We found a Treasure

Lord Zardoz

Playing Keep on the Shadowfell, we found the following item at a guard post.

Bell of Hostile Monster Summoning
Magic Item, Hand.
At will: Activation Minor, Sustain Minor;
Activation: the Bell of Hostile Monster Summoning will summon forth any hostile monsters with a Perception score higher than 10, within 30 feet.
Sustain: Summoning radius extents an additional 10 feet every round to a maximum of 100 feet (10 squares);
Cost: 5 sp

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El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Playing Keep on the Shadowfell, we found the following item at a guard post.

Bell of Hostile Monster Summoning
Magic Item, Hand.
At will: Activation Minor, Sustain Minor;
Activation: the Bell of Hostile Monster Summoning will summon forth any hostile monsters with a Perception score higher than 10, within 30 feet.
Sustain: Summoning radius extents an additional 10 feet every round to a maximum of 100 feet (10 squares);
Cost: 5 sp


I don't get the purpose of the item. Maybe, I'm just being dense about it, but why would you need a magical bell in order to summon hostile monsters.

If you walk into a dungeon, ringing a non-magical metal bell, it will almost certainly bring hostile monsters to you also. Kind of like an adventurer party walking into a dungeon and ringing the dinner bell. May as well yell "Come and get it!". Wouldn't an item like this be counterproductive for adventurers.

Is there an assumption that the creatures are under the wielders control?


I crit!
I took the 'END OF COMMUNICATION' as an unexpected hang up signal... like somebody rang the bell out of idle curiosity.

Voidrunner's Codex

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