W3: The Eidolon (Bront Judging)

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OOC: Alright. Eberron work is done, I just want to set up a nice post. I have all monday off, so post is then. Before then, are there any plans we want set up?

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The travel is a quiet one. Graff is given a destination: Darguun. But, of course, there are many ways to reach the goblin nation... and the sky is a large place. In a foul mood, everyone on deck avoids the man as he curses up a storm.

After two days of travel, you find yourself over great plains, the mountains that seperate Breland from Zilargo almost directly to your south. Looking over the edge, you see a series of brightly-coloured caravans, with pennants flapping wildly in the wind. Even from this height, you can see the outriders craning their necks to watch you breeze by.

"We could use some supplies..." Rufus mutters under his breath. "And gods know the men could use a chance to get some ground time. But there ain't no way I'm trying to talk to the Cap'n right now..."


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Lori spends much of her time reading, studying, and occasionally casting spells, shaking her head, and going back to reading. Despite not eating much, she seems to be gaining a little bit of weight over the course of the trip.

OOC: Haltash, if you are interested in exchanging spells, Lori would be glad to do so. You actually have 3 spells that she doesn't have AND can learn.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Wik said:
"But there ain't no way I'm trying to talk to the Cap'n right now..."
Tondrek, who has been busy working on some scrap metal he's found---what he is making is a bit unclear---brightens up when he hears this. "I can do it! he cheerfully exclaims. Luckily, someone stops him before he does it. It would not work out well.

OOC: Someone want to volunteer? Or should the plucky (but no Dipolomacy) half-orc do it? IcyCool is gone, WarlockLord hasn't posted in a Living game in forever, and Patlin can't get to post due to technical issues with ENWorld. That just leaves three of us active...


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: Velmont's Haltash has lots of it (being a telepath and all...)
[sblock=Wik]Tondrek wants to have started to craft his homunculus (an iron defender). At this point, its just the body (no alchemical workshop). With his skill ranks and eternal wand of magecraft, it'll take him 8 days (or less if he rolls well). I just wanted to check that its cool w/ you if he started on it during his downtime [2 days so far] and that his essentially getting scrap from the crew for it (I'll still mark down the appropriate cost). Thoughts?[/sblock]


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Haltash looks at Tondrek who stands up to go see teh captain. After a few second, he stands up and catch up before Tondrek go see teh captain. "You have work to do on your homonculus. Let me speak with him, I have nothing much to do at the moment."

He walks up to the captain. "Sir, catching the Eidolon is important, but the next time we get it in sight, it might be our only chance to get it. I feels the crew would need some rest and the supply are low. We should take an hour or two to refill our supply and give a break to the crew so they will be fresh for action. The last thing we want is to miss our only chance and it won't be an easy one."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Diplomacy check vs. Captain (1d20+11=18)[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Yeah, that's fine by me. I trust you'll keep track of days. Sounds cool.

Graff snarls at Haltash. "Fine, dammit. Fine! But one hour, and then we take off. That's all I give!"

The Majestic drifts down to the ground, and you see the caravans suddenly square themselves in a defensive position. When it is seen that the airship means no harm, a small squad of horsemen ride up - they arrive right as you land and lower ladders.

There are over two dozen wagons, and nearly fifty heads of livestock. There are easily 30 outriders. Each caravan is brightly coloured, and the riders that greet you are wearing bandanas across their faces, and turbans in their hair that range from simple whites to an eye-searing orange. There are six riders in all that come to greet you.

As they pull close, the one in the orange turban pulls his bandana off, revealing a very pale, freckled face riddled with pock marks. "Well met, travelers. What can Baren's Caravan bring you?"


First Post
Solange said:
OOC: Haltash, if you are interested in exchanging spells, Lori would be glad to do so. You actually have 3 spells that she doesn't have AND can learn.
OOC: Hey Velmont... :)

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