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Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)


Man, I'm sorry I ever doubted the party!

What'd that take, like, three rounds after I was convinced we were headed for multiple fatalities? Who knew that null shadows just needed a beating?

Anyway, on to the distribution of loot- er, the repatriation of Barnabus' carefully-crafted magic items!

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thank you

Spyscribe, I just wanted to say that I was on death's door when I saw that there was an update. I'm back to full health.

Thanks again guys for making my day.


First Post
I recently started a new campaign, and have gratuitously stolen several things from this story hour, not the least of which is the gods. However, my party is starting in an area that is the analogue to the Sovereignty. Also, one of the PCs is a paladin of Kettenek, and I couldn't resist naming his superior Anvil the Just. Just thought I'd let you know.


First Post
Hey all, next update should be up by the end of the week.

In the meantime, see if you can get Fajitas to explain the "crazed weasel of death" mechanic over in the adaptation thread. It was a great bit that we never (alas) got to see in action.


First Post
Part the Two-Hundred Ninth
In which: well, we’ve deposed the Count… what happens now?

Since Etienne didn’t elect to accompany the party through the Count’s secret escape tunnel, the adventurers return to find him in the throne room looking down at the corpse of his double.

There is an awkward pause. Finally, Eva breaks it. “Yeah, who is that guy anyway?”

Etienne sighs. “My twin brother, Florismart.”

This leads to a rather awkard pause. Finally, Kiara asks, “You okay?”

“Fine. Perfectly fine.” Etienne makes a distracted gesture. “And look… he died right by Gaston. Probably begging for healing… I always told him, ‘Just put your hands up, and you won’t need healing.’ …Idiot.”

They party withdraws, allowing the odd wizard to mourn in private, when he turns to call after them. “You’ll need someone to maintain order.”

Reyu blinks. “Order?”

“Among the troops. With Lady Tempeste gone, barracks discipline is bound to slip with no one in the top post. You’ll need someone with experience to take charge.” He lets the thought dangle suggestively.

“And that would be you?”

Etienne shrugs modestly. “I believe I’ve proven my trustworthiness to you and your companions, and the men do know and respect me already.”

Reyu’s is confused. “They respect you… and they know you?”

Etienne makes a small, insulted, noise, and turns away.


The first thing Anvil does after the battle, naturally, is to send for the local high-ranking Justicar so that the rule of law might be quickly and firmly established. With typical Justicar efficiency, she soon arrives.

Indefatigable the Just is an older woman, with a penetrating gaze and a demeanor that brooks no nonsense. She and her escorts enter the courtyard, and she surveys the disordered scene before her.

Anvil presents himself. “Greetings, I am Anvil the Just, Third order Justicar of Dar Pykos.”

“Greetings,” she looks around. “You are responsible for this?”

“The Count is responsible. This is merely the fruit of his unjust actions.”

Indefatigable raises an eyebrow. “Indeed. I’ll hear from you later, then.” She motions to a member of her retinue, and points to a County Guardswoman sitting dumbly outside the barracks. The guard is quickly fetched before her.

“Who is your commander?” Indefatigable asks. Her manner, although direct, is not unkind.

“Lady Tempeste was…” the young woman trails off.

“And who has taken command now?” the Justicar presses.

The guard swallows, but the direct demand appears to help kick her brain into gear. She glances around, getting her bearings and taking count of the dead and the living. “Captain Bellamy, Justicar.”

Indefatigable nods. “Good. Bring him here.”


Etienne, perhaps smelling that important decisions are being made, appears along with the disgruntled guard captain, and after Indefatigable calls the small company formally to order, Anvil tells the party’s story.

He begins with the mission to speak to Barnabus. This is a good place to start, not only because it is the beginning of the tale chronologically, but it is also easily verified by the letters Anvil carries from King Orin and the heads of the temples of Dar Pykos.

Anvil goes on to describe their initial encounters with the Count. How they actively presented themselves to the County Guard, were completely forthright about their motives, only to be rewarded with deception when the Count presented them with an imposter instead of Barnabus.

