I appreciate the time that folks at enworld have taken to update the site. I have to say, I love the fact that pages load and load fast

I think the implementation of new features/modules to the site will benefit the community greatly (wiki, blogs etc).
While I don't prefer the layout of the news page, I see its merits. I will get use to it I am sure. The one problem I have with it stems from when I come back to the site to see what is new on the page. I have to scroll down and glance at all of the boxes vs seeing the new items at the top in order to see what is actually new. Attached is a screen shot of the current page where some older articles are above newer. This method feels like new articles are getting 'buried' for a lack of a better word.
I believe this may be due to articles set to the maybe the duration an article has been set to be 'featured' or regular article. I'm not sure what the mechanism is that can be set. What I'm curious about, is if it is possible to have a profile available that sets the front page news articles to be sorted by 'posted date/time' so all new items are on top? Or maybe a spot at the top for the 'featured' articles that could be considered a 'sticky' like in the forums, and then sorted by newest to oldest below it.
All that being said, it's not the end of the world if this isn't at all possible. I hope it could be considered as I think it might make the user experience a little easier for those of us who mostly use enworld as a news site.
Again, thanks for all the effort and continuing effort with the site. Keeping a site that gets as many hits as enworld up and running and improving performance is not an easy feat, good work at getting it done