unless I get something to do by the end of the next session, I'm out."

ST: "Just wait! After I wrap up everyone else's plots in six sessions, I promise-"

You: "That's five too many, not to mention the (fill in number) we've already played where I sat around doing nothing. Seriously I understand you like your games as sandboxes but you need to have plot hooks for us. And don't tell me to go to the Elysium one more time because I spent whole session sitting there with nothing to do.

ST: "But you didn't talk to anyone when you were" there

You:"Cause you told me everyone was fine. Where was the Ventrue nursing a drinking looking over his shoulder, how about a Malkivian in back room screaming for help, Brujah sitting at booth crying or how about the Sheriff wanting me to help him out, after I SAVED HIS ASS..basically a plot hook (hands over 50 pages of plot hooks I've record over the years). Or do you really think its roleplaying when you talk to someone about the Stanley Cup Finals and if you do. Guess what? I can do that in RL, I want to do VAMPIRE :):):):)SRSLY. I'm out after this one."

ST: Makes sad face, just like he made you a character that he has subsequently ensured had nothing to do.

You: Quit game.

Did some fixes so its more accurate

Well, going by the information so far, the ST doesn't sound very good. I assumed 'being told to STFU' was being in character. Maybe you should see about creating your own character, rather than this one the ST made. It seems clear that the GM doesn't like this character or anything you try doing with him. Though really, it's sounding like the ST doesn't want you playing. Everything so far seems to have exluded you, and anything you try is met with the ST just saying no.
Ever NPC he uses was a character from another game.

If it's a sand-box world where you're not following any sort of plot point, then the ST has to be prepared to let characters do things. Or is there an actual back-ground plot going on?
Complete sandbox and he will let us do things, but if you got question his only answer is roleplay, allies, and boons.

I'm not saying he owes you. But he should be on friendly terms with you, well, as far as friendly goes amongst Kindred. Fighting off the Sabbat and associated monsters is right up his alley. If the ST continues to play him as antagonistic, well, the ST is again being poor. Do you know the clan of the Sheriff?
Well the Sheriff may be friendly with me (he came by and got me out of torpor free of charge) I haven't seen him since and have no way to contact him. Metagaming he the ST has told me that Sheriff is friendly towards me but I have no clue of that IC due to never seeing him and not wanting to disturb him.

The Brujah Primogen is angry you got into a fight?

I could see being disappointed you got torped, but he should at least be pleased you dusted a few Sabbat (assuming that's the fight in question). I certainly don't see how this leads to him wanting to have you dead.

Primogen got no details except that I was in a fight and lost to point of torpor. My coterie dragged me to him, gave me some blood to get out torpor and he ripped off my arm told them that I just got major boon, don't be a problem again, stay out of my domain or your dead. Meta level here again ST is now saying I should call him to find a way to pay off that boon, this is after I asked him if I can pay them off proactive way (Answer No).

What's money to a vampire? Mug your biting victims for the cash if you need to. Still, not really contacts in my books if you have to pay for them. Paying money should be for gaining the contacts trust, for better and sweeter information.

Basically he will tip us off if theres a raid coming for free, anything us costs extra.

Remember the three methods of advancement ... pitting you against the threat scored points for the Ventrue. But if this was a problem for the Sheriff, you should be in his good books for helping out with the situation (i.e. proving you're useful and at least dedicated enough to assist). Use that
OOC I know Sheriff likes me, IC I haven't seen the Sheriff so am still scared shitless of him/

That's a pretty major houserule. That's Sabbat ritual, not something that just happens. And it's 2 steps? The Tremere would love to know about this.
The Sheriff and primogen seemed to know about this so assuming its standard knowledge.

Still very confusing. The Prince calls you in, and you're giving backstory while breaking someone/everyone out? Presumably the Prince is holding these people, and if so, why is he letting you break them out?

In any case, sounds like either you were about to reveal information the ST didn't want revealed, or the ST is just bad.

Sorry bad writing on my part. Okay to make long story short we were tricked into going into a secret Malkavian lab and trapped. Now this Malkavian was experimenting on how to create more kindred. During a test performed by one of his ghouls, I broke free and ran into Gangrel. This Gangrel told me that am now a vampire and that I should held back into town and told me how to get in touch with the prince. Me and Gangrel then teamed up to end the whole experiment, I went off to rescue the other subjects and he went off to fight the Malk & co. The Ventrue was one of the last to get out of a cage. Now skip couple days, we get in touch with the Prince and have little sit down to explain this whole thing out. I start telling the story then the STFU happen.