This is where Captain Bellamy—who has so far kept himself to expressing his displeasure by dark looks punctuated by the occasional low grumble—begins to sputter. “Are you really going to believe some story—?”

“Hold your peace, Captain. You will have an opportunity to give your account.” She pauses, and Etienne delicately coughs to get her attention. She frowns at him. “Yes, who are you?”

Etienne bows. “Etienne Biber, Madame Justicar. Lately court wizard to the Count. I believe I can add relevant testimony at this juncture.”


“I was he who impersonated the Archmage Barnabus.”



“At the Count’s request?”

“Yes Madame.”

“For what reason?”

“I did not ask for specifics, Madame Justicar. But I was given the impression the Count was desirous to be rid of his visitors as quickly and quietly as possible.”

The look Captain Bellamy gives Etienne is positively murderous.

Indefatigable merely raises an eyebrow. “Anvil the Just, pray continue.”

Anvil does.

When Anvil reaches the relevant point in the story, Chadiss the cook is found and brought before the Justicar. He nervously recounts how he was brought to the islands against his will, his daughter held hostage for his cooperation, and how he finally gathered the courage to ask the party for help.

“Never!” Captain Bellamy sputters. “My guards have no such duties… guarding an island full of hostages… Outrageous!”

Indefatigable turns to Eitienne.

“The islands aren’t far from here. I can show you on a map, if you like.”

Captain Bellamy glowers.

Barnabus does not provide the most coherent account of his time on his island, but does confirm that Anvil and the others found him, and describes how, using magical means, he was able to determine that they were telling him the truth about their encounters with the Count.

“Plus there was the body,” he adds.

Indefatigable blinks. “The body?”

“Of their friend.”

Euro is found and is relieved of his burden, after which Barnabus restores Lira’s corpse to its original size. One of Indefatigable’s people steps aside and performs a quick examination of the body under Euro and Anvil’s watchful eyes.

He turns to Indefatigable to make his report. “The wounds are consistent with the weapon described.”

Captain Ballamy sputters. “But… But… They’re outlaws!”

Indefatigable holds up a hand for silence. “Peace, Captain. The evidence before me, as well as…” she pauses, “other information known to me—is sufficient. Agramount is to be brought before the bar of Justice to answer the accusations brought before him, and in the meantime, is ruled a fugitive, to be apprehended and brought to custody by any member of the County, be they civil guard, temple dedicat, or private citizen.”

She takes a stone in each hand, and solemnly strikes them together four ties.

Indefatigable next addresses Captain Bellamy. “Captain, these are your orders: to find and apprehend he who has been lately known as the Count of these lands. If you cannot fulfill your charge, this is your opportunity to cede to someone who can. What say you?”

Bellamy pauses, glares at Anvil. He then turns his back on him, and makes a short bow to Indefatigable. “I accept my charge, Madame.”

“Good. See to your men. You are dismissed.”

Bellamy risks one last glance to Anvil. “What about them, Madame?”

“Do not concern yourself. They are in my custody.”

Bellamy bows again, rather stiffly, and leaves without a backward glance. Soon, his voice can be heard bellowing across the courtyard as he brings his people back into order.

Indefatigable turns to one of her acolytes. “Take a small team and a squad of our guards to the islands that house the craftspeople and their families. Carry my ruling under my seal to the guards stationed there, and… inform the residents that any who wish the leave the islands, will now be free to go.”

“Very good, Madame.”

“Anvil, your friend taken from you. Her name was Annika Tandeuter?”


“Fetch her back here.”

“With all speed. Kettenek’s Justice be with you.”

“And with you.” Having dismissed all but a few members of her escort, Indefatigable gestures for Anvil to remain, then stands for a moment in silence.

“You are fortunate,” she observes finally, “that Mountain the Just, the head of my order, is away in Dar Darine at the moment.”


“Were it he hearing this case you and your friends would certainly have clapped in irons.”

“Surely he would have followed Ketennek’s Justice in this matter as any other.”

