W3: The Eidolon (Bront Judging)

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Alright. This is "The Eidolon", an Eberron adventure that has been started as of August 9th, 2007. The players (and their characters) in our group are:

T'Ranis, Githzerai Scout 1/Psychic Warrior 1, played by Patlin.
Guardian, Warforged Knight 2, played by IcyCool (5 action points remaining)
Haltash, Kalasthar Telepath 3, Played by Velmont. 9 (5 action points remaining)
Tondrek, Half-Orc Arificer 3, played by Stonegod.
Lor, Changeling Wizard 3, played by Solange.
Shadow, Changeling Telepath, Played by WarlockLord.


[sblock=House Rules]
Here are, basically, the rules we'll be following throughout the game:

1. We use Invisible Castle for all dice rolls. Try to label your rolls so that I have a general idea what they mean. "Initiative Roll" is good enough. Simply "1d20+3" is not. I will roll for stuff like Spot checks, occasionally. I should add that I occasionally do check IC roll histories. And I hate catching cheaters, I really do (not that I've found one on EN World so far; I wanna keep it that way)

2. I'm running a pre-written adventure (I wrote it). Basically, this means that the encounters and whatnot were made before I knew my group. It assumes a relatively balanced party. I will make small adjustments as we go on, but I won't go overboard.

3. No complaining if a PC gets offed. I expect there to be a PC death, somewhere along the line. There are tough fights, and that's just the way it goes.

4. If you haven't posted in a while, especially during a combat, I can NPC your character.

I should add that I expect this to be a long adventure. And you'll all level up sometime during it. So that should be good.


Graff sits down, and looks at the door anxiously.

"I want to make this quick. Put bluntly - someone stole my ship. An airship - an experimental airship that I built with my own two hands. I want it back, and fast. The ship left a Lyrandar facility a few hours out of Sharn, and I need a crew to man a prototype ship to get it back.

That's where you come in.

Your job, should you accept it, is to help in the recovery of the stolen airship. I can't pay you too much now, but there will be quite the reward in it for you after the job is done. Put simply - you can have the prototype airship.

The ship that was stolen, The Eidolon, is an airship like no other built before. It is powered by two elementals, infused with a variety of magical energies. I can explain the particulars to you, later. But suffice it to say that it's valuable - I can think of at least ten different people that would want it.

It's also very fast, and I don't think there's a Lyrandar ship that could catch it; except our prototype, the Majestic - which is nearly as fast. It would be perfect ship... except for a few problems..."

His voice trails off for a moment, awkwardly.

"I can pay you five hundred gold now, and the same upon completion. A small sum, I know - but the Majestic is worth a hundred times that. Quite the reward, wouldn't you say?

But we need to act fast. Some companions of mine have managed to grab some of the raiders that were left behind on the attack at the Lyrandar compound. Your job is to question them, and figure out where the Eidolon is headed. While you question them, I will get the Majestic ready and pick you up. And then, hopefully, we can catch the Eidolon before it's too late.

Are you in? I can answer questions, but we need to hurry."

[sblock=Patlin and Haltash]There is something Graff is leaving out, but you have no idea what. In any case, it is obvious that he knows both the Majestic and Eidolon very well, and he seems to be telling the truth about his involvement in their construction. He also seems to be telling the truth about giving over the Majestic upon completion of the adventure.[/sblock]

[sblock=Tondrek]You know of a Lyrandar airship creation facility near Sharn, although it's generally a low-key affair. You didn't know it was related to the creation of new prototypes of ship. Also, the fact that this Eidolon is powered by two elementals seems crazy; your understanding of airship construction is that the energies provided by two elementals would be enough to tear a ship apart. Most experiments on the matter resulted in a ship that would explode under the slightest stress; even the best experiments resulted in highly unstable craft.[/sblock]
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Weeee! Tondrek on adventure. Don't forget to post to the Character Tracking Thread

Tondrek takes a seat next to Guardian, and occasionally examines some unusual piece of his construction... until Graff talks about air ships. His focus is then zeroes in. Then, when Graff mentions that they could 'have the prototype airship' At that point, his jaw falls open and doesn't close; his is oblivious to the little drool.

Tondrek almost bounces with barely restrained energy at the opportunity for questions. He blurts out, "But how you make it not go boom? Two elamnamentals would be tugging and pulling and scrunching the ship. It'd go boom! And make things go boom nearby and less nearby. Wouldn't that not be good for shipy ship? Huh?"

Graff can't help but smile. "Elementals, yes. But what if you changed the elemental's form? Applied traits to the elemental itself? Certain traits can nullify the tug and pull of an elemental. And if you can merge the consciousness of two elementals into one..."

He shakes his head. "But I digress. Questions of that sort can be answered when you meet Majestic."

OOC: Gonna do the character tracking thread in a day or two, when I'm sure about the party layout.

[sblock=Wik]OOC: K, all set, and I'm in. What do you need from Lori? At the moment, she's a half-elf.[/sblock]
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OOC: Really, she can come in whenever. Graff knows her - sort of. They met a year ago at a party, and she did some stuff for Lyrandar. He knew she was in town, and put a word out for her. And now, she's here. Whether or not Graff knows she's a changeling is up to you.

OOC: Um, isn't this party a bit caster heavy (2 Telepaths, a Wizard, and an Artifacer)? Would a cleric be better instead? Don't want to take up a space if that's the case.

Solange said:
OOC: Um, isn't this party a bit caster heavy (2 Telepaths, a Wizard, and an Artifacer)? Would a cleric be better instead? Don't want to take up a space if that's the case.
OOC: No clerics in the Tavern.

Wik Did you get the email I sent you earlier today?

OOC: Oh, ok. Stonegod, I e-mailed you and E13 for approval though the board. Can't send e-mail from my account for some reason.

OOC: I believe I signed up to judge this. Oddly enough, I'm building a 3rd level Cleric who should be up soon.

Guardian remains very patient with Tondrek while he pokes and prods. He remains quiet while Graf outllines their job.

OOC: A Scout, Artificer, Wizard and two Telepaths. It looks like Guardian will be taking a beating on this adventure :D. Hopefully the artificer and wizard will come prepared with Repair spells and infusions - and lot's of 'em. ;)

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