So lets have another look at the ST suggestions:

Not sure where it could go either, but go for it. Especially get your 'buddies' set up with security systems. Then take advantage of it to get dirt on them. Is the mechanic shop legit? If not, get some damning evidence. Get copies of damning information about the criminal organization. Maybe something 'innocent' like shipping schedules, and let some rival 'discover' them. Maybe some security and hired muscle will be a good thing after all.
By security I mean rent-a-cops.

What kind of criminal organization doesn't want some good muscle? I can't imagine them not treading on someone's toes.
We are running the only criminal organization that hasn't pissed someone off yet. Were in major city, with major organized crime and no one cares about the random start ups that are now producing Snoop Dog quality weed.

Again, sounds like a guy to have on your side. Seems like major cred when you can sit down and have a talk with the badass Sheriff while everyone else runs off quaking in their boots.You're a Brujah, you're bad-ass yourself. Make it known to him that you're up for whatever it takes, to kick some ass on something he hasn't had time to deal with, and this time there won't be any back-stabbing Ventrue to mess things up. Make yourself useful to him.
Yeah it would be great if I knew this in character. This another thing I've complain to the ST am not metagaming to get my character to do something or motivate him. If Sheriff likes me tell, cause right now all I know is I saved his ass, got my sprine ripped out in process and he came to get me out torpor. No pats on the back, no hey lets go sit down and have a drink, nothing. So I just see the Sheriff an ungrateful badass.

So what was the point of giving you a boon? A boon is given so that you owe them. I'm presuming your Sire wasn't supposed to Embrace you, but the Primogen took you in anyway.
My Primogen took me in because the Prince said so, and the boon was to get elder blood to wake me up from torpor.

So do some. Start getting a crew together, use the contacts/background you have to find some good people. Look into bonding them, maybe even quietly make some ghouls. Make some money back, get a drink in or two. Oh, was that guy we robbed part of someone's criminal organization. Maybe they should have let you in on things. Is the mechanic a chop-shop? Bring in some cars and ask for a modest cut. Is there a rival shop? Guess who's good at breaking in and getting evidence of criminal mis-doings and somehow such evidence winds up in the hands of the cops? And all for a not-so-modest cut.
Good stuff I like.

Rather than just saying 'hey guys, I'm bored, got anything for me to do?", change tact and say "hey guys, seems to me like X is going to be a problem, how about I go handle that for you?"

The thing is no one is getting problem X. Everything is going 100% smoothly, hell one of players drunk from his Primogen's ghouls and nothing bad happen to him outside of one awkward phone call.
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First Post
So lets do a general of update here.

So our last session was last night, right off the bat I got nice little coterie content plot hook. See the Malk of the group wants to start supplying the Keeper with drugs so he can make some of his spiked blood. This went on for while both ignoring the Brujah (me, the ignoring me was even mentioned IC) that sat right there hearing this whole thing go down. Now at the same time the Venture wants to expand and make more money. While pissed off of getting ignored again, I've been able to play that as getting access to training in dominate due to the Malk wanting to keep this deal secret from the Ventrue player. However due to poorly worded agreement between me and Malk, I got enough to make another deal with the Venture player to hopefully get Fortitude. Thats right i got level 2 blood bonds to my whole coterie and am extorting them all.

So after realizing that the main Elysium is kinda dead outside of Keeper, creepy child (hes annoyed with me), Toreador Harpy and Brujah Whip (I don't like anyone in my clan and won't talk to them unless I have the upper hand). I went to the strongly hinted second Elysium. There I meet 3 NPCs (Tremere, Toreador, and Ventrue), started befriending all of them. I mean all of them, the Tremere was outright dumbfounded that I could come up to there group in respectful way (this was the first time any character in group introduce themselves with the proper protocols, yep the Brujah is the most respectful character in the group). By the time I was done with that I left with 2 Kindred contacts, that left them very impress with me. Before leaving they finally gave me a reason to talk to the Sheriff, so now am non-deputize goon for him (fledglings can't hold a title).

So blackmailed one player out of clan power and a cash cut into his plan, got enough stuff to blackmail my way into Ventrue power, Couple contacts that don't make my to kill list, and working for the Sheriff. Don't want to work with him but gives me some protection from the extortion racket am working on my coterie. Also I really think the ST believes that I as a Brujah must work with Sheriff for some reason.

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