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[VtR][Mature] Born into Darkness: Preludes and Nocturnes


That is the question, isnt it. Sucker looks over at Nice.
I'm working it. Blackcoat is still saying she wants to just stick the whole lot in the crypt. I don't know where LB is.

Nice looks at Sucker.
I'll talk to him. See if he is willing to look at the potential upsides.
Sucker looks at Diego
We will insure you will not be destroyed. Go with Snicker and Gorilla and guide them to Vanderchild.

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Diego nods, "This is the part where most people say, 'I'll to what I can" but that isn't really good enough for me. I will find him for you."

ooc: I assume Diego knows where Vanderchild is. He will lead them directly to his house.


The young man seems understandably anxious to proceed, Sucker gestures.

Snicker nods and he and Gorilla start to amble out of the room.

Just make sure he's back before too long. Nice says, And no introducing him to stuff. Please?

No problem, man. There and back again, right 'rilla?
hng says Gorilla.

As Diego follows Gorilla and Snicker out of the room he hears Nice say OK. Where can I find this Merchant?

Snicker and Gorilla lead Diego down out of the house, and off into the woods.

So, you got any disciplines yet?


Really? This Vader-dude didn't show you how to connect to the force huh? That's a no go. Right?
hngh, Gorilla chuffs in agreement.

Well, you're Nos. That means we got some choices. But really, no Nos worth his salt can get away without knowing some Obfuscate.

Touch of Shadow's the first level. You can make stuff disappear. Here.

Snicker stops walking for a moment. The air is still. He pulls out a long bowie knife, Knife right?

He holds his hand out in front of you, the knife catches the moonlight.
Diego blinks. The knife is gone. It looks like Snicker is just holding out a fist.

[sblock=Diego Larceny]Diego is sure there wasn't any slight of hand. Unless Snicker can move faster than the eye can see.
Of course. The knife is still gone. It's an odd sensation.[/sblock]

Knife's still there. Put out your hand to touch it.

Diego reaches out, but the knife bladed isn't there anymore.
OK. Keep your hand still. And lower your head.

Diego moves his head down.

See? You're hand's not where the blade is. Or where it was. It's a bit higher.

Diego squints, is my hand a bit higher than the knife blade?
Diego feels uncharactaristically unsure.

Try to move your hand down.
Diego pulls his hand down, but it just passes through empty air.

You pulled back just there. Gorilla, help the man out.

Gorilla snorts and takes your hand in a massive paw. It's hard not to think about how unnaturally long the Nosferatu's forearm is, how big his sloped forehead seems to be. It's like you're hanging out with a statue from the Primitive Man exhibit at the natural history museum.

Gorilla firmly guides your hand forward. Diego feels himself trying to pull away , but his grip is powerful.

Diego contacts cold steel. The knife blade is suddenly visible. Snicker's hand hasn't moved.

So, what have you learned?


Diego looked at the two men and laughed, "You just showed me two things: shaving is going to be a bitch, and you guys are more dangerous than I thought." Diego pulls his own knife and focus' as hard as he can on the blade............ and nothing happens. "Okay, is this like the Matrix? There is no spoon and all that? How the hell do I do this?"


Snicker grins. Motivated is cool. You gotta get psyched. But you gotta know what you're doing too.

Gorilla chuffs, Mind.
Yeah, that's what you gotta understand. All disciplines are one of two things; some are physical, but lots of disciplines, they're all mental. It's all mind tricks.

The knife doesn't go anywhere. My man could move your hand into the knife because he could see it. Even if you think you know where it is, my mojo is telling your mind it's not there, it's not there. You're eyes see it but your brain doesn't process it. You try to touch it, and your own mind becomes your enemy, it tells your hand to move out of the way, but it shows your hand moving straight.

So, first thing: Don't think about the knife.
Think about who you wanna mess with.

That's the ticket. You wanna mess with my mind. You wanna hide it from me. You gotta get into my head.
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Diego smiles, Sort of like the mind games I used to play... He concentrates as hard as he can, focusing not on the knife in his hand but the air around it. He thinks of the people looking at the knife, for a brief moment he swears he can feel what they can see. His eyes never leave the knife, it would have to be their reactions that tell him if he has done it..............


Forest near Blackcoats

Diego feels himself pushing, he's dimly aware of holding his breath, but he doesn't need to breath... there's resistance.... push through it...

The knife looks the same, but their expressions suggest otherwise.

Bravo chuffs Gorilla.
Man's a natural! Snicker claps Diego on the back. Took 'rilla here weeks to do that.
Hnph, Gorilla snorts took you months.

But I was working on vigor...

Snicker briefly explains the other disciplines. So Obfuscate is really defense. It doesn't take blood to use; and you can disappear without worrying about who you're dealing with. Take LB, he's got no Auspex, you can disappear in front of him as easily as any mortal, basically. Nightmare is great, lots of folks use it, but a lot of it's higher powers require effort you know. I mean, you shatter somebody's mind they know you done them in, but you can't do that all night.
Mortal Fear rocks.Gorilla chuffs.
Yeah yeah. OK. So you eventually you can kill somebody by looking at them. Which is awesome. But hell, you know, don't work on kindred, can't scare a dead man dead you know.
And Vigor's where it's at when you gotta make a mark. When you absolutely positively have to get a stake into some dude? Vigor's your friend.
Snicker curls a skinny little arm. I don't look like much, but when it comes down to it I got it; takes a bit of blood to get going. You gotta prime the spigot to get the power flowing.

Sissy.Gorilla snorts.
Course, when you add vigor to natural assets is when it gets wrong. My boy here can wrestle a bear and drink it dry.

The three continue to walk through the forest, getting filled in on what Diego knows about Vanderchild. After an hour or so of trekking through the woods you come out into a clearing. A black van, with darkened windows sits there.

So this Vanderchild lives over in Ashton Hill? Weird. Right near Sicko's. You'd think we'd met the guy.
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