Indefatigable’s lips twist with irony. “No doubt. Still… you are fortunate.”

“Is there anything else you require of us?” Anvil inquires respectfully.

At this, Indefatigable does quirk an eyebrow. “No, I think this will be quite enough.” She sighs. “By all rights, since you’ve unearthed this debacle, I should demand you do your share to clean it up. But I suppose you have other duties.”

Anvil bows. “We have delivered the last of our invitations. We should return to Dar Pykos to inform King Orin and our temple superiors, but if you require a service—”

Indefatigable waves him off. In spite of her name, she does seem a bit tired. “No, your presence here will serve more as a center for conflict than anything else. The Justicars can administrate the County in the short-term, and in the long… well, we got along before Agramount. We will somehow muddle through again.”

“This count is not of the original ruling line?” Anvil inquires.

“On his father’s side only. He ensured that any legitimate heirs were… unavailable to take the throne when the last Count died. It has been a long time now…” she pauses and eyes look far away for a moment. She shakes herself, and it passes. “If you will excuse me, Brother, I have much to do.”

Anvil bows and by the time he rises, Indefatigable is already halfway across the courtyard.


Another great update, spyscribe. I particularly like the hints of past events dropped by Indefatigable at the end, which we may or may not ever get to hear about in more detail.

spyscribe said:
Reyu is confused. “They respect you… and they know you?”
Reyu said that? Was she feeling particularly snarky that day, or what? It sounded more like something Eva would say... (I've decided Eva is my new favourite character, while Lira's out of the picture. :))

“You are fortunate,” she observes finally, “that Mountain the Just, the head of my order, is away in Dar Darine at the moment.”
And just to jump in ahead of Piratecat and/or KidCthulhu:
I'm Mountain the Just right now, IYKWIMAITYD... :p


Hold the Peppers
StevenAC said:
I particularly like the hints of past events dropped by Indefatigable at the end, which we may or may not ever get to hear about in more detail.
There is a great deal of both backstory and gameplay in the Islands of Agramount that never saw the light of day. See, it occurred to me that, after the PCs helped topple the rightful government of a secluded island nation, there might be a bit of social and politcal issues fallout. Thus I came up with a series of nation building adventures, in which the PCs had to deal with some of the repercussions of their actions.

Unfortunately, what with one thing and another, it was about three months real-time after we finished the battle with the Count before we got a chance to play again. We'd lost a lot of momentum and, after nearly three years real-time, the PCs had *finally* found all the archmagi. They were itching to get back to Dar Pykos and get on with the story, and no one was terribly interested in cleaning up their mess.

So, alas, it all got ditched.

However, since good material is never truly lost, I'm gonna post what I had in mind here, under spoiler tags for those who don't want to know. I'll say that the Count has not, nor is he ever likely to, show up in game again since then, but even if he does, I don't think this will spoil anything for that future story.

The Count Agramount the PCs fought was named Omi. He was the illegitimate half-elven son of the previous Count. He was raised in the Keep by his elven mother. His parentage was acknowledged, but never given its due; whatever the Count might have wanted, the Contessa would never allow an illegitimate half-breed the same deference that her children were shown.

Omi, however, came to regard himself not as a freak, but as a rarity, a one-of-a-kind uniquity worthy of special treatment. Needless to say, he grew resentful of the fact he never got the treatment he felt he deserved.

Omi had two half-siblings, the legitimate heirs. Omi quietly did away with them. Armand, the younger, died first, of an "allergic" reaction. Veronique, the eldest (who was briefly Contessa after their father's death), died in a hunting accident along with her husband.

Her children, the two remaining legitimate heirs, were too young to take the throne. Thus, Omi became Regent until Gerard, the elder of the two, became 16 (the age of majority in the Halmae). However, shortly before his 16th birthday, Gerard was murdered. And the evidence implicated his younger sister, Monique.

The Count sentenced Monique to banishment to Exile Island, thus removing the last obstacle to his official rule.

However, at this point, the Justicars finally spoke up.

