W3: The Eidolon (Bront Judging)

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T'Ranis speculates briefly on the likely skills of his companions, and what skills are lacking. One or two of the assembled companions might be able to repair the construct if it became damaged, but as for the rest of them...

"A business man such as yourself surely has better contacts than travelers such as we. Perhaps instead of a monetary advance, you could provide a healing wand of some sort... just in case?"

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stonegod said:
OOC: No clerics in the Tavern.

Wik Did you get the email I sent you earlier today?

Yeah, just checked it out now. I'm down with it all.

Bront - Down with your judginshipness. Too bad about the cleric, ha.


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Shadow replies "Consider me in. Hopefully, there will be no morons holding alchemist's fire on the deck of either the Majestic or the Eidolon.

Are any special skills required to fly the Majestic? What are the problems you speak of? And do you want the thieves dead or alive?

OOC: Cool. On the day of his approval, Shadow is off for adventure.

Also, both telepaths have astral construct. This should keep some of the heat off Guardian.


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Graff turns to face Shadow. "Alchemist's Fire? Not a problem; both ships are fireproof. As for skills... I have a crew. You're primarily my information-gathering arm, and my main means for disposing of potential threats.

And as for the thieves... dead or alive is no difference to me. I just want Eidolon."


First Post
Patlin said:
T'Ranis speculates briefly on the likely skills of his companions, and what skills are lacking. One or two of the assembled companions might be able to repair the construct if it became damaged, but as for the rest of them...

"A business man such as yourself surely has better contacts than travelers such as we. Perhaps instead of a monetary advance, you could provide a healing wand of some sort... just in case?"

Whoops. Missed this post.

Graff smiles at T'Ranis - coldly. "You are a smart man. But I have been prepared for that. There are healing reserves available on Majestic. You will see what I mean. In addition, I have some potions that restore health. As for healing wands... that is out of the question - time is of the essence."

OOC: One cure moderate wounds potion each.


Wik said:
Graff smiles at T'Ranis - coldly. "You are a smart man. But I have been prepared for that. There are healing reserves available on Majestic. You will see what I mean. In addition, I have some potions that restore health. As for healing wands... that is out of the question - time is of the essence."

T'Ranis nods in acceptance.

"Eidolon... is there any significance to the name? Is the ship itself posessed of any sort of sentience?"


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Patlin said:
"Eidolon... is there any significance to the name? Is the ship itself posessed of any sort of sentience?"
Tondrek looks confused at the word. "Eyedoelawn? Don't know what it means. Furry cyclopean grass eater?"


stonegod said:
Tondrek looks confused at the word. "Eyedoelawn? Don't know what it means. Furry cyclopean grass eater?"

"I am not sure of the exact meaning, but I have a vague recollection of sentient statues. Unless I'm confusing it in some way with 'dead gods.' But it seems an odd name for a ship, does it not?"


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Haltash listens Graff and teh others, making his idea of the situation. "Questionning the captive should be much of a problem with Shadow and me around. To make things clear, you have build an airship, the Eidolon, based on prototype, the Majestic. Those fireproof ships are propelled by two elementals, which sounds like an impressive feat. The prototype have a few problems but they have been corrected on the Eidolon. Some times ago, I suppose it was in the last days, if not hours, your facility have been attacked and the Eidolon have been stolen. During the attempt, you have capture some of the raiders.

We questions the raiders, get out as much information as we can and most of all trying to learn where the Eidolon is. After that, we find it, using the Majestic I suppose, and take it back. You pay a thousand gold for that job, half now, and we also inherit of the prototype, the Majestic.

But if we use the Majestic to catch the raiders, I think it would be wise to tell us what are the problem with the Majestic."

[SBLOCK=OOC]WarlockLord have a point, the two telepath have Astral Construct, which means we can have two nice figther with 31 hp each, a nice meatshield.[/SBLOCK]


T'Ranis nods when Haltash suggests that the telepath can qickly interrogate the prisoner. He's decided his recollection of the word 'Eidolon' is probably mistaken in any event, but wonders if their employer will explain the name. He shrugs on his pack and stands, demonstrating he is ready to go... as their employer has said, time is of the essence.

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