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[VtR][Mature] Born into Darkness: Preludes and Nocturnes


Sucker sniffs the warm blood like a rich man sniffing a glass of wine at an expensive restaurant. Then he drinks.

After a long moment of consideration he says. Nosferatu. Most definitely.

Oscar lets out a whoop.
Nice pats you on the back, "OK. That's done." he sounds relieved.
Snicker ambles over to greet you with a clasped arm. Gorilla alone doesn't move much, favoring you with an uncomfortable looking grin.

Names, names names. Sucker's resonant voice roles around the room. Very important to us here in the city and they are all earned in one way or another. He looks over at Nice with an inquisitive look.

I didn't know you know. He looks normal, so I wasn't sure.

You're sure now?

Of course. Yeah. It's great. It being short notice I didn't think anybody would come. Not of your stature you know. I can't get Charity to come out here even with LB's say so.

Naturally, difficult times offer opportunities. I plan on taking full advantage of the current confusion myself. Sucker pauses, but clan business is first.

Sucker returns his attention to Diego. To answer your questions, yes, names are earned, or bestowed, rather by the members of our brotherhood. The Nosferatu of this city are unique, in my opinion of all the Nosferatu in any city on this continent, in the degree of importance we place upon our clan ties.

This tradition dates back to the arrival of Parovich, some fifty years ago. He saw an opportunity to do something here that had not been done before, at least not successfully. To create a place where Nosferatu, no matter the nature of their curse, could exist, as a group, comfortably.

To that end he encouraged us to develop our own culture bestow upon each other pseudonyms, to be used by the brotherhood to address each other. Thus, I, who am generally called Al Freeman, Master of Nightmare, and other fancier sounding things by the other members of the Invictus, am referred to as "Sucker" by my compatriots.

Most of our younger members
, he waves an arm around the room, have cast of their mortal identities completely going only by the nom de guerres.

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OnlytheStrong said:
"Invictus? What's that?"
The Invictus is a covenant, a sort of club if you will. I believe I am singular among the Nosferatu of the City in that I am a member of a covenant. Since the Invictus rule this City one could argue that everyone is a member.

Sucker shrugs.

At any rate I am Invictus of some standing. My domain is that of politics and government. The aforementioned Charity, a Ventrue, oversees banking and finance.


"Interesting...... so the roots of this little organization are deep. Kinda makes a guy wonder how many kindred he's met when he was mortal." Diego scratches his chin, "How do I learn these powers I keep seeing people use? I hate not knowing things." he laughs lightly, unsure on how this group would respond to his comments.


We are all brothers here, says Sucker agreeably. Our little society within a society has a few unspoken rules, but we aren't the sorts to hold someone who doesn't know about them to them.

And they don't apply to conversation. Parovich felt that everyone should have a voice. I'm sure that sounds normal to you, but when he was advocating this idea fifty years ago... lets just say I couldn't get into any of the Prince's country clubs without using obfuscate. It was a radical concept, almost Carthian in nature, but expressed in the language of tolerance, instead of violence.

[sblock=Sucker spins a good yarn but... ]Diego isn't impressed.

(or rather, unless you choose to have Diego be impressed by it, Diego is not impressed)[/sblock]

Disciplines are usually taught to you by your sire. Which brings us back to the matter you raised initially, this Van-der-child
. Sucker hits every syllable of your sire's name.


Diego ignores the little history lesson Sucker just bothered him with, and concentrates on his last sentence. "What about Vanderchild? I assume he is going to die or worse." Diego shrugs, he hated that odd guy anyway. "So I am assuming one of you are going to take me in, or claim me rather."


Everyone looks at Sucker.

Sucker looks at Nice.

Tell me you've heard of this guy.

I am afraid not.

He seems to remember meeting the guy. Nice gestures to Diego Interacting with him. But a lot of these neonates have been dominated. I think. At least half. Nice is sitting in a chair now rubbing his head.

Sucker crosses his arms in thought, after a moment he looks over at Diego. If this Vanderchild is unannounced in the city and sired you then he will most probably be destroyed.

The whole thing stinks. He came -here- yesterday night. Right when LB having other neonates here. But he thought it was some sort of party.

[sblock=OOC]Though it's hard not to doubt yourself in this situation Diego remembers plenty of specific details, what Vanderchild looked like (older, thick blond hair, vaguely good looking,), where he lived (a nice brownstone in a quiet residential area), what he was like (distracted, aggressive, belligerent, vaguely effeminate) and so forth.[/sblock]


"Well :):):):), I'm not fer wantin' to lose what little I have already. At least not until I do something to screw things up. I didn't ask to be turned man." Diego spends the next few minutes spilling his guts, pouring out every tiny detail he can remember. When he completes his tale he adds, "Hell, I'll help hunt the guy if that will make me stay alive longer."


Sucker looks at Nice.

I can't take him out tonight. I gotta find me a Gangrel.

Sucker raises an eyebrow and looks over at Snicker.

We've got time for clan business, Snicker seems to speak for Gorilla as well.

I can help! Oscar chimes in from the courner.

No man, you gotta keep an eye on them. They already out of their cells. We have a bunch of neonates running around right now, it's gonna get messy. Messier.

Good. It's settled. Snicker and Gorilla are veterans. You'll be in in good hands.

Sucker regards Nice for a moment. What's this about a Gangrel?

Somebody embraced a hunter.

I'd heard.

Yeah, well, he's Gangrel. Probably. So you know, I'd be good to have some kinda explanation for you know...

A visting Gangrel?


To go with our undetected Nosferatu? It seems unlikely... Why not someone local? What about Miles Merchant?

I thought there were just the three of them? Nice brightens up considerably.

Hey yeah. Merchant. He's another guy. First war vet. Was good during the Lupine thing. Snicker rejoins the conversation.


"So what's gonna happen to me? Oh and don't worry about them getting out of the cells, they can't yet. At least not that I know of. I picked my own lock, reminded me too much of prison." Diego looks around at the group, still somewhat surprised by seeing vampires. "I'd like to help out if I can. At least start to get my feet wet."

Voidrunner's Codex

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