The head of the Justicars back then was Pillar the Just. He had a close relationship with Gerard and Monique, having been schooling them in the Ways of Justice, that they could be wise and merciful rulers. Pillar refused to believe that Monique could murder her brother, and objected to the Count's sentence.

At which point, evidence was unearthed that Pillar was carrying on an affair with his underage pupil, Monique. Pillar was stripped of his Orders, and sentenced to banishment and shipped off to Exile Island. Another Justicar, young, ambitious, and loyal to Omi, was installed as the head of the Justicars (Mountain the Just followed him). Omi's rule was cemented.

Indefatigable, at that time, was a First Order Justicar. Pillar was her mentor, and, if truth be known, she was more than a little infatuated with him. When the evidence of his relationship with Monique came out, she could hardly believe it. Pillar denied the charges, but Indefatigable never spoke up. She never came to his defense, or offered him any words of support. She felt too hurt by the accusation. And, at the time, she was too young and naive to even consider that the evidence might have been falsified.

Over the next 60 years, she came to realize how wrong she was.

Omi solidified his hold on the County. He began to use the Island's considerable resources to build his collection of unique objects, creatures, and artisans. Anyone who spoke against him was sent to Exile Island. There were rumors of the ruthless tactics the Count used, but, of course, anyone caught spreading such rumors was shipped off to Exile Island.

Indefatigable, now fully aware that Pillar had most likely been innocent, chose to stay silent. She rationalized that she could do more to serve Justice as a Justicar than as an exile. And she did well, rising to the position of Mountain's second. But, deep down, she would think of her mentor, Pillar the Just, who would not remain silent, and she knew that, however she might rationalize it, she stayed silent out of fear. And shame.

The arrival of the PCs, at a time when Mountain the Just happens, fortuitously, to be away, is precisely the second chance she has dreamed of for the last 60 years.

There were several possible bits of nation building gameplay that I'd had in mind. One was an effort to help Indefatigable wrest control of the Justicars, by helping her root out and eliminate the corrupt Justicars loyal to Mountain and the Count (as well as their allies in the County Guard). Another potentially involved putting down a revolt on one of the peasant islands.

The two that seemed like the most fun were these:

1) Rescue the Hostages- Lady Chantal is a big-wig in the County Guard, charged with overseeing the islands on which the families of the Count's artisans are held hostage. She is a fierce loyalist. She threatens to start killing the hostage families, unless the Count is restored to power.

2) Find the Heir- A divination regarding the proper line of succession on the Islands reveals "If thou seek, thou will espy, the line lives on, reborn on high." The only surviving member of the original bloodline was Monique, sent off to Exile Island. Thus, the divination is interpreted that she, or some of her descendants, may still survive on Exile Island.

The PCs have to go to Exile Island to find her. They will have Barnabus's folding boat with them, to use to escape the island once they find the legitimate heir.

Exile Island is dominated by warring tribes of survivors; the tribes are fairly small, as there aren't a lot of resources on the island, and survival is a zero-sum game.

There is only one good place to land a boat on the island, and of course, it is always watched. The PCs are immediately attacked, mistaken for new prisoners. Eventually, they find the Agramount tribe, who live on the easily defensible peak of the island ("the line lives on, reborn on HIGH," get it?)

There they meet Renee, great-granddaughter of the long-dead Pillar and Monique (who were not having an affair when they were exiled, but did eventually fall in love). However, as the leader of the Agramount Tribe and a cleric of Kettenek, Renee is her tribe's primary source of food and protection. She refuses to leave the rest of them behind.

The PCs must evacuate Renee and her tribe of 15, while fending off the advances of the other tribes, who will do anything to get their hands on the folding boat...

(Side-note: It is Indefatigable who asks them to go to Exile Island; somewhere, deep down, she probably holds out hope that Pillar might still be alive.)


Mmmmm. Things that might have been...

StevenAC said:
And just to jump in ahead of Piratecat and/or KidCthulhu:
I'm Mountain the Just right now, IYKWIMAITYD... :p
LOL. Well channeled, sir